Crook County Journal. . FOGLK & TAEKKIt, Pi DLISBKU ND FROl'MKTOMI. Vf. T. Kiiitok W. H. Paiikkb, MaKaokh Coi'nty Official Tai-ek. lb Joirsai. is entered at the ir Wifhce in frintk'He, Jreg.. for tnuiamitfrnii through the V. K. m second duu mutter. SUBSCRIPTION IUTES. IN ADVANCff Okm Ym. 51.Ni .uo.vimS 7 Thhki Monthh ftf THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 1902. Come Up higher. Mrj Williamson is now a state senator and has two years J'ct to serve. Would it not be well for biro to serve out Lis term before Asking for additional preferment at at the hands of the citizens of Ore gen, Dufur Dispatch. The Dispatch forgets that Mr. Williamson is only asking prefer ment st the hands of the citizens of the second district and not the whole state. He evidently is think ing that Mr. Williamson is running for some state office. The election of Mr, Williamson to congress does not interfere with his efficient serv ices to this district in the next ses sion of the legislature, nor do we believe he is asking any more than what is justly his due at the hands of those he has so faithfully served in the past. - His past record may be taken as an earnest of what we may reasonably expect in the fu ture, and as he has been successful in those thing' which were expected of him let us reward him as a faithful servant is rewarded by his employer, by advancement in the service. The Telegram is booming Moody I for tne nomination for congress on ZuSSSSbmhwimw. the republican ticket, and as the Telegram is democratic in its ten dencies we can easily read between the lines that with Moody as the candidate there is a strong proba bility of the democrats carrying the second district. HOW JO MAKE MONEY Our friend Edward Everett Young, of the Baker City Repub lican, has written us a letter stat ing that the editorial comment on Williamson which appeared in the Journal some time since and was credited to the Corvallis Gazette, was originated by hira and we hasten to make the correction as it was unintentional on our part. The Republican was the first paper in Easte.'n Oregon to champion Mr. Williamson's cause and we honor it for so doing. The local political pot is begin ning to bubble. Rumors of several candidates for county judge, sheiiff and clerk are rife, but as yet they hale, not assumed a shape solid enough to be called certainties. Home of the democrats are groom ing C, Sam Smith for the nomina tion lor sneritt. Mr. smith is one of the solid citizens of the county and would make a good run, but the republicans expect to elect the sheriff this time. Haystack Happenings, There arj a few of the neigh bors on the sick list. There was a moderate change in tho weather Friday with a change to a little snow Saturday and warmer Sunday. Tho railroad fever is around here, all predicting where the route will be; some say here, some there, but all will wait and see. You meet a man, ''How is this for winter? I wish it would thaw out so I could work," is tho com mon saying, (of course with a per son that would rather sit in the house.) There is a public well hero in the neighborhood of tho dry rancher . The well furnishes plenty of water, but the pump furnishes naught, so buckets take the place, with a few frozen fingers. There was a rabbit hunt here last Friday on the ridge on 0. C. Hale's place. The boys had a fine time with their new shotguns. Ferd McAlii-tir was in the bugpy with his new Winchester shotgun, and Mrs. Mc. driving at a fas: speed after Mr. Rabbit. Mr. Mc. was so excited over his new gun that he forgot occasionally to shoo! and when he did, usually missed. But when Mrs. Mc. rtifi the rabbit down so Mr. Mc. could get close enough he was sure to get Mr. Rab bit. Although Mr. Mc. got 2G ol the long ears, the shots he tired were untold. There were some where near 125 killed and nearly half that many crippled that will die, and twice that number missed. Plenty of fun and plenty of noise. Feb. 3, 1902. E. J. ''Unless, in speaking of the 'com ing men' it is always understood that the men embrace the women," is the way The Dalles Chronicle begins a local in last weeks issue. Certainly, that is always under stood whether speaking or not, if the women are willing. When it is understood that the Chronicle has a lady editor this seems perti-j nent and practical advice, "but in case of disappointment don't forget to send for me." President Roosevelt, it is report ed, privately investigated the char acter of Mr. Farre before appoint ing him register of the Bums land Teachers' Examinations. Notice is hereby 'given that the county superintendent of Crouk comi ty will hold the regular examination of applicants for stole and county pa pers Ht Prineville as follows; For State Paper. Commencing Wednesday, February 12, at nine o'clock a. m., and contin uing until Saturday, February 15, at (our o'clock p. in. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, law. ! Thursday Written arithmetic', the ory of teaching, grammar, honk-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, mental arithmetic, composition, phys ical geography. Satniday 3otany, pleiie geometry, general history, English literature, physiology.. Viit County Papers, Commencing Wednesday, February 1', at nine o'clock a. m., and contin uing until Friday, February 14, at four o'clock p. m. First, second ami thir l grade certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology, civil government. Primary Certificates. Wtdnesday Penmanship, orthog raphy, reading, arithmetic. Thursday Art of questioning, the ory of teaching, methods, physiology. William Bokom, County Superintendent. T) I j l, til mm 111 I THIS -INFORMATION IS FOR PEOPLK OF MATURE WISDOM Don't sot up a "coin-plant" and make your own dollars. Undo Sum has ideas of his own about such things. Peoplo have enmo to grief before by trying it. There is a surer, safer way, if not so rapid. "Take care of the pennies and the dollars will takocaruof themselves. 1 he best little way to save dollais that we know of is to : : : : BUY CLOTHING CHEAP (Not cheap clothing) The man who can wait always gets such an opportunity, .This ia the time. Heio is the place. Wo have marked down our high grade clothing ready for tho : : : : CLOSING-OUT SALE OK WINTER GOODS There will In) weeks and weeks yet when you will need them to keep you snug and warm from tho chillv blastsof the north-east wind. Next year they will lie as good as now, and as stylish ami up-to-date as clothes you will pay twice as much for. .,! mm I'V ('Til1 '.''"' ! 7 rn.,.V,irJ . trv; W sliWV We still lead in Mens, Ladies and Cliildrcns Shoes. Simpson, Wilson 8 Company. UEB FUQNJ BAZAAK. Wo carry a full line of iea.:n"C"y- goods Of all kinds at prices VERY LOW. 1'KINKVILI.E, OltKIJON. Gentlemen and Ladies Shoes, former price $2.50, now selling at tl.50. t3.00, now at $2.10. 14.01), now at 12.75. 15.50, now at 13.90. G.00, now at $ 1.00. . For 30 Days Only. Ladies Heavy Fleece Lined Vests, special at 30c. Ladies Dress Skirts at $1.10. Ladies Silk Flowered Handkerchiefs 17c each, 3 for 50c. ' Misses Mackintoshes at $1.95. We have 300 pair? of Ladies Shoes. Your choice for 50c per pair. We have Crockery and Notions, Fancy goods of all kinds. Step into our store and price our goods. J P. SScJtnnp. IPAyttei'an and tSurytrn. Ollloe in lusrnf A(Um..,i, Winiick (.' PRINKVIM.E, OltKOOX 1 C.Zrink : Jttloracy and Counitlor at Xam I ruiNKVlLI.E. OKKOON. RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. SI. I j. Jfttmrn ry-at-jCnw. j PRINEVIM.B, OKKtlOX. ! O Jfyta, 0, Reliable Merchants. jf. Jf. Xippman & Co. 1 Manufacturers of Furniture 1 w -AND DEALERS IN ' Fine Undertaking Goods, TO Gluss, $h I ff'lyMitian unit Jniyrm. , Phone No 2. Ki'ulrinw Phiitni;iH)li jiillry. iPRINKVILLK, OUKtiON. TO 1 JT. SPosoniery, 7tf. Q f Ay avian antf Surffrm Cll iiKr i iroiytly nsy tr ni'Ut (If. I fi lt'i fir, V. (ifir, huiileucv ! lill.y H..UI. PItl.NKVfU.H. OKHliO.V (.'aniels. Stoves, llanfres, Lead, Oil' and Lumber and Fmilding Material. Goods sold for cash and on the installment plan. PRINEVILLE, : : : OREGON. C Palmar m TO TO Stvrny-l-Xaw. tyetary Put,!,, All busiuexa promptly rmd osrofnlly attsmlr J C.rxW.n jiiltv.' OHKlDN M ;l'ItI.NKVIl.I,K, 2. i , , Q. Springer, gomery, Frank Forest ; l'pier Trout, D. Sam Hamilton; Hay Creek, H. G. Kibbee; Maury, H. .1. Lister; Hardin, A. U Mcintosh; Prineville, M. K. El liott; Ireland, W P. Vnndervert; bend, Ovid Kiley; Kuteher, W. 8. Cowles; Summit, Bnwse and Cherry Creek to lill;Ochoco,W.r. Keady. Tlie members of the republican cen- creek, Geo. Millican; Haystack, H. W. Lamson; Kewsoto Creek, Wallace Post; office, which might be an intima-'tral committee areas follows: Bear tion that the president has not the most implicit confidence in the rec ommendation of some of our rep- Cross Keys, . G. Bolter; Willow resentatives in congress. But per-' Crek' w- c- willi Mi" c,0fck' - laps it is only a habit he has. I'ifiWr' BettVer Creek' A- J- Nohle: i Camp Creek, C. T. Boynton; Johnson J, F. Morris gives eiilsrted pictures Creek, A, ℓ Black Butte, W. T, K. for cah trade, made by leading artists. Wilson; McKay, A. A. McCoid; Mont- A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery hy women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Fleet ric Bitters will quick ly cure such troubles. "1 suffered for years with kidney trouble," write Mrs. Phebe Cherley, ol Peterson, la., "and; Notice. SHKKllSa or Notice is hereby given t'lat my wife, fyj"Clft) Missouri A. Barnard, having left my ! bed and board against my will and OClcl CCTlci consent, I will not be rcsHnible for : any bills or expeiiN.-. she may here- after euntract or incur. , D. Bamukd. stallions and mares, few young teams for aflame back pained me 40 I could not j dress myself, but Elcctrio Hitters 1 wholly cured me, and, although 73' years old, I now am able to do nil my housework." It overcomes Constipa-j tion, improve h nietitc, gives perfect! heal'h. OnlyiOcat Adamson & Win- j nek Cu.'s drug store. A A. a a. A. M t A. A t .1 ...... 1 . . . . . Vienna Cafe EmV4RIS & EKWAKDS Repapered and Newly Furnished ALL WHITE HELP. Having purchased this once popular eating house we pur pose making it, without excep tion, one of the best in the ; city. A share of public pat ' ronnga respectfully solicited. .Meals at all Inurs. A t .Tj.s it. 1 .t. ,a. .a. .fjij t. .ti iiifHilnliili fcr j u rW W I F r T r't' I I "rTTTTTTTPTTTT H !l Young also a sale. Havstact Blood Stock Rauck. Haystack, Oregon. J, B00NE Saddos and Jffarness Maker of the celebrated I'RINE VILLE STOCK SADDLE m i, lik or STOIKMKM'H SIPPLIEH LaU-st improved Ladies' Side, and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirt.-; and Hacka mores. Write for prices. PuiNKviiLS, ; : Okk(on.