Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1901)
I Additional Locals. TJIISl'APJiRl!. toftS MrthlnK Asiioy, lit ami t ;Merclmnta 1C OiiiniK. Han KnunHMW) California, whni ouu. tracu fur stlnariislng cmi l uwile fur it. llalllut 1'rlnl loationct. The trial of Lc?tnon Bulliutt, mine ownor, and largnly ititurtmltid in the liropariiii at Jlnkur City, Oregon, wits begun laHt'wwsk in the Unitwl Htttlt fcdoral court at Dpi Molno. ISulliclt wan indicted by the federal grand jury two y;ivr ao, chargwl with UHiriK tlio United Staten mails to furtlittr a wdieme to defraud by winding out copies of ft liakur City jmpur and circular! advertising thn vliiti! Hwaii gold mine; advertising me mine as a lucrative piece 01 property mid offering to wdl stock. The profwulioli idnilim the mine in worthier and that Ballictt ha re alized a quarter of a million did i i... .,.n;,, ui,.i, j ,. ti, T I ", . ., , can oniy a noie in me grouim. un i account of t lie death of one of the , , , , . , jurors, the chwj lias neon continued U,,,iI nKXlH1'd"?: .. , Btiyn He Wa Torturod "I MilYuii-d auch pain from corns I j could Imruly walk," writes H. aon, Hillslioroiigli, Ills , "but Uucklwij'l Arnica ri.ilvc crmplotely cured tliwii Acts like niiigie on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scald, burns, boils, iilews, Perlwt hnaler of skin diseasns and piles. Cure gmiritnU'i'il by Adamson & Winiifk Co., 2Jo. $10 Krwtrtl" I will pay tlO for information aa to the whereabouts of the follow ing doserikd liorsi: One light bay gelding, aged 10 years, and btanded Don right shoulder. One dark bay gelfling, aged 8 years. and branded JT (combined) on left Mlfle. Tliey were lost and last seen on the head waters of McKay creek, Augunt 15, l'JOl. tf K. M. Phillips, Sisters, Or. Accounts. All persons owing us on note or account will pleiinK cull sun settle as we to dissolve our partnership and need the money lor our individual titi-diMms. , Fuller 4 Company. Don't forget that you can save fit) wins on your winter rending by sub scribing (or the OrcKoniiin with the ilot'KNAL (or $2.50. Farm fop Hale. 170 acre, about six miles from Prineville, nil feuncd, good house and burn, 23 scivs in cultivation; no ir rigation needed; land productive; fine ptiiunn;t. Prices and terms reasona ble. Address or inquire of A. C. Palmer, Prineville, Or. 4l Fop HhIo, Valuable pruptuty, including one farm, two houes and lots in town and an interest in the Prineville Flouring Mills. For particulars, enquire of I). F. Htowart, Prineville, Oregon. Faum fou Sai.k. 100 acres in the famous clover and alfalfa kit, on Siiuaw creek; 0 i - i lo ftcres under cultivation; interest in the Hqtiawl Creek Ditch with land. Prices anh ,. tenilH reasonable. Inquire of Or address, A (J Palmer, Prineville, Or. i , , I Why pay freight on plain nine wood when you can buy the same at home? A II Lippninn amnufactures his tin ni- cure for thatnunoyine and dirgualine di ture and gives you the knelit of the """ It ourrs ail inflacinmtion ouicltly fwight charges. During December lie "d Pr""'''' "" ; "J"" w..nrrf sill, ,: , , . , . quick tii relieve HAVFKVER or COLD will have on hand over 100 styles of j jn the HEAD. riaikiiig uhsira. Stiqi in and look ovor CATA KUH when neclected often leads the stock of furniture. ta. CONSUMITION-"hXUFFLE8" , . Quick Dinpuich. 