Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 19, 1901, Image 2

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    if r;.....ii v n... .:..! : i I f , T ' 1 I n i u.i i t' 5$
C. L. Salomon.
Tlio Mod Corner f ' Prinevillc Oregon
General Merchandise.
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Paints anil Oils.
Windows and Poors.
Grain Sacks and Binder Twine.
Hardware and Stoves.
Mitoholl Wagons Racine Buggies and
i : Hacks
Our IFaSS Clothing
Is ii i" arriving and nil line, are complete. We
are prepared to allow you smoothing nubby ill
Men's and B.iya' Suits.
mats! Hats!
0r lino i f Hutu in onmpltde nml tunbiaoti the John
)l. Hi. 'I .mi anil Linn brands, in nil the m Unik
mill style ami nt buitntn prices.
Fall and Winter
Underwear (or Men and
celhrald!vYtir!n'a Health
World. Other lines cheap
Scriptural Dog Names.
The other day, when Counsellor
Ed Hassett, one of the sons of
.Steuben county, met Jack Sivitzer,
,of Bath, father of the American
(champagne industry, at the Fifth
Avenue hotel, he told him that a
friend of his had a new dog. "It's
,a righting dog," added the.counsel
,tor, "and he wants an appropriate
jiame for it."
"Tell him to call it Moreover,"
aid Jack.
"Moreover!" exclaimed the coun
sellor, perplexed.
Radios Should Bead of the Latest
and JMost Successful Impor
tation from France.
Mi-Womankind May Possess Fair
SWn, Brieht Kyes, Btrength
and Hood Health.
So aaya Dr LiaBord, the famous French
practtoner who baa devoted bia whole
ife to the study of women, and haa won
the hivheat distinction through his won
derfully successful practice auioii(( the
(irat faimliea of Paris.
Woman ia a heroine, aaya the Doctor,
and her remarkable endurance and abili
tp withstand the roost trying ordeal
(Compels administration. She ia a slave
to the Natural modesty of her sex which
ao often causes her to endure the greatest
trials, and sutler in silence, rather than
fonsult even her Family Physician, fear
iRK to expose herself to necessary ques
tioning and probably examination.
Recognizing this fact in his early
practice. Dr. LaBord has, by years of
study and close application, envolvud an
entirely new method of treatment for all
Anient, peculiar to women, ha.
u;il. .,k.n,UJ ,w.u. ...J k..
net with unbounded success, and has
Branch Offices, managed by skilled physi
cians under his personal sopervision,
flow located in everylarge city in Eurape
By his stiperiar methoda each patient
receives, absolutely free of charge, full
Hnd detailed advice especially adapted to
per caae, thus avoiding all embarrass
meiit or inconvenience, and aa Dr La
Bord's remedies are put up in the form
pt small, dainty wafers, they are easily
and taken at any time or place, without
attracting attention. This insures re
gularity in treatment which is most im
portant to a cure, and generally impos
sible wnh liijiiiil remcdiex
Liquid remedies always contain a large
proportion of alcohol, whiskey or other
"S I T .
:o,uor8, to preserve them' from apoilme, This charge covers all expenses, in
pr La Bord's Wafers are a "dry inerti-1 eluding liee advice and full directions,
cine" and are positively free from in-j There aru no additional charges of any
toxicants or narcotic drui-s of any kind. ; kind, thus pladng the treatment within
MODERN METHOD3. the reach of all. ,
ti t ' n , , Addreaa Consultation Dept., The
DrL.Bord. neatest success ha. b-en , NoyE!iK.w.K Company, Market and
thieved by the use ot the C'HONIA 4th Sta,' Philadelphia.
tVAFEH Th's i. not a Patent Medicine,
but a scientific oreparatiou of "Vibur- "
n nil ' or "caronia" (connnonly known as 1 REWARD. Driven away from
piacK nawoerry), and otrfftr well known 1
i .. ., wnose cuiaiire proierties Have
o..wo v. oeionns.s ior centimes.
