;9993C9a!KSL, I Music by Diirscy's orehestia on Fob. wMeeece38a . tmion Uii week A special term uf comity court w in R, M. Cantril was up from Dulur last Saturday attending to business affairs. H. M, Horton.a prominent business liixn of Burin, passed tlirougli here Sunday. J. S. McMeen and wife, of Lamonta, ere sojourning in town a few days last, week. ,loe A. Graham was over from Sis ters last Friday making final proof on Ilia homestead. "Billy" Zell was made happy on the Don't forget the masquerade ball at Glase'a hall on Feb. 14. Kev. J B. Lister, of Eugene, i hold ing series of protracted meetings in tin Union church. Porter Quinn and Jack Dm, of Wil low creek, wero in the city on Tuesday evening. Shaniko Lender. Charles Hindnian came over from Sqimw creek Tuesday and reports ev erything quiet in that section of the county. Cbarh-s Butler, the Wei buyer, ar rived from Port Townsend Saturday Hh of last month by the advent of an ' and secured a lot of fat cattle. He eiuht pound daughter. I will return some time in March for . . -.1 i . u u II if ...... i r rr)t anil Knv B F I anoiner IOV I1U 1 w null vol feeders were on the lookout for him. Now is the time of year to make preparations for the spring cleaning Kev. Harper areconductinga.seriesot meet ings on Willow creek this week. O 4am ftmith wn in from bis ranch :. .'t rt-i .1.- e-t f ).. ..tr! and every old corner should be in- -...lrtj.-tnck in fine condition. Pctd and when the spring thaw , . i.:.; comes all the old rubbish that has Aflo pn uavin was uuwn hu . , . , , , c . . been col eetmg should be removed and farm on Beaver cieek the first of the , , , . .. one source, at least of disease removed, week attending to business matters. van Williams menu afuwn uiv Wiirzweileri Thomson. CLEARANCE SALE. Ben Pettyjohn was up from his ranch on Crooked river the first of the veek looking after county seat matters. D. F. Stefi'a and H. W. Donkle were business visitors from the proposed railroad terminus of Bend one day last week . H. Taylor Hill and wife intend leav ing soon for Hilleboro, Oregon, for an indefinite stay. We are sorry to lose them, but wish them a pleasant and profitable journey. W. P. Keady returned Saturday from I.akeview and reports some very cold weather on the trip recently taken by himself and H. V. Gates through that part of the country. J F. Moore and son left here Friday with a band of horses bound for The Every Article in the House REDUCED For the next 30 days we will Sac rifice all of our Winter Goods This is a Bona? ide REDUCTION SALE. There will be no Reserve. Every piece of Winter Goods will be Reduced low, of Yamhill, has organized a sing ing class in the prosperous little town of Mitchell. The blacksmith at Mitchell has made a tuning-fork out of un old pitchfork and Keubcn is "strictly in it." Grass Valley Journal It. is reported that the mail contracts on the routes leading out of prineville have been let as follows: To Shaniko, G. M. Cornett, who also gets the Mitchell line; o Sisters, A. Seruggins; to Silver Luke, W. A. Booth; to Price, Dick Yanderveit; to Haystack, Perry Poindexter. Last friday evening about tilty in vited guests gathered at the residence of Dr. H. P. Bdknap where tliey passed the time away in pleasant converse and games until a late hour, when Dalles. Mr. Moore has been gathering yl refresh meuts weie served. Taken and feeding for the past two months and had quite a lot of horses. It is worth the attention of our atocknien that the department has made a ruling that those nearest the forest reserve shall be given the prefer ence in the matter of granting permits to graze stock in such reservations. We may expect six weeks of weather now as the ground hog saw bis shadow on the 2d, if he was fool enough to come out on such a day. It will be followed by a warm spell as the Win nek furniture store now has summer cenes in the window. Walter Keady, of the State Agri cultural College printing department, came to this county recently with his uncle, W. P. Keady, and will remain nwhile and try his hand at mining and other kindred pursuits. ThiB office acknowledges several very pleasant calls. John and Will Edwards have fin ihed refitting the Vienna Cafe andj will have a grand opening today, Thursday. They have all white help nd the kitchen is under the super vision of a first-class cook. They will give meals at all hours. See their ad. in another column. Andrew Morrow was over from his atock ranch near Grizzly last Friday haiking after business affairs. Mr. Morrow informs us that his stock is in fine condition and that he has led but little this winter, as the range feed has been good and very little snow to cover up the grass. Park Doak has so'd the Hamilton stables to G. M. Coroett, who took charge Tuesday morning. Mr. Doak lias not made op his mind as to what lie will do, but no doubt he will still remain in business in Crook county. With the advent of a inilioad in the spring this county will be one of the best localities in the state in which to engage in business. County Judge Wills calls our atten tion to tbe fact that the stock inspect or of this county is serving without a alary, or at least a merely nominal Hilary, and that the offer of a reward fur the detection of scab in bands of eheep is the best means for the prote - tion of oui sheep interests ns it' vir tually