m P A km A n A. H. LIPPMAN'S 0 u. Ik i 383 1 To make room for my own manufactured goods, I will sell during the month of DECEMBER at astonishingly low prices all Furniture and kindred, goods on hand. , I Have the Largest, Cleanest and Most Complete Stock to Select From. X MnHy per font of my Goods now on hand was made East, of quarter Hawed Oak and polished in the beautiful Khade of Golden. Goods from (he World Known Factories Mich as M'lson Matter, Hey wood Itros., Ketchum, Rothchild, and others, ure Included In above sale. All goods marked In plain Us" res. I also carry a Una of Btovem, Ranges, and Heaters, which I aliio am selling very reasonably. Also all kinds of House Furnishings. .ROCKERS AND OTHER USEFUL HOLIDAY PRESENTS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. A. H. Lippman. Pi-Ice Paragraph. Fnim r tjpil oorrmpnndwit, l!ori to the wife ot E. E. Hoi 11k, a girl. S. II, Barnes in very busy gath ering bin cattle. Char leu Houston gave these part a pleasant call thin week. Mm. S. L. lioynton is visiting lricnds on Crooked river this week. Beautiful snow! here it is at last, f amp creek bus its first white shirt on this season. L. V. lice has returned from I'rineville where ho went with a hunch of cattle lor James Cram. N. B. Moses has moved to the Jaggi, where he will begin feeding the Q Cattle as soon a bud weather begins. Ed Laughlin, son-in-law of Will Gilchrist, passed through herewith a bunch of cattle he had purchased j of Grant Mays. By Lennett has returned from California, where ho went with horses. By was getting to be al most a stranger in these parts. Randolph Gibson returned home today from Prineville where he went after his parents who were on their way home from California. Our neighborhood east of here is haunted by a strange wild man, but strangest of all is he is afraid of his wife. When he sees her coming he runs as from a grizzly but then, he thinks she's joshing. W. Archie McKinnon, after nu merous trials, attempts and disap pointments, finally succeeded in capturing the wild and woolly broncho which, on Thanksgiving day, coolly seated him on tho cold ground and "made for the hills" I with the saddle on. Of course the horse got on the "canter" this time or Master Archie would not have got him. Jt'MBO. , i The Tailor. Maury 1ite5. From our regular corrMpondimt. The weather at present is clear and cold. Bob Wiley was seen on our streets today. Mr. A. Carson is up from Hay slack improving his ranch. Miss Ruth Wright, of Ochoco, is staying wLh Mrs. Joe Lister at present. Mr. Glenn has been confined to the house with rheumatism for the past few days. The stockmen of JJeaver creek have been riding in the neighbor hood gathering cattle. John Faulkner passed today with the last load of lumber for the new hall which is soon to be built at Paulina. Mr. Bennett, son By, and John Hoffman started for the city yes terday. Mr. Bennett and By for their supplies and John for a good time, Dec. 14, Wild Rose. Nicaragua Cede IjhuJs. Christmas and New Years. Onr stock of Holiday goods was never better, Never more complete. Do not Delay, Come today, See our Display. Choose a present for your wife or sweetheart, we have them in endless variety, AI3UMS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Pine Porcelain Ware of all kinds. Our lines are up-to-date in every particular and our prices are the lowest known, Call and be, convinced, Shoes, Shoes. We have a complete line of Men's, "Women's, and Children's Shoes, which we are selling very low prices. N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs, Reliable Merchants, ' . A dispatch dated Managua, Nic- pqindEXTER aragua, uec. , says: ut. rerui Dand Sanipez,the Nicaraguan min ister of foreign affairs, and Wm. L. Merry, United States minister to Nicaragua, signod a treaty today by which Nicaragua agreeg to leise a section of Nicaraguan territory, six miles wide, which includes the route of the Nioaraguan canal, to the United States perpetually. , Subscribe fqr the Joi'knal, Shaving , Parlors TICE ADKINB, Proprietor. Shaving alrouttmsr Bhsunpooinjt Baths..,..,, A fin kthrootn devoted eapeoUUf to. the use uf ladiei Jvrythini( up-towdt nd ttriotlj fjnt-olm, Q. Springer, KHtliliKK Or 'Draft, Coach and Carriage Jfipma Young stallions and, rnqr", ' also a few yotmjf teams oi sale. Haystack Woo Stock Rand, Haystack, Or'goju