"Viburnum," or
'cahonia, I. reooa-
tnr-ed and preicribed by the leading;
physician, of the worldas the best known j
Specitic for FenialM trouMea. The ex- j
treinely disagreeable taste of these drum
I,..- k I... . ,
on "tmi iiiniiiiiio oy saiiuui manipula
tion, retaining however all of their vir
tues and strength, and these siiecitics
have been an combined and prepared as
u. ,or ...aoiry waier. .a.y raseD. yet
emo, uyiug, ma,, aurnte.nrl certain.
cure for Female Weakness, Nervous
rrosiraiion, i-aintu and Hnpptvsaerl !
Me, Irragarity, Luuorrlius. or!
fioye. We handle the
Underwear, Beat in the
and gtHid.
"Yes," replied Switzor, niorc
over, after the first lighting 'dog on
nv l l ,.t i i . i l
.icHTOiuwumi,, .uxi.ircu
the counsellor.
uo rend your bible, then, mud ; and Wl.,lt om ,,, Otitwil the previa
Switzer, "and see where it nave that ; jong 0f tl, convention. No votes
'Moreover, the dog came and licked , cast ugainut it, but it wan crit
Lazarus.' 1 don't know, what ' icjHej wry Hl,!vr,,j. by .Senators
breed Moreover wan, but he murt Money and Bacon, who found in it
have been a fighting dug or bo ,nanv o tho ol,i(vtion , : ,
wouldn't have licked Lazaru,"
New York Tribune.
The Treaty Approved.
The senate committee on foreign
White., Sterility, Ulceration of the
Uterus, Cimue of life in Matron i r
Maid, Chrome. Decline, Unmaiy Trou-
ll'1'' Ktrv"us Ability, Pruluse Fum'
Threatened Mmcrrmi!e, l'alpitntioi:
of the Heart, Hums 10 the Lut Side
Cold Hauda and Feet, Bearing Down
Pains, Backaehe, bhortuess jf Ureal li,
Scalding of Urine, Soreness of Brens',
Neuraliriu, Ut.rine Displacement, and
all those symptom which make the
average woman a life so nnseiahle. It
makes child birth easy and have doc
tokk' bills.
"Caronu wakshs' have proven a
blessing to thousands of sulteriiig women
who have been made well, atroitg and
happy in a surprisingly short time by
this wonderlu! treatment Th-iy will
not only cure the ooalinaiH cases,
no iratter how lone neiilncttil, hut are
also the only known remedy tliat can be
absolutely relied upon lo prevent those
monthly recurrences of exreiue nam and
suffering, needlessly endured by so ninny
of our women.
'"Da LaBokds cahoma wAfKiw" are
purely vegeutile, coiuauiiug no mjiii i-1
ous ciieuncals or drug, mid are positive'- i
ly guaranteed to cure even the moat!
neglected Cases, if directions are cure fill-
ly followed, and the medicine holieaily
This valuable remeda, ''Dll LAliriRD'a
CaRokia," is now on sale ill Auieiic v hy
the importini firm of Noyles Fuller Com-1
pauy, who have contracted with Dr La-
Bord for the exclusive aoehcy of th0
United S'atea. Conaul.,iation De-
! partmen.s, under the ,urerv,.,o of Dr
It i .ii i .
vice lur'iisliF'J absolutely Irie to all wno
take the treatment. Ladies ordering
"cakonia" are invited to write all ahout
their particular case, ill detail, and are
assured the most sacred privacy aa to
their cotrespoinledce, as no ti'StinioiiialH
or letters from ladies are ever published
by us.
One box of "cakonia wapbbs," con
taining a month') supply, will be sent,
securely packed and prepaid to any ad
drens in the U 8 or Canada, on receipt of
One Dollae, ac'oinaniud by the details
of youe case. Full and complet etreat-
tnent, including all necessary medictne.
! and our written guarantee, Five Dollars
j payable ill advance.
iiiv luuuii uii miuavr a i.iv. uiuwil
l, U,.v,.,. T.M. 1
i . " . , ,
,.n .iU ,o.i
; mane, branded M on left shoulder,
TD . , . ..
