Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 05, 1901, Image 4

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    ClTOOk County JoumaJ. .
IViUMHiiii 4Ni rnoniiBTDiat.
T. Foul Fihtiw
County Ommt Paikk.
i he Joru-i l In entered at the inntiiSic in
ix APVAM-r
,isn Ye ix.
.U MONTHS ....
'i'KitivK Months.
Don't Like Brother Harvey.
A correspondent to the Alhixny
Democrat, in a communication to
that paper, enter a strong protest
against the East Oregomatt for ad
.vocating the candidacy of II. V.
. Scot t, of the Portland Oregoman
.for United States Senator to sue-
,ceed Joe Simon. lie fays:
'I have known this man for the
last 20 years, and during this time
helieve that in the different cam
paigns he has been over the fence,
.under the fence, on top of the
fence, on each side of the fence, on
hot!: fides of the fence, behind the
fence and in the fence corner. And
this democratic editor Jells the
.democrats of Oregon that Mr.
Scott js the best and only man we
.should have to represent us in the
United States Congress.
"If Gov. Timothy Thomas will
,tnly hunt up this same Eastern
Or-gon editor and put up enough
hoodie, I think this paper can
,como as near electing him governor
as it will in electing the Portland
.editor United States Senator."
The Sunday Oregonian has a
.picture of Hon. J. N. Williamson
and coupled with it are a few
rhymes presuming to state that Mr.
. Williamson is trying to stand
with one foot in Salem and the
other in Washington, simply be
cause some of the slate press have
been trying to run him for several
if the different positions within
tlu gift of the people. If the Ore
gonian would fill its columns with
matter of more general interest to
its readers at this time it would be
filling the place of a family jour
.nal ti) greater advantage. Mr. Wil
liamson has made no public decla
ration that he is a candidate for
iinyoilice. When he does so then
it will be high time for it as well
as other journals to take up the
.matter for discussion.
Col J. H. Raley, of Pendleton,
is prominently mentioned as an
.us pi rapt for the democratic nomi
nation for attorney general, while
it is hinted that the nomination
for state treasurer from the same
party is likely to fall to John Biggs
,of Burns, Canyon City Eagle.
Our old friend V H Parker has
purchased a llf interest in the
i'r.'neville JointXAi., and moved
from Albany to that place. Will
is a gor.l newspaper man. Jeffei
on Keview.
Lit;! lit IV in. McKlnlrj-.
Memorial eJit:n, The Lent life of the Mir.
ty ed 1're-iMeiit ever written. SKl 7'J-i
with ljedutim! UmMjd cover. An ornament
jt.iliy lilirary. I'rice K.S. W, B. S.V.ter-K-e,
HI Oak St., Portland, Ore. Sots aild.
your JKrleml Kxpcls You,
To take advantage of the special
Jloliday Excursion Rates. Special
excursion tickets will be on sale to
;,d from all Columbia Southern
Hallway Wation on December 2:j,
2Uh., :., 3l)ih. and 31.. 1001 j
uf)d Jan. 1st. 19; pooa returning
until Jan. ifrd. 1902 inclusive, at,
one and Qne-Tliird, one-way, fatts
for the-round trip.
C E Lytic, G. P. A. C. g. Ry.
I Congress convened Monday and
s win no aouni oe a noteu session as
many important matters are to
come before that august assembl
age during the winter. The Chin
ese exclusion act will he up for
the consideration of our represen
tatives nd it will ho well for the'
people to talk the matter over
subject and send potititions for our
we- tern members to present to tlmt !
hoily in support of Uieir nrgununts'
that it should he re-enacted.
Money in ahuinhneo will hei
evidence and will he used without I
stint to prevent the passage, of
Mich an net.
Although it is over six mouths
until the nest election, it is none
too soon to be thinking the mut
ter over and picking out Miitil'lo
timber for the various places to he
filled. There certainly is goed
material in the republican party
to (ill every otlice, then why not
fill them? Think it over.
Thinking a few lines from this
place might not he amiss I will try
and give yon the latest.
Thanksgiving has passed ami
was celebrated here by a nice
social little dance. About forty
persons were present and a more
agreeable rrowd I have never met.
No whiskey to mar the fun. Now
Mr. Editor we . have lots of times
heard it said that there could not
bo a dance here without lots of
booze. This has teen proven to
the contrary. Every one seemed
to enjoy the dance immensely and
all was nuiet and merriment was
the watchword of the evening
among those assembled to cile
brate our Thanksgiving.
