Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 05, 1901, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal.
THl'KSDAY. IU:C. 5, 1301.
Combs Flat Items.
Steve Yatiey looks letter on a
freight wagon than herding sheep.
.Mr. Adams has again started to
fanning and l'Mck Adam. is follow
ing one of tliu dov. s.
Mr. P. A. Helms, the Gravy
(ititi li fanner, has quit freighting
and gone to cutting wood.
Hilas Adanif has lately jmrehai-ed
a hand of cattle and is going to be
numbered with the stock raisers of
Crook county. ,
The Combs Flat school is flour
ishing under the supervision of
Miss Pearl Vanderpool, hut will
tlo.-e next Friday.
Mr. Chap. Cary has been on the
sick list for the last week, but is
now ablcY) he about and is herd
ing his sheep again.
The road supervisor has been
doing some very gtoil work on the'
donors were not mentioned it was
not intentional. Among those
ptesent were also Mr. George
Osborne, Mrs. William Kodgers,
MitM F.lla McCoin and Mr. N. Me
Coin. J. II. (.iit ant.
Wnelol)' tthaiiiH.
The tragedy enacted in Eugene
the other day recalls to the liose
liurg I'laindealcr the oft' repeated
story a voting and thoughtless
girl fallen a prey and victim of the
vultures who masquerade in man's
clothing and are in many cases
recognized a. the nabobs of society.
I rom what we can learn the poor
and wayward pirl who reported to
suicide last week to end hei troubles
;nd remorse owes her first wayward
step and later downfall to a young
man of this county, who flocks in
the best of society and counts him
self and is counted among the re
spectable, w hen he should be scorn
ed and shunned as n leper. Here
is where our social conditions nrf
wrong, and parents prone to err.
A prodigal son may return but
how about the daughter? The son
mav wallow in the mire of de- Accounts. All person
owing ua on notn or Account will
plense call and settle ua we wish to
dissolve our partiii'i'diqi anil need the
money for our iiulivulmil liiisine-N,
1" idler it Company.
) i .i r.... i i.....' . . t .
r.,:..k Ihe ast w.H-fc. Thev were um:!,l,., utu "1'"" m13 l"
i i ; ... i .
lamv, associaie mui me news oi
greatly in need of it.
Alfred Cary went to Prineville
this week ami secured the legal
cjcument and the result will prob
ably be known in a few days.
I iek must believe iu di
'ersificd farming, for lie has cattle,
horses, hogs, ducks, chickens, and
has lately purchased him a band
of sheep.
Is looks as though turkeys are
going to be rather scarce on Combs
Flat Thanksgiving, as Mr. Faught
has taken his band to town; hut a
duck will do.
No. 26, 19J1.
Or.0RXE READ. At the resi
dence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Read, at
Culver, Oregon, November 24,
1901, Mr. Erank C. Osborne and
Miss Pear! E. Read, Elder J. II.
(Irant, officiating.
The contracting parties are well
and favorably known in prineville
as well as in Culver, the groom
king a pupil in the Prineville
school several winters. The bride
is a sister of Lilly Read who taught
there two years ago. and a neice of
Mrs.' Cleek, of Prineville. Their
liir.ny f i iem'H extend to the happy
ci'iple their hsavty congratula
tions, and wish them well in life's
P-otli parties were tastfully and
iiuiily arrayed for the occasion, and
I'.'.clved a number of useful as well
; s beautiful presents, of which the
following is x list:
Mr. Read, two cows ami calves;
Mrs. Read, safe, dishes, lamp and
Mile linen; Mr. Montgomery, $2;
Mrs Montgomery, pair of pillows;
Lilly K.?ad, stand and rug; Lilly
fold, James Read and Joe Mont-
degredation, and with the first sign
of a desire to return to the path of
honor which leads to the home of
purity he left to delve in sin, so
ciety prepares to receive him with
open arms. Mothers who are oth
erwise careful of their daughter's
honor are gracious and kind to the
moral leper whose polluting influ
ences are not yet harmless. As
some one has said, under the im
pression that they will .encourage
him to lead a pure life thera invite
him into the sacred walls of their
home and shower upon his sid-sod-
den head caresses and words of
praise. How about the girl who
went astray? Will the display of
a desire to reform secure her recog
nition to social respect? No! The
faintest zephyr of suspicion will be
carried upon the tongue of gossip j
until it becomes a tornado of accu
sation. Th" erring girl is, in the
eyes of a bigoted society, forever
lost. A move to the better is not
noticed;, a pica for aid unheard; a I
beseeching cry for pity is scorned; ,
curses instead of benediction are'
heaped upon her furrowing head. I
And why should this distinction!
be made? Why should the one bej
forgiven, the otlicr condemned? It
is uniusi; iiis iieainenisii! n is
a tear on the face of civilization!