JK 011 riKht HtlfllJ- Suitable re-
ward for information of this ani-
i .1
; nidi.
A G Trahan, Sibtcrs, Or.
Settle Up.
All npraona lrnrmlnsr thamanlens In.
!(ebt(,d to the firm o yu-wart & Co.
w"' P'eaae call ,nrl settle ns we do
not intmid doinu any credit business.
o.jj Btewaut 4 Co,
; relation voted to mart favorably
jtilB m,w II;lv-l'auneefute treaty,
providing fur thccointruction of an
. . . .
ithminn canal. The committee
I was in action nearly two bourn
urged against the old one,
Baptist Church service, t I'rineville
every 2t, J and 4ih Sundays in each
j month, at Culver every 3rd Sund.iy and
!at Howard every lat Sunday.
M. lirambleL
For Kale Clicup.
Musical NIcliU in the Slut
ll..i... ii - :. . i in-..,, v.. .
t Ktid.H-iuiie.
Alcanilria, l,a,
Sheriff Sale of Elia3 Davie Lande.
Xiitiea U herehy iyvtn, that hy virtue nf a
ducree and au urder of sal? Issued out of the
Circuit Co'irt nf the State uf fnr the
County of Crook, and to n. directed on the
lllth day f Xovemlier A I) HKiI, upon a dn
liree and judgment duty renden-d and rntt-ml
of record in arul Vy said Court on the SHh day
of Ocotolier I'-K)l, in a certain aution or ault
then in aaid Court aiiriu. wherein the
Stat of Oregon, warf ViaiiitifT and W. A.
ltootli, Administrator of the entute of Kllaa
Havi, deceau-il, and all heirs of cu deceas
ed, if any theri Iw and all other permm in
terented in said eitute, were pefendatita lu
favor of riaintilf and aeaiuxt laid Defendants
by which decree, jud,nnent and onler of sale
T am commanded to sell the proierty lu mid
deci-ne, jmixmetit and order of sale and here
Innfter descril-ed, mi lite following terms, to-
That said hereinafter detcribrd premises
"nJ 'a"d heretofore Ulonainx t" the etate
M Davis deceased, and heretofore on
I the aith, (tay 01 wctnoer I'.m, by saul Court,
escheated and seized to tlio Ktate of Oreijnn,
. be sold in one parcel or lot for one half caeh
i hand and the halimce on one vears time
j heaiini; interest at t'ae rate of si per cent
! Hnuum ,t.mi.llurilly on the ,;,
, ,.: ... .
,7V ! f rt 7 I Ti,T
' balance of the eaid pnrchaae linee shall 1
! secured by a first mortatre on the hereinafter
described premises asreqitirrd by law, 1 will
daturday, the 21st day of Decem-
bor, A D 1901
at the hour of 2 o'clock P M nf said day at
.he front door of the County Court House In
Priaeville, Oregon, sell at Public Auction to
the highest bidder for one half c&sh in hand1
and the balance secured try a tirat niortuaue
on the premises sold 'bearing interest at six
per cent per solium payable semi-annually on
ths first days of July and January of each
year due in one year as provided by law, said
I premises hereinbefore mentioned are descrilied
in said decree, Judgment and order of sals as
follows, to wit:
The North half of the South F.sat qnarter
and thsAurtli half ef tits South West quar
ter of Section Seventeen (17); the South Calf
of the South Ksst quarter and the South
West quarter of Section Kitlittcn (IS) in
Township Sixteen South, of Kanxe Klh
teen (IX) Kast nf Willauiette Meiidian, fa
Crook county, Ore-on.
Also the East half of the South East quar-
ter of Section Thirteen (13) lu Township Six-
teen Itl South, of ltane Sev.
teen (lt) South, of Kane Seventeen (17)
EaHtof th, Willamette Meridian in Crook
county, Oreiron; and the North half of the
Snut Westquarter, the Sonth West quarter of
the South West quarter and the South West
quarter of the Sonth Ksst quarter of Section
Sixteen (1G), aud the South half of the South
West quarter and the South half of the South
Kast quarter of Section Seventeen (17) in
Township Sixteen (II!) South, of Kaiitre Kinli
teen 18 Kast of the Willamette Msridian in
Tronic county, wretfrn,
Hated U Prineville, Oregon, this loth day
j,;,,,,, lu01i i " i
W. C. COMJLKTON, Rheriff,
U-21 By WAttRKS 11U0WN, Deputy,
Dry Goods.,
completes! line
r uriiiahliiK.
An Ingenious Treatment by whtoh
Drunkards are Cured Dully lu
Splto of Themselves.
It is now gcnenilly known and nn
derstiaat that Drunkenness is disome
and nut VHtiikiioa. A body tilled with
puisnii mid nerves completely aliiittuiiHl
by periiKlieMl or cinistaiil ue of intnx
ieatmg li(imra, ri'iiire an iiiitidutv
cnpiiblo of netitriiliniig nnd enulicut
tng this puisoii, and (lualruying the
craving for intuxieante. Sullen rs niuy
now cure lliiinisVlvra at hwiie willioul
publinily or lu-s of time from biisinoes
by this winiderftil "HOME MU)
Cl'!tK,"wliiuh 1 1 on la-cn jK'rfeeted iifler
nmny yeiMn of clime study ami treat
ihi'ut id iiiehrintes. The faithful use
Hccnriliug tn Uirtvtiuiia of this wuii
ilnrllil (liecovery is Kjsitively gtinrun
I ei il to cure tlio must nlwtiuste case,
no iniittor Imw hard a drinker. Om
recutita alum the null veli-us trativlorni
Ktiuii of tliiiiisands ol Drtinkiirds inln
snlier. inilimtrintiH nml upriitbt men.
W 1 V K.H v'. U it ,i Yt if U 1 1 USB A N'DS!
ClllI.liBKN t't'KK YOUR KA
TII KK81 I This reinedy is in noiin
a nostriiiri but is a sK"cillo (or this
(lisense only, and is an skilluilly de
vised ii nd iiicinred that it is thorough
ly soluble ami pleasant to the taste, s
that it can be given in a mip of h or
cull'ne wil bunt the knowledge of the
ihtmui takitig it. Thousand of drunk
iinls havu etirnl thrniselve with this
prieelins remedy, and a tunny more
Imve been cured and made li'iiiarute
men by having the cine administered
by lining Irinnils and relatives with
out their knowledge in tea or follce,
nnd Mievc tndny that they discntt
tinned drinking of their O'vn free will.
DO NOT V AIf. Do nut be deluded
by upon rent iind misleading "liniirove-
meiit. The IIOMK (10LD CURK is
sold nt"tbe extri'iuely low tjricn of One
Uollnr, tliu placing within rem-h of
everybody a treatment more e flex-1 mil
tliiin otbm costing to $.)0, full
directions eneoinpany each pneknge.
Special tulvieo ,y , killed phvsiciHiia
when revested without extra chny;e.
Sent prepiiid to nny pur', of the world
on receipt of One Dollar. Address
Dept. K 4H5 KDSVIN B. C.II.KH &
CO. '.'olio nnd 2:lo2 Market Ht. Phila
delphia. All correspondence strictly confi
dential. The dnntal wi.rk of Di,C. A. Cline is
too Well known in this country to need
any praise. Be can always be found at
the old atainl, next door to the First
National Bank, (live him a. call.
Land Office at T11K DALLES, Olt.
October i
A snfficient contest affidavit haying been fil
ed In this office' by Alonzo Patterson
contestant, airalnst homestead entry No. 7HK),
male Keb, 27, lm,t, fur the NWVf of JSco 35
Tp 12 S., K 14 B by Marlon 0. Anderson
Cnnteatee, In which It la aliened that said
entrymaii has wholly aliandoned said tract
and changed bis residence therefrom for
mure than six months last past.
