A RACE WITH DEATH TragaUM horn tl) tnneh by Uinlli D'Umii. L fff If!JffffffWf?W UWOU uri a (Uinl innu!" wild tlie I ilin'Ujt, regarding Ana-kile fix edly, Antitole won liifr";ered by llil Mi- IlllllllCellieilt. Ill) hud OOtllO to IH the evciilnir wlili hi" tilil friend, Dr. Jttir iUIn, tlio Ulukirioiia ncliolur, reeotf limoil by nil tin- world iiaiin an t liori ly nil lolaollOIU Mil t 1 111 1. I til I. Allillolll lind IcatiHil li njipreciiilr,, inure Hum nil, I Im noinlity of heart unit folherly liliiuiu'nd nf the uwiii old daor, end miw, without eotimdrrniioii or n-jjiinl fur til leelliijfa h heard from 111 own Kiln terrible ini;mittieiilloii. "llfiforiuiinle clnlill" continued the doctor, "iut liav j-i.u been Mn7" "Nollilnif Hint 1 know," miiniiiimid Atmtolr, deeply troubled. "Think I try to remember! Till 11111 wluil you live eaten, tlraiih or lie hilled?" Thl lnl word proved my (if Hirht fur Anulole. 'I he mine iihiiiiIhk he linil reueivej a letter from one of hi frifiuli. who win touring In I ml 11. In the litter lie found 11 (lower Kiilheied from the 4iuiik of the (iuuc n by the voynKer, a red dower of fwituhtle shape, ttiid the odor, he rivalled now, wiu peculiarly iim" ruling. Aimioli wan hed In hit pockeihook itinl found Hie letu-r end Ihe flower, whirli ho allowed to Hie learned mun. "Without doubt!" cried thedoctor. "It la the I'yrmueiirnhla Indira, the death flower, the flower of the blood!" "You believe lliin truly?" "1 tiu punitive of it." "Hut li U'liot poiiftlbte! I am but 25 yearn of age, 1 am full of Ufa mid health!" "At what hour did you open thl fa tal letter?" "At nine o'clock thl mornlnif." "Ah, welll At the nine hour to morrow mornlnif, at the name min ute, In full health, a I aay.you will ex perlrnro certain palpitation III the heart, and all will be over." "And you know of no remedy?" "Not one!" returned the doctor, hid tnf lot head In bin hand, and he fell upon lha aofa, overoowe With (jfrief and drupnir. Heelnif the emotion of hla old friend, Ana Me realised that he wan con demned to dia. lie became like one lu kaue. All nlfhl, in a fever of agitation, hi brain topny-turvy, Anatole darted up and down the boulevard, uncoil eeioiia of hla mirrotiml'liita and that ihe atresia were gradually broomiii deeried. for a Umg while fee ran thu until he fell exhausted on a pencil. The real waa beneficial. tie bad been like 1 man who had received a blow on the head. The atupefaetlon wan leaving now and he com 111 ruoed to collect Ina Ideaa which had been to overthrown. "My all nation," thought he, "la Dwet I am condemned to die! I must ac cept thin without hope, but with grace. How much time have I to live?" He looked nl hi watch. "Three o'clock a. m. It l time to, go to bed. 1 rest? Should I alecp Iheae lti.it few hours? No. I hnve certainly jnuch to do but whut? Par bleul My will to miike." A reattturant wan near that remained open all night. He entered. "Waiter! A bottle of champagne and a bottle of ink." He drank a frlaaa of Cliquot and then looked at the paper dreamily. "To whom dhall 1 leave thin legacy of 0,000 franca a year? I have neither father nor mother. It la fortunate fur 1 lie in. Among all whom 1 count an friend, I know not one ih! Micelle." The Inst wlahea were quickly writ ten and iill.wa bequeathed to Micelle. It waa done. Anatole drank a eeo ond glaaa of ch:nna(,'iie. "Poor Nicotic!" thought he. "She wan very and the lat time that I anw her. Her guardian, who know naught of the world except those musician, those brnm bluwe.r at the Coimeiva toire waa not prudent In promising her hand to one ao brutal whom ahe detenu. Indeed, ahe deteala him aa much aa the lovea another, if I oin dt all lenrned in thoee plain avowal of reticence and embarrassment. Who In Hie happy mortal? 