Mr. Editor we are going to have
a Christmas dance and would lie
to see you and every body else
come and enjoy the fun.
One Who Was There.
New Map of Montana
A number of sheets or quad
rangles of the topographic map of
Montana, which will eventu
ally cover the whole state, has just i
been issued bv the United States!
Geological Map shows that part of
Lewis and Clarke County, near I
the main divide of the Rocky
Mountains, which lies near the
town of Marysville. The moun
tainous topography of the region is,
indicated by a system of contour
lines which also show ultitudtis
above sea level; the map indicates
the position of the mine tunnels,
prospects, unJ irrigation canals
and ditches of the locality.. The
Rosebud and St. Xavier quadran
gles cover adjacent territory in the
southeast portion of Rosebud
County and a part of the Crow
Indian Rcscrvatim just to the
south pf the Custer and Renos bat
tle gelds, and includes the site of
St. Xavier Mission of Old Fort C.
F. Smith. This section is also
rough, and reveals rugged moun
tainous topography and a number
of striking canyon". Ther.) is also
Reconnaissance Map of the coun
try along the Missouri River iu the
vicinity of Great Falls, 'lhe
latter is a reprint of an earlier edi
tion wliicii had been exhausted.
These maps may all be had at the
usual rate, 5 cents each, on uppli
cation the. Director of the (Jeo
logieal Survey.
iiiirul If'ice Ivlu'ca-y
First Assistant Po.-tmater
General Johnson, in his an-
nn-,1 ri.nV.rt t.i vs t!iir tlie viirl w! report, wi tnat tlie
increase in the po.-tal revenues Ins i
r,.unll.,.l i tl,,. f,...o ,l..;,-..r,.'
llMoniing gelf-sustaiiung. ' As thei
Rurai free Doliverv reaches out!
into the country, giving equal j
lac.i.ues wiinoui rcgaru 10 locau
ty. hesavs it increases the revenues
at a rate at least equal to that
maintained in free delivery cities,
where during the past live years, it
iiuu averaged & per cent.
With your new fall suit, then you
have good reason to he satislied.
Few men are brave enough to
claim that they do not think of
1IKU when it comes to selecting a
suit or overcoat. We feel safe in
saying if oitr heavy weight suits
and overcoats do not plruse the
most fastidious Wife or "Bet
Girl," not hiii will. We know a
thing or two about the ladies,
r.nd we freely admit that we uro
thinking about them when we buy
our stock.
These K. N. &. F. garments are
far superior to other makes, in
stylish appearance, durability and
every essential of line clothing.
The man who wears one of these
garments can feel himself tasteful
ly and comfortably dressed.
Sails from $8 op.
Dealers in General Merchandise,
Si.i y
r- i f
For the next GO days, with every CASH
purchase of 25c you will receive a chance on
the following Premiums:
Largest Doll in the County 45 inches tall. J
Set of 184.7 Roger Bros, silver knives & forks,!
Kickle Plated Juno
Premiums will be drawn New
"VVc have just received a Splendid Lino of ninnkets from
90c and up ward. Also Comforters jt from to $-u0
The best Lino of Corsets lirect from Factory.
In these you get Quai.tity, Quality and Price.
Also Ladies' and Misses'
jfmorcan oCady,
The Pest Fitting Corset and Rist Made in the Market.
A share of your patronago is respectfully solicited.
Do not be deceived by tlic9 who nd
Vrtlsc ft Hfj.W Hev. !iu; lluetiino for
fc-0.O0. Tliiskind of amueiilneciiii
be buntrlit from usoruny of our
dealers from?15.0UU) jlS.00.
Tlie Feed Arte rmliiHS tlie strengfth or
wkikiic-is or rjewinz juaeiiiiiin, 'j lie
B" i"I C'l 1 1 i IK I Willi otlief
B(r() ,,, ,,!,.,,, .lkM t))a Xexl Uom(!
tlio'bent tiewlng Jlacliine to buy.
0 nhowlnu ttm dlf-1
. n .A l-Tcnt or
J Hi.ulnr M,,,.,ln...
V0 inuuuftujluro aiid prices bvbav imruUiulug
m m K0Kg jjWiNg jiGBIK& 60,
Bt. Louls,2au., D.U!aitTn.,Han JTranciioo, Hoi
Mow Home 83-winii Maohlne Oo
Sao Francleoo, Cab
Tjo Savo
T f .
