0. L. Salomon. Qwkithing.n,iwp,n Mitchell Wagons Racine Buggies and Hacks our Fall Clothing Is nw Arriving and nil lines ore complete. We are prepared to show you something nobby ill Men's nd lioys' Suits. Itonuiring, Tho Red Coriior l'rimvi( Orotron General Merchandise. Staple and Fancy Groceries. ' Paints and Oils. Windows and Doors. Grain Sacks and Binder Twine. Hardware and Stoves. Hats! Hats! Our line o Hats Is complete and embrace the John )i. Stetson m' J,in brands, In ull lit mi blink and stylos and at bottom prices. Fall and Winter Underwear tor Men nd celebratHd'Wiiirht's Health World. Other lines cheap PLOWS, HARROWS, MOVERS, Mi& ' Ml ALL Conditions in the Philippine. Judge W. H. Taft, governor gen eral of the Philippines, who leach ed San Francisco last week on his return to the United States on a leave of absence, in the course of an in'erview,-gave out the follow ing information of the favorable conditions now prevailing in the islands: "I wish the press would correct the impression that there is war in all the is'ands. The insurrection is confined to two localities the piovince of Batangns and the isl rOWEKFl'l JIEXoftheEASi An Interesting Explanation of their Unusual Strength. The Secret of their Marvellous Vi tality and Nerve Borce Jealously Guarded Women of the Harem Compound a Potion Whose Rejuvenating tfjata are Almost Miraculous end Astonish the Most Skeptical The fondest hopes of ancient and mod ern seekers after the Fountain of Per petual Youth, cau scarcely have aimed higher than the results achieved by the marvellous compound, known through out the East as El Mokbik. Travelers returniug to Europe have, from time to time, brought astonishing tales of the rejuvenating effects pro duced by this Wonder of the Orient. Crudely compounded by the Women of the Harem, from formula handed down orally from generation to genera tion, the secret of this preparation thus jealously guarded and known only to the inmiites of the Harem and the Court Physicians, El Mokbib has been practically unobtainable, excepting by the- favored ones for whom it was in tended. Hecemly, however, a prominent na tive Arab an Physician, banished from bia country for political offense, and deprived of bis vast possessions, has availed himself of his knowledge, t" earn a livelihood befitting bis btatiou, by supplying this marvellous compound, l',u MuxiiiK, to the nobility and weath ier clssius of all Europe, who have rlieerfuiiy paid him large fees in return fi.r the benetits received. Content wkn the lurge income derived fr oil this practice, this aged physician has repeatedly refused very lilieiai ot- fera made to h in-, for the formula of Ins ! remedy, but he b finally agreed with I it a .... . f TtD TV iiv a. a I the importing bouse of The Koyui- Fl'LUSu CuHi-ANY, of Philadelphia, to put it op in convenient form for sale ex.-lu-iieiy in the United States, and i tins tirai having the exclusive agency, j i offer it for the first time to the i Aioeiicm public. Tms remedy must not be confounded , with til numerous nervous exmnisiiou, lost nuohwl, and self abuse reuiediea! :.ich ire adieriisea under variety of J );.tuo-s, as there is aiaioiutely nothing wu.cl. wie.it.nc chemistry fla. bee,, able dieck for $1,000,000 was re to produce, which cm even approach the ' 1 pe -riesa El Mokmk, a pure vegetable ceived at &. Paul last Saturday for compound, extracted from rare tropicsl tllc payment of a policy on the life routs and bertia. ' . . , ' Ei Mocbh .. a remedy for one speci- j of. Frank H- ?t:ayy' late Muineap unl oose, which is to strengthen tiie ' olia millionaire. It is said to be vital free ami prevent decay tu men, ! tj,e Wt check ever drawn in its Marvel!".. effects .1. arresting decay W the prinoiNlea, especially in the payment of a life insurance risk. skate, heme, unparalied ana never failing, j mul a tu m uai'uwi alt wver ik BuUerilxj for the JoiiutsO. Boys. We handle the Underwear, Best in