1 am Ignorant, but it Is certainly true that ahe is well worthy of the one whom she has chosen. Hood, aweet, beautiful, loving Nicette merita an ideal husband. Ah! she la just the wife I should have if. H ia Infamous to force, tu degrade the life of 8'ieh a treasure with auch brute. Why should I not be Hie chevalier of Nicette? It la anld that to-morrow morning to-morrow It will be too lute. I must act now. It Is a little unseasonable o nail, but when I am told that I will die in five hours I care little for aueh conventionalities. Come! My life for Nicette!" H was four a. m. when Anatole rang the bell at the door of the guardian of Nicette. M. Ilouvard himself came to the door in his night cap, and very much frightened. "Am I rignt in supposing you have canned me this inconvenience to com municate something of Importance to roer "Very Important, M. Ilouvard. It la that I wiah yon to renounce the mar riage of my little cousin Nicette to M. Ciipdenae." "Neverl monsieur, Never!" "It Is not necessary to say never mrr always." "Monsieur, my resolution la made, the marriage will take place," "It will not)" "We Hnill we I And now that you have my answer, 1 unlll not detain you." 'This ts a little more amiable. I am right if a HHIa tenacious. I am not oiteniled at your actions and I re main." "Itemiiln if you wish. I consider you as hnvlng gone, and I speak no mote." Ami M. Itouvard turned away grumbling. All at onc M. Ilotivard leaped for his bed. Atinlolo had secured the professor's tronibiine, upon which he blew a vio lent blast loud and deafening. It sounded us If the Inferno had broken lnOc, , ",ly trombone of honor presented by my pupils! I'ut down the instru ment, tiiiiiiftleurl" "Moimieiir, you consider m as one gone. I ooimiilef ynu lis olse absent and I am amusing myself until you re turn. Ileinl a Hue note!" "You will bum me put out. My landlord will not tolerate Hie trom bone for a minute!" "1, 'ainleiiac is a terrible man! If 1 Insult him thus, he will kill me!" "Is this the only rensou?" "It Is the reason above all other. "In that case leave it to mej swear 1o me that if 1 obtain the ennsent of M. t'apdenno m cousin shall be free." "Yes, monsieur, she shall be free, j "liravo! J have your word of honor, Yon will permit m to retire. Apropos, where does M. Oapdcnac live?" "(hie hundred Hue den Detlx-Epeea." . "I run at once. Au revolr." "link! You run to throw yourself 1 into the mouth of Hie lion and you , will receive Ihe lesson you merit. .Meanwhile, Anatole ran to the ad dress given him. When he arrived it was six o'clock a. m. "Who comes?" said a deep voice. I "Open. A communication of lm- ! porunre from M. Ilouvard." The walls of the antechamber ap peared to vanish under the numerous aceoulerments. In the little room where Capdcnac received Ills visitor nothing but arms was cen; Turkish swords or yatngans, poisoned arrows, alters, awords for one and two hnnilt, ; pistols, etc. A veritable orsennl. It : was enough to cause a timid soul much dismay. i "lluli!" 4houghl Anatole. "What is it that I risk? there are but 2 bours left now!" "Monsieur," said Anatole, "you wish to marry Mile. Nicette?" 1 "Oul, monsieur!" j "Monsieur, you cannot marry her!" ' "Ah, young man!" he said, finally. I "You have the go- luck to lind me in a pleasant mood. I'rofit by It. Do you know that I have fouirht SO timed, and that I have had the misfortune tu kill live of my adversaries and to wound 15 others? Ho! I pity your 1 youth. Once more, go!" ' "I know," said Anatole, "of your reputation ami Hint you are on adver sary worthy of me, and my desire is to measure swords with ao redoubt able an ndversary. Will you 1al:e the two swords from the mantle? or the two nmul hatchets? or the cavalry Killers? or the cuirassiers weapons .' WI111 1- do you say to these curved yata-gan-? You have not decided? What will you do? "I like your bravery. Do you with me to acknowledge something?" . "Speak." "Kor some time I have wished to give up this marriage, but I did not know how it would be understood. 