v mmim use 00:MP.AJSrZ Fire-proof building, 00x31)0 feet, u now ruudy to hnml!u Murcliuitdino, Wool, ntc, HAUL VOUR FREIGHT TO SIIAHIKO DKALEIW IN Coal, Flour, Lumber, Wood, Hay and Grain. Special Attention fkvn to wool trade, rul -f1rK hiding mill grading laiiilUien, Also flock yuroe, lutc.at plaint. All .Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. SCHOOL COLUMN A PAP Mli Intuit") weekly Ut niul hj the V rnirl V (Imd.x of Hi. public H;I..,U, f I'rlnevllW, Oiennn. ChK. HfHMKIW KtUtur, 8, .1. .Nkhmim, Jh., Amidst-K'liwr, HIIDAY, NOVKMHEK W, VM I'linniiETOiis ' (Vnmm rf- Co., lt;.n.er, Tl.e DJAt. .. c J Mucins Huw , IS'tiikwn, Mi.ri). V.I1 V, Lahuaus, Tim 1.11. A.M. 2EL3AY, General Manager. - Gyrus, the Jeweler, Watches Clocks jewelry Silvarwaro Spectacles and Cyo Slassos Society Cmblamt Violin $ows and Strings Ttfachinc and bicycle Oil ffiandolins bj any os JCarmonicas, Ctc. Largest and best iwortment of c joctarl-f in the city. Fine repairing a specialty. Work pent in by I'ai! or sfnro driver will receive prompt attention. Sewing machines cleaned uml repaired. ilaia Street cposile Ssicmcn's Stor PrineviHe, Oregon. w. City harbor 6 hop. !Po well & Cyrus, Proprietors, JCot and Cold ZRalhs. Smith Siros,, DEALERS IN Scneral Ujerchcindisc. SI.-TEfiS, OREGON. have fust received a full line- of Xadies. wrappers find gloves. 2&e also kane a full tine of Senttemtn's mnd jCadiss? Shsss, 0y Soods, Sroc erics, Jfardwcirc. Xadies" ttntt Sents' surnisAinj Sedt Cmllavt Tim primary roorrm consolidated to liavo their Thanksgiving pro gram. Mrs. Chae. EJkins and Mrs Combs visited tli primary rooms Friday. 4 ) 4p (ioldifi Gray and Celia Nolm wore vbitws in the upper room last week. Ninety-one pupils were, absent laHt week on account of tha scarlet fever scare. Miss Ketehum is again in charge of the primary pupils during Mra. Rosenburg's ubsence. Agnes Elliott will spend Thanks givinK with her grandparent, Mr. and Mm. Rolter, of Crocs Keys. Mr. F.ocgli expw U to visit fome of the country hcIiooIb next wcuk. Mr. Warren Krown will have charge of hin room during hi abnetcc. Khvood Drajier, a pupil of the VI grade has the distinction of no; having winued a word in the daily recitation in spelling during the term just closed. He has also been perfect in all the written tests in the name stud v. The written touts for November are ended. The work ha. been very Mtkfiictnry this month and, with a fev exception?, the grajee made in the waminations were ex cellent. More especially the geog raphy and language work. Ve hope to still continue improving. In school it is 'quality that ttlU, not quantity. At a mectini; of the Wide Awake Society held Nov. 1") the following officers were elected for the cominy tenu: President, El wood Draper; vi e-pre.-id'.nt, Clia. Smiiroerf; wc retary, Jtirdiu Morris; treasurer. Letter Cnhr; editors, Anna Salo mon and t'eole Smith. A program will be rendered by the second di vision Friday, Dec (i. On the same d.iy the IVinevillo Society . met arid cclcctci the following o!i: 'eers: President, Myrtle iSwearin !gen; vice-president, Ralph Poin- 1 dexter; secretary, Gertie Sharp; I critic, Winfield Cline; editor, Geo. ! Wright; : Bergcant-at-arms, Roy Gray. After the election of ofT-cers a short program was rendoied. The pupils of the two tipper rooms assembled in Prof. Orton's room last Vdnosdav afternoon for tho purpose , of, listening to a Thanksgiving program that had been prepared for the occasion. The program consisted of the fol lowing: Son?, "America", school; reading of president proclama tion, Maude Dobbs; reading of gov ernor's proclamation, Hazel How ard; s irg, Maggie Foster and Stella Hodge; recitation, Iora Ward; in strumental duct,, Georgia Ilode. and Iora Ward; declamation, Ran dolph Ketchum; instrumental mu pic, Vcrna Howard; recitation, Les ter Cob in; duct, Fay and Gertie Hodges; rceitatiou, Aleatha Dillon; instrumental music, Iva Iiooth; recitation, Stella Simpson; instru mental auic, Myrtle Swearingcn; song, "Red, 'Wiiite nd lilue,', school. As visitors there were pres ent: Mnsdatnes Clark, DoutTut, Yancv, Waiirli Hanon Gbuw, Or ton, Troth, CJine. BoecLi, Cl'eck.L. Gary House Bar. Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. Turn WZHES, LIQUORS, CIGAHS MAIN STREET. ruisEviLLi; or.ECid:? HqpIaI Fester & Lehmaa MliUl, Prcnrietrs. ' r A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, I'orlc, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Main st. ' 0 'Phone i. llm&im StaHes and Sedby- Feed Earn, Stock boarkd by day, Wfk a? month. Fine saddle bors'-B and livery turnout. R.U" re;wo;aL'I;. Good accommodations. Remember us when in Prini viUe, and we guarantee that yiioc patronage will be aprecitii and deserved. P. ft DOAK, Proprietor. ED N. WHITE, JOHN CG.Mb'S.-. Whiio & Combs. -PEVLERSIN- WINES, LIQUOR DOMESTIC asd I5S!i'ORTE.... CIGARS. COUNTRY OK DERS FJRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. PC IN DEXTER HOTEL. FRINEVILLir, CKBGON. Do'ctorsfeid A Good ' v PrescriptioiL EriaaaMid 1 mta heitcbi. Tliry tMNiHti r.d prolong li.Nf. thw ei. xlkil. Note ht ,a R 1 l A N S on Ihe uckt,,,4 "l utlilii!r. R'l'PA'N'S hrj nau . ' 1i anri mt tkemiti KM4ai.nt.b will be HulM m nv tMnmln Ave rnN fnwar-4 K ilie rUpo. Chxi.ul t., N. Sum Street, New Yurfc. N. Hodee, also V. W. Ikown sad Mr. Djiap .