makes mi inspector of every cit izen ui this county. This will hive a tendency to keep out bauds of migra tory sheep that infest our ranges every luuimer and sou tier disease broadcast. altogether the occasion was one -to be long remembered. The Columbia Southern railway sur veyors are making good headway since leaving Shaniko. They are making a preliminary survey dowu Wards creek and have got stakes set some twelve miles from here. As fur as surveyed the route shows up in first-class shape Shaniko Lender. "Doc" Cline killed a brook trout just below the Ochoco bridge Monday morning that "dressed" six pound. It must have been a voracious binte for thirty-five small chubs were taken out of its stomach at the butcher shop. some of them being still alive. It was a sight to look at, Inft Joe Crooks says it was nothing besido the duck he killed once that had attempted to swallow an eight inch fish, but could only get two-thirds of it down, not withstanding it was flying against a strong wind when he shot it. Central Committee Meeting. The Republican County Central Committee for Crook coiiniy is hereby calhid to meet nt Prineville on Febru ary 12th, 1902, at I o'clock p. m., for the purpose of arranging for the com ins primaries and county convention W. A Bei.l. Chairman Every piece of Ladies' Underwear Reduced. Every pair of Ladies' and Children' Wool Hone Reduced. All of our Ladies' Skirts and Jackets) Reduced. All of our Ladies and CliiUlrens' Jersey Leggings Reduced. All of our Ladies' I'resaing Sainton Reduced. Every piece of Wool Pre Goods Reduced. All of our Roys' and Men'ii Clothing Reduced. All of our Roys' and Men's Underwear Reduced. All ol our Ladies' and Misses' Fascinators Reduced. WURZWEILER 8 THOMSON. BLKINS & KZI3STG- TJho farmers' Oui fit tors We Would tike We Carry in Stock To talk with you about Plows and Harrows . . . You May be Surprised If you have never looked through our immense stock, to know that we buy Plows nnd Harrows in car load lots. We will he glad to quote you prices on anything in the implement line. We carrv the Genuine Oliver Plow, bo'th the "Chilled" and "8tcel" in both Walking, Sulkies, and Gauge We have all the Repairs for the Oliver Plows, and quite a etock of Rej airs for other makes OUR PRICES Are as low as is consistant with legitimate business . Oliver Chilled Walking plow Oliver Steel Walking plow The James Olivet Sulky plow Hither Cast or Steel Bottom Tl.o New Department Gang Plow with either No. '20 or No. 40, Cast Roltoin, and in 12 and 14 inch Pteel llottom with third Rot torn Attached We have in Harrows The Initn Steel The Lean Peg The Deere Wood Iever Tooth ' Framed Harrow Harrow Harrow In the Disc Harrows We have the Deere and Oshorns Wheels all ready, With TireH on, that will make your old Hack as good as new for a low Price. Notice. A. If. Lippman has sold pait of his extensive business to (j. M. Meyer and will conduct business be-eafter under the firm name of A. H. Lippman & Co. All bills dated up to and inclu sive January 2, 1002, must be settled before March I. DIED. SMITH At the home of his son, Win. Smith, in this city, Feb. 2, 1902, of strangulated hernia, Albert . Smith, aged 53 years, 8 months and 15 days. Albert Smith was born in Tennessee May 19, 1848. He had been a resi dent of this county for several years. He joiued the A. O. U. W. May 8, 1893. He was only sick a short time. The remains were laid to rest in the I. O. O. F. cemetery Monday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Work man lodge of this city. The Prineville dancing club will give a masquerade ball on Feb. 14. See the prize dishes given for cash trade at J, F. Morris'. Post Items. Wallace Post baa forty tons ol baled hay lor sale at the Newsom bam on the creek. Stock qf all kinds doing well and thegeueral health of the community is good this winter. Laban Harris has moved his caUle' to the George Wiley place to feed through the winter. The thermometer stood 20 degrees below zero on the 29ih of January. How was thai for winter? . 8. J. Newsom was on Newsom creek the fore part of the week looking alter business matters. While here he sold ill of his hay. Mrs. Joe Wimer has been engaged to teach A three months' term of school as soon as the weather modoratee so that the scholars can attend. A live mill tsx was voted in tbjs dis trict on the 25th lilt , without a dis senting voice. When collected this will pay all the indebtedness, on the new school house. Observkr. Try a can of guaranteed Biking Powders and get a new broin is a prize at J. F. Morris' New Brick. jfcamsb2 & Winnek Co, Nothing succeeds like Success Is an old saying, and is abundantly proven by our constantly increasing business. We aim tn have in our Drug Stock everything ntuied for the sick room. Our prescriptions are carefully com pounded from the best, freshest drugs and chemicals, in the most sanitary manner, and at as lew a Price as is eonsislaut with good business principles. There are several Ways To do business, but only on right wry. We do not aim to make our profits tyna oho eustuiner, but by selling to our customers oftru. When you are near nur store, step in and ex amine our new stock of Furniture, Carpets, Mailings, Curtains, Wall Paper, Rooks, Stationery, Musical" Instruments, Brushes, Combs, Books and Csmra Supplies, all t Reasonable Prices jidamson dc Winnck Co