The weaker should not receive the
blows while the stronger receives
the protection. Instead of driving
the daughter to suicidal occupation
land shclterin,'' the son who caused
her ruin, reverse the decision of
"sentiment" and the world will he
I And OtHcf l Tli. llls
Nl'HlllllT '.Tl, J'.Hl.
Nutien in liMruhytiivi'n mt Hie
iuK-hKiiird imtilir. 1mm hlril tmtlcu ul
iivlimti.ui tu iiihU tiiml p I tin t h.'U
ivxtivt chimin Miirr A. C. I'
8. Oi'imiiiiwhiiiiir, ul PriiiHviils, Orem,
on fi'iiiny, Junimry 3, JtHia, vim
Shiumiii H. KiiiMtd, on'iu.'nil jp
elieniii.n N.i, 64 H), fur tlm N J 8 E I N
E 1 8 W .,id S K 1 N W Sc. , T
17 , It ill K, W M.
Jiiiiii l. Pickett, nil liomnufwid t.pptt
cminii No. IIM, fi.r tlm H K S III,
T ID S., R p,l K, W M,
Dieilneli lyi"iiimn, mi litMi'hvul np
ilirmi.m N. 0514. ,.r tlm K J S E I,
8 E i N K 1U1 t 1, Sue. U, T 17 S, H
lt K, VV M.
Viti,i'M.ii: Dieilrii-h K'Kipnmn, Juhii
P. Pukrti, K. 1 Cillruwutor, W. II.
I ' mill Simeon U. Kmmut, nil ( IVst,
JAY P. M-CAS. Ureter.
' South End Blacksmith Shop
For Ol.d and Young
"Our M irtyr PriwiiU'iiln." Th livm
uf Lmooln, (Jurtiolil, mul McKinliy, WW
aun fully iltiiatmtf , c.'iiuiiiim; aUo n
liimnry if Aimrclijr. lUmuliful omur.
Tries f 1.00.
'Suiry nf Bemitiful Life." Tlm hen
r, li)iou bonk. 500 pane 7x!'i, 1)00 illun
tratimu. ItenuUfully bound in cloth.
?3 00. v
''firandmt Cuntury in tlii IVnrM'ii Hit
tory." (100 ps;e fully illimtiulol. A
wuird of tlm world'i ad i-nncijiiieiit dui
iiK tliu Imi century, S'VOO.
"Ab Lincoln's Yurim aiiH Rtt,rnm "
500 nn of Lincoln' bust mnriua, illul-
ir.iii-a witn pen sKutvltva, .i.UO.
Oldir by noil from
UIU )k 8lrn-r,
(p) PunUid, Or.
Is Abeolutoly PURR and will
OUl'VEJAK all otlwr Leailu
If ym;r local dealfn, Ho not carry it
write la Li and we k ill iwe tlmt you
K'-t it.
Vc Have
Canton ( l'loivs,
Canton Sulky l'lows,
Canton Walking l'lows,
Can tun 111 no Jay I'lows,
In both Chilled Iron and Steel.
Wc Have
Fuperior Iloi Drills,
Superior llisi; Drills,
Superior Shoe J i-i 1 1 h .
icrior broad cast seeder
With C'ultivutor uttiichuient. '
We also carry in stock lh Fimnuis fiinton Disc Harrows,
U liar Harrows and l'nvunl.i J'ipo I''ntmu Harrows.
Csll ind Examine Clt Scotch Clippcrs-A Slal Tlow witfi Cist Stcar.
Stags Line-
Lcnvf) Shaniko, G p. in. Arrivo rrincvillc, 0 a. m.
I;ave rrincvillc 1 p. in. ( Arrivo Shaniko, 1 a. in.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
i n
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly lenvo you, if you
used Dr King's New Life l'ills.
Thousand of huH'erers Inive proved
their inatcltlcijK loerit for Sick and
j-iinery, two jictiires ami frames; Xenons He.,d.ielieH. They make pure
Osborne, jelly and glasses;
Miss Fannie Osborne, lamp; Miss
Osborne, fruit dish; Lulu Osborne,
rvi'ice dishes; Robert Osborne, glass
Mrs. May Schooling, pie plates;
Mrs. Peck, salt ami jx-pper set;
Mrs. deck, tea set; Mr. I) llodgcrs,
water pitcher; Mrs. I). Rodgcrs,
"(dashers; Mrs. May Montgomery,
fr-.iit stand; Colo M migomcry,
'. heese jilate; Mrs. and Mrs. Hoff
siian, nrker; Mr. and Mrs. Halm,
ciike dish and stand; Mr. and Mrs.
