Crook County Journal. . FOOLS &PAKK Kit, ' l'l'SUHHICII 4N1) rHOFBICTURH. IV. T. FOill.K '. KhlTOH W. H. I'ahkks, Manacin Coi'.nty Official Paper. '1 r JoniNAt is entered At fciie iioitoffiee in f Vint . Hit, vr'., fiir tninsuuitflmn through the I V. b. t-Atls n St'cmitj olawa mutter. 8 C BSCRIPTION RATES. IX AIlTANCr xx Year. . tl.f Pis Months 7 Thusb Moxth 60 THURSDAY, JAN. S, liX2. Williamson for Congress. At the present time this part of Oregon is undergoing a transfor mation that requires, or may re quire, special legislation at the hands oi our national government. This being the case it becomes nec essary that we have a representa tive from this district who is per--feetly familiar with the conditions which confront us, a man who is bouud to the people of this district hy insuperable ties of business and friendship. One whose ambition would be to see his Btate take a back seat for none. A man famil iar with legislation and one whose voice would be heard in defense of the right and in opposition to that which would be detrimental to the best interests, not only of hia con etituents, but of the general gov eminent as well. A man who can carry his point by weight of force ful argument. A man whose rec ord shows him to be competent and willing to work for the interests of those he represents. Such a man we believe Hon. J. N. Williamson to be, and so believing taku pleas ure in announcing him as a can didate for Congressman from the Second Congressional District of Oregon. Sounds Good to Us. The congressional committee makers must imagine that Oregon is deeply interested in irrigation, as two Oregon men, and both from Western Oregon, where no irriga tion is ever needed, are cheirmen of the senate and house committees. While Oregon as a whole is inter ested in irrigation, it would have seeaied more appropriate to have given these chairmanships to men from Wyoming, Nevada or Utah. Portland Telegram The Telegram is right. Oregon would have been much better served liad the chairmanship gone to any of the jother states mentioned. WestcriBOregon is not interested in anything but rivers and harbors and our representatives would not hesitate to table an irrigation bill in order to get a large appropria tion for their pet schemes west of the mountain'. Its "hard lines" when a state has to look to outsid ers in congress to help her in pref erence to her own delegation, but Oregon is certainly in that condi tion today ai.d will be until we can get an Eastern Oregon man who is big enough to represent Oregon in stead of one particular locality. Burns Times-Herald. Rooccvclt and the Bad Men. From late returns it would seem that Theodore Roosevelt, once Co-1 lonel of Rough Riders, is now very much president of tho United States. When the country elected him to the vice-presidency it had ft pretty clear idea that it was choosing an oilioial with a strong, straight back bone, and a recent diagnosis of his case fails to discover any symp toms of curvature of the spine. During the past thirty days the Alkali Ikes, the Pcadwood Dicks and the Bronco-busting Bills of polities have descended on the ex ecutive mansion prepared to make a little "rough house," because the President was not giving proper attention to their requests for good things for the sons of somebodies and the fathers of nobodies. They thought they would teach him a lesson. . But Mr. Roosevelt, in the happy past, used to live out West, and while there he had experience with the fire-eating, ripsnorting, quick shooting terrors of the bad lands Without going into particulars, it may be said that none of their counterparts in politics has made any "rough house" at the executive mansion.' The country, the decent end of the country, the part of the coun try that wints to see a clear, hon est administration of its affairs by able, honest men, is with Mr Roosevelt. The business men who promote their clerks on merit and pay them their salaries because they earn them are with Mr. Roose velt. The heelers, the grafters, the looters are against Mr. Roosevelt. And they will be increasingly against him as they get better ac quainted with his quality. It is a pleasure to know you bet ter, Mr. President. Saturday Eve ning Post. AKE MONEY A man told us the other day that we did not publish all the things that happen. We should say we don't. In the first place we have others who depend on us for a liv ing. If we published all that hap pened we should soon be with the imgels. In order to please people we must print only nice thinirs on them and leave the rest to the gos-! nite anJ evidences of natural gas. The county court has fixed the tax le-y for the year 1902 at 21 j mills, divided as follows: General county 6f, roads 2, schools 5,state 7. There being no property road tax under the new law there must be an additional levy for road pur poses which makes the levy at least two mills higher than it otherwue would be. The county levy this year stands at 6 J o gainst 10 j last year, which shows a decided gain. If there is no heavy .criminal case- to deal with during the present year we may safely predict a re duction of not less than 25 per cent in the levy next year. Besides an extra amount of bridges to build last year and other heavy expenses we have an extraordinary state tax thrust on this year and in conse quence the levy is high. Another Boiing Hlg tor Malheur. A press dispatch from Weiser says: H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, Oregon, a