4. orm"ti JICll 0M pi. rewS cue uii mil ive "l.i CHIIj er. iuf acH (I. c. luc oil nth 1A .' V.iraiA'";vi i.aius.tieiaiaMiaauAie.t Additional Locals, i 4rtlaiiiK Aurnof, ill and W) ;MtirolinU K thaua". Han KruiicUcft, California, where con tract fur ailverlWng oan be made for It. Now Kuli on Taxation. The following Is a synopsis of tho nw ri'guliitlng tax collections hero- aft, which wus punned by tho last Jugislitture: J Taxes wliich are paid on or be lore the 15lh day of March next i ...i:.... ,.i i., ;n i.. A :riR:i"t'VWlll$ mi' unvo ui ivtj nut iv lillowed a rulmto of throe per cent. I Tuxes paid between the 15th of S March und tho first Monday of Upril, dittos incluHive, will not be I N.ll.tWKl nnv ml, fill flfiitlwr tvill V ft hero be any penalty or interest jadiled, i I Tuxes leotno delinquent after f tho first Monday in April, and '(y there will be added immediately thereto a penalty of ten per cent, and also intcrcHt at the rate of twelve per cent per annum in ad dition to the jh nalty. If one-hull of the taxes are paid on or before tho first Monday in April then the remainder may be deferred up to the firHt Monday in October; but if then not paid they tiliitll Imh-omo delinquent and Biib-jiu-t to a penalty of ten per cent, and intercut at the rate of twelve per cent per annum from the first Monday of the preceding April. On all eraonal property taxes the law compels the Hheriff to make levy, and collect the tame after April the fir ct unless one-half of the name slinll have been paid on or before the first Monday in April. The law compel the sheriff to Hell all lunds on which taxes have not been paid, and provide that tax tab bo made not later than March firHt of the year succeeding that in which the levy (lull have been made. Property will lo sold to the per son bidding the lowest rata of in terest, and certificates will be is sued therefor, uud deeds given to the property three years after such null?, unless tho property shall have been sooner redeemed. Bays lie Was Tortured. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly vvitlk," writes H. Robin son, Hillsborough, Ills., ''but liucklmi'i Arnica Salve erinpletoly cured them." Acts liko niuKie on sprain, bruise, cuts, sorcu, sci'lds, burnt, boils, uleers. 1'erlect healer of akin disease and piles. Cure guaranteed by Adunisoti 4 Winnek Co., 25o. Fakm koh Sauk. 110 acres in the famous clover and alfalfa belt on Squaw creek; 25 acres under cultivation; interest in the Squaw Creek Ditch with land. Prices anh terms reasonable. Inquire of or address, A C Palmer, Prineville, Or. Why pay freight on plain pino wood wlisu you can buy the tame at home? A H Lippniun manutauturvshis furni- Jture and gives you the benefit of the freight charges. During December he will have on hand oror 100 styles of rocking chain. Htep in and look over c Itlie stock of furniture. For Hale. Valuable 'property, including one . Ifsrm, two houses and lots in town and ton interest in the fnneville Flouring Milk For piirticulnrs, enquire of ID. F. Btewart, Prineville, Oregon Settle Up. All persons knowing themselves in dehted to