'Pntll IrAlie ....... oalmwb aiiu.TSHKH I,. f .r i ... reight matter via Ike Columlnaj eordinj to the directions which aucnm .Siutliern Kailway. Stwcial ar- i p'",iV ,tfV"ry ww- D"''t delay but . ... , , , ,. send for it, at mice and write full purlieu rnngements will be made, looking 1 1. M , yonr condition, and yn will to prompt delivery and forwarding 1 receive special advice from the ilit-coverer Of holiday enrosn mnllw i "f ,hi" Wl"",,lrful remedy regarding your oi noiinay express matter. CHH wilhnllt , T((11 hpyi)li(1 hi C. E. Lytic, G. F. St. P. A. ulronr.el-SStFKLFS " t,eDAR- I ANTEED CATARRH CURE. (Jive us an offer on our bargain; Sent prepaid to anv address in the counter, We huve them from our I nmi States or Canada on ricipt of .i.i ... I ....i . i , .,, , , one dollar. Addresa Dent. E 4"iFT sxld and end stock and will let them VIS n GILES COMPANY 2330 t at tallow oust. K. X. Tye & Bron. ju4 mi liuU tit Plukd.lid.ia" Looming Agmwy I'laltis. Mack Cornett returned yesterday from Agency l'lain, having in charge s party of five MiwouriariK who had ken up into that country looking over the land with a view to locating homcHtcadd. One of these gentlemen informed u that if they liked the country, there was a large party of Missouriana who were reaijy to coma and locate. It in only a question of a lew months until the Agency Plains country, and all thft land adjacent thereto will ho filed upon. Antelope Herald. Food Changed to Poliion, PutmfyiiiK food in tliB iiitpsiiitiis produces elfiictti like tliosn of awniB, lint Dr. Kind's Now lAk Pills jcil the poisons from elotfiii'd bowels, truntlv. Ml,, but suriily, curing Constipation, itilliuuimuss, Hick Handsel, Favor, jail Livur, Kidney and IJuwel troulilo. Only 25c t Adaiiiwin & Wiuiiek Co.'s drug store. Sen Jlee Hive for Bilk inufllers and j,,, , , , . . , , . Ask fur prices on barlwd wir at C, L um(lll', Cr,p ppr 10 w,. . roll at N. A Tys & liro. ' M"itinK pr free to all aclwo! chil- drea at N. A. Tye A Bra. Helmut supplies, tablets, pencils, pens, ink, stationary of all kinds at N. A. Tye & lire. A new inrnicu of ladiea and guilts fine footwear and ueukwear at N. A. Tye & ilrolhers. ' Adamson-Wiunek Co., hava mdauad the pri:e o( Furniture fully one h;!f in I'rittevillo, For fins ipiaraideed jorelry BOto N. A. TyeABrii. Gold ring fres to all babies rmder mi year old., Ailainson Winnck Co., have the larg sat slid moat coinplets line of Furniture ever shown in Priiievilla, ' Bee liee Hive for Christinas hand kerchiefs, boundless variety of them, any price from fo apiece upwards. Adainson-WinneU Co. bare (he latiteat floor spnoti of any business house in Prineville slid its (uil of new goods, Frank Klkins & Co. hava ro 'eived a large shipment of K.dnrado uou hioe oil in gullon cans, winch they am s.-IIimh at reiuoiiahle prices, Plenty of Winter Underwear. Hosie ry for Big Men, Little Men, big ladiea, and Liitls Ladies, Buys ana tjuls, and don t forget the little Tuts at home.' Sue lice Hive. A W03TaY&U0CS3bOK. "Somothlnff Now ifndorthe Sun." All doctors liava tried to curn Catarrh bv tli una uf puwdera, mid Knaea, inhal ers and drucs in paste form. 'J'liuir ihiw. dors dry up llm intiuuoug inuiiibraue cans- liiK llieni to craek open and lilwl. Tile powurlul auuls uafld lit tint inhalers have entirely eaten away the aauie nieiii tirades that their iimkeit uv aimed to cure, while paies and oiutinuhU cannot reach the dismiss. '. An old mid experienced r raclitioner who hua for immy venra niaHn a cloae study and speci iltj- of CATARRH lias at'last perlecteil a trenluieut which i hen fjithfuilv iiacil. not oulr relievna at once, but periniiiieully curea CATAHKH by removing thtt'canxe stoppiin thv dis ohari,'cs and curiiij! all iiillammatioii. It is j the only remedy that ae'u;illy reaches thu alllicted nana. I tos wmol..rfii rmt..rtv i,kwlw.. "sniikklks ,h.ntT4.i. ANTKED CATAitRll CJaE." and is Ht "'f "'I'""' P f dollar, each piukuce conoonoiK internal ami external nedicine siillieient for full ''"""' treatment, and evi-ryihing necs aary to its perfect iimi. 