member of the Malheur Oil Company, was here yesterday. He is looking after the machinery of the company that is being hauled to Dry gulch, some fifteen miles from Weiser, on the Oregon sido. It is claimed to be the largest drill ing outfit north of California, weighing sixty tons. A derrick 100 feet high will be erected. Th-s power will be suppliel by steam, a 40-horsc power engine being on the grounJ. Mr. Gates says the mill is built to go down 5000 feet, and will be sent to that depth if necessary. Experts say the surface indications are the best they ever noticed, con- J pisting of Pennsylvania sandstone,1 mud springs, a 2-foot vein of lig- f I hi fe&g j )J 'mi w itilv THIS INFORMATION' IS FOR PEOPLE OF MATURE WISDOM Don't set up n "coin-plant" and make your own dollar. Uncle Sam ha idea of bis own about such thing. People have come to grief before by trying it. There is a surer, safer way, if not so rapid. "Take care of the pennies and the' dollar willtakeeureof theim-clves, 'Jhe best little way to save dollais that we know of is to : : : : BUY CLOTHING CHEAP (Not cheap clothing) The man who can wait always gets such an opportunity. This is the time. Hoio is the place. We have marked down our high grade clothing ready for tho : : : i CLOSING-OUT SALE OF WINTER GOODS There will lie weeks and weeks yet when you will need them to keep you snug and warm from the chilly blastsof tho north-east wind. (N'ext year they will be as good as new, and as stylish and Up-to-date as clothes you will pay twice as much for. r x4 ICLTtilWV,, vi We still lend in Mens, Ladies and Children Simpson, Wilson G Company. Vhe we. V7fftfte Place t J(. flat). PRI.N'EVILLE, OUKGON. Jt P. fivlknap. tiean and Suiyton. Office in rtmrof AiUmti.n, ViMWt o riUNEVlLLE, ORKliON Jtitoruty anil Coumthr at Xttoi PRI.N'EVILLE, OKKOON. PRINEVILLE, ORKOOX. We thank the consumers of Crook County for the liberal patronage during the year 1901. During the dull months of January and February we shall run a 5 ami 10c Bargain Counter where odds and ends, which are always forgotten, can be picked up very cheaply. jiens, uaaiesanu vnuarens jiaeKiniosncs are sold at & , vs .ii J i : ! ' Random Wool Drawers for men while they last, reduced to we a pair. A splendid variety of Mens and 1'oy? Duck Leggings. Will keep out snow and keep you warm. Boys, -10 and 50c a pair; Mens, 7oc nd 81.00 a pair. Don't forget that we keep the Celebrated Klondike Plug Cut Smoking Tobacco always on hand, and no other house has it. OU.K OWN E11AXD, a comfortable smoke and wont burn the tongue, 1 lb tins 50c, full weight; 1-2 lb tins 2oc, full weight. '- ' If you want a good 5c smoke we havo a big variety to choose from. Every known brand is kept here for sale. A share of your patronage respectfully solicited. .MICHEL & KISSER. O Jfya;, 7J?; 0. PAyiioKtn and imrgtfn. Phoim K.i, 2. H.-iiiliie back Pliotonmph vJullmj-. PRINKVILLK, OltKliON. and Suryasn Odin tnnwtreil rinpily any nr iiwktl Of. fie with I)r, V, (i,,r. h,iJ,.110. Kedkjf Hutol. PUINEVILLK. OKK(i.X Open fur Honlenu nt, I lilted BtaU-i Land Office, Lakeview, Orfon, Deceratjer 10, 1901. Notice U hereby ni.'f n that the ("llowiiiK deflcribed approvnl towiuMp plftta have bevn received at thin office, towit: Tp. 32 8.. K, 27 K.j Tp. 33 8., I. 20. 21, 23 and 27 E.j Tp.34H., B.22an42?K.! Tp. 35 K., R. 27 K.; . and will he filed in thii office on the ISth day of January, 1902. A pplicationft for the entry of landa in the above deacribed townuhip will be received at thi offioe and made of record on and after aid 18th day of January, 1902. E. M. Ubattaim, Ileciiter, tips; yes, its a fact, we don't print nil the news. If we did wouldn't it make spicy reading? But this I would be for one week onlv. The ! next week you would read our obit-1 ...,,1 !,.,. ...,!. I 1... .. ; v u-ij, -u am. ,...u . . Bp a fund of 120,000 to prospect iacB ill htaven. Lx. the work. It is also Mr. Gates' opinion that if oil is found through this entire vicinity, as the same indications exist in numerous places. The members of the company arc chief ly Portland men, who have made J, W. BOONE, Saddles and jtfarnoss Maker of the celebrated PRI.N'E VILLE STOCK SADDLE ITLI, LIXK OF STOCKMEX'S KIJTL8E8 Latest improved Ladies' Side and Stride Saddles, Bits, Spurs, Angora Chaps, Quirts and Ilacka mores. Write for prices. Pm.NKVii.i.E, : : Onrwox. POINDEXTER- Shaving Parlors TICE ADKINH, Proprietor Bhavlnp; Haircuttrncr Bhampoolnc BathB A fine bathroom devoted especially to tlm am of iudica. Evurything up-to-date J$t C Palmtr, 9alary Fv, All buainei promptly and carefully atti-ndrd to, Collection aapeoialty. PKINEV1I.LK, OUE3N and strictly I Deputy Stock Inspectors. Notice it hereby given that I lmv iippnintod the following iiamrd J. P. Oartwriifht, Q. Springer, nntninK or Coach and Carriage Jfcoraea Young stallions and mares, also a few young teams for sale. Haystack Blood Stock Ranch. Haystack, Oregon. Ham Hamil'.uu, E. Kpai-kt, A. Morrow, F. M. Smith, Koacoe Knox, T. C. Swain, J. 8. Hoitae, Alex Mclntonh, J. I. VwiHnnlMi, Joe Hinkle. Stock Impector Crook County Hay Crnek. Aahwood, 8ilr. IlHyetack, PuuIiii:i. I'mf. Bear Criwk. HmUiifl. Itanlin Hy tiwk., Notice. Notice is hereby given fiat my wife, MiMHom-i A. Barnard, ImviiiK left my bed find board aguint my will und eoneent, I will not be responsible f.-r any bills or expends she may hero after contract or incur. J. V. Baknaud. SubscriSie for the Joch.val. Subscribe for Journal