the firm of btewart i. Co. will please cull and settle as we do not intend doing any credit biifiuess. PTKWART & CO. Give us an offer on our bargain counter. We huvo them from our Md and end stock and will let the in tea at below cost- N. A. Tye 4 Bros. Plenty of Wintor Underwenr. Hmie- ty for liig Men, Little Men, lii Udiet, nd Little Ledies, Buys ana viirlt. and ( tliOont (orgMt the little Tuts at hums. , i .bus Uee line, j f Lout Art Ke.IfUoa.ared I YVilliiim A fiiimnuv f Willinm- port, Penn., claims to have re-discovered the lost art of hardening copper, and tests are now being made on hardened copper plate manufactured by him, by officials of tho war department. Krig-Jor-genson rifles will he used on plate one-fourth of an inch in thickness. If those tempered copper-plates stand the government tents, another large field will be opened for the utilization of the product of the copper mines. There is no doubt about Mr. Gucrnsy having temper ed copper chisels to a hardness which cannot bo attained with steel. If ho succeeds in obtaining the same result with copper plates, I he will revolutionize the conditions of the steel and copper industries. Exchange. Bee lice Hive for silk mufflers and neckties. Auk fur priest on barbed wire at 0, L haloiuane, . Crepe paper 10 cents a toll at N. A Tye & Bro. School supplies, tablets, pencils, pens, ink, stationary of til kinds st N. A. Tye & I!ro. A new invoice of ladies and gents fine fnutwt-ar end neckwear at N. A. Tys & Druthers, Adanisun-Winnuk Co., have reduced the prise uf Furniture fully one lislf in Prineville. Adamaun Winnek Co,, hive the larg eel tnd must complete line uf Furniture e'er ehutrn in 1'rincville. See Doe Hive for Christmas hsnd kerchiefs, a boundless variety of tbem, any price from 5c apiece upwards. Adamson-Wiunek Go. have the Unt flixir spue uf suy bueineM buuse in Prtueville sud Its full of new (nods. Frank Klkins & Co. hare received a Urge shipment of Eldorado machine oil i iu gallon cans, whioh tliey are eolliiiK el reesoniible prices. WORTHY 8UOOE3SOR, "Somethlns New Under the Bun." All d.iclnn have tried to cure Catarrh by lite ute of pottdnra, acid Kueee, ililial era and dnigt in pwile form Their k den dry up I lie mucuuue membrane ann um (hem to cimuk open ami lileed. The powerful eeidi uaed ill the inhalers hnve mitiri'ly eaten auy the amue niairbrH.n-s that thtiir inukere luve imed to eure, while pwina and oiiiiuiunu eaiunit leech the Aivhm. An old and experienci'd ractitiuner who hus for many yrnn inmle a clow study and epucialty of CATARRH ha at but piofwted a trcminent alncli rliru f hi t It fill I v used, nut oulv lelinvni t mice, but pcruixneuily curet CATARRH by niiiiuviiiK the cause, atiu)mii: the die olitri;es and citron all inrlainiiialinn. It ie the "lily reinrily that actually reaohea the atllicted irls. This wnnderfid remedy is known aa "SNUFKLKS. theOL'AR. ANTI.KD CATARRH Cl'KE." and is; wild Ht the pxi runtuly Inw price uf one ' dullar, eaclv paclonre umi'iiiiiiiiK internal j and eiUirual .oedicine sufficient f..(' a full niniith's treatment, and evcrylhini; necus! aery In its rlict use. I "SXrFKLFK" is the only porfct CA-; TAlllttiCUKG ever made inti is ni reci)(iiiieed at the only aa'c and (Kwi'ire' cure fur thiitiuinnyiiMr and ilisunntini; di- auaae. llcuris all liittarimaliou iiuckly and permanently and i also nuiiderfiilly quiok t relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION "hNl'FFLKS" will save ynu if ynu use it at mice, It is o ordinary remedy, but a complete trrat tmut which ia guaranteed to cure CA TARRH in any form or stage if used nc oording to the directions which accori pany every packaie. Don't delay but end for it at nnoe and write full particu lar! as to your condition, and yuu'mill receive special advice frem the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your oaae without cost, to ynu beyond the reg nlr rnce of "SNUFFLES." the GUAR ANTEED CATARRH CURE. Hunt prepaid to anv address in the United States or Canada on receipt of one dollar. Address Dept. E 485 ED WIN R. OILES & COMPANY,; 2330 and 2332 Market St. Philadelphia Edlion, Bell, Howe, 81nger, MoCormlck, and other millionaire Inventors began lit Fortents await k'J mnvr invtniors. AZli Can ou dsvUe lm f provmcnts en articles f In eonimoa ase While you dtlsjr, sthrs f nay patent y oar IScss. We nnrantee aeainst kiss fi-es nutd us lor si'rviws. ' Ftm mmlurmtc sm) parable hr r Instalments. "liifNtAr'i :1 Stslitaiit " sent fn-e on n-uuest. IF if PI H f. B .1 IS f f II If ( BV 1 a t tf J ' burr ol uUswuk"M B Sale of Millinery In order to reduce my stock , before moving I wili sell all millinery at reduced prices. . A line of fine corscts kfill be closed out at eont in order to mako room for late arrivals in other lines. Will not be undersold on all lines of wraps. Ladies' and children's un derwear and hosiery. In fact all kinds of ladies' and child , ren's wear. flRS. SUSIE SLAYTON, Everything New and fp-To-Date GETZ BROTHERS CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS riana and Specifica tions Drawn. All kinds of wood work, 8hup Ht Hiirbin'e PUning M1 fRINEVIlotoE, OREGON 1 STOPS PAIN AUieas, Tsbs, Jaa. It, H01. i she Srat auesarmnee of mr Vf ust Uer tn vary Irregular and sullen) with fH uua In aiy kips, back, atoma-k and Ufa, wlUl ttrrlbui trarujf down pales ia tae aMoraen. buriog tSe past month I hsvs bm laklni Win of Cardul and Tbllord's Hlack-Dranirht, and I pasted tbatnoath tr period wiUHHit pain lor Ih. hrt time ia years. Kuini bans. l Whit Is life worth Is a wemsn sutler B Ing like Nannie Davis lufleretf? Yet Ihers srs womsa la thousands ol homes to-day whs srs bearing thois tirrlbls menstrual pains In silence. It you ait one of these we want to say that this SSSIS will bring you ptrsisnsnt relief. Cos- ' Sols yourself wlih the knowledge that 1,000,000 women have been ocmpletely cured by Wins of Cirdul. These won. en suffered from loocorrhoes, Irregular menses, hsadsche, bsckschs, and bearing down pslnt. Wins of Csrduf will slop sll these aches and sains for you. PurdTmts s $1.00 bottle of Wins of Cardul to-day and take It in Uis privacy ol your home. IVradrlfM!litnuv.aldr,a1i1rt7tTmp tnliia, "1'iS lj,dli' AtlviN(ry ll.,riwnt,M I lIUUAJMHiU, XaOWtUe I.U, l-lam If you uflr from prv cf tht ( ill of im, oofTM to tha cltlet ' eSpsXijdut OA list pKil W Cout. I DR. lORDAM k CO., i 1051 faUrkttU. tul'd I86X. 9 Vonuir lUMt Mul ml la c a WSJ sia:M mi ll wnu ail uiisii4i " from dku u youthful indiscretion or c c in mjHnrr ymr Nervoui ami 1 nyticul t,DIl7,lHINEtll(71,tt) nBitlMMI in Alhucoinpti'-tiiow MTUifrrhtii, froalnlnrtkn'ii. JuiTrrliriv, Ulrel, ParMfncr f rriHisj(lii, fts. h o couibinaiiua of raitwdtt, of tvul auit puw r, irva l "oci. m Hi rrai)i'd hi irtnimrtu 1 A llut it will tv -t oul air.ird tmi'netlUu relief bH t T ttcrraarwrtt r-iir Tlu. IWm. .I... ri.,. in perform mintcloi, Sut i wuli-known to be a u!r i and tqiiare Piiynaw and btirjeiJ., petnmwn; ' Krathlllai tlmronthly r'nutirnrUllOtt) th KVKHY M A (( tifplyliiK to us will I Ct'tvootir Aot:r.ii oi.fnUmnf ).-itNimnt.:lf. We will liwraniff a 1-OSiVI V CVfiXIn 9 ThounuiA l)tr.t a KAownnnm vim: anti ftr;ciT pnvata. , 9 CHAJMES Vfaii' ZCaHONAL-U. Irv.a- A lOftnt perfll'v or bv kttir. Send f-r lxv.lt, i V "The Mia.orophy of Jtarrl4j:e,M VIMT JtCVtIAKA Great Miinoum of Awutomy i the finoit and brif-Kt Miucumof it riiftj in tha vuiio, C-mt fti'.a Kim hn-Kunilcrlttlly yttu k iu-a nai hot io avoid MttiiKi aim aneava. 9 nr ct nr:,;i:ifl ailtlint' nrw !mci.iieu, j I'ST'JIJUJI.l ft. IT ISillllSU'lS OBI MarkntStrMl.KaiiFrar'cisco, ?L Fur fine xuarautet.d jewelry so to i. A. Tyn,tl!ni. Ould ring free to all babies nuder una yeitr old. a a Prineville-Burns Stage Line AMOS BARBER, Prep'r. HUge leaves Prinevilje , Mondays and Thursda)', returning on Wednesdays and Haturdays. Connects at Paulina with Canyon City stage. Passengers and cjcprecs carried at reasonable rates. Office at Tcmpleton & Hon's drug store THE DALLES BOAT fitr. "TAEOMA" Time Can nctwccii Portland, The Dallen and Way TofutH, Iieave Purlland, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a m. Arrive at The Dulles, name days at 5 1, m. Lent" The D tiles, Sundays, Wednea-J-iya end Fridays at 7 a. m. Arrive at Portland, same days at 4 p. m. Mi ala I he Very Hem 1-STIiii It 'ill has the tirandest Scenic At tractinni un Karth. portlands stoeia eoute Steamer ''BAILEY GATZERT" Daily Round Tri Kxcept Sunday Time Canl Leave Portland 7 a. m. Irava AsUiria. 7 p. m. landing: Foot of AlHer Street, sore phohss siain tsi John Xf. Filloon, Kt.,,The Dalles A. J. Taylor, Apt., Astoria J. C. Wvatt, Apt., Vancouver. Prntlier I'ames Agt. Hood River Wolfonl Wvers, Agt.,V. Salmon K. W. Crit liton, Agt., Portland BUY THE k l SEWING MACHINE Do not bo ditrlvifl by those who ad vcrtiie a '.',10 Huv.-iiijr llnobiiie for fJO.OO. TliU kiv.ii ot iiiuichiue cau b IhimlKC. from mnrnuv of our denlus friuiiWu.&Uo ili.00. VIZ MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW KOICE 13 THE BEST. Tho Fotd di'tnnliitt! t'10 strength 01 weukmijs of K'wlns M.n-hln. Tin Joultle Vvvd eoiiiMnul M ith othei ctrons ni;! Titiktfs t'.ts Xcir Iloiae tlio Isst i. wliig ivIiu Uliiu to buy. THE m i;0:JE SE'.VINK IlifHINE (0. oasNlc, Hsee. SS Unlnn Hq. X. V., ltil..-iHO,Ill, Atianta, On, tit. laiuUgMo., D'.'.'as,1'n.,.H(iU KruucUoo, Oa,1 roa sals it New Home Sowing Machine Oo Ban Franoisoo, Oal. 1 A FREE PATTERN (tour own wlactloa) to tory aua- IS CALL'S MAGAZIKE A IADKS' MAOAZIJiC. A frm; bentitilul colJ platr; hiei fashtMii; i r,aniak lilt; tcosi'mnw ; trf ork ; tvwsehold i.mts, lictt.n, rtc. St.b tcrih ift te. r, rn4 w lot t,-.ir ciiy Lady afrnu w.miH &nid tut term). StyliOi, Kfliahlc, Slmplr, Vp-tn. dira, Et:munnt;'l and Absolutely Perfact-Ftuiuff Faer Puttrua MS av BAZAfi 3s a si iral 1, amawamdiiiiaiaii Mini nn imp All trams rUhwi mi Pfrt(iM1fJtt stew (he BatliKj u4 Scwfflfr tfees. Only io and 15 ttnts achtni't hiafber Aa't for tham. Sa.ld in ucat,y every city and 'ftwn, or by nihil Iltiiti THE MoC ALL CO.. 113-115-117 Sell 31(1 St. S.'W YORK. Don't forgot that you can eave 5() I cents on your winter read. uk by euli- scribing for the Oregonim. with the Jouhsal for if 2.00. j 1 lliJVTlilV IJIVIO Stage Line JCILN ELDER, Proprietor. Stages leave Prineville for Sisters and way points on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Passengers car ried at reasonable rates .... Office at Templeton & Son's 5 orug store, rrinevine, ure. am Umon Pacific I J Dxran Tle SCHEDULES ., PerllaaS, Or. AMIT1 Chlcato Salt Uke, Denver, 4; IS p. as. Porliana Ft. orth,Onialia, Special Kansas Cltr, Si. 1:00 a. m. Louis,Ctilcagoand via Hull- East. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, l:sa. Kipraas rt. Worlh.Omaba, SM p. at. Kamaa City, St. . Tla Haul- Louis,CSUaiaad tniloa fast. SLPsal Walla Walla lewis- 7:0 a. av Fast Mail ton.Spcsane.Mln :v0 n. sb m-spoln, St. Paul, T! Dullilli, MlUao- potane kee.CSicagoSiSast OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FEOIS POBTLAKD. p.av All tsillnf Sates i.0Sp. av subject to ffhaofe Per San Pranelsee Ball ever S dara, Daflr Cetetsela Rher 4-OOp.as. Bx. Bumla; SMaawrs. Bx. Sundae a:GCD.n. 8aturdar Te Astoria and War Vim p. a. Landings. S:eoa.m WHhuwtte Btiet. :Mp.m. la. Sundar (a. Sunder Oregon Cltr, New. berg, Salem, Iude peudenoa Wag Ijtndlnga. 7:00 am. Wliisantta and Yaai- :S0p.m. Toss., Thur. S1U Sliere. Men., Wed. and Sat. M4 Pii. Oregon City, Dar ton.4 War Laad lnga, S:SSa.sB. WIIIssmMs liter. l:Ki.n. Ines. Jbar M0a., Wed. aad Sat. Portland te Corral- and f ri. lis . Wap Land ings. Lt. RI parte Saaks Slow. Lv.UwIstea IJs.ai. Ddi, Dallp tlparla te Uwlaton I a. m. W I. Lawrence, Agent, Biggs, Oregon. Oolumbla. Soutliera Mective 12:01 A. II. September 9, 190V. (oath bound South Bound Vorth I North Boaud , fiuand Dally freight Pally Pasa. Da'tv Paaa' ally Pruigut Arrive Arrive Leave Lear t:K SOU :SU S:4S S:Si ;U8 S:U IJJ t.X m Blgcs !jl m Oibiwns J1KHI 1:M p. 1:.'b, a.m S:l S:IJ J:: 2: i:.ji J:U IM f.iil l:iu p. p.m P at P-ss p.m p.m1 pie pss pas a.nv a.m a.m. am a m a.m. a.ui. l:llp. W.ion 10:45 j.i, p. i:.p nKlo'dykelU:0 ur Summit 'lilvJS ui Hv 0 J,-!0:14 : p. Ul HcDn'ldslO:!'.' ..:ihi ,. J:l,l p 3:!9p. uu lieUox VI:DU m. Mnro ! S::"S m,Erkkitivir:M' kJ:40"l m O S V :t i ;! i S: i .! I S'l i in l:0Cp.i s:vn p. 4.. p. inn m Boiirtwn in, iluilirie ml vv.itcox in'-hsnlke IO. H. MOIII.KR, O. 1. n.VRKIS, .Seperlm- u'lent