Girso;i, jelly mul glasses; Georgia
i'l"ek, vase; Nellie Lanihson, suit
:.;il pepper set; Alice Rodgcrs,
blood mid Imild up yoiirlieiiltli
Only 25c ut Adainnon & Winiiek
Co'e. Driig Store.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
When thingt are "the bent" they
become "the lieat felling." Abruliiini
Hi-re, n Wiiilinc lrti(v;it, of Belleville,
O., wiiten: "Kleetric IJitterg re tbe
best selling bit-tent I lmve handled in
20 yearn." You know whyf Moft
(liiMsises liegin in disorder of utomucli,
liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and
nerves. Kloctiic Bitters tones up the
stomach, regulates the liver, kidneys
ii nd bowelo, purii'ie the blood,
I strengthens the nerves, lienee cures
-!!y dish; FctJic Armstrong, salt multitudes of m dudes. Jt builds up
:::i jM'ppcr service; Mr. Simpson, tlie ,"tire "-,steln- lut new life ami
bedspread; Kd. Campbell, 2; Mr.' v'K"r Hlly:u,llk. i-kly, rundown
i'in' ..,,.. wi i ti..... limn r woiniiii.
i i. p. a, x iiijiu 1111, It,
gton, tea spoons; ' David Peck,
t'.lver licrry dihh; .Aaron Hoffman,
I Only 5l)e ut Adainson k Winnek
Co's. Drug Store.
60 YEAR3
TRARt Mark
VtfA Desisnb
Copyright Ac
AnTone.infllng inhiHrh and df-WTtntton n-of
fturta iir)rt;tin (mr o!.imii fi wltulltr ilO
iiividiMon ti pruhnlf pnU'iitult't), ('(tmnniiilen
tldinmrictlf W)iiililen(ial. Jhuiflrtookon PhIauw
win frwt ('1'itftt uamrj for a.--nriin(iioiiitn.
I'nttnilt Uliuri throitirli Jvlunti k Cy. rvoislrt
$priainnHc6, without ctiirue, lottia
Sciendfic MmMi
A hfinlaomclf ll.nrtmHd wwklf, TjirpMt rtr
cul'illoii of hfif clfli.tlHi! I'limnl. 'J'urttiR. 9 A
jrfliir: fflurmoTiUd-tl. BvtdLiyll ntMli-aJvn(.
Kiucb Oillcu. e&TSU Wuliluuluii. 1J.U
frnnr own Irction) (o nwjr ut-kcrilx-r.
Only So C4-ni year.
Adamson& "Winnek Co., Agnnts.
O. Nr. Cornett, Manoger.
Prineville Planing Mill.
John B. Shipp, Proprietor.
Manufnrturor and ilcalor in all kimla of roticrli ami
dressed lumber, sliingK.s, brnckfts, niouldins, turn
ing and band sawing. IIouo Finisli niado to order.
Agent Ur Eaciticr and lacal Bicycles and Suadrks.
Mill opiHinito Piiiiiville Fiour Mill. Y.ird, 2d St., ojinmite I. 0. 0. F. Hull,
Prinnille, Oregon.
ami cleek.
Wines, Liquors,
Domestic and
Imported Clears.
J a The Celebrated
A. B. Q. Beer
i Always on Eand.
Proprietors of the Prinoille Soda Works.
Two Doors South of
First National Bank.
A rm; liMttiifitl entfr4 pliiin; lnlMt
laiWifla; dKMittidkiiif tttnutitjH ;f.nity
wink ; li'ieinil( Imni ; hcuon, pie, Jtnlc
wriln lixUt, if. rrl u l.if Ulrt i.upf
KtjrHh, KeUablc, Simula, I'tt-to-dil,
Ki-tfixmii-rrl nt Atmluiiy
i'erffCi-Kfttlptf rajKir Patu-nii,
Fruits & Ornamental Trees.
AH Sfim AHtw4 m4 ?r1tAtUmi thou
Only lo t( Citi eh tinif htrhrr
A fur litem. to awl ttuf uiy
iiw -uwh, f or niui HUM
Small bruits, Shrubs,
Plants, Si oses, 6tc...
Fend for catalogue and prion lint to V E. Payne,
Maniiger Branch Office, Hood River, Oregon
L:;ndkerch:cf. If any of the' Subscribe lor the Johina
It J-IH-II? Wfil 3tlt It. kiW KOBK.