i -. - - i MitcMI lt,.u,eB.g5iM.,ul Q, I SalOlllOIl. ucnortu liMCKBrnmnng ana w agon Zfo U;ok- Repairing, T!ieRl()ni.r lVinuvillo, Orcpnn Slats! Slats! .V j Is now urnvtiirf it m-a lire e'inpleiu VM Our lint of If nti Ii complete and embrace the John lay, General Merchandise. Staple ainl F,lm.;v ; i 1 Paints and Oik Windows and IWrs. Giviin Sacks and Binder Twine. Hardware and Stoves. are prepared lo hi: you eoiiiethiug nobby in Men'e and B eja1 Sni.e, Jf & Fall and inter 11. Slutmiu ami Linn brand, in ill llio new blue k Underwear fur Men and eelubratedlWnsiii'e tlfnlth World. Other lines cheap m PLOWS, HA330W8. M0..ES.3, BASIS,, Ail J All Ji!.133 OF FARM Ta Own a Bit of Land. "One of tho healthies instincts ' Anglo-Saxon nature is to acquire UcmA acres," said aft elderly man. '"This love of the soil, which in England among the bettor class has for so nuny" hundreds of years amounted to a passion, has done :i:ore to- ennoble tho nation and give it its prestige than anything k'.se, and it is of no small importance- to our national development tiiat young men of education and ncial standing so frequently nowa THE SEW WAY COMMON SENSE FOB WOMBM ladtee Should Bead of the Latest &nd Most Successful Impor tation from France. All -Womankind. May Possess Fair Skin, .Bright Eyes, 8tranrtn. and Hood Heal tin. S eaye IV Laliord, the famous French f mctionea whis hea devoted hia whole life- W tho study of women, and hiia wu 1r)i) highest distinction through hia wwt urfuiij snccesssful practice among tb fiuwlies t Paris. j WOMAN A HEROINE Woman ia, a, heroine, says the Doctor, and lift remarkable endurance and abili ty withstand tl must tryiug ordeal nmupels administration She ia a autre fcn the Natural modeety of her eex which oftsu causes her to endure the greatest trials, and sutler in silence, rather than consult even her Family Physician, far ing to expisuj herself to necessary ques tioning; and. probably examination. A LIFE STUDT Recngnizing thus fact in hia early practice, Dr. LaBord haa, by years of Study and close application, envolvul an entirely new method of treatment for all ailmenu peculiar ro women, which has j met with unbounded success, aud has Jftiauch Offices, managed by skilled plijsi oidiis under his pergonal anpervibion, unw located in every'larce cily ir Eurape By his superiar methuds each patient receives, absolutely free of charge, full and detailed advice especially adupted to ljer case, tints avoiding all emiHirasa i inent op inconvenience, and an Dr La g ird's remedies are put up in the form ot Rinall, dainty wafers, they are easily J isnd taken at any time nr place, without ! aiTactlirif attenMon. X Ins nifurts re gularity in treatment which is most im portant to a cure, and generally iniuoa aible with liquid remedial Li'juid remedies always contain a lanre , prop .rtioii of alcihol, whiskey or other ijipmrs, to iireserve them from spoiliui;. J I5r La Bord'a Wafers are a "dry medi-1 cine" and are positively free from in- j toxicants r narcotic d'Hy" "f any kind, MODEEN METHODS Dr LaBord's greatest success Ins been i achieved b the use of the "vahom HiEE.'' This is not a Patent Medicine,, but a scientific oreparation of "Vibur num 1 or 'VjUoMa" (cnnmnnly known aa ItUcU Haw berry), and other well known hrb whose curative properties have tieeii known to herbalists for Centuries. ''VibMrnuin," or "oahokia," ia recog nized and prescribed by. the leadinc (hyticirn.of the world as the best known ii. . :t;- I. tx I i r.it - r.Jttiiiip cir reuiaie irouoiea. j lie ex .treiliely disagreeable tiste-of these r,drovs has been overcome hy skillful miinipvla tiou, retaining however nil of tboir vir tiea and sireugihi and' these specific lta'e been so combined and prepared aa bi forin.a dainty wafer, easily tki-n, yet timb'jdving ttie minit accurate aud certain onre for Female Weakoesa, Nfrvoos rr.lration, Painffih and Slipprased: 22&1U4S, It-Qulwl, LilOj.vbuwi Uj Boye. We handle the Underwear, H. at ill the mid giaid. days buy small holding where they can live the country life that every healthy man delights in. To own a bit of land is a hostage to respectability and success, and when it is in the country and car ries with it a certain amount of country living and thinking it amounts to a moral tonic strength ening all that is best and most virile in a young man' naturo. Public spirit becomes aroused in