, VI
Lamp with Shade.
Years Evo.
Corset Waists. Ask for the
ba cured
If yon suffer from my of ths I
illl of men, mmu to ll:e nUle
hyuiiliu oo ths Psdric CwtU, i
1051 Markolil. Est d 1332. 1
Vouns; mm siul mlrtdlo i
surctl men whure suiltairtj '
from the ITcts oi yuutlifnl tnuucrettoiu or ex- t
ces in nvtt'ir-r yfir, Nervoui ami 1 hy.irul
Ilvlillllr liuiHil. tir7 H. nnlimitl j
ii'&l'iricrtniHi Aiioni; iiei-mnturrlttrft,'tt, 'ilrrtirit, Olpel. i
t rcjui'iary el vrlumltfjf, ie. ny
cul,tb:!itiyn of r(.K.dtj.cjl attul ikiw-
er, the loctnt lit. n arr:uit;eil hi. Irmtjntnt '
tiut it will not oaly nllorU iiiiinclia-Le relief but j
pertniieiil (.ure. 1 he lloct'r doe. not claim to '
prrfonn iiiirclcs, but U wrll-boown to lie a fair l
and wi.ire lJhyician and SurKeori, pre-einiiiettt "
I in In. slienally 1 IRnfH Of .76 OH.
. ill. 1 1 In t hnriwidi I v enw'IciitHj Irom wt
sy"in '.villiont im'iiir Rlrrfur..
HV:;tV MAN ' i.u-1,.1 in uawllln.
I cl"! mir ltnrt ojilnltm ol rilirnnirilMliit.
1 WtwilUiimranlrta 1 067 Tl VE Wit I' in
. ffwry cam i?e undertake, ot iortexi
' Xlionwana Kollni.
1 Consultation MttK and itrtrtly private.
l rent perfnnally or bv letter. .Semi rir
he I'lilloiioiihy of ittarriazt)."
i free. (A valuable book lor men.
vinit fin. johiiAvii
1 Great Munetim of Anatomy
' world. Come anil learn how wonderfully you
. are roads; how to avoid .ieknesa and diiese.
5 We are continually addinir new tpeciowna.
HAT A LOU VK ikT.K. C"l or write.
1081 Marks! Street. Sen Frsrwkco. Csl.
if I
Jft P. Kvlknap,
!Pfijiieian mnJ Jury ten.
Oftic iu runr of Ailaimou, Wimick C
. Slrink
Xitoraey mmJ Counttor ml jCam
ritlNEVILLE, on;os.
7, n n'iS3
0 Jfyd., 9.7. 9.
l'l.ftue Kit. 2, lUmdi'iick tuck uf thi
Ph(iti(rHili Onlltiry.
jT J. fiostnbtrj, 7fi 0
ffhyaaimn anil Suryon
C!l niwrtcl promiitly day ur ni!it Of.
fict with Iir, V. (iwnnr. Ktnldwiiw
linll.y Hotel.
jft C. Patmtr tyofnry P,6tit
All Luaineas prcmptly mitl carefully utteiiJctl
CuiU'ctiiin ftsptfciiiltv.
Deputy Stock Inupectors.
No) ice in hi'rfhy oivvii tlmt I lima
ipiiiiiliii iIih fulliiwiiit! limned iiursinis
dupuly itoek liiKpt-iuiirs;
J. 1. (-Hrtwrilit,
JIny Crci'lt.
Aoh wiiuil, ,
I 'etlll I M l.
Bi'Hr Crunk.
Hny Crunk.
Sum 1 ' h in il mi ,
K. Kpaika,
A. luiri'w,
. F. M. li,
Koacixi Knox,
T. C. S.Hill,
J. 8. I'lllIIH,
Alel Mi'lliM-ll,
K. It. lliiini,
Jim Hiekln
Stiirk JiiHMcior t.'nmk Ciiuiity.
Fnrn slmrt liiiitt nnly we will club tviili
ilm NiirtliWHaiiTii LiiH-siiiuk mid Wuul
(iMwei's Juiiriinl, uf Criiillvtiiii, at tint
ruiimrkiilily low uico uf fi Inr biith ik
ers. Tins ott.-.r will snmi hu wiiIhIihwii
m all lli'e dcsiruua uf ukiug idvaiiUxi
uf it kad belter call at uuve.