Crook County Journal. KOULR 4 I'AliKKR, I'i buhhkk 4NU 1'iwriurroHii. V. T. Kouus. r'lltTOH AV. H. 1'ASKkR, , Manmik OorsTV Okficul 1'ariiR. ihe JovusAt ia entered t U' loffio In INiihiiU?. .Jrei?., fortrsnittuii.i'ioii through the . 8. L-tik second claee mutter. siBcr.H'Tiox hates. IN AKVANt'F v s YeiR.. ... Hix Months Thkkx Months THVKSDAY, MC. 2t', 1001. J. N. Williamson, of Crook coun ty, is liavinj a picnic of a time be ing mentioned for different state otiices. He would make a pood su Ierintem1ei)t of the coyote scalp department, which is about all he will ever' get. Albany Democrat. Don't worry, Brother Nutting, Jlr. Williamson isn't after vour Feulp, besides it is not likely that lie will ever need vour vote. Wil liamson is all right and will get whatever he goes after. Console yourself with the thought that you have about the same effect on him that a flea would on an elephant. . i - The Washington Post says: "Pi nion of Oregon is beginning to look like a senator. He has a new suit of clothes, and he is spruced up until he looks more like a plate of fashion from the effete East than a Western statesman." Simon may look to the Post ''like" a sen ator; but here in Oregon he has the appearance of 30c rather than a Western statesman. Salem Sentinel. President Roosevelt says in the case of Cuba reciprocity is impera tively demanded by "weighty reas ons of morality and national in terest." Sugar stands in the way, but Harrison and McKinley gave ns free sugar and the duty was re Btorcd by the Dinglcy bill only to make good a deficiency created by a democratic administration. Now comeg the time for all who would be candidates to hie them selves to their friends and make a personal consignment of themselves for the good of the cause. Gentle men, you can place 'yourselves through the columns of the Jour nal at so much a place. Don't all speak at once. W, T. Fogle, editor of the Crook County Journal, has taken in a partner in the person of W. H. Parker, of Albany. The Journal is one of the best interior papers in Oregon, and it ia run in the best interests of Crook county. Lake view Examiner Sampson's Fatal Defect. But if the ono great opportunity of his life to win a naval victory was thus lost by no fault of his, another greater opportunity to have achieved a nobler victory was lost through his defects of chnrac' ter at the critical moment. If he had been generous enough, when he found what a splendid victory bad been won in his absence, to have heartily reciprocated the con gratulations of Schley by giving him full credit for his leading part in it and so reporting to Washing ton, the whole country would have rung with his praises and he would have received the fullest credit for his own large share in it. 1'ut in a spirit of narrow and selfish jeal ousy he ignored the leading and distinguished part Schlcv had' taken in the battle, and in his olfi cial telegram to Washington report ing the ''victory won by the fleet under my command" did not even mention the name of Schley, al though Schlcv and not Sampson, Admiral Dewey now says, was in absolute command of the licet al the time. While the other mem bers of the court are silent on tliic subject they do not dispute Admi ral Dewey's statement. So that the result of the inquiry is to strip hampson even of the borrowed glory which lie had appropriated on the assumption that he was technically in command of the Heel during the battle. However dam aging the results of the inquiry may be to Schley's reputation as a vigilant, judicious and efficient na val commander, it leaves his title to the credit of the victory of San tiago undisputed and awards to $ampon nothing but tho hitler memory of a great opportunity lost to show that he was great enough to be just. St. Paul Pioneer Press. IF SHE IS PLEASED J$r.n& With your new fall suit, then you &vv L f ' Of. 