8 Xocal Ttfention. J C. E. McDowell hat gone to Port land on a brief builnoB trip. J, W. Merrill m down from hit ! ranch near Fife hut Saturday. Meny Christmas and h happy New Year. v A. G. Mlingham and T. B. Pavi were visitors from Sisters last week, W. F. King returned last week from a business trip to northern California. L. D. Clypol W'ia down from hie tarm in Paulina valley one day hist week. W. P. Vandervert and son and Guy reae were in from Lava one day last week. J.I. West and Milton Young were lmmness vUitors from Bend last Sat urday. Elum Faught and wife were in from Bear creek and took in tin Christmas festivities. Lark Elliott wae down from the ranch at llorselieaveu for th Christ mas tide festivities. G. V. Glenn was down from his farm near Tost last Friday looking after business matters. Vince Circle was down from hie farm on Volt creek laxtweek and paid this office a pleasant call. Dan Haggcrty, of Mitchell, was in the county seat attending to business matters one day last week. C. T. Boynton and wife, ol Price, were in town the first of the week and pent Christmas with friends. P. A. Helms came over from Prine ville the first of the week. His daughter Pearl accompanied him. Mitchell News. G. E. Smith wan down from Upper Crooked river with nine Wildcat and five coyote scalps Tuesday, receiving a warrant for $28. Dr. Y. W. Oglesby, of Junction City, was a passenger on the incoming stage Tuesday morning. He is look ing after some professional business. County Clerk Smith issued warrants Tuesday for 20 coyote and 13 wildcat scalps, amounting to $66. This will be used for Christmas joys and all spent with our business houses. At the sheriffs sale of the real es tate in the escheat proceedings of the Eliaa Davis estate last Saturday, the property was bought in by Dick and Boyd Adams, of Combs' Fiat, for $2000. j T V XfA11iatn. Kifl lit, (mm tiifl faim at Culver Tuesday and presented eitht coyote scalps to the county clerk for indentification. They were marked plaintiffs exhibit A and a warrant is sued for the same. Lee Miller and Di. C. E. Frye came over from Izee last Thursday and went on below to look after business mut ters. The doctor seemed well pleased with the town and spoke favorably of j caj local ing here m the near future. Benjamin Shepherd was down from his ranch on Swamp cieek the first of the wepk and reports the best grass in that section of the county that there hue been for years. Stock of all kindi looks well and will winter in tine con dition. Mr. Shepherd's home ' near the head of Crooked river. Dan and Pat Hastings were in from Hay creek the firet of the week with aj There will be special services at the Christian Endeavor noxt Sunday eve ning. K. A. Stewart, the sheepman of Up per Beaver creek, was a business visitor iu the city last week. J.L. Smith was down from his ranch near Post the tint of the week look ing after business mutters. A. W. Boyce, one of the leading ag riculturists of the Haystack country, was in the city last Friday. Perry Bead, the genial proprietor ot Hotel Read, at Culver, was a business vititor in the city the firet of the week. Henry Beck, one ot the loading farmers of Post district, was a busi ness visitor, at the oounty scat latt week. E. G. Hodson was over to his mnoh in the Haystack .country one tiny last week attending to matters pertaining thereto. "Bake" Knox, John Gillonwator, J. M. Wold and Geo. Gibson and wife were down from Post and took in the K. P. ball. , ' Elmer Clark and wife were down from Upper Crooked rivar spending Christmas with relatives and taking in the K. P ball. Bev. M. Branibkt will preach at the Weaver school house, IS miles down Crooked river, next Sunday, Doc. 2'J, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. All are In vited., Last Friday night the Artisan lodge of Culver gave an entertainment for the benefit of the lodge funds and re tlized about $10. The performance was very creditable. J. H. Homey was in from Haystack last Saturday looking after matters pertaitiing to the creatien of a new school district in that neighborhood, which is badly needtd. Frank Glass and Ovid Riley, of Bend, were business visitors in town last week and paid thin ottice a pleas ant Cull, leaving their measures for the JuUknal for another year, B. M. Morris came iu (ruin his farm at Culver Monday with a load of tine fat turkeys, some of which weighed as high as 29 pounds. Turkeys have found ready sale here this fall, If every person riding or driving faster than a walk across the Ocliucu bridge were fined $5, there would soon be money enough iu the treasury to improve the town very materially. Ed Parkar was down from his ranch near Price Monday and reports things progressing nicely in that vicinity. He has three thoroughbsed jackasses for sale. Any one in need of such ar- tides will do well to give Mr. Parker a MAltKlKO. LEHKMAN DILLON At the resi dence ' the officiating clergyman, Sunday, December 22, 11)01, Peter Lehritmn, of Ashwood, and Mb Frankie Dillon, of this city, weie united in tho Holy bonds of matri mony, by Bev. H. F. Harper. The wedding was a very quiet affair, load of fine turkeys which met with a , only a few invitwl guests being pru ready sale. Mr. Hastings complains j ent. The bride was attired in a lich that some person or persons unknown ; old rose costume and the groom in the nre in the habit of cutting his fences I conventional manner. In the evening Whenever he is away from home. This j they were cerenadctl by their friends, is an outrage that is entirely too com-1 Mr. Lehrinao is a prosperous black mon in some portions of the country,! smith and has fitted up a nice little Tbs Christinas tree at the Uni..n' home for his bride. The Joukmal church was a very nice one and full of unites with their numerous friends in wishing them a long life of unalloyed bliss, FRUM TEMPLET0S At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Arthurs, in Brownsville, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1901, Mr. Geo.Frum and Miss Callie Templetou, Bev. J. E. Snyder, offi ciating. Mr. and Mrs. Frum are native Ore goniaus, attaining to manhood and of the week and reports stock looking; womanhood in Linn county. They well in that section of the county, have many friends who wish them Mr. Lsf'illett is one. of the fnteiutwt ' happiness. Lelwnon Criterion, citizens in the county in the line of J The groom is a nephew of Mrs. H. progressive education and expressed ! J. Henly, of Haystack, and the bride himself as Mug well satisfied with the is the sister of Arthur Templetou and taud taken by the Journal in regsrd a cousin ol John Templetou, of this to establishing a high school in this city. The young people have a nuni jOounty. I bei of other relatives iu this county. presents. A pleasing program was rendered, after which Santa Claus made his appearance and distributed the presents for the little folks. The Artisans alo had a tree for themselves and families and frieuds. It was well filled with presents and all seemed to enjoy the festal occasion. T. H. Lafollett was down from his atouk farmnn McKay creek the first WURZTVEILER 8 THOMSON. nsr7"BnsrTOE"Z" sale. Tho time for taking inventory is soon at hand, and wo must reduce our Htoek. In order to do so we will offer a discount of twenty-live por cent on tho following lines: i All of our Wool Dress Goods, twenty-five per cent off. All of our Ladies Jackets, twenty-five per cent off. 1 All of our Ladles Dress Skirts, twenty-five per cent off. All of our Mdns' Clothing, twenty-five per cent off. , All of our Mens' Overcoats, twenty-five per cent off. All of our Silks and Satins, twenty-five per cent off. It don't matter how low the goods were, they are twenty five per cent lower during this sale. I3Sr"V"BUTOE SALE, WURZWEILER 8 THOMSON ELKINS & ZKIZSTCr armors We Would Like To talk with you about Plows and Harrows . . . Yon May be Surprised If you have never looked through our immense stock, to know that we buy Plows and Harrows in car load lots. We will lie plnd to quote you pricra on anything in the iiiiplcnicnt linn. Wc carry the Genuine Oliver Plow, Ui'th the "Chilled" und "Steel" in both Walking, Sulkiin, and Gauge We have all the Repaint for the Oliver Plow, and quite a etock ol Kepuira for other maki OUR PRICES , Are as low a is constant with legitimate buHinexM Out fitters We Carry in Stock. Oliver Chilled Walking plow Oliver Steel Walking plows The James Olivet Sulky plow Either Cast or Steel Ifottoia The New Department Gang Plow . with either No. 20 Or No. -10, (.'net Hottom, and in 12 and 14 inch ( Httt'l Uottinn with third Bottom Attached , We have in Harrows Tho Ltian Steel The lx.Tin Peg The Deere Wood Lever Tooth Harrow Harrow Framed Harrow In the Disc Harrows ' We have the Deere ind Oahorne IfMUMHWirtui Wheels nil ready, With Tire on, that will make your old Hack an good aB new for a low PrjcoA J. V. Wimer wns a bnsincxn visitor from Punt the first ol the week. Taylor Hill came over from West Branch the first of the week to tpeiiii Christmas at home. B. F. Zell cuiiio 'in from Bend the first of the week and will remain in ton n (or the winter. Robert Btoner came down from Pau lina Bundiy and enjoyed the Christian Endeavor servicet in the evening. The Artisan lodge at Culver Ini 'a ed five new members lust Saturday night. They now have a membership of 45. The weather the past few day would f rm a mighty fine contrast to that of the eastern part of our nation, where people are freezing to death. Beauti ful moonlit nights and Hmy spring breezes blowing softly from the pine clad hill", would just about express the stale of the case. The editor wst the recipient Mon day of a box of mistletoe from the wooded hill of Denton county, the gift ol Miss Glady Moore, for which she hat our most sincere thanks. The little sprigs, with their wealth of ber ries, bring back to our mind the days of our youth when we clambered among the mossy branches of the stunly oaks on the westeru slope of Bainy Bidge. jfdamson dWinnck Co. Nothing succeeds like Success la an old saying, and is abundantly proven by our constantly increasing business. W siin to has in ear Drag Slock everything needed for the tick room. 6ur prescriptions are carefully com pounded from the best, freshest drugs and chemicals, in the most aauitary manner, and at at low a Price at it consittant with good business priuciplas, There are several sf i f To in business, 'bift only ens right wry, We do not ana to nuke our profits from one customer, but by selling to our customers often. ', When you i are near our store, Hop in and x- ' amine our new stock iJ Furniture, Csrpett, Mtin5i, Curtains, Wall ' Paper, Books, Stationery, Musical Instruments, Brushes. Combs, ' Books and Camra Huppllet, all t Reasonable Prices jtdamson dc Winnak Co