Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1901)
Fire-proof building, 90x31)0 feet, in now ' rtimly to handle Murolmudiiw, Wool , n to. HAUL YOUB FREIGHT TO SKAHIKO -DEALKR8 IN- Coal, Flour, Lumber, Wood, Hay and Grain. Bpiwiul Attention given to wool trade. Kirnt-diuu biting and Killing fuuilitio. AIho itock yaron, lnt-nt plana. All '.Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. PROPRIETORS:- fFBKM'H it Co., lUnlwn, Tlio Ruling. I Mimas; IIkoh , linnki-rx, Mi ro. I W. Iibd, Th Dalle. LB. F. UvuiUH, The DI1m. A. M. KELSAY, General Manager. SCHOOL 'COLUMN; A VAVMl. lmml wooltly (or ami fcy tin V tnd VI Omiet of tlid l'uUlo Helwol., of l'rinevllls, Oregon, , An ft a Htiimm ,. Editor. Cii.b Smith, Aiat.KJitor. FRIDAY, DKCKMBKR 14, 1001 Gyrus, the Jeweler. Watches Clocks jewelry Silver ware Spectacles and Cye S lasses 'Society Smbloms Violin flows and Strinys TTJachino and icy do Oil Mandolins flanjos harmonicas, c. Largest and best assortment of icctftcl in the city. Fine repairing a specialty. Work wnt in by mail or stage driver will receive prompt attention. Bering machines denned and repaired. Main Street opposite Salomon's Store. Prineville, Oregon. City Barber Shop. Powell d Cyrus, Proprietors. JCot and Cold flatis. ns . ... ss Smith 33ros., DKALERS IN- Sencral Wferchanciise. SISTERS. OREGON'. We have just received a full line of jCadies wrappers and gloves. Wo also have a full lino of SenO omen's and jCadies' SAess. 7)ry Soodsj Srocertes, Jfardware. Sadies' and Sonts' &urnishinj Soods Call and Cxomint our Sleek Mr. Anna Estcs was a visitor laHt Friday. , We have readied the 200 mark in enrollment. Mix Jessie Brown paid our school a visit hint wek. Mr. Boegli returned and , took charge of hit) room Monday. He villi ted eight schools during bin ah ounce, Wo are now in possession of a fine Wi-bstcr's International dic tionary. This ban been needed for Homo time. Edgar Barnes wan promoted to the V grade last Tuesday. Edgar in an excellent pupil and the IV grade work proved too light for him. lie ii4 having no trouble with the V grade work. ,.' The schools (should train the boys and girls to be accurate. No knowledge is vitlnable that is not accurate. He who knows and knows what he knows, is wise. Missouri school Journal. The following program waa ren dered by the second division of the Vide Awake Society at its kit meeting: Song, school; recitation, Dolly Hodges; recitation, Agnes Elliott; select reading, Beulah Clinc; song, school,; recitation, Sichel Hinkle; recitation, William Meenk; recitation, Lulu Anderson; instrumental music, Edna Estcs; select reading, I,ora Steurns; reci tation, Elva Dobhs. recitation, No ra Doblm; song, school. The busines of the school is not and should not be to fit the youth for money-nvking pursuits. You have as much right to tai mo. di rectly for your son's boots and shoes as to tax me merely to pre pare him to earn them; ..The the ory that the chief end of school is to fit pupils for the business activ ities of life, for the art of money making, is the parent of some of the worst socialistic, anj commun istic ideas of the times. A basket social will be given at flw, Inm, flllirnl, ti V'tA,t tr Finn 1 20, by the pupils of VII and VIII ! grades. The proceeds will be used toward paying fur the school organ. The following program will Be ren dered: Solo, Mrs. C. J. Elkins: recitation, Winnie Cline; recitition, Carl Hyde; violin solo, Georgia Hodges; dialogue, Gertie Sharp, Hazel Howard and Myrtle Swear ingen; recitation, Zella Knighten; instrumental music, Miss Mary Bramblett; recitation, Roy Gray; violin solo, Gertie Hodges The object of education in the public schools is to prepare young men and women for intelligent cit izenship and for practical duties of every day life, and we may as well acknowledge that this means in a large majority of cases-plebeian life. livery Honest man must first be a bread-earner . before he can be a land-owner; he must be a good office-boy bofore ho can be a bank president; he must know how to calculate interest on a promissory note before he can successfully cut coupons from bonds; he must write good business hand a long time before he can expect to sign cash ier's checks in a bank. The Budget. Gary House Bar. Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. FIMH WIHES, . ' 'LIQVOBS, ' SUGARS MAIN STREET. PRINEVILLE, OREGON j- Foster & Lehman u "Prnrtriefrs. - -1 A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and ' Country Produce. Main st. 'Phone-31. Hamilton Stables and Redby Feed Barn Stock boarded by day, week or month. Fine saddle horses and livery turnouts. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. - j Remember us when ih Prine ville, and we guarantee that yuor patronage will be , appreciated and deserved. P. B. D0AK, Proprietor. ED N. WHITE, JOHN COMBS. White & Combs. -DEALERS IN- WINES, LIQUORS, DOMESTIC and IMPORTED.... CIGARS. COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POLVDEXTER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. RtPA'N'S tasules octorsimd A .Good- v rescriptioiL forma WANTED !-A CM el M IwltV trmt STEAK'S wOt Nol. Ihe word R I J A N S on "he p.cka,. ,nd cctpt no .uh.dtu.F. R I PA'N 8, io (or ,! SfJll J!' V'y l,"1! . I" ,,,d " iiouuii4 ttuim.Bul. W1 W io.n,,ldr!.lot i. C.HB. 10 il R.p,,,, Chemical Co., No. Spmot Kr.n, New Yori. 4 t" h