the Hiid good. and of Sumar. This morning I received a most encouraging cable gram from General Wright, who is. acting governor in my absence. It said that owing to General l'ell'e strong repressive measures the trouble in Batangns is being quiet ed. He further said that TOO rifles had been surrendered, and as there are only 1100 or 1200 rifles in the province, there is no doubt that Butangas will be as peaceful as any of the other provinces. "I don't think that General Bell will have to adopt the reconcentnt lE8'. wl""'e ut""S vir.leuicn with Uijju families of descendant are the rule, theie must be no doubt, eitht t as to its eltiei- ceiiy or beneti's to the aeiiural system While it is an absolute specific ana positively guaranteed to cure the worst cases of nervous debility, lost manhood. or similar weakntases due to excesses or youthful errors, it is also used with the greatest success as a vitahaer, giving power to all weak parts, and developing and manintainim the tu'l natural vigo. of manhood. It is put up for the American trade in tablet form, and though extremely puw erful, it is perfectly harmless and easily taken, one tablet being a dose and do ing the work at once, and so evidently as to leave no doubt in the mind of the patient It will cure you so as to stay cured. Every package is opened and carefulli examined by the importers when receiv ed, and is then repacked under their seal and positively guaranteed to cine It will be sent prepaio, onder plain cov er, with full and soiuplete directmns, on receipt of the price, per package, or six packages for 85. Ariilresa THE NoY rs-Fpllkr Company-, Market and 24th Sts., Philadelphia. Warning to Mail Contractor. Whoever may be the lucky, (or unlucky) men to he awarded the star route mail confracts leading into Lakeview, and to go into effect next July must look to the public (interests as well as their own, oth erwise there will be serious trouble ahead for them. There is no plaus ible excuse this time for poor serv ice and the people of Lakeview are going to see that first-class service is rendered, or know the reason why. The coining mail carrier on the new contract will be required to get the mails here on time, or get ''broken up in business" by paying fines. When, the new con tracts go into efiect there will be a petition circulated in Lakeview to rignatureg of ,h(J trWH of thp local postoflice, the object lieing to register a grievance with the proper auinoruies in tne department at Washington upon every occasion that the mails arrive here late. The new contractors would do well tQ t .k(; of warn; Jn , . . ,"mc. lur "ul l'no wean uusi- neSS. -Lakeview Examiner. do principle to Batangas. I don't see that there will be any necessity for this, as this dispatch plainly in dicates that the province, is in a fuir way to pacification'. "The dispatch then fays that there are 8-13 teachers in the islands in 430 places, and 200 of these places aro unoccupied by United States troops. 1 may say that the t ilipino is not hostile to the teach er. One was captured emne time ago, but he was sent home in a hammock. The inference is plain that they entertain no hostility to the pedagogues or to pedagogy. "Now, 1 wish to impress upon everybody that civil government is a success. There is a strong pence party in tha islands, 'tnd it is coin posed of the most influential tneli among the Filipinos. They are working earnestly and zealously toward bringing about happy rela tions between their countrymen and the government. They are us ing all that is in their power to bring in the recalcitrant leader I have never been so encouraged as to the prospects of the Philippines as I have withiu the past three months. There has oartainiy been a great change in the sentiment of the people. They are beginning to appreciate the fact that civil gov ernment means better times for them. . "If you had seen the farewell re ceptions that were given me by the people on