Crook County Journal. FtXlLE & I'AHKER, lYltUSMKK SI PBOrMUKTORH. W. T. Fount, VniTOK W. 11. I'AMiKK, MANAOSH ColNTY OPHCIA1. l'Aridt. A he .Ioit.nal U ente red ot the poitottiee in FriimilK vht;., fur tmiisiuisftion through tire J. ri. t..ils as second class BCBaCKlPTION UaTKS. IK lllVANCF MS YSAH. fl.lty tIX MoKTIIS 75 'i'HIIKB MoSTHS 50 THURSDAY. JAX. 23. 1901 Man for the Place. Senator J. X. Williamson Lax pleased thousands by the simple announcement that he would ap pear before the next republican convention for the second congres sional district of this state, s a candidate for theofliceof represent ative in congress. No one with a duo retard for the interests of the party, his friends and the state, as well as himself and posterity, would be justified in declining the urgent t-all made upon Senator William rvn. It arose from a deep appreci ation of his worth. It was ani mated by conditions prevailing in state affairs of a rarely educational character, conditions extending over a period of from four to six years, during which time the peo ple have learned their folly in re posing great trusts in those with ordinary capacities, when better and more able material was availa ble. Oregon has been to school. Not a primary course, one would say, in view of the length of time the commonwealth has enjoyed state honors. But states, as individuals in professional life, mutt sometimes take post-graduate courses. Ore gon's post-graduate in politics has been a costly affair, doubtless be cause she lias employed the highest priced instructor. When Madam Adversity directs the class, instruc tion is efficient, but great blocks of good coin go to the winds with amazing celerity. ThL old spinster has been doing hard work here. One of the results noted now is the urgent demand for State Senator Williamson to enter congress as a co-laborer of Senator John H. Mitchell, and such other large, able men as this contrite state shall send to the national halls to work in her behalf. Oregon has suffered a sort of lapse in national affairs. Alaska's great commerce has drifted away, completely, hopelessly. There have been many quiet dirges in Portland commercial circles over this loss. Sturdy congressmen could not have blocked the Puget Sound inlet, nor liave carried a few degrees further north the mouth of the Columbia, but strong Oregon representatives could have prevented the mercena ry Alger and the partial Gage from directing all possible government traffic to the sound. Because of military operations in the Philippines, a tropical land of peculiar resouices, the government has been for three years an enor mous purchaser on the Pacific coast. Oregon has been painfully humiliated by slight after slight in the bcstowal of these favors. Pu get Sound's active delegation and California's blandishments and workers have effectually obscured Oregon. This is wrong, a shame', an enormous lo, and must be cor rected as far as possible at this late day, Hope lies in strong men, fired with immense state pride, and ccar-elcM ' in their efforts. State Senator Williamson in congress would be uch a man, and is sorely needed by his state in that position. There are other needs crying for jtmwly. Men Jamiliur with Sena tor Williamson's strength and not prejudiced by personal or friendly interest for some other republican, have turned to him each time Umbo needs were made clearer. Now a season of rejoicing is in order, which, however, will not lull the republicans of this district into the inactivity of security, till their needed man has received the nom ination and has been safely install ed in the halls where they are con fident ho will find a great field of usefulness. Corvallis Gazette. The proposed extension of the Columbia Southern Railway, reach ing out into the southern part of Crook county, will surely stimulate the already rapid settlement of that country and the large inter mediate farming sections of land. In this way it is not improbable that this cxtensisn may even have its bearing upon the political coiti plexion of Crook county, which is only republican by a narrow mar gin. With the advent of the farm er, the stock interests of the county will decrease, and with the intro duction of the farming population, many of them from the farming sections of Missouri and other eas:- ern states, county politics may look different. There promises to he work for Crook county's "commit tee on political education." Ante lope Herald. County Court. (Continued from last week.) A. C.Lucas, slerk ordered to draw warrant in his favor for $40. . v In the matter of correcting the boundaries of Kutcher precinct: Ordered that the boundaries of Kutcher precinct be corrected to include all that territory known as the Warm Spring reservation, be ing in and situate w ithin the boun daries of Crook county. In the matter of petition of J, A. Mofiitt et al for count ,- road: A pt- tition having been presented sigtud by more than 12 householders, ac companied by satisfactory proof of posting notices as required by law; also accompanied by a bond in 'lie sum of $200 conditioned that they will pay all costs in case said road is not established. Said bond hat been duly approved by the court. It is hereby ordered that E. T. Slayton, Abe Zell and Josiah Hen kle be and are appointed viewers. and C. A. Graves surveyor, to sur vey and report upon said road, said viewers and surveyor to meet al place of beginning of said road on the 18th day of January at 10 o'clock a. m. In the matter of division of es cheat fund: Ordered that said fund be credited in the amount of $43.05 and same charged to general fund. In the matter of supervisors re port of Wm.McVay: Clerk ordered to draw warrant in his favor in the sum of $17.25. In the matter of the f-herifPt semi-annual settlement roll of l'JOO: Sheriff ordered credited as follows: Trrasurer's receipt VJ7,789 25 SherhTrj assessment m 87 A uiuuut collected land Males 300 5! Amount sworn off 3116 0-1 Wrongful assessments , 4!M H7 Dooble rwsessmenti 46 Sheriff ordered charged as follows: On sheriff's assessment 199 IT Balance on regular roll 710 31 In the matter of supervisors re port James Wood: Warrant or dered issued for 133.871. He to pay himself cash balance in hie hands amounting to 12 Jo. Clerk ordered to furnish him delinquent list and supervisor ordered to col lect the same in labor or money. The following bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same: Jobn A. Brown, cleaning courthouse.,! 4 00 J. U. Garrett, work Trout creek bridge 61 13 V.C. Wills, caah advanced (or wood. 14 10 W. C. Wills, viewing aud receiving Newsoin creek bridge 1 50 Marion Taylor, hauling lumber and work on bridge 74 75 Hannah Dee, lumber for bridge IK 03 W, O. Wills, cash advanced on wood. 1 25 Jno. Morgan, work Camp creek bi idge 4 00 Htewart & Co., mdse for pauper COO A. P. Coleiian, care of pauer 00 Win, Boegli, express ,80 Win. Boegll, traveling exnse .' 8 75 Mrs. J, O. riuuiner, care of pauper. ... 41 40 Wunweilert Thomson, rood supplies. 8 40 Wunweilsr 4 Th""i"un, uidse for , HOW TO MAKE MONEY. II 111 mm M l lm I I If! i THIS INFORMATION IS FOR PEOPLE OF MATU UK WISDOM Don't set up a "coin-plant" and make your own dollars. llnclo Sam has idem of his own about such things. People have come to grief before by trying it. There is a surer, safer way, if not so rapid. "Take euro of the pennies and the dollars will takecaioof themselves: The best little way to save dollam that we know of is to : : : : BUY CLOTIflXU C1IKAP (Not cheap clothing) The man who can wait always gets Bitch an opportunity. This is the time, lleie is the place. We have marked down our high grade clothing ready for the : : : : CLOSING-OUT SALK OF WINTKR GOODS There will be weeks and weeks yet when you will need them to keep you snug and warm from the chilly blasts of U e north-east wind. Next year they will be us good us new, and as stylish arid Up-to-date as clothes you will pay twice us much for. 1? r We still load in Mens, Ladies and Children Simpson, Wilson 8 Company. Journal Real Estate Agency. Is now prepared to handle your Property if you want to sell liy placing your property with us you get the benefit of free adver tising. ! Having hud years of experience in this line wo know where to adver tise in order to reach prospective buyers. There will be a large influx of immigrants to this coast in the spring1 and in order to sell advantageously it will be ncee-sary to place the advantages of your property where buyers will be attracted by them. List your property with us and we will treat you right. KOK SALHA Jfltirnry.ttr.jC 1TJNKV.U.E, OKEODN. iPAyiician and Juryttm, Ollice in rtmr of Ailamsoii, W'im,,,, (1 1'ItIKEVILLE, OitECO.V. 27. I'itlNEVILLE, OKEOO.V bsrti nd ouil.ousra in the ulty i.f i'rineulle. ffnve. Ix'g Imiiie ami oth, r ordinary improve. iwr sr Thin iro,M:rty in well biiinitwJ and is covfrnl iui-ntn, t,,ht gnnh-n raifl eu tv yrur ami a hy irrigation, It ora otir-iourth of a ll fli vjtriety of mnali fniitn. I'JO w of l;nr saw ', and in me of tir heit rmnii-uce locations in j tiu.licr ti.vt will tvrulti.ily l worth more the town. , l'rice rea-onaliio. j than the price now ukrd fur tU rntirs faiui. I-Oil SALK-One of the bet located firms AH under prieaw irrigating tlitch tliat iu tlw famous clover belt in llie Si,ua cr-ck r11"' "- pri'rrt.v- country, consisting of 160 acres. 