'ls.N.l!I' v.y5 ' the P'ect UA ! TARKH CURE ever made and i now win save you it you use it at once. It is o nrdinarv remedy, but a comiilute treat- nuiit wlitch is guaranteed to eure CA ; 'Bemoval' Sale Off Millinery In order to reduce my stock before , moving 1 will sell all millinery at reduced prices. A line of fine corsets will be cloned out at cost in order to make room for late arrivala in other lines. Will not be underbid on all lines of wraps. Ladies' and children's un derwear and hosiery. In fact all kinds of ladies' and child ren's wear. nRS. SUSIE SLAYTON, Everything New and ' Up-To-Daie CEiz mmum CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Plans and Specifica tions Drawn. All kinds of wood work, Hhop at Harbin's Planing M 'II f RINEVIloloE, OREGON 9 MEHfroB.Mii' m' Kiwi 63 tiii-efl' 8 n ilhl cf men. enr t- tha r.'.ift ' cl,iluA w t,,ft i'Jtra ( V Tnuuff TB?n ant! Middle from it efTerttof toutMA mdicrti'.fjr:x- L nnUllsovniJK-.tlir.hS! rIK'f'mhlM!'Pa';i1 fruiuiirr'rn, fjoiicrrliif a, feilevt, p rrvHiMcy (if ivttUur;, fcy u comjnMtNn of rpmoI.M.ot f,rrM air-itivr now st tt, I.Si liiriu h trrai4 !i U-t tit( T llwtf it wili ir onlr nK-id Ix.u. AiM M ri Utt jt pf.rtrimttrt ctirt 1lw Ikr-ior fitter, otl clom 10 perfwrm mirnrkt, hA U wli-!;nr.i f t 'tr ff f :v;;fif jian n.i;-i.- o tan whi i- V We w.itiutiraUeca I USiTlYK TJi:Kfn V V 'rHHt DnHrr. Y run" 'f uy tw. teva t.r b-V K, fiet (A vniu.iSis k: na. Great Mtisciar, of Autttomy thfi iiituit it'ttj Un et Museiimrt ) kJnH in tho wlL Co. ant In hiw wuitriutty ymi ara ni.vk; to cti.i if.i.sws w d ditf.f. Wi'lfOu'tfc'sf.. tiitiorvrltc. r ICR! fitnikr-t San FramicA. CaJ. i Tt Too much hou.sewor!; wrecks wo men's nerves. And the constant care of children, day and nilit, U often too Ot,vinjf for even a atronj woman . A hijffrHrd fnce telk the story of the overworked hmi.-wwtfo and mother. Deranged n.onsei. leuoorrlura and (;iUii;g of the i womb result from -overwork. Kvery housewife needs a remedy to regulate her iiirnse and to keep her sensitive female orpins in perfect oondititm. is doing tliis for thousands of ' American women to-dny. It cured Mrs. Junes nod l!u:t is why sl.o writes this frank letter : , GlendPRaft, Ky., Feb. 10, I am so fflisd tlut vottr Vr'ine of Onr'ni I it heluinf inc. 1 u;u feeling LetUr than i f I hnvo It'it for trt. I a;u dome my i ' own work without any help, a;.d I wfthed luKt xvi'ik und was cot ond bit ' tirfid. liiiti shown that the Vrino ia doing nia gwxl. I aia gatUnj? itesh'er Tiiaa lover was ouore, ana Bleep ffOiHl a:voat onany. liaioro I bean tailing (iivrii five or six timen everv da v. bitt i ina ui vitnu, t iistni i-o navA to lnv 1 nr,v,'I(ionotthinlc of lyiny ttown lliiuuh thotUy. Una. Uicmabu Josui, 8i.oo at ik ocivrn. ' rr atlvlrt and Utrradm, nJtlrm, irtlni iymp. latiif, '"Hi J-atli-' A.S'iMii-y JK .MTi,,.I(l j ( thUiK"Ji Medtuinc Cu., thMtniHy, IVim. Jsubwirib tvr tli Jociuai. L I J t , - Pfifievi!!esBnrns Stage Line AI05 BARBER, Prep'r. Htnge leaves Prineville Mondays and Thursdays, returning on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Connects at Paulina with Canyon City stage. Passengers and expeess carried at reasonable rates. Office at Templeton & Son's drug store... mm'm THE DALLES' BOAT Str. "TAHOLIA" Time Card Between rtii tlantl, The Dalles ! und Way 1'oints, j Ifs Portland. Tuesdav"- Thursdays j nd 8iiniril)s at 7 a in. Arrive st The! l)nlli, fuimi' s at 6 p. m. I Leav Thi D Ins, Sundsys, Wedtius il.iys and Fiiu.. st 7 B. in. jrrive ut Portlund, mine dsys t 4 p, m. " M.U ihr Very Bct KTThls R-nit ha the Grandest Scenic At tractions on Karth. P02TLIi:3;ST0EIA E0UT3 Steamer ''BAILEY GATZERT" Daily Round Tri Kxcept Sunday Ttme Card Iv P.irtlund, 7 a. m. Ij&ave Artori. , . . 