stinctively, the affairs of the coun tryside grow to interest him keenly, Whites, Sterility, Ulceration of the Uterus, Change of life in Matron or Maid, Chrouiu Decline, Uninary Trou ble, Nervi.ua Debility, Profuse Flow, Threatened Miscarriage, Palpitation of the Heart, Paine in the Left Side Cold Hnds and Feet, bearing Down Hams, Backache, Shortness of Breath, Scalding of Urine, Soreness of Breaal, Neuralgia, Uterine Displacement, and all those symptom! which make the average woman's life ao niiaeiable. It makes child birth easy aud savim DOC TOW!1 BILLS. A VALUABLE FEATURE. "C'ironu wariwi" have proven a blessing to thousands of suffering women who have been made well, strong and happy in a surprisingly abort time by thia wonderful treatment. Thuy will not only cure the most ooatinate cases, uo matter how long neglected, hut are also the only known remedy that can be aUolntely relied upon to preveut those monthly recurrences of extreme pain aud suffering, needlessly endured by so uiauy of our women. PURE AND EFFECTIVE ''Dr LiHojiu'g cabonia wafkiu" are purely vegetable, containing no injuri ous cbeaiicals or drugs, and ara positive ly guaranteed to cure even the most neglected cases, if directions are careful ly folluwed, and the medicine honestly taken. Thia valuable remeda, 'Dn LaBord's Cahonia," is now on sale in America by the importing firm of Moyles Fuller Com pany, who have contracted with Dr La Bord for the exclusive agency of the United Statea. Consolatation De partments, under the superviainu of Dr LaBord are maintained and special ad vice fur"ished absolutely free to all who take the treatment. Ludiei ordering "cauonia" are invited to write all about their particular caac, in detail, and are assured the most sacred privacy aa to their correspondedce, aa no testimonials or letters from ladies are ever published by us. One box of "cafonia wafzkx," con taining a month's aupply, will be sent, securely packed and prepaid to any ad dress in the U 8 or Canada, on receipt of One Bullae, accompanied by the details of you' case. Full and coinplet etreat mimt, including all necessary mediotne, and our written guarantee, Five Dollars pavable in advance. This charge covers all expenses, in cluding free advice and full directions. There are no additional charges of any kind, thus placing the treatment within the reach of all. Address Consultation Dept., Tat! Koviw-F"U.ek Companv,, Market and 24th Sts, Philadelphia. "OTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. H, fX)L Notice is hereby (riven that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that- said proof will be mad before J. .1. HmiHi, Countv Clerk, at frineville, Oregon, on- Thursday DeceinlK-r 5, iVOl, viz: Aina K. Marple. of Culver, Oreon, H B No, 779 for the HJ NWv and K4 BWi Kee-22, Tp. 12 R. 13 K., W'.M. She Bftnies-tha' following witnewt. to prove her cvnliiiuoiis residence upon audicultivation of said land, vis:r J 11 Meriill, O fjpringw, Edwanl,Pike and 1? A,Giuk,.aU:of Culvert Oregon., iT.-X. Laaaa,,Sacjttgu,', Ins ru ai tie ,;'ili.)i become ol im pur iinc' to hi;it, and he grows in touch w tii the community, us he vote w.'.li them and works with thorn for he r common local in tcresis. It is tho "bit of land'1 that does it all: tho svnsu of ownership and mutual interitg that awaken the dignity and responsibility of citizenship which ia fo important to the coutid.ng of a man's charac ter. And that young men of busi ness are developing such tastes is a happy augury for the future of town and state." That Throbbing Hoadaohe. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr King's New Life, Pilla. Thousand! of kuflerort have proved their matchless merit for Hick and Nervous He.uluches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25c at Adamson &, Wimiek Co's. Drug Store. CONTEST NOTICE. DmariiiNT or Tut IsTrxtoi United State. Land Office, Tl Dalles, Oregon. October 2, 1U01. AsuHicient contest affidavit bavin- been filed in thia office by Kinma II Tike, con testant, a,-abut homeaU-ad entry No. 7'iSl, made April 7. 