5 Xoccl TIfoniion, $ F. C. yuiiuby was a buoiuoM Vwitor from Beud last week. Waller I -rieU waa up from Hay r reek lust Saturday visiting the comity tent. Walter Knot was down from Post last week attending to various bus- j liess dclails. J. B. Bhipp went totlic front Mod- , ilny to supeiintend th conttructiun of: the Kewsoin creek bridge. 1), J. Pengrn, of Kosland, returned Sat unlay from a business trip to Eu jene and other outside points. E. Sparks and Z. M. Brown are leed ine seventy bead of beef at the Slay ton ranch live tni'es east of town. X. B. Motes and Harry Haokleman weie down from Friee last week with In rses for the cavalry horse buyer. Z. M. Brown, Frank Sndyfrlt and Jrunes Conner were in from Sisters last Friday looking after business a lairs. Win. Wigle and wife were in front their farm on Crooked river and spent Thanksgiving with their son J. H. and family. J. G, Julian, the Sisters sheep man, was circulating in our midst last week He savs feed is line in that section of the county. Br. Clino cs ue in from the desert (Saturday and visited in town until Monday, when he returned to finish fathering horses. Rescue Hose Company Xo. 1 held its regular anutial election Monday, which resulted as follows: W. A. Bell, sliief, and Elmer Knyle-, asst. chief. W. C. Jacobs id C. A. Bedell were down from Twelve mile the latter part of Ixst week after supplies. Char ley is an old time friend of the editor. A, Patterson, the Lookout Moun tain mining man, leaves this week for Portland where lie will remain for a time And then go ou to California for the winter. Frank Paul was down from the Bear creek country Satuiday wheie lie re learning the wars of the wild and wooly west, ho being a late arrival from North Carolina. ' C. A Gilchrist, of Fife, Wa9 in town the first of the week on his return from Shftniko, where he had taken his wife who is en route to her old home in Indianapolis to spend the winter. Davenport Brothers' turkey shoot un Thanksgiving was a decided sue oe and passed oif quickly. Over 109 turkeys were disposed of, The most irited contest was between the med ical fraternity and resulted in Rosen berg carrying off the turkey. J. A, Wilkinson, a prominent busi ness man of Grangeville, Idaho, waa Pinking over thft city last Saturday with a view of locating a stock of goods hare. He has two other points to look at and if nothing better pre M'nts he will locate with us. C. F. Smith was ix from liamonta Fridi.y and informed onr reporter that J. S. MeMeen's new dwelling was com pleted and it is a fine xtrustnre. It will he remembered tiiat only a short time ago Mr-. McMeen win so unfortu nate as to have his dwelling and all its oiiiitmiu destroyed by (ire. Peter Lehrnian, the Ashwook black-j mniti, v.ns a visitor in the oity lust! week. Pete aavs they have a very j ).oii'.isiiig camp over there and all ibai is needed now is to have the King inne oontiovorsy settled for the camp 10 gu altrad in (line uaps. We nope that it will soon be over as that will ive an ridded impetus to twining in iliis county and ue may ren-wuibly wpcut now pro)otii to bo opened up m soon as it is demons) ra red that we T. R. Cut I was down from his raiuh on Crooked rivvr the first of the week. J. Ix Allen and wife were in from Willow creek Monday after supplier, Osour Hyde is erecting a handsome residence on Second street, near the court bouse, M. L. Brown was down from Maury the first of the week looking after bus iness interests. Miss Pearl Yanderpool closed a very successful term of school at Combs' Flat last Fiiday, Miss Mary Bianihlet returned Tues day from an extended visit with rela tives at Dayton, Washington. Hector