'V'lvfIL have good reason to bo satisfied. H & "A & J fofc H Few men are brave enough to HfT Y ' S j. . V , V , Vf l ' , , , that they do not think of fcJL'. -AvC W ?YV " VI h, iT r , '.m . r i claim 1 HCIt when it comes to selecting a suit or overcoat. We feel safe ill Having if our heavy weight suits and overcoats do not please the most fastidious Wife or "llest (iirl," nothing will. Wo know a thing or two about the ladies, and we freely admit that we are thinking about them when wo buy our stock. These K. X. it, F. garments are far superior to other makes, in stylish appearance, durability and every essential of fine clothing. The man who wears ono of these garments can feel himself tasteful ly and comfortably dressed. Soils from $3 tip. ty i. M If t&l mm- yTi jr ,), Ml',', r ,J; S:V . - O aV, Ui t V, 'SIMPSON, WILSON S COMPANY Dealers in General Merchandise, PRINEVILLEp - ;;- - 0KE60N. i 'V.- Jfivc. I i Miss Stone and Queen Wilhel mina are the two mo-t prominenl women in the world today. Both gained notoriety by making fools of themselves. The former by try ing to give a people a religion they would not readily accept and the latter by marrying a good for noth ing, profligate prince who had noth ing but a title to recommend him. Miss Stojie was old enough to have known better, but on account of Wilhelmina's tender years she is to be pitied. Ex.- Vhc mgmm?. J lciFc ':','t',v''',,filvtl I no W Oo uavc wmmi : . 1 i TOTS TOTS The Show is Complete, COftlE TODAY I'ftlNEVII.I.K. OKKOO.V. J(t P. Sotknap, PiytiettiH amj iSry,on. Ollice in imt of, vV'iniioV C J'ltl.NKVIfXE, OltKliON . Si rink Jfiaraty and ConHttlor mi Xmm PIUSEVrLlE, (UtUiON. jftfrittyml-jCmm. PU1NEVILLE, OUKilON. BANK STATEMENT. :W51 - Report iif tht. Condition uf Thr. Tint Natlinial ' bmk, in J'rinerillc, in the Every Man, Woman or Child is invited. We have maile our Toy and Holiday Goods the CHRISTMAS STORE ATTRACTION. Our Toyland is a new. fresh, and up-to- 1.. : . ..r !.. v. 1 rr 'P.. il. uaic c.Miiuiiiuii ui toe ixi-icBi, itiyu, iu iii-j jmreiiis , jr Q J?uljt T? 7) clc a 111111. a iiv voiiuvtiuu in at 110 yi-ni now, x IIU prices are the lowest ever known. .Now is the time to buy Toys. Sept. SOIh, J 'Ml: HVJOUIWKS: LoanR and diitctiiinln 8 107,8'2uS tiverflrtifu, fMreiii'eil and midc'm-ed. 3 41. 24 1 V. S. Bolldit t" Hecultr ciruilLniidi. Jli.iVjO ! Preiniuuui mi 1'. S. ll"iidn I StiKika, S:uriti, no 4,K!7.0!I : huiikiii-hiiiinf, furniture mid t hxturm .ri,5j0.00 Ihvi from At..,nal TUiikh (11.1t Kwierve Aiieutit) Dill; friiln.Stiitehiiiiliii und Kiukem I'lioim Nu. 2. Httoiiltiiicu buck uf lint Pliiitil(riiih 3lli-ry. Also a splendid c!eet)on of Albums and other Novelties 1'R''EVILU:, ohkoon, ! CiiIIh u.wncd iimmutly wy iir iilrfUl ?. I fie. with l)r, V. limner. (t.J,.nw ! Hedliy Jltl. , ;i'KINP.VIUX ORKliOS State cf Oregon, at tht chte of buuneu, ! tOO HUmerOUS'tO mention. Collie Hlld 8ee them for VOUrSC'lf and be satisfied. 1 A share of your patronage solicited. , .MICHEL & RISSER. T2,S:.I.Ii!l 41.1S4.7II The ChriBtmas number of the Al bany Herald is at hand and is a handsome paper of sixteen vjaeeg. ;U'ecli8?'"1."tlie; own item" ,:ffli.45 well printed and illustrated with numerous cuts of Linn county scenery and products. Tl Herald is one of the most progressive jour nals in the stats. . ,.' " If Chinese pheasants are in Ore gon simply to be slaughtered and that seems to he their only value perhaps "sportsmen" can tranquil ize the trouble by exterminating the birds, and maybe the sooner they do it the better. Oregonian. The bucket cocial given by the pu pils of the public kIkhiI hint Fridn,v wits a decided iuecm both HliMiciudy and sociitlly. The wile of baskets net ted 167, f 15 of which will be applied 011 the debt