1 consent, theu, very willingly, to your wish, but 1 wish you to understand I that I have not been intimidated by 1 your menaoee. 1 "Will you write and aign your de iclslon?" "I have auch admiration for you that I run refuse you nothing. Supplied with the precious paper, Anatole run to the house of M. Bou- vnrd. lie arrived at the door at eight a. m. "Who is there?" "Anatole." M. Houvard opened it. Anatole de livered the paper to him, end cried aa he ran to the door: "Cousin, rkte and dreaa quickly and come here!" Almost blatantly Nicette appeared as fresh as Aurora, "What ia it?" "It is that your cousin ia mad!" aaid M. Ilouvard. "Mad!" cried Anatole, "but, remem ber, Nicette, that my madness ia for good to you. This night, my little oousln, I have, obtained two things: M. Capdenac has renounced your hand end your excellent guardian consent that you ahail marry the one you love." "Truly? My guardian, you wish that I marry Anatole?" "Heln?" mid Anatole, in amazement, "It is you I kive, my cousin." At thi moment Anatole felt his heart palpitate violently. Was It the pleasure caused by this unexpected avowal of Nicette? Was It the an guish predicted by the doctor? Was It death? Taklne fererlahly Ihe handa of Si- cette, he told her ell; the letter he re ceived, the flower he inhaled, the prog nostication of hla old friend, the will he wrote, the measures taken and the success obtained. And now tliat I have perfected all, I must die!" "Hut It Is not possible!" aaid Mcette. "The physician la deceived. , Who is he?" A man who la never deceived, Ni cette. Dr. liardals." ,"llardnll Hardala!" cried lloiivant. suddenly, beginning to laugh. "Listen while I read my Journal: J he learned Dr. Ilatilais has unexpectedly become afflicted with a menial malady. The madness Is sn altaek of scientific char acter. All know the doctor was occu pied especially with disease relative to venomous sulwln io cs and the effect of poisons. He believed finally Hist nil whom he met were poisoned and tried to persuade tlicin to this belief. He has been transported this night to the malwin tin dorteur Hkiuche or home for Ihe insane.' " The two young people enihraced each other ardently. Kadford Keview, A. Hurprlhe I'arty. , At 'tlio rosiilonco of Mr. (, Osborn of Culver, a number of young people gavit li: daughter .Miss Llila a sin prist party Friday, Jan. 10. The evening was spent playing s variety (it games At 10:.K) unlock a line limcti wu spicad 011 the iliiiing mom table to vbii'li all MJid ample justice. Those prnscit were: Mr. mid Mm. Oeo Oe ..ni,Mr.aiul Mts.J. 1'. Halm, Mr A'iiaou, Jliscs liiissio Wilson, Myrtle UivoUnd, Itctta l'eok, Ifai.v McCa'lis-u-r, Lulu OslKirn, Lcttie Armstrong Maiul Osliorn, Fiinnie (Inborn, McesM Ward LiuiiMiii, RobOslmrti, Curl Win dotu, Ualph Armstrong, (ins infelaiu', Harry Windo.ii, Hoy McCailistcr, V'rco McDowell, Arthur Baker, C. H. Grit- ton. At an early Hour in tne morning the. nierrv crowd departed fur then veial Ilium-, wending tlieir ) through a heavy fog. Price Paragraphs. Hub hgAy piisfcd through here on hit way to Prinuviilu. Every one of this section lias the jiri'M'tit of u very lind cold. I Inn weaiher is tlio hii(t ever any one t-een this time of year. JameM Hay, of Hilver Luke, tnnde tw it jilcaeunt call litrt week. CharlcH Ilottston, of He.tr creek. spent the lioiid.iyn with friends on thin side. The Price slupe line is tinder tlie Btiocessfnl munai.'etiH'Utof Tim Gih n, of Pok., Mr.' find Mrs. E. F. Lonjf passed thrmih here iwn',y on their way to the Butte raodi. A Hiiiull party from Price attend 1 the dunce at Paulina New Years. They report a very rine time and a nice supper. .San.'", 1992. Jumpo. Notice, Notice ia hereliy Riven fiat my wife, '.lieouri A. Hariiiinl, Inning left nij bed anil boaid ej!'iinit tny will nod 'oiiH'iil, 1 will not he roponeiule for any billa or expeimo b'io may lieie altor contract or incur. J. ). Barnard. J, W. BOONE. Saddles and JCarncss Mtrker of tlio celebrated l'KINE VILLK STOCK SAift)LE . ITM, I.IK OF STOniMKX'S SHT5JF.S Latest improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, Bits,-. Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirts and Ilucka mores. Write for prices. Phi.nevili.k, : : .Oiiecon. MiTicK FOHPL'CLICATIoN. Land Otfice t The Dalles, ilnpm. Juniinry 10. 1!K)2. Notire in herebv Riven tlmt ths fiillmvini;. naiuerl nvtlltir Iiam til.il notice nf tii intention to ninWe tiiml i.roof in support of 1 in cluiie, anil tli.'it ,tid .roof will be niH'le liefort -I. J. Smith. Oonntv Clerk, At lmiviilo, llrtiKoil, on Kri'lKy, i'Vlinmry -M, i!!0.! .iz: Kdwaril Ij. Mminie. of sir, Oreeon, H. K. Nn. 7?fi:t for the N K NWt me dot. 1, 1 mi l 3, S-.C. 31, 1. IS S.. K. II '. vt .vi. He nftii.n. tlie foilowinar witneil to iuov( hi eontinuon n i tetioe U(iou aiut euitiiation uf eaid Uml, viz: . . Jnuw Hateiow, nl SMten, Oreeon; lioVrt Mc(wim:iii. ot hmtent. I lr. t'-n: .tcrenii.iti l'Ti mer, if SiitiT, Oieui ii, William B. llurk. Iiard,.,. "Up.LTjCAS. jlli Kegialer. Wf I ' 'J-.. ft,t "- A I .. ' .11. I Jfive. p-1 We thank the consumers tf Crook County for the liberal patronage during the vear 1901. . . During the dull months of January and rebniary we shall run a " and 10c Bargain Counter where odds and ends, which ar3 always forgotten, can be picked up very cheaply. ilens, La(lieand Children) Maekintoxhcs are sold at a greatly reduced price, Kandom Wool. Drawers for .men while they last, reduced to fjOc a pair. A splendid variety of Mens and Vmi Duck Leggings.' Will keep out enow and keep you warm. Hoys, 40 and oOc a pair; Mens, 1m and $1.00 a pair. Don't forget that we keep the Celebrated Klondike Plug Cut .Smoking Tobacco always on hand, and no other house has it. OUK OWX lilt AND, a comfortable smoke and wont burn the tongue. 1 lb tins .c, full weight; 1-2 lb tins 23c, full weight. If you want a good oc smoke we have a big variety to choose from. Every known brand is kept here for sale. A share of your patronage respectfully solicited. MICHEL & klSSEIL We carry a full line of IF-A-ISTC" GOODS Of all kinds at prices VERY LOW. Gentlemen raid Ladies Slio, former price $2.50, now selling ate f 1.S0. :!.00, now at $2.10. $4.00, now at $2.75. $5.50, now. at $&90. $0.00, now at $1.00. ' For 30 Days Only. Ladies Heavy Fleece Lined Vests, special at 30c. Ladies Dress Hkirts at $1 10. Ladies Silk Flowered Handkerchiefs 17c each, 3 for 50c. Misses Mackintoshes at $1.95. We have "00 pairs of Ladies Sltoes. Your choice for 50c per pair. We have Crockery and Notions, Fancy goods of all kinds. Step into our store and price our goods. RED FRONT BAZAAR N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs. Reliable Merchants. The i01NDEXTER- Shaylng Parlors TICK ADKIXH, Proprietor Bhavintr Hairontttne blmnipooinar Baths A fine kallirooni devoted eitciallv tit; tlie lieu of Udiei. ! Evei viltiti)! up to-date null strictly fiialeluo. ' ' ,, ' I y.j x' "! J tec 60 Oav? I"- w Tailor. j Deputy Stock Inspectors. ' Notice ia hereby tjiven tlmt I hv j tippointil the following named pecanns jilvputy a'ock ini'i.etioiB: I J. H. C.irtwnxlit, Hoy Creek, j Sum Hi.in'1'on, Athwood. I E. Sparka, SiateM, A. Mono, niymaok. i F. M. Smith, Paiiliiit. l'.iiaene Knox, Foar, T. Swain, Bear Creek. J. S. Bouue, it..liid, Alex Mi-Iutih, Hiioliu J. F. Vanrlouten, Huy Crren.' Joe Hllikle, Stock Inspector Ciuok County,