Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 12, 1901, Image 8

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3 Xocal Jtfeniion. j
U. 9. Cowloa iind Olo Anderson were
Visitors fiom Mud springs lust Friday.
W, W. Joslin was over from his Wil
low creek farm thu first o? the week.
It. C. Jesse was down from hit farm
on (he river lust week after a loud of
Commissioner II. J, Healey waa
tm'sincas visitor from Haystack the
iirst of the week.
Miss Hattie Quinn, of Grizzly, was
War last week and tiled on a homo
liead West of Lone Tine.
L. V. Tice was down from Price the
' tirst of the week and, report tilings in
tinli shape up that way.
3 F. Afiatt, the Howard merchant,
Vat looking after business matters at
the coiiuty sett last Saturday.
W. II. Quinn brought in ten fine fat
Jiorkers litst week for our butchers.
One of them weighed over 300 pounds.
A. P.-Jones moved 1700 head of his!
heep ohio the desert Inst Thursday
Where lie will keep then) until the
feeding season.
H. A. Foster came in from Sisters
Inst week and will lay off for the win
ter, fie has been cruising timber for
tairern parties for some time past
Born, to the wife of Ike Mills, at the
lioine of R. C. Jessee on Upper Crooked
Mirer, November 27, a 9J pound boy.
All interested are getting aloug nicely.
Miss Roma Whitmore, accompanied
)y her brother and sister, pawed
through Paisley Saturday, from Bo-
tiniH,cn their way to Prinovilte
L. B. Lafollett left last Monday
witli the few remaining rams of a large
tierd he brought here to sll, for hii
tiome iu Prineville. Lakeview Ex-
O. (J. Collver was in from Culver
Monday and informed us that thai
titrbe has been made a money order
titlice, which will Ue a great benefit to
the residents of that section.
W. F. Snodgrass, representing the
fchnmii edition of the Shaniko Leader,
jlaid this olrioe a pleasant call Mon
thly. He reports good success in se
t-tiring putionage for the paper.
Tlure will bo a grand masquerade
Imlt at Halm's Hall, Culver, Ore,
Christmas night, Dec. 25, 1901. Good
tinisic; 1st and 2d violin, baas viol and
Organ. Tickets, including supper.
$1 50.
P.ev. H. . Street moved in from lib
farm in the Haystack country Monday
jn order to tiike advantage of urn
tH'lunil facililes. Mr. Street will en
t:iis;e in evangelistic work duriug the
Vvinier. "
, J. fa. Gibson was over from Sisters
the first f the week and reports things
Moving along nicely over there. Sir.
(iibson has a fine farm and will have
it Well watered when the Tuniulow
ditch is completed. .
Stipl. Boegli returned Saturday from
h visit to the schdols in the north end
rf this county. He first visited Lower
McKay district where C. B. Dimviddie
.Vieids the birch. 25 pupils are en-1
lolled, with a good attendance. This
fcehool rendered a very nice Thanks-j
$!iviiig program. At Upper McKay!
Charles Lewis has an enrollment of 14
Miss Jennie Brown, of Portland, has
takeu charge of the school at ilcnd.
R. SI. Powell moved his band of
lambs onto the desert last Saturday,
R. II. West aad Frank Rogue were
in from Lava thu latter part of last
J. C. Gillenwater was down from
Post lust week Attending to business
a flairs.
Sirs. D. F. Stewart returned last
week from an extended vis- with liur
son and daughter at Lawtou.
Monday's stage from Shaniko did
not get in until nearly night, being
delayed in Antelope eanyou by high
Collett Bclieu came down from hi
farm near Howard last week and was
shaking bauds with fiiends for a day
or two, r
Johu Elder, of the Prineville Hitters
stage line, reports about three inches
of snow on Squaw creek as the effects
of the storm.
Sir. C. W. Lawrence, of Portland,
who hits been visiting Mr. and Mrs. K.
H. Smith the past week, returned
home Saturday.
Mrs. T, N. Balfour returned Sunday
fiom a trip to Portland. She was ac
cotnpuuied by her daughter, Mrs. Slaud
Bixby and husband.