McDonald was here lust week buying cavalry horses and succeeded lit getting several head of very good ones. Mrs. Thomas Balfour, of Fife, passed through here last Saturday en route to Portland to visit her daughter, Mrs. Bixby. Supt. Boegli is out in the north end of the county this week looking alter the interests of the various schools in that territory. A. L. Mcintosh, one of the promi nent sheepmen of the Paulina country, was a bnsiuess visitor in the city the first of the week. W. S. Thomas, president of the King mining company of Ashwood, nas in! the city a few days lust week looking) after business interest. j We are now installed In our new quarters near Oehoeo bridge, and will be clad to have all our friends call! aud see us as soou as we get settled dow n. Mrs. Nettie Briggs wived from Til lamook City Tuesday (or a visit with relatives in this city. Mrs. Brings is a sister of our esteemed townsmen J. J. and Bob Smith. The dinner served by the Metho dists on Thanksgiving day was very well patronized, the proceeds amount ing to $55. Rev. Clark desires hj to thank the people for their libera! pat ronage. Miss Rondu Claypool returned from Blizzard riuge, wheie she has-been teaching school for the past six months, and wil remain with her father who has been quite sick for the past month. The Oregon Development Co.'s party of surveyors have drawn off for the winter and returned to Portland. They pasted through town Sunday en route home. The party consisted of C. X. Scott, A. F., A. K.. Richard and Robert Sears, Philo Holbrook and C. L. Ream. An unprecedented rain begun falling on Saturday afternoon and bids fair to equal the famed Webfoot country before it gets through. It is thought by old timers that the picsent storm got sidetracked somewhere down on the California line and so got on the wrong side of the mountains. Prineville Assembly United Artisans elected ollicers last Monday, resulting as follows: Mrs. Hattie Palmer, M. A.; Win, Draper, Supt.; Mrs. Aiunmla Elkins. inspector; Mrs. Mary k,. rfiniih, treas.; Warren Jiown, sec'y.; Mrs. A. J. Boone, II, C ; Maud Bro.ui, sen. con.; Jennie Claypool, jun. can.; Dr. II. P. B. -I knap, med. ex. Dick KeHy, ol Post, had the nils fortune to have his liltlo child's lug broken in a runaway near that place on Thanksgiving. The family wetc returning from a ball and the horses became frightened at some young men riding very rapidly, the team running a short distance ran the wagon over a I large stone on which it lodged. The horses broke loose and threw the occu pants of tiie wagon out. In fulling the little child's leg was broken. W. ft. Mcl'arlaml caiiio in Saturday from a surveying trip with the Oregon utrMihiHibl ttrtliimnUiiWiiMnlHIil l frlMlrtllliiltli' 11 i iMtimh'm M . .,..,1 . .. f, -r i,Yl .t,-.!,,,, liave a fine field or the prospector. ""gallon ' rieei. ne.gn ll,n. J. N. Williamson left here last j bl,r''"od- w,iere he 1,u 1,ue" """'"K ,ek for Povtland where he joined the ' "''"8 a topographical survey ot uli.nr- members of a deleg.iHon 'of ",e J""u ,vclt'd tl,e ,,( ,Jo. k..m.-n and n-pwentatives of the j di-''llM t,,kwn out h m t"1" U!,.,.ber of Commerce, which will go W T1'i" ""lJl) to 1,u tu Chicago to attend the meeting of , character of the land that could Uie National Livestock AlsiKiiation. I 1,6 iiritwl- Th company has An eJSi-t will be made to have the J upedd work for the winter and next annual hi of the a,ia- i lld4ii the n.eu with the exception ton held in Portland. If they ' of a few who are working on tle right .ces(ul in getting it for Po.tI.H it oi-wi.y. Mr. Hutehuson, the presi- IVUeZWElLER S THOFfaSON UsTVEIsTTOE-ST gale. f