my leaving the islands you would have realized that there was sincerity in the expression of tho wih for civil government to continue. Before I left I received reports from the governors of the different provinces, and the tone of each report was most encouraging. I am encouraged and shall so re port to Washington. There ate 35 provinces capable of government." UttinS I'lave for tho Memorial. It is most fitting and proper that the National memorial should be erected at Canton, Ohio, over the last resting place of William JIc Kinley. It was his home in life; his children are buried there, and it was his wish to lie beside them. More than this, it is the desire of Mrs. McKinley and his family as well ad his nearest and dearest friends, that the Nation's tribute should be builded there. Thousands Bent Into Exilo. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore nad rucked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. l!ut this is costly and not always sure. Don't, be an ex ile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Cough), Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result Irom persistent use. Trial bottles free at Adauison 4 Winnek Co. Price 50o aud ILOO. Starr battle guaranteed. Dry Goods. OF FARM Calf Not to illume-. "Hubby," said a Polk county farmer's w ife, "on January 25 we shall have been married 25 years," according to a valley paper. "Don't you think we ought to kill the fat ted calf and have a feast?" "Kill the ealf," growled the fanner, gruf fly. "J don't St o what we want to jump onto' the calf and kill him fur. lie isn't to blame fur what happened 25 years ago." TUB HOME GOLD CURB. An Ingenious Treatment by wliloh DruuUtrUs are Curod Daily in Suite ofThonibtilvou. It is now generally known and tin deistiHid tluit Druiikuiiiit' is a iIikiiiw I mid not Hoiikni'ss, A Inaly filled Willi poison mid nerves completely aiii.tturcd by peritHliciil or iniistiiot ue of iritox ieiil.ng liquor, requires an antidote ciipi.libi .1 ne.itraliiing and ern.liciii ing this poison, and' destroying the cntving for intoxicants, ttulleicra ...tiy now cure themselves at homo without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME (iOLD Ct'KE,"wlieh bus been perfected after ninny years of close study and treat moot of inebriate. The faithful use according to directions of this won di't'lul discovery it positively guaran teed to cure the most obstinate case,, no mutter how hard n drinker. Oui meonlsshow tho marvelous transform atiim of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. WlVKriOl'KYUL'KHUHIIANIlH! CHILDREN CTKE YOL'K FA TI1EK8! I This remedy is In no sense a nostrum but is a tpecifio for thir disease only, and i so skilllully de vised and prepared that it is thorough ly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or cotfee wjlhout the knowledge of the person taking it. Thonwinds of drunk ards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and mado tema.rate men by having the cure administered by loving Iriends und relatives with out their knowledge in tea or coffee, and believe today that they discon- tinued drinking of their ii-vn free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not he deluded by apparent and misleading "improve ment. Tho HOME tiOLI) CUKE is sold at"the extremely low price of Ono Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effect mil Mum otlirs costing $25 to $o0. Full directions encoutpany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when reqested without extra charge. Henc prepaid to any par'. of tho world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E 485 EDWIN . G1LEH A CO. 23110 and 2332 Market St. Phila delphia, All correspondence strictly confi dential. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATIOX. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, January 10, 11)02 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In anpjM.rt of his claim. and that said pnsif will be rattle before J. J. Smith, County Cleik at l'rlneville, Ore gun, on Friday, February 2t, 1IKI2, vij: Otto Ifadloff, of Prfnivllla, Oregon, H K No. Ssill, for the Xl NKJ and SDi NK Seo'. 14. T. 15 H., R, 1K., W. M. He nuiiies the following witnestes tn his contiiiiiot ruiden'M uiin and cultivation uf said land, viz: Christ i-'cw-rlialm. August Lipman, William Treichel sud Frank Aliiaou, all of l'rlneville, Oregiro. JAY P. LUCAS, jl i Kek-iite. Adauison-Winnek Co, have the largest floor space of any business house in PnoetiUi and Ua foil a( hi (uoda. In our dry Roods department will be found tlm 0 V oompletest line in the city of Ladies', and Oeiiis' 1 Furnishings. IMPLEMENTS. fJr BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Tho largest sum ever paid for a pi eseriptioti, changed bauds in J-'arj Francisco, Aug. 30, 11)01. Tho transfer involved in vt,in 8mj 112,500.00 and was pid by .tt party of business men for a t peCi- fie for llright's Disease and Din betes, hitherto incurable disease. They commenced Um serious in vestigation of the speeilic .ov; j,r1( 1900. They inU-i viewed scores of the cured and fried it out on its merits by putting a dozen cases on the treatment and ti.IJK They also got physiriaim to namo chronic, incurable cases, and ad ministered it with tho physicians forjudges. I'pto Aug. 2,1,'cigh;v- seven per cent of fiu test cans were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were sutfsli ed itntl closed tl. traiiMicti,,,,. The proceedings of the invotigat ing commitlco and the clinical re port of the test ciim's were pub- li.hed and will be mailed fris tin application. Address John J. Ful ton to., 4o0 Montgomery f., rt V Cal. Pullman Ordinary A'fVewri. Tha tourist travel between iheeaat and the 1 acitic coast ha rescued enormous proporuons in the , fuw y lls lor a aneuial class of equipment. To meet fins demand II,. I'uilms,, Co. has issued rou, ,t, ,,p, it lecl,lc)) oalls Hie "Pullman Ord,r,ry Bf,Bpr." These cars apar ,llm,r , ,,0 r hr sleeper, being huili , utw hut not furnished with the same elegance lhey are equipped will, matfres.,,., blankets, t heels, nill,... ..m. . ' . , . ' I'oiow caaes, towels, combs, brushes, etc., Squiring " "",u "e furnished by the passenger. Each car has a siove for making coffee and tea and doing imht housekeeping," ) Wll!h ,M. m tilted Wi ll an at ,,.,.1.1 ti. formed porter accompanies each car. his : . ,"' '"1 ""'ie up hcrtln, keep the oarc ea.i n, I....L . t. i . r . , l.er (lie coil.lor.t a and want. ,.f tl,B paoni(rfc r,, , ' lie frnin. which are dispatched (tally frutn Pf.rl 1 I... .i . i. . .. A ' to be fou.iH mi. ,.( ,1 i.i, ,, ... - "i.-so ru.iiiiiii. or. d.nary fjleepers." The I)sr BllI1(.ed t.nitorrllsnd Spwial. "h.ch goe, thmuh , Ch.cgo without ' chanoe, ,,e one in the '-Atlamio Ex press runs In k n:... nhanre. !'..,. ... .1. .... n , "v ,o iois usr .or ijiii. cagr, r hani-e to , ,.ir mr Bt fjranK, r. '".7 .'" '' class travel i. beina carried in these car,, the rates being ower, and the service boing ,leary equal to that, to the p.diice sleepers. For rii.s .,.! r..n ;. ' , ., , - - u" loiormsiion, in- eluding ol,,.ra, ante to A. L. Craig, (1. . vii. i-ortiun l, Ore. NOTICE FOK I'CHI.icATION. Und OfEc. at The Dalles, Oregon, lamiaiy 10, 11102. Notice Is hereby clvcn that th follnwing. 1a 1.1 '. "r""f. "'"PPrt of hi, claim, and that said proof will , ,H,P ,ef,in, j. j Smith County Clerk, at Pnnev Oregon, on r nday, tehniaiy 21, v.m viz- v vw "i, K M'.""'"', rti'rn. Oregon. It. K No. 77!i: or ti,, nkj Nw4 ,,,) , "j an 1 13, See. .11, T. If, S It. U K.. VV. M. ."oownig witnesses to prove h continuo,,, n'ideiice upon and cultivation 0. said land. vi7. Jewe Harcroiv. of Sisters, Oregon; Robert Mcdowan. 1,1 stj. n..n. 1 ,y . u- 7 - ""h-"". ereuoari Cra mer of HiKter,, Oreirnn, William B. Hurk. bard, of Histers, Oregon. JAr P. LUCAS. ' RegisUr. Have you seen those new Art Ann... and Buga aa Adawaba-WiaMk (X