A 7l An Interrupted Revenge $ j) $) W By JOMM OAITON towvw, im, br mmoh i7.di.i,) t. liniO IS the dlstlnrulshed look- yy lng man who otmt In than with Mr. Campbell?" The person to whom the question wus addressed e;lsnid aoroee th re- cpllon hull mill raulled: "Huber.l l,ordon. lis In the fellow . about whum the newspapers ere ey Inif iu muchlb lobbyist from New York who had succeeded In gttlnfth( Consolidated Telephone ordinances through t)m couuoll. Handsome, isn't lie?" "Remarkably 10. HUM, on a eloarr view hie eiprrtsloa It not entirely phassnt, aud I should say that he beurs marks of dissipation not gross ly, but there It something that aug (rnu wlii, women and song at unholy hoursor am I mistaken? Ia that pallor natural?" , A woman standing near bent a keen glance at the man aa bli name woe mentioned, and the slightest sugges tion of a flush appeared on her cheeks. It waa tha flrat time she had laid eyea un blin aiiiee the nl'lit the had Jilted him fur Kredi-rlrk ilnikhem. That waa t! years ago. 'fiity were both young about 18-nd hull been sweethearts from childhood. He was atill In col lege, brilliant boy and a career lire dieted for lil in. Hut the career waa a long wnys oft and Oorilon bad little other than expectation. Frederick Marklism waa rich and well-connected and ten years her senior, lie olTrrrd brr all the thing au dear to the girl Jitat budding Into so ciety, and she had ecerpted him and thrown (iordon over. Wis had not an ticipated suck a arena, however, aa fol lowed when ahe told blin that abe waa to marry Markbam, He accused her bitterly of hrartietineM and of delib erately leading him un for the take of amusement. He awnre that the had rulurd hit life and for the wreck that would follow ahe was responsible by sery law of God ttid of man. He told her that he would never aKaln believe in the sincerity of a human creature. He would live, he declared, solely to gratify bla senses, and he winked her much Joy In tha aa!t the had made cf hrrtelf. It waa the speech of a hot headed, high-spirited, diinppolnted boy. It a!! came up before her this uiiit many yrara later with startling vlviilneaa at the looksd at him acrosa the reception ball And It had errntitatrd much aa he bad predicted. He bad flulthed his col lege curse and atuilied law, while plunging Into extreme dissipations. Hit greet natural abilitlrt had carried him through and ht htd nettled in New York, where. Instead of devoting him self to hit profession, he had uatil hla brilliant qualities to forward all tortt of iiitlnnahle schemes. He had be come a vrry aiiccrttful lobbyist. Ht had nrrer visited the home city sines hit IntrrTlew with the woman until this time, when he had come to force through the city council the most audacloua and notorious mraiure that had erer been attempted In the city. And he had aitcceeded and it wat wlrts prred that he had tecured a small for tune for bla work. She waa aurprlttd at the great change In the man, and ttlll more mir prited at the 'unchanged resemblance to the ingenuous, enthusiastic youth ahe had known. He looked acarrely older, excepting for the prematurely gray hiilr, although the face bad lott lit roundness and th cherka were white wllh pallor. Whl'.e nil thlt flnahcil lhroii(rh her mind Itobert (iordon and Mr. Campbell were surrounded by a merry ptrty of Itdlet and gentlemen, to whom the former waa being preaented. When Mra. Markham glanced toward the party, Onrdon wat being pretented to her daughter, a tall, handtomr, vlva cloua girl of 18. The mother noted the look of atartlrd recognition In hla eyea ( the girl waa a perfect prototype of her mother at tht tame age), and noted alto the alight fluth In hit pale cheek. The maak of Indifference had ranithed from hit faea and he entered at once Into an animated conversation with the girl. An txprrttlnn of anxiety cam Into the fact of Mrt. Markham and the shadow of a great apprehen sion ernaaed her heart. Then ahe straightened htratlf haughtily and muttered to hertelf: "What an Idea. I mutt bt going Into teond childhood." During tht entire evening Qordon monopolised Mitt Markham'a atten tion, and at th eloie handed her to the carriage all to tht considerable discomfiture of her mother. Hubert Gordon did not return at one to Sew York aa be had announced pre viously. The