That such absence Is rot due to tn bis em
ployment in the army or navy of the United
Said parties are hereby notified to ap
pear, respond and offer evidence touch
mi; said alleiiatinn at 10 o'clock a. m. on Dec,
21, W01, before A. C. Palmer U. 8. Commis
sioner at his otfice at I'rineville, Oregon, (and
that filial hearing will lie held at 10 o'clock
a. in. on Dee. 27, 1001, before) the lieirls-
' ter and Heciever at the United States Land
Office In The Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having, In a proper afft
davit, filed Oct. 2Y, 1901 set forth facts which
show that after due dilisjenoe personal service
of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby
ordered and directed that sueh notice be giv
en hy due and proper publication.
Regis ter
a ti
In mir dry goods department vjlll he fnuiid I he 1
inlhetsuy nf Ladies' and dents'
The largest sum ever paid for a
pici-eriptinn, changed handu in San
Krni.eir.eo, Aik, 30, l(i().
trailer involved in coin and Block
U'2,,r)i)().0O and wan paid by tt
party of bumncaa men for a upeei
lic for l!rigbt'n Dirttanr and )iit.
bete, hitherto incurahlt! diaease.
They commenced tint ferimw in
vwtigation of tlio f jucific Nov. ,r),
19(H). They interviewed m-ores of
the cured and tried it out on it
mnriln by putting a dozen caae" on
the treatment and watching ta-m.
Tbey nlao got physiciuim to name
clirouic, incurable cusea, and ad
niinintercd it with the phynitjnnn
for judgeH. Up to Aug, 25, eighty,
even per rent of the teat cuen
were either well or progreniiig
There being but thirteen per cent
of failure, the partien were Hatfoli
ed and chwed the tranaaeiim.
The proceeding" of the investigat
ing conmiittee and the clinical re
portu of the tet ciihih were pub
lished and will be mailed free on
application. Addreaa John J. Ful
ton Co., 450 Montgomery tSt., S. V.,
Pullman Ordinary Hltejt.n.
The tourist travel between the oast and
the Pacific isms' has rescued enormous
proportions in the last few years, and
calls lor a amdal class of equipment. T.i
meet this demand the Pullman Co. In,
issued from lis simps what it leclnntally
calls I lie "Pullman Onuiary Weeper."
These rare appear similar in th- regular
sleeper, being built ,,f, if,,.
but not furnished with the same eleeante
They are equipped will, nmiir.ssos.
oinoseis, siieuts, pnioas, pillow casta.,
towels, combs, brushes, em., requiting
hineof i he ki.,d to be furnished hy
the passenger. Kch rur has a stove f.,r
making coii'ee and lea and dointf "iL,,t
housekeeping,'' and each can tut
li'ted wild an aijjnsublu table. A nil
formed purler accompanies e.i oar. his
business being lo make up berths, k,.,.,,
the car clean, nun look alter the comforts
and wants cf the passengers. In each of
the train, which are dispatched dailt
from Portland hy the 0. R. N. Ce. ia
to be found one of these "Pullman Or
dinsry Sleepers." The ear is studied
to the ''Chicago Portland , SM?cial,
which goes through to Chicago without
change, and the one in the "Atlaiitio Ex
press" runs tn Kansas City without
change. Passenger, in lns cr for Chi
cairn ( hanve to a .imilar oar at Granger.
Much of fha first class travel ia being
carried in these oars, tile rate, being
lower, and the snrvice Wing nearly equal
to that in the palace sleepers.
For rate, and full information, in
cluding olders, writn to A. L, Craig, 1
P. K 0, R. N. Co. Portland, Ore.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice h hereby glv-n that the miderslirned,
administrator of the Kstuta of 3. I. (Daze,
deceased, has filed In the County Court of
Crook Connty, State of Oregon, his final so
ennntassuch administrator f said estate,
and that M'anlay, the llth day January, I'M!,
at the hour nf 10 a. m., haa been fixed by
aaid Court as the time for hearing ot abjec
tions to said report, and the settlement thers
of. Dsted, Novcmlwr 21, BH, ,
Administrator of th. FstaU of J, L. Olaie,
deceased. . 11-21-1-04
Have you seen those new Art Square
and Rug. aa Adamson Wiunek Co.
. . ' 'a