Xoccl Vfention. Paul Ue, of Crook, was buisuess visitor iu the city the Ural of tlits Vivok. . Wallace l'nsl a down from Tost Monday looking alter business interests, Mis Susie Slavton lias the material i oil ilie ground for her new building tu moin street. Lawn Parish and V J Schmidt were down from Howard the iiint of the wci'k after supplies. DF Furr mid family were down from rook lust week niter supplies mid paid this office a friendly call. Joseph Quinn was a pleasant caller ht this office Monday, He will win ter on liila farm near Lauionta. Mrs C A Biuuham, of Pullman, Wash., ia here for a visit with lier brother, 1' B Doak and other relative ,V , John and B B Hcllrieh were in from Lauionta the latter pan of hit week looking . after buaiueas at tain. ' -- Win Sporteman returned last Fri day Irom a trip to The Dalles, where he went with a lot of lioraesfor John bchuieer, of Crook. ' H J Lister started Suaday for the ranch at Kabbit valley with a bunch of bucks that he recently purchased Jioln Allen it Lnfollelt. Dr Cline has been taking lessons in voice culture and has about the hest modulated voice iu town. He says il was caused by a set of teeth. Ed Lytle came over from Canyon City ijuturduy. He lias been looking niter the Cauyou City eud ol the Pau lina stage hue lor some time past. J W Boone returned last week from a business trip to Portland. