Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 26, 1901, Image 5

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To make room for my own manufactured, goods, I will sell during the month of
DECEMBER at astonishingly low prices all Furniture and kindred goods on hand.
I Have the Largest, Cleanest and Most
Complete Stock to Select From.
Mnety per rent of my Goods now on hand was made East, of quarter Hawed Oak and polished In the beautiful shade of
Uolden. .iioods from the World Known I'urtorlcH Mich us kelson Mutter, Ileywood tfros., Ketckum, Kothchiid, and others,
ure Included In ahove wile. All good marked in plain figures. ' . '
I b!bo carry a line of Stoves, Ranges, and Healers, which I also am selling very reasonably. Also all kinds of House Furnishings.
.pr!nmjj!1H1M rwW'9Vr yuAv't'-'w "aBg'-'ffiBM
ftvvmmmtm "wmi '.tjM .
' ' t In Mi'inorUiir ,
Whereas, in view of the loss we
have sustained by the decease of j
our fr-nd and.scluohnate, Hertlia j
Wright, and of the still heavier
loss sustained by those who were
nearest and dearest to hor. There
fore le it:
Resolved, That we tenderly con
dole with the family, mid that it in
hut a just tribu'e to the memcry
of the departed to say that in re-
, gretting hr reniovul from our
midst we mourn for her who was
Jin every way worthy of our reelect
and regard.
Resolved. That wo deeply sym
pathize with the parent of the de
ceased on the dispensation with
which it hurt pleased Divine Tr v
deiicc to adlu t them and commend
them for cmcolation to II m who
orders all things for the best and
wl osc chasiisemcnis are meant in
nieri y.
Resolved, That we share with
thein the hope of a reunion in that
better world where there arc no
partings, and bliss ineffable forbids
a tear, and that this heartfelt testi
monials of onr sympathy and sor
row be forwarded to the parents of
our departed friend, and a copy to
each of the local papers of i'nne
ville. Mai'de Doiiiw,
Jhknk Bahnes,
Iva l oo h.
Warm Spring Warbllngs.
Krom our ivirular ctrri.ip'mlMt.
Beautiful weather yet prevails
here but a little chilly of mornings.
Warren McCorklo lost two $20
gold pieces here on Thanksgiving
day and the Indian couctcould not
etablish the guilt of any one, but
some merchant may get a clew.
The Shakers, a kind of so-called
Indian religion, is having big
revival here now and many con
verts. The churc h and school are each to
have a Christmas tree on Christmas
eve, and the school mixes their's
with an entertainment.
Wonder where ye county court
intends for us Indians to vote, as
we are In the county but no pre
cinct, and we will be many, too.
Our blacksmith received a long
petition the other day asking for
his appointment .'8 Umatilla In
dian agent. The signers were from
a to izzard.
Some menpf irrigation fame are
now mourning over money ad
vanced to Ii.dians for gloves that
never came, so others may soon
start out soliciting funds.
The best part of all the Agency
Plains has been located by .home
steaders, and even some sheep
camps have been built on unsur-
veyed land expecting to hold then
as ot oiu.
Dec. 15, 1901.
The Tailor.
It 1 V?:
Christmas and New Years.
Our stock of Holiday goods was never better,
Never more complete.
Do not Delay, Come today, See our Display.
Choose a present for your wife or sweetheart,
e tunc iiicui m tmueas xmcij.
Fine Porcelain Ware of all kinds. Our lines
are up-to-date in every particular and our
prices are the lowest known. Call and be
Shoes. Shoes.
We have a complete line of Men's, Women's,
and Children's Shoes, which we are selling at
very low prices.
N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs.
Reliable Merchants.'
Kieelve the Cold Shoulder.
Millionaire Shipbuilder Scott and
wife, of San Francisco, are at
Washington, l). C, but are receiv
ing a cool reception from all ofli-
cials and fashionable society. ', The
President and' Mrs. McKinley were
entertained at Scott's home lastj
spring, and after their departure a
bill of 13,000 was submitted to the
San Francisco entertainment com
mittee by Scott, which was paid.
This is said to be the reason foi the
TICE ADKISH, Proprietor
' A (in bathroom devoted weecially to
tl) UM of ladle.
Evorvihine un-to-data mil itriclly
reception given them whilo there, ont-cisa.
Q. Springer,
Coach and
Carriage Jforaca
Young stallions and marcs,
also a few young teams; for
sale. ' "
; Bajstack Blood Stock Ranch.
Haystack, Oregon.