1KW for HKX M'.', 8eo IS and XK NW and NJ NKX Bee T 12 3 R 1-1 E, hy Joseph 15 JohnsoD, Contested In which it is alleged that said entrynan, has wholly abandoned said tract fur ninre than ail mouths since making said entry) thr.t the tract is not settled upon aud cultivated aa required by law, that hts abandonment ! not due to hia emnlorinetit In the armv or navy of tha United States in I tlm. of War. Said parties are Iwreby nntiti. j ed to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said alb-Rathm at 10 o'clock a. m. on NovamlierlB, 1D01, beforeA. C. Palmer, U. S. CouiruiMioner, at hia oSica at Price ville, Oregon, (aud that Snal hearing will lie held at 10 o'cliek a, ni. on November 20. 1001, before) the KeKister andlte ceiverat the United States Land Office) iu The Uallm, Oregon, The said contestant having, In a pro)ier affidavit, fded Oct 1, 1901, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal ser vice of this notice can ut be maOe, It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due aud proper publication. J ly J'. Lucas, iiugister. Notice of Final Bottlomont.v Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed, administrator of the K.Uate of Nancy A Benham, doceased, has filed in the County Court of Urook Co., State of Oregon, his final account at such administrator of said estate, and that Satiuduy, the 7th day of Decemlier, l'JOl, at the hour of 11 o'clock, a m has le-en f xed by said Court aa the time for hearing of nlijectinus to said report, and the settlement thereof. Dated, NovemlierS, 1IIQ1. JAMKS It. BKNIfAM, Adniimstrator of the Estate of Nancy A. Benhaui, deceased, 11-7-12-5. TIMBER CULTUHR PROOF-NOTICE 10R PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, Th Dallas, Oreu. October 8, l-SOl Notice b hereby given that Williara W Joalln, of Hay Creek, Oregon, hut filed totioe of intention to make final proof before A 0 Palmer, U S Couiaiiasioner, at his orhoe in Prineville, Oregon, ou Kilday the iWrni day of Novemlier, 1901, on timber culture applies tion No 3S7, for the SW),' of Bee S, T'a 3 RWE.WM. He names aa witnesses: Irn Cloels, of Prinevill,.Oregoni and Henry ilontgoniery. Alec Tancey. of Hay Crk, the., and H A 'Jlikul.Uxiiily, Oregon. B..LIiC,Eaaist, Dry Goods. THB HOME GOLD CURB. An Ingenious Treatment by whloh Drunkards are Cured Daily In Spite of Themselves. It ia now gonnmlly known and mi deiHtiHjil that Drtiukeiiiieae is a disense ami not wntiknesa. A Inaly tilled witli puieini and imrvoe coinpli'Udj' sbattniisl hy periiKlii-Hl or ciiiistai.t use ol intox Wilting liiiitirH, niiiiroa an nntiduttt cnpubln cf nciitriiluing anil orndicuv- lni thia puisun, and destroying the craving for Intoxicant, riuflurcrs limy now cure tbeinaelvua nt hiiine without I nubheitv or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CUKK,"whioh has been nrfected after many years of clone study and treat moot of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this won diT I ill discovery ia positively guaran teed to euro the nioet obatitlaU) Cast', no matter how hard a drinker. Out records show tho nmrveli us trnnsforiii ation of thousands of Drunkards into aober, industrious and upright limn. WIVK8 CUIUS YOUlt HU8BANDH! CHILDREN CUKE YOUK KA THEK8I I Thia n-niedy ia hi no sense a nostrum but ia t specific- fur this disease only, and ia to skillfully de vised nnd prepared that itii thorough ly soluble and pleasant to the taste, ao that it can be given in a nop ol tea or collue without the knowledge of the person tuking it. Thousands of drunk ards have cured themselves with this pricelfH remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the cure administered by lining frienda and relatives with out their knowledge in tea or collce, and bclinve today that they discon tinued drinking of their o-vn free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent anil misleading "improve ment. The HOME GOLD ClliEir sold at"the extremely low price of One Dollnr, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual tlm u otbrs costing $J.ri to $). Full directions cncoiiipuuy each package. Hiecial advice by skilled physicians when reqested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any pur', of the world on receipt of One Dollnr. Address Dept. K 485 KDWIX B. OILJM 4 CO. 23IW and 2332 Market Bt. Phila delphia. All correspondonco atrictly confi dential. The dental work of Dr.C. A. Cline is too well known in this country to need any praise. He enn always be found at the old stand, next door to the First National Bank, Give him a call. CONTEST NOTICE. Dtr.lltTMENT Or TDK LvrSKIOR. Laud Office at THE DALLES, OU. October 2d, 1901. A snfGcientcontestaflidavit having hern fil ed In this office