of the VII and VIII grade yet dua on their orgnn and the re niuincier will be devoted to the use of t lie icliool. It eeui to m the Mnae of the rcbuol tluit a part, at leaat, of the rum U- used for the purchaw uf a fiuo flag for the acliool building. . , j w rirm. Mr. Elmer W. Kuyler, who baa for the past five years f'leen woikiog (or E. H. Smith, our well known saddler, lm ptirched a half inte'ewt in the liuni tiesH, wlihh ia now one of the most substHiitinl buxineKH tiotiseH in Crook coiintv. Mr Knvlcr. bv bin industry. t. H. certilicatfti fnreld deiHiNited lS.O-'O.OO 1 lL -r. 1 . i-'. l i tfl,mpti.m fund with U. S. thnft frugality, h gained an 111- Kractiiml paer curmioy, uicklen mid ceut Lawkui Mosiy KbURVK in Bank, viz Siwcie $ lli.CCO Ial-tnder nnte . . 2,000 500.00 8.70 Trean'r (ft iif circulation). Total I after lie known ae Smith k Kuyler. 2S. ! tercet in a lucmtiie and well cutabt $.y.i,SH 1 h"'ied buainesH. The firm will here' Lumi.iTiKs: Cipital ticlc paid in 850 000.00 i Surplun fund 10,UlU.W Undivided prnlitH, lens expunge and tax e paid 31,0110.11 1 National Bank nnU nutataiidin, S,2"jO,00; livid?nd unpaid Due to other .National Banks Individual depoaiu iiubjtct to chuck Demand oertiticates of dfioHit. . . . Rosland Items. the bridal 20T.,3VI.77 (44.40 Total '....M5.S14,38 STATK OF ORKOON,) : County of Crook, ; I, T. M. Bai.iiwix. Caabiir "f the ahora named bank, do xolpmly iwar that tne aljove nUUiiient in true to the Imt of inv know IwIkb and belief. T. M. BALDWIN, Caahier. Hulwrilfd and nwurn bpfora me tliU "4th ! D"J' day 01 uec. 19U1. J. .1. SMITH, County Clerk. CsHKitcT -Attest: Will W t'RIWEILEl, 1 Director. K. K. Allkn. 7. M. Bmuwk. W'e ire expecting '' party home any day. The weather has hcen very lieau tif til the last few days. There will be a dance at Mr. Ralph Caldwell's Christmas and a very enjoyable time it expected. Born To the wife of Mr. Frank Rease, on the 15th, an 8J pouud Mr. Frank ie a very proud papa. There was a dance at Mr. Reaae's the 13th in honor of Minn Kiser. She has completed a very success ful term of school in this vicinity. I She expects to return home on the j, & Paimar next stage. Mkadow Lakk. Doc. 1(1, 1901. N 7otary IPumlti All buiinew promptly anil carefully attended to. Collection anoilty. , PKINKVILLK. OUKiriN The K. P. hall was one of the events of the year. It was the largest dance ever held in Prine- ville where tickets were sold to . deputy stock iiwpecton dancers. 110 tickets were sold. 1 V"""'1'. L'..... 1.. .. ... , ., "", lively uiid vpruKH uigiuy 01 me dance and the way it was conducted. Open fur Heitlemeiii. United Ktatea Und Otfloi, bakevlew, Orenon, Decemlwr III, 11101. Notice h hereby irlven that the followinn dcrilH approved tnw nahip plate have been received at thin office, towit; T). 82 8., R, 27 K. ' Tp. 33 8., Ri. 'X. 21, 23 and 27 K.J Tp.34H Hi. 22 and 27 K. Tp. X K. 27 K-i and will he filed la tain office on the lsth day of January, 1902. ' Application for the entry n( lande in the above deacribed townnhli will be received at Una office and made uf record on. and after aid lfch day of Jauuafy, ItW. .. il. BiiaTTAlK, Register, Doputy titock IiiBpectora. Notice is liernby uivun that 1 ht. piilited the fullowiliK liumed pefatius Hay Creek. I Asliwooil. ISlitem. Ibiyitai'k. I'dulina. I'osl. Hear Creek. Holland. Hardin Uy Creek, K. Hnarks, A. M orrnw, F. M. flmith, KiMeua Knox, T. C. Swain, J. 8. Hugim, Alex Mcllltoah, E. H. Duali, Joe Hinkle. "Stock Inspector Crunk County, AdmlnlHlratora Halt! of I.aml. ' I will sell at county court bon-e, mi Saturday, Deo. 28, 1901, to the higheet bidder at either public or .private mile, the old Looniis pUco, cotmiating of 40 acres, situated 1 miles went of I'rine ville, on the Ocboeo. W. T, Carney, Administrator of lhe M. J. Martiu- 1.