Mrs. S. J. Newsom returned lasi
week from an extended visit with rel
atives at Pomeroy, Wash. She reports
a very pleasant visit.
Andrew Anderson was in from Crook
Monday and paid this office a very
pleasant call. He reports everything
looking well up that way.
S. S. Brown was in from his farn
near Haystack .Monday and reports
the late rains as having been of great
benefit to the farmers out that way.
The Joukxal would like an expres
sion from the various school district
in the county on the subject of the es
tablishment oi a county High school.
J. D. Harrill, one of the foremost
agriculturists of the Haystack coun
try, was a pleasant caller at this otllce
last week. Hh raised a tine crop ui
potatoes this season.
Prineville will soon be famous for its
tine thoroughbred chickens as well as
for many other things. Prof. Bocgli
lias sent out for four of the finest. bred
White Wyandottes that can be had.
Dr. Belknap nid Judge B ink have
lately received a lot of Burl Plymouth
Rocks. Prof. Orton has a pen of the
very finest Barred Plymouth Rocks in
thu United States, and C. V. Smith, of
Lamoiita, has a pen ol tine Black
The Prineville Dancing Club was or
gauized Monday night and elected the
following otticersfj Lee Doak, chair
man; W. W. Ray, Peasurer; John
Hardin, secretary Floor iiiiimigera;
W. F. Hardin, John Luokey and Lee
Douk; doorkeeper, C. SI. Stroud. The
membership is composed oi repreaenta
live young men of the city and ihey
promise good order at their dances
They will give dunces every Sat
urday night. Next Saturday night
they will give a free Opening diihcs to
which everybody is respectfully in '
vited. The club will hold its meetings
ill Glaze's hall.
We take pleasure in copying tile
following from the San Jose Herald:
"A fashionable audience gieeted little
! Maud Gesner, a talented pupil of F.
iirsrvEisrTOR'Y- sale.
The time for taking inventory ia soon at hand, and wo must reduce our stock. In
order to do so v will oiler a discount of twonty-five par cent on tho following linos:
All of our Wool Dress Goods, twenty-five per cent off.
All of our Ladies Jackets, twenty-five per cent off.
All of our Ladies Dress Skirts, twenty-five per cent off.
All of our Mens' Clothing, twenty-five per cent off.
All of our Mens Overcoats, twenty-five per cent off.
All of our Silks and Satins, twenty-five per cent off.
It don't matter how low the goods were, they are twenty
five per cent lower during this sale.
XJhe 3 armors' Outfitters
j Giorza King.nt the K hig conservatory
j of mono this afternoon. Heldoni ii-
found a pupil so young, laiing only 11
Viith a good attendance. This school
1is two pupils doing IX grade work.
There two districts will consolidate fori
a glaiid Christmas tree and program.
it A ul...-.u.rl fiJa T.I.. Ik 1... OS I
.it .iru.i.j,,,, ,uwa juil Vinci; I)US m j , - - .i f
,, , . . , . , qualities as this little pianist. J he
fin-oiled with fair attendance. Thw:. . , t, ,, , .
n ml inn null, onmiie luniMii, gave
Kive i n
I till, nui-fitrmui. iimtilu i kkuhIii i,i I f....
n eniertaiiinient ChrHtiiias to raise ,. , , . , . . ..
, , ,., ... ilisiilaving her musical guts, the hrsi
ftinds for It school library. Atlfav! . . . , ,
-,,.,.iV ti - i iv n i .' niovemtnt giving evidenoe of grace
v.. - ... . "iicuj lino riint
We Would Like
To talk with you about
Hows anil Harrows . . .
You May be Surprised
If you have never looked
through our immense stock,
to know that we buy Plows
find I (arrows in car load lots.
We will tie glad to quote you prices
on anything in the implement line,
We carrv the Genuine Oliver
Plow, ho'tli the "Chilled" and
"Steel" in both Walking, Bulkics,
and Uans.
, We have all the Repairs for the
Oliver Plow, und quite a Hock of
Repuirs for other makes
Are hh low as iH constant with
legitimate Ijucinesu ....