40 ai-ns in - j I ntlNEVIUE, OUEdOS. 36 1(,!sinancc in this countrv; He took (5. -fyd 2. JOURNAL RKAL ESTATK AOL'NCY, I'rinevillc, Oregon, pauper Ti... u:i... II...... 1 I 1 I bridge jyo'out a pohcy for l,(HKj,fXKJ in the; Warren Urown, repairing imnsoni 75 : Mutual Life of New York only two j y""' ' J. 1) Shif.p, work and vutonal fur- years ago und hud paid two pre- ,'lin"B K"' 2' 't""l"iei back of th uisheii on Nwweoin creek bridge..... 1 15 00 .. , Simpn. Wilson ft Co.. u.ise for pau- on ll' to i6.- I I'holooraph uMy. per lfto!HO. He had besides about a third ' I'UIXKYILi.F., OHKIIOX rMiopaon, uuo a ui., muse lor roay; ! oi a IT) II lion more. supplies 0 Ij'J ; C. W. Kluius, team for use of county court 12 00 KJ lUrbin, luuihnr for briJge D 75 J. J. iSuiitli, poitage 10 00 F. L. 4 W, Co., light and water 10 10 A. Lippman. care and buriol pauer. . 3ti W W. 11. ttuuioer, c:ire pauper. , 32 00 I. J. SmiUi, ex. on t! c iou supplies. .. i 00 Wm, .MoMeekin, Juroia tees 10 00 Adanuion i Wmn kCo., milse fur pau per i 1 50 Ailauisnn ft Winnek Co., bridge sup plies 8 60 Adamson & Winnek Co., stathmery. . 3 00 W. C. Congleton. jtustage sumps 'I J. H. Cos, jury fees 10 00 Crook County Jourkal, printing 'M 17 C. L. balouan, nidse for pauper 31 Oo Teachers Examinations. yt J(. SPaseniery, 0 and Suryman C. L. Hulomon, uidae for road work. .. 3 95 C. h. Balumon, repairs road work .... 6 00 Hawkins Hros., lurrUr diet. No. 11 95 Hawkins Bros., lumber dint. No, 18 . .. 6 17 Hawkins Bros., lumber dink No. 'M... U 30 Pac. 8. Tel. Co., telephone and service. 14 00 The Irwin Hodson Co., registers sup. . 68 40 The Irwin Hodam Co., election blanks 4 15 Hannah Dee, lumber dist. No. 10 5 71) A. C. Lucas, work on Agency road. . . 50 00 F. B. Doak, team hire 2 50.' A. H, Lippman, court houae. if 00 H. P. Belknap, attendance on paupers 12 50 W. C. Wills, juilges salary 100 00 I). E. Teuipleton, ooni, fees, mileage. . 25 SO H. I. Healey, coin, lif, mileage 33 CO nm. Boegll, superintendents salary., till 6ii J. N. Poindexter, treasurers salary... 00 65 W. C. Congleton, sheritfs salary 416 66 J. J. .Smith, clerks salary DUO 00 Glass & Prudhomnie, scalp tags 7 50 D. K. Teuipleton, cum. fees, mileage siecial term .' G 60 H. J. Healey, com. fees, mileage spe cial term 18 80 Bill of M. K. Oerow for constaole fees for 816 continued until next term. Next to John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, Mr. Peavy, the re cently deceased elevator man of Chicago, carried the largest life in- Xritici. is linn.l.v lu il i..' .. "y'inn nd Surg, ' " ' " Calls ansinrwl promptly ay or niglttl n(. county supenmendent of Cro.,k conn- j flM with l)r v, ly will hold the regular ejniuiiiuitinn ; licJhy Hn(() ' "i'i"" ninn no niaiuaiiu couiuy pa- PKIXP VILLP. pera at l'rinuvillu na fdllotts: j ForSuto Pape- C. Patm CunimeneliiK Wednesday, Fubrmiry . ' IS, t nine o'clock . in., tt,l c.mli... xll.ry.t.xm mug iiiiiii aitiuiuay, rehruury 10, at four o'clock p. ni. Wednesday 1'eniiiAiisbip, history, epelling, algebra, rending, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, book-keep ing, phytic, civil government. " Friday I'liy.iuloxy, geography, jrCtlt mfliitnl aritlnnetic, composition, phys- 'lT.?; , Coach and general history, Ei)((liah literature, physiology, vi r'...n,. ru i ollnr stnl inna nnrl mu.u Commencing Wednesday, February j alH, 'UW yoUnB iem iz, hc nine ocloelc a. m., and OI(Ki()' All business promptly aud carefully attended to. CoUectinn aspacialty. rmNEviLLB, onum.N Q. Springer, Carriage jfeoraea contin uing until Friday, February 14, at four o'clock p. m. Firm, second and third grKde certificate. Wednesday Penmanship, history, ortliograpiiy, rending Thursday Written arithmotic, the ory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology, oivil government. Primary Ortifleaies. Wtdnotdny I'onmaiiiliip, orlliog rupliy, reading, aritlnnetic. Thuradny Art of questioning, the ory of touching, methods, physiology. Wn.UA.M BoKdl.l, County Superiiiteiidtmt. sale. Haystack Blood Stock Ranch. Haystack, Oregon. J. W. B00NE. Saddles and JCarnoss Maker of the celebrated PHI NE VILLE STOCK SADDLE ITLIi LIVE OF STOt'KMK.VS SI I lM.lf S Latest improved Ladie' Hide and Stride Saddle, Bit, Spurs, Angora Chap, Quirts and Hacka morea. Write for prices. PUINKVIUK, ; : OttBOON.