The time for taking inventory is soon at hand, and wo nuist nnlthio our atook. In order to do so wo will oiler a discount of twenty-live per cent on tho lollowins lines: All of our Wool Dross Goods, twonty-flvo por cont off. All of our Ladies Jackets, twenty-five per ceat off. All of our Ladies Dross Skirts, twenty-five por cont off. All of our Mens' Clothing, twenty-fivo per cent off. All of our Mens' Overcoats, twenty-five per cont off. All of our Silks and Satins, twenty-five per cent off. It don't matter how low the goods were, they are twenty five per cent lower daring this sale. xisi'xnsiisrTorsr sale. ' WUBZWEILEK 8 THOMSON ELKINS & ,S hc 3 armors' Outfitters We WeaU Lie To talk with you about Hows and Harrows . . . Yea May te Surprised If you have never looked m through our iinmenso stock, to know that wo buy Plows J and Harrows in car load lots We Carry in Ste filr We will le glmi t juotc you prices on anything in th(Miiiik'iiitnl Hub. Wo carry the Outline Oliver Plow, both tho "Cliillwl" mid "Stucl" in lth Walking, tfulku, and Gatigo Wc lmvo nil tho Ri'pnirH for tint fc Oliver PIowk, and qnitu 11 stH'k of Ilt'l.airs for other niaken jj OUR P.RI0B3 t Are k low us i consiHtant with h'gitiniate busincsa Oliver Chilled Walking plows Oliver Steel Walkin;,' jlows The James Olivet Sulky plow Either Casit or Steel I5ottwn Tim New Department (lung Plow with either No, liO or Nix 40, Cant I'.ottimi, and iu 12 and M ineli Stttil liottum with third liottom Attutdiod We have h Barrows The Liin Hteel 'J'h Lean I'vg Lever Tooth Harrow Harrow Thu Itcru Wood Friiined Harrow In the Disc Harrows We Iiavo thv Doere and Oshyrivn Wheels nil ready, With Tirw on, that will make your old Hatk s gofid as new for a low Price. T. M. Baldwin returned Huiiiluy from biisim.'Sb tlip to IVtlund. Thede Cudlo haniii'd a rwUurnnt in the Muling building on Main street. A special term of the county court wan held tli fiint of -tlia wtek to fix voting precinct boundaries. C. V. Laiuence, of the (J'-orge Inw renee Co., of Portland, win looking after biumem interests iu thin city the Krnt of the wk. Hotel rrtncvllte. On Septwiiliur 1, 1901,1 tiKik charge of the Hovel Prineville, und lnvvn ri furiiished the Inm.i tlii(ii;liout, bed roomx, timing room mid kitchen, and otherwioe improved the Iioiikb. I have cloned the Vienna Cafe, and in doing so, deaiie to thiuik my many patrons for their pntroiiiit;e for the past three years and hope to we you all again ivt ilie Kutul Prinovillo. Tho house will be run on Auiei ican plan and ratoi will be L.0O tVM and $2. per day. Out iiccoiiiincdiitiorii cannot be survaftxed in the city, A long dintaiice telephone pjy 6ta tiu lias been establiiilied in the house. "Yours Ilunpectfully. 4darnson & Winnek Co Ming succeeds like Siiccesa I an old nyine, Rnd ii Wund:intly pn.vm by our coiiatantly Uiraiiig buriineita. W im to have in out Di iijj Stu-.'lc everytliini; nreJid for tha sick rimiii. Our prencripti.au are crnfully emu tmuiiiled frmii the bent, flvulirit drui and chemiculj, in the nnst Miituiy manner, mill ut u low a Price a in confialant with nuod buaineM priuciploa. There are several Ways To do biuini'M, but only one rljjlit wry. We do not mm to make iair prulita fMnti onu cusiniiiar, but by lulliun to our cuatumeri often. When you are noar mir atom, ah'p fn unit n- aiiiuie our new lnk of Furniture, Oarpnta, Ma'tint;, Curtuit:.. Vll Paper, Bool), Stationery,. JIuiicid Iiwiruinvnt), Kruslie), , Coin bo. Books and Camta Kuppliec, all l Reasonable Prices rH n .it 4 damson, dc. Winnak. Ccb Willi bic thing, not only for Port-.'".1 " -nl"1'. 4WMt.tlw.Utuv.UU'tUiM:st.. itiMfc.UAaMly.dii', iiuw.CdlitwuU. 4