7 p. in. Landing: Foot of Aldar 8trcat. BOTH PHONES MAIN SSI John M. Filloon, Agt., JThe Dalles A. J. Taylor, Apt., Antoria J. C, Wyatt, Agt., Vancouver. Pratlicr & Kirnts Agt. Hood River U'ol ford vers, Apt..V. Salmon E. W. Criehton, Agt., Portland BUY THE m? m. si t tSji' it r K K -.HJ ill: 19 'SSVmSHACHIHE Bo not be decf ivii? '. y (lvs vrho ad Virtise a WO.00 Hewing Mnc'iine for -"j.0O. This. hi nd of ainacliine can be Ixniifht from raersiiy t-fout dealer from ?l.-t !5.v)Ci. THE NZW HOSS- !3 THE BEST. The Feci cV.-rr.;!.- thas.r"ngth ot vrc!kn f tievir.3 .,M;id!n. T!i' i?j8sJSo IV!!i c. -.i-mu'. vith din" stiviKif p.'iiit-i n:. !;. :e Ai-5' ftsme .ho best Bev'lig l.t.'Ki.i:.o to buy. THS W3 .11 ISV1SS CVkSIRB CO. j a Union Si. X. V., C.l.'i 111., Atlanta, (ia., at Louu, ilo., D i . ., i ian frauolsuo, Oal New Eoma SawiDj Machine Co .' San Fruneisoo, Oal. A FSE P ATTEUN fy-titr own eUrhmvtr'?very still-scnU-r. iU'iy n ni:t I - A lASifS' liJA6..rtf. , I (tmi bM'tlifitl rilor plait-;, fatet B (.witttins, rlirs-nutin tmmmi . U, . v jcn'it 1 vl v, .ir. ".,(1 tf hit.r1 ..ji(r B lt!y ax- itu wmii.t-I i,u h-itf. nnv R StylKh, Kc'i.ihl., Simpti', K,iaft W (t:nt, K--.ii.i-ii i. I !(! Ai'tiut.1 Wp,-Mfc n.. k I iml Elu sifii 1 1 Atl M-iPfiiw1tiflslslil0W I Oi'Iy IC ami 15 Cents ctuiV-fflhr hti;hff Ak fnf tltrtn. hWi in neut! ti ilia .litd 1 , 1 liy rii;iil In lU THE rioCALL CO., lij-ns-iif Kfst Mil st. ts wtomt. , Subscribe for Journal , Stale Line. JOHN ELDER, Phpriefar. Ktagen leave Prineville for riihtera and way points on- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pasiengcr car ried at reasonable rates , . Office at Templeton & Son's drug store, Prineville, Ore. OREGON am union Pacific mm " Portland. Or. Al Chleaira Sail Uk, Denver, 4:3.ssj Portlaiid Ft. Korth.Oraaha, Special Kansas t'uy, St. I'M a. as, Looia,Ciiliiagoaud via Hubs- Kail liitou. . AtUntie Bait Uke, Denrer, (:S0a.m- Kipreia Ft. Worth.Omaha, -' p. B. Kansas City, 8t. via Huat- touls,CakajoaDd lBta Jiast. - SL Psal Walla Walla lwts- 1:00 a. a'. Vast Usll Wn.Spckaiie.Mln :l0 jt. m. neapo!is,Bt. Paul, Tift Duluth. Hllwan- ponsna kfe.ChirsjtoilUst OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE- FROX PORTLAND'. : , IMs.B, All salliDf dates sabjecl to change For San Francisco tell every 6 days. I : " Bslly Cehila Fler SflOn.m. Kx. Sunday tteamsn Kx. SuudstT :Wi.m. Ssturday To Astoria an Way i;WI p. m. Landings. S:Ola.n Wlllsmstta lier. 4:p.nj4 Kx. Sunday Ea.skiaJay Orwon Olty, New berg. Sslum, In.le pen.lenpis A Way landings. 1:00 a m. WHIameHe and ram- il:30p. m. Tuea., TSur. hill Hirers. Hon.. VvU. and Sat fn, Oreeon City, Dsr lou, A Way Land age. SrSOa. m. Willamette Rlnr. IraOB.m- tiies., Tnar Hon., Wedi. and Bat. Portland to Corral- and Fri. , lis Way Laad- It. Rlrl Snske Dlier. Lv.Iwlstoi J:S.i. m. Dsilf bsily laipariatoUvriston a. u.- W I. Lawrence, A gent,. Biggs, Origoa, -" sf:M p.j Vumo n.t,,; V: t; p- p... I i'.'S ft.nv jiju J.y it tt.m 1 : -j i.iBi :W .U4 3:i-l p.m i-Os.m j, 'f :i'J Kr-kirvl- V::;y a.m ... :30 .m J: ..m 'y jci.s .,. p;wi , 4:i Boon yu! K.A Biiii-..,.. A 4.'.6 Uuthfif H:4 ii. lit ,v 4:4V:mJ Vilox K:t,nii .. .". ............ ' s.ii'iShfttrft ' .nn .. B0, a MOH1.EW, ,'n . fFAltUHj. if v jOolum"bla, soutnori t wa. i l i vv & : . , nective hi., sun-nil. v,- l!i.i. Boath Somh J Nt)rlh ! North ST1TIOSS.! I ally Pally . lJ DsI't fwmht Pum. I 't- .fru.ali 1 I An1va ! Arrlv f r I f-.