We Carry in Stock
Oliver Chilled Walking j.loWn
Oliver Stool Walking plows
The James Olivei Sulky plow
. Either Cast or Steel lJottom
Tlifl NoV Department fimig Plow .
with either No. 20 or No. -10, Cast
Bottom, and in 12 and U inch
Steel llottom with third Uottota
We have in Harrows
The Lan
The Lean
The Deere
In the Disc Harrows
We have the Deere and Oshome
Wheels all ready, With Tire on, that will make your old IJaek as good a new-for a low I1
in'hi.ol is in fine shape and will
enrolled, with a very good attendance.
No oaes -f tardiness in this school.
t W illow Creek G. M. .Paul i8 un
tnrolliiient of -10, with a medium at
tendant. At Himnick Jerry Uanks
and ease, ihe stcond showing her mil
tieal soul mid the lanliplyiiii( Hglil
lies of touch, e.onihineit nitli clear
and good technic." Miss Maud is the
daughter of lr. V. Ui-snor and is a
native of this count v.
lias 'it enrolled, witii excellent atteiKl-
anee. This district has no school Adminlsuaioin haie or J,anl.
Imiie mid in conMHplencb they are I will sell at county couft hoii-e, on
i-oojl tip in a miill riKim in a dwellt : Satuidav. Dec. 28. 1' tile liiuhi'st
lug. At Grey itntw Mis Lilly Head bidder at either put.lic or private sale.!0"1' c'teii-porary that Son.eb.aly in
New l'lrni.
Mr. Elmer W. Knyler, who lias for
tlie past five years been woi king for E.
H. Sitlith, our well known saddler, has
pnrchi-sed a half iiitccst in the husi
liens; whi'ih is now of the most
substantial business houses in CrOok
county. Mr Kityler, by hit industry.
thrift Mud frugality, has gained an in
terest in a lucrative and well estab
lished business. The firm will here
after lie knowil us Hiuith Sl Kayler.
Thai iNcM-Mom Creek Kiirige,
We learn from reliable authority
that the bridge knosu as the Newmi,n
creek bridge across Crooked river i's
now completed and ready for trave1.
W'c liarii further tlint the bridge i a
No. 1 Mnictiire in ev'eiy detnil. This
bridge completed out of new nia'teiial
entire, other than the lout; bolts, will
com the taxpayers of Crook county
the sum of $022. This does not look
a predicted by li certain unii.nned cor
respondent throtlgh the columns of
j(damson 5c Winnck Co.
lias Hiem-olM, with iiliu attend- '.lie old Ldomis phice, conni-tiug of 40
Km. Progress fsexeelMit. At Hay acres, situaled 1J miles west ol l'rine
stark Ward Unison tik 8T eurolletl, j ville, on the Oclioeil.
Vitli good atteiida not-ud excellent W.T. CAaiiv,
aja.iitiuent. This echotd hss eiulit
f Uil uiauus uml is producing mpidiy. j sut.
aiithoiitv would be a participant in
graft to the extent of five oi- six hun
dred dollars.
Max l.iieddi'iuaii, editor of the An-
Adnit ii-t.aUir of llieif. J, Wart ili telope feptibli-aiiii was a hu.iiie8 lis-
j iter hut week.
Nothing succeeds like
Is an old saying, and is, abundantly
priiven by (iut constantly increasing
We aim In have in nur Di uir Htock
everything life.Ji d fur the sick Mnni.
Our prescript i.His are carMfiilljr coin
"p..imilud fnnii the bi,t, freshest
drugs slid chemicals, in the most
sunitHry 'manner,'. ami at as Iowa
as is coiisintaiit with good business
There are several
To do business, but nulr one right"
" w do nut sun to iiiaksnur
pi..liU fiom mm customer, but by
selling to our cimtoineri often.
When you
are nesr our store, step in surf ex
siiiine our now stock irf Kurnitur,'
Carpets. Ma'tinirs, Curtains. Wall
Paper, Hnoks, Slutioiiory, Municul
Instruments, ))rulie, Combs,
Hooks and Camra Ki,,)lies, all at
Reasonable Prices
jidamson & Winnok Co