by Alomo Pstterson contestant, against homestead entry No. 71119, made Keb, 27, 181)9, fur the N W uf JSec 3fi Tp 12 S., It 14 E by Marion 0. Anderson Conteatce, in which It Is alleged that said entryinan has wholly abandoned said tract and changed his residence therefrom for mure than six months last ast. That such absence ia not dus to to his em ployment in the army or navy of the United States; Said parties are hereby noti6cd to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Deo. 21, 1901, before A. C. Palmer U, S. Com mis sinner at his office at Prineville, Oregon, (and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Dec, 27, 1901, before) the Regis ter and Iteciever at the United States Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper afB davit, filed Dot. 25, 1901 set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of thi notice can not bs made, It is (ereliy ordered and directed that snob notice be giv en by due aud.prnpw publication. iAX E;,LPCA8,. - ItuGjuaxi In our dry goodi department will bo found the completes! Hint in tl). city of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, f&fc- 1 ti a IMPLEMENTS. 2? "NERVE WASTE." Ono of the most helpful books on nerve weakness ever issued Jh that entitled "Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of San Francisco, now in its fifth thousand. This work of an exiierienccd and reputable ldiv- sician is in agreeable contrast to thu vast sum of full touching which prevails on this interesting subject. It abounds in carefully considered and practicul advice, and has tho two great merits of wisdom and sincerity. It is indorsed by both tho relig ous and secular press. The Chicago Advance says: "A perusal of the book and the application of its principles will put health, hope and heart into thousands of lives that are now suffering through nervous impairment." The book is $1.00, by mail, post paid. Ono of the most interest! nir chapters chapter xx, on Nervines and Nerve Tonics has been urint- ed separately as a sample chapter. and will bo sent to any address for stamp by the publishers, The Pa cific Pub. Co., Box 2W18, San Fran cisco, in plain scaled envelope. Pullman Ordinary Sleepen. The tourist travel between the east and the Pacific coast lias reached enormous proportioua in the last few Vuara. ami calls lor a special class of equipment. To ,,. ueuianu ine ruuuian U. Iiaa issued from its shnpa what it technically calla the "Pullman Ordirary Kleeper." These cait appear similar to (he regular sleeper, being built on the same plan, but not furnished with the same elegance They ara equipped with nialiretaes, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-easel, towels, combs, brushes, etc., requiring nntlimgiif the kind to be furnished by the passenger. Each car haa a stove for making collee and tea and doing "light housekeeping," and ench section csn be fitted with an adjustable table. A uni formed porter accompanies each car, hia business being m make up berths, keep the car clean, alio liaik after the comforts and wants cf the pnssengi-ra. In each of the (rains which are dispatched daily from Portland by the 0. It. N. (Jc. is t.i bo found one of these "Pullman Or dinary Sleepers." The car ia attached to the ''Chicago-Portland Special," which goes through to Chicago without change, and the one in the "Atlantic Ex press" runs lo Kansas City without change. Passeugen in this car for Chi ch?o change lo a similar car at Granger. Much of the first class travel is being carried in these oars, the rates being lower, and the service being nearly equal to that in the palace sleepers. For rates and full information, in eluding elders, write to A. L. Craig G. P. 4., 0. R, N. Co. Portland. Ore. Have you seen those new Art Squares and Ruga an AJamson-Winnek Cu. TIMBER CTLTURE PROOr-NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore, Octobers, 1901. Nottae b hsrchy given that Isom desk, of Prineville, Oregon, has filed notice of In tention to make final proof Iwfore A. C. Palmer, V. 8. Commissioner at bis office in Prineville, Oregon, on Friday the 22nd day of November, 1801, on tlmlwr culture applica tion No. Sir.8, for the Ni BK'i an Ku HW'i of See, .8, Tp. 12 s., R. 15, E., W. M.' He names as witnesses; W W Joslin,. Henry Montgomery and Also Yaneav of Hs.. Creek, Oregoa, and H A Cleek, of UrialyM ungpa.. 4AXE..I,i:C43,.Btislar