Fire-proof building, 903JO dust, w now ready to handle Merchandise, Wool, etc. HAUL YOUH FREIGHT TO ' SHAHiKO -DEALERS IN- Coal, Flour, Lumber, "Wood, Hay and Grain. Hpectnl Attention given to wool trade. Fimt-cliuw baling ntid grading facilities Aiw) stock yard, luttrnt plain. All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. rftONUETOKS:- f Kkksch ( Co,, Hnttkera. The DIIm. I Mimiiii linos , lUiik, Miro. I W. UMI. Tll Utllft. 111. F. UuuaWN, Tim Dlle, A. M. KELSAY, General Manager. Cyrus, the Jeweler. Watches Clocks fewolry Silverware Spectacles and fye Stasses Society Smblems Violin $ows and Strings Wjachlno and flicycle Oil yifandollns . ffianjos harmonicas, Ctc, Largest and boil assortment of spectacles in tlie citv. Kino repairing a specialty. Work sent in by twail or stage driver will receive prompt, attention. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. Main street opposite Salomon's Store. . Prineville, Oregon. r SCHOOL COLUMN A l'APhlt. ImumI wcckljr for mid by the V ttiitl VI Uriuit a! th I'uhllo Hchonb, of 1'rliifvllle, Un.-((., Amka Kai-ohi;,, Kdttor. CmjI- Hmith . AiMMlnte-Editor. VUIKAY, FKBtUJAKY 1, MM. City ffiarber Shop. Powell Cyrus, Proprietors. Jot and Cold Maths. Prineviiie, Ore Ure i Smith SSros., DEALERS IN- Senoral Tljcrchandiso. SISTERS, OREGON. We have juit received a full lint of Sadies ' wrappers and gloves. We also have a full line of Seniemen's end Sadies' Jhoss. !Dry Soods, Sroceries, Jfardware. Sadies', and Sents' furnishing Seeds Coil and (Uamime evrJteth School began Monday with 70 pupils. Roy Canning entered the V grade Monday. Mary Glenn hag returned to her home at Maury. Ceole Smith is being, detained from school by sickness. The attendance has been very light during the past week but a full attendance is expected next week. . , Lulu Anderson has not yet re turned from her home on Crooked river where she went at the clone of school. The order of the ochool board in regard to vaccination bag bt'en cheerfully complied Willi iy most of the parents of the district. The pupils have erijoyal the cold weather very niiicby and will no (Inula get enough sleighriding and skating to last them Rome time. ' Mr. Johnny Luekey has had charge of the primary pupils the past week as Mrs. Rosenberg was prevented from teaching by sick A number of the pupils do not expect to remain iu school until the close. We are sorry to see this as it will place them behind their classmates when they enter school next year. Below are the names of those who were neither, tardy nor absent during the last month: I grade, Bessie Dingeej OlgaCline, Edith Harper, Berlins Orton, Aver Dobbs, Lehnd Belknap, Van Brink, Mil lard Elkina, Hush Lister, Robert Lister, Earl Lytic, Arthur O'Neil. II grade, Leola Estea, Lavelle Dil lon, Gladys Doak, Fern Slayton Solpha Millor, Barbara Bino, Gus sie Collins, Ralph Haiper, Arthur Michel, Albert Wilson. Ill grade, Vivian Hinkle, Frances Orton, Floy Slavton, Bessie Elliott, Orpha Wright, Alex Barnes,. Ernest Har rington, Victor Morford. IV gradrf, Willa Combs, Al'a Lillon, Aleatha Ferguson, Louise Summers, Lorene Winnek, Enierine Young, Jessie Elliott, Minnie Jarret, Willie Fer guson, Percy Smith, Newton Poin dexter. V grade, Valda I'arnes, Ruby Cadle, Vcrna Cline, Beulah Cline, Elva Dobbs, Nora Dobbs, Dolly Hodges, Ccole Smith, Grace Wilson, Arthur Barnes, Horace Belknap, Lester Ferguson, Ran dolph Kctchum, Walter MeFar land, Sammie Newsom, Lockwood Simpson, Natie WiiKweiler, Edgar Barm s. VI grade, BeuUh Crooks, Aleatha Dillon, Georgia Hodges, Stella Hodges, Verna Howard, Pearl McFarland, Anna Salomon, Stella Young, Celia Nelms, Mary Glenn, Got Evans, Grace Merril, Lester CohrB, Lawrence Dillon, El wood Draper, Clarence Ferguson, Sichel Hinklo, Charles Summers. VII grade, Bert Barnes, Irvin Crain, Ralph Poindexter, Max Wurzweiler, Grover Young, Oliver Adams, Eflie Dobbs, Berna Poin dexter, Estella Simpson, Bessie Severn. VIII grade, Kay Hodges, Ketchum: Gertie Sharp, Ma bel Baldwin. Gary House Bar. Henderson & foliar', Proprietors. t FIHE WINES, LIQUORS, GEGARS MAIN STREET. PKISEVILLE, OREGON' BlottinK ptper trtt to til ichool chil-. dreu t N. A. Ty A Bra. City M Met, Foster & Lehman Proprietors. A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Main st. 'Phone 31. I Hamilton Stables aBi Redby Feed Barn. Stock boarded by day, week or month. Fine saddle horses ami livery turnouts. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. Remember us when in Prine ville, and we guarantee that yuor patronage will' be appreciated and deserved. P. B. DOAK, Proprietor. ED N. WHITE, JOHN COMBS. White & Combs. -DEALERS IX- WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. DOMESTIC and IMPORTED COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH , SOLICITED. POINDEXTER HOTEL. . PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Bl'PAN'S tmuies , U Ifor mankind WANTED :A am of bad htalth that R irA N S wVR at benefit. TUrf banuh iitt ;it) pndocg Ul. One five ' rtlU. Xott the word R I P A N S on tlx Mcluft: nd icwpt no 'tte. R J fA'N S. to fr j uaii, mj bt Itarf at any dn f hUwc. T Mmpln and tine iIkmimiiI teitimcnbia mM bt nuid to an? aiidret tr five cents, tnr warded lo li t KifMM Cbaiutul Co., 10 Sprvca Rtrwi, New Vuct,