weeks faded into montha and atill he occupied the handsonirat mite at the Itoyal and hung over the dainty hand of the young hrireos of the Markham fortune, Mrs. Markham fretted snrl stewed, but her expostula tions fell on unheeding esrs. The girl fell the strong attraction toward the handsome man of the world evtr felt by daughters toward the men who hurt been the iinatx'cc aaful suitors for their mothers' hands; anil aa fur Mark ham, he wat charmed by the dominant personality of the New Yorker. The mother's apprehensions were not unfounded, however, and one day tba father awoke to the situation and there was a moat serious talk between Clara's parents. It was fully evident that tha girl was Mindly In lov with the brilliant lobbylat, and when the matter waa talked over Frederick Markham aaw at once that it waa not a proper match for the daughter, Then there waa a serious Interview wllh the girl, who waa told plainly the character of the man. (She resented it passionately, and the result was that a few days later Hubert (iordim formally proposed to Markham for the hand of bis daugh ter. In reply to the Indignant re fusul nf the father (Jordou coolly In formed him that he already had the consent of the girl and proposed to marry her in any event with the parental consent if possible, without It If necessary, Clare when consult ed cast her lot with (iordon. All revelation concerning Gordon's ca reer and record were without avail. Then the mother In despi-ration went to Gordon's apartments at the Koyal and ouvlt a pathetic appeal to him. "There rem be no happiness In such a match," she mild. "When she awak ens to the rcnlllies she will he heart broken as you well know. There Is no happiness in such a innrringe I either for her or for you, I do not j know what you are after. I will not I Insult you by intimating that you I seek her money. If you do It ahali be I youre without a marriage. In nnr i event I conjure you by a mother's j love; by th memory of the old times I when we were friends more than friends, do not destroy my daugh ter's life." Rising from his chair where he had sat nonchalant and unconcerned dur ing the Interview, Gordon advanced directly In front of the excited wom an who atood with cliiaped hands and Hushed face pouring out hrr heart, and snld in a voice hoarse with emotion: "It hat been my dream for 10 yrara to set yon in front of nic pleading for something dear to your heart. I never dared to hope the dream would eome true certainly not In the manner it has. I,ct me tell you, I will give you your hcurt'a de sire Just aa you gave me mine 19 years ago. You chose deliberate ly to ruin my life. You were mere! leta even scornful. What I am. I am aa a result of your hrartlesmes. Wlmt I am not ia the result of your faithlessness. All the reasons that make me in your estimation an unfit husband for your daughter are the result of your ambition and your ad vice. I waa not a man of bnd In stincts in the old days. I was not void bf ambition. All thla ynu delib erately killed. You sapped all the good out of my nature and threw me aside, a mere husk. Mow you ap peal to the moral nature you de atroyed. I never dreamed of ao per fect a revenge until I saw the girl your very second self, and then I saw the way to make you suffer even as 1 have suffered. And you must suffer to the end. I will not spare you. Go and tell the girl what 1 have said nnd that I am your old lover, if you plrase. the will not believe it and I will deny It. It la your turn to walk th floor now. I have done It for 19 yeare. Oh, I will lead your proud and aenaltive girl a pretty dunce, I promise you." He caught her as she fainted, and after applying restoratlvea showed her to her carriage.' The wedding was a awell affair and the newly-wedded pair went abroad for a honeymoon tour. It wat ten montha later at Venice, when the erleia came. They had lingered there for five weeks enjoying the soft languor of the ltnllnn skies. The months had been a rcvelntion to Gordon. Never had he aupposcd earth held such Joy aa he had found in the golden wecka that had elipped by since his marriage. As he penetrated further and further Into the nature of the woman who had married him despite warning and evil report, he sounded depths of tenderness that he never expected had existed. Fai from carrying out hla threat and In tention to break her heart, be be came inspired day by day with the deepest reverence for her. This soft evening In Venice the climax came. He crossed over to where hla wife sat and said: "Clare, I have a confession to make. I cannot go on In this way with a He in my heart. I did not marry you with a clean soul and from a pure love. All they havt said about me ia true. Your mother knew me better than any living peraon, and ahe told you the truth. Since I have known you aa wife I have eome to learn somewhat of your real worth, and a great loathing of myself hat taken potsession of me until life seems only tolerable oa the condition that I cease to act a lie and that you know me aa I am. Forgive me? I wna cruelly hurt by a woman once and I charged It to all womankind. I win make any amenda you aay. I will leave you if you will It any thing, anything, no matter how hard ao I stand at least honest In your eight." With a broken sob h sank on one knee and burled his face In his hands. In an Instant she wat beside him with both arms about hit neck, "I knew yon better than you knew yoursslf," ahe whispered. Madlna His Hallner. It waa on the beach at Mouthamp ton. . A number of children were playing and digging In the tand In charge of two nurses and govern easea. Two little fellowa In Immac ulate) white duck sailor ' suits had scraped up an acquaintance. Neither of them waa much over three years old. "I live In New York," aald one, with somewhat of an air nf superior ity, "and where do you live 7" The other chsp looked him over for a moment and then retorted: "I live at Tuxedo l'srk. How many horses doe your father keep?" This last waa a crusher, but it showed the spirit of the rUli.g moo eyed generation, S. Y. Timet, Culver Culling. Grand hall February 14th. JJill Rogers got hisUlUrrib frozen. Rob Qttbofne got Iii ear frox-n. Rob anil (l&i. got some meat, but Bill got tired. Co!l. Winter, l.f (leg. wjro and sleighing is good. Jake Merrill and TIkw. below Leach were on our Htrcet Friday. Si buol reopened Tuesday after a few day dinmisfal on account of smallpox: (?) rcnre. Rabbit limning in good now ant' som report good luck. Alf Cook report, over 50 in one day. The Hall February 14ll will b. oonducU-d on town principle, (i. e.) pay at the door f 1.50 per num ber, including supper. No bimir wanted. J. IV Jan. 31, 1902.' Mrs. J. I'. lluhn is quite sick. Htiffcrin-J! from a severe attack ol kintiililie. The Red Rock whool is progress ing nicely under the ckillful inan agmiifiit of Miss Lilly Head. We are informed thnt J. L. Win dom inteitdH selling his interest here and locating in California. St. Valentine day, will be cele brated with a dunce at the liall. Let it be the best of the reason, Mr. 0. G. Collver has completed his new sawdust -cellar, which is a lireat improvement to his building. Mr. Walt r Lithgow returned a tew days ago from Eugene and rt ports it delightful time, only the ATuthcr a little foggy. All the young people and some if the older ones are enjoying the i-now slttighriding. Though ut the resent writing it is fuelling very fast. KviTy one is feeding their slock during the storm, although they arti not in poor condition, but if lite storm umt.nucs feed will be rulher scarce. At the horse sale Friday at Rim Roc':, Bob Montgomery, of Willow creek, was thrown front a wild ,iorse and his foot badly bruited. There aerequitea number of horses sold from this section. CeiXTttY Lad. Jan. 31,1902. Sisters Sittings. Thinking a few lines from Sk iers would be acceptable, and to let the public know we are not snowed under, I will scribble a few lines. Mr. George Stevens has about completed his saloon. We're cxpacting a grand ball at Union Hall February 14th. Percy Davie had the misfortune to lose one of his fine calves re cently. The weather has moderated. Smiling faces can be seen on First street. Mr. Irvin Person, who has been (itite sick the past week, is convalescing. . Mr. Thomas Arnold has succeed ed in organizing a tinging school :ind is getting along nicely, Xot many days since we wore vicited by a monster cougar meas uring seven and a half feet. School closed Wednesday with a fair attendance, tinder the man ngement of Miss Jessie Andrews. The young folks have taken ad vantage of same and had several sleigh rider-, (after good snow left.) Guy Ciaypool, expecting tornake a musician of himself, has com menced taking lessons of Miss Lena .V. On Wednesday, 29th, a few of our young folks met at William Woods' and a jolly whist game was enjoyed. During the past week we have had some now and very cold weather, the thermometer register ing 25 deg. below zero. This cold weather bas put Will Claypool to buying cotton batting and calico and we hope he'll enjoy a very pleasant future. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Wilt cnter laincd' a number of their friends last Wednesday night. After being entertained with music a few hours refrcshiuents were served. P. C. Davis finished putting up five tons of ice, which was obtained from llindman'g pond, the ice be ing two feet thick. Those wishing tie cold -lemonade next summer may call on Percy. Thursday, 30th, Mr. Rod Foster became a voter. A birthday party wis given in his honor. Quite a few came out, and a very pleasant evening was passed. Rod, we wish 'twould come again. Monday night, Jan. 20th, a card party was given at Frank Osbornes. All reported a fine time. On Tues day niht a party of same descrip tion was participated in at Chug. Foster's. A very pleasant time was pacjc'd, for I was there. Mrs. J. B. Claypool has just re turned f tout a two weeks' viHit at Hush's Flat. She found everything in grand style, and she's living in hope and dying in despair, that the next time she goes there, she'll find a maiden young and fair. Daisy Bell. February 1, 1902. J. Qu her . wants to buy a hand ST .vrt We thank the consumers of Crook County for the liberal patronage during the year 1901. During the dull months of January and February we shaJl run a o ami 10c Bargain Counter where odds and ends, which are always forgotten, can be picked up very cheaply. Mens, Ladies and C'hildrens .Mackintoshes are sold at a greatly reduced price. Random Wool Drawers for men while they last, reduced to 50c a pair. A splendid variety of Mens and Hoy Duck Leggings. Will keep out snow and keep you warm. IJoys, 40 .and 50c a pair; Mens, 75c and $1.00 a pair. Don't fonrot that we keep the Celebrated Klondike Plug Cut Smoking Tobacco always on hand, and no other house has it. OUK OWN IUIANP, a comfortable smoke and wont burn the tongue, 1 lb tins 50c, weight. If. vou want a good 5c smoke we have a big variety to" choose from. Evorv known brand is kept here for s&K A share of your patronage respectfully solicited. - " MICHEL & RISSER. of goats. Mrs. Cobb is hauling lumber to, build a house on her homestead. Alex Smith has shaved off his musiacbe. He is really a fright tu look at. Frank Stroud is up here hauling lumber part way on the road to, Haystack, Mr, Post was up from the Ms toles today. He reports that tbe coldest time was 5 dig. below ivx at the Cary place. Miss Jessie Andrews has just closed a successful term of school here. The only thing wrong is that" we ought to have kept her teaching for another three months, for we all know that the last three months of any school a teachur can learn the scholars nearly as much again as in the first three months. Last Sunday was a great day for three of our boys, Rod Foster, Jess Wilt and Walt Graham got on the track of a cougar and tracked him for about six or seven miles when he took the back track on the boys. One of them took a shot at him and he was about to attack tbent when Rod got in a quick shot and put an end to Mr. Cougar. Jack. Jan. 81st, 1902. ; Address Changed.. To all those on.-erncd: I have cliiingid my pui-tottice address from Crop Keys to liny Creek, Ore goii J. H. Oarhett. POINDEXTER- Shaving Parlors TICK AOKIXS, Proprietor Shaving iiaircuttme bhaaipooiner Baths....... A fine balline m devoted especially to tht ose of ladifB. - Everything np-to-rlate and strictly first -cliua. . Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby eiven ,thst I have spxiiuld the fnllnwiiu; named persona deputy stock ntepecuirs: , j. P. CartwrivNt, Hay Creek, Sam Hamilton, Aeliwoud. K. Hfwrks, Sisters. A. Morrcw, Hyetack, F. M. Smith, Paulina. Rose Knox, Post, T. C. Heratn, Bear Creel.. J. 8. Bnue, Rojlaml. Ales Mcintosh, Hardin J. P. VaiiHuuten, Hay deck. Joe I) inkle, Stock Insiwctor Crook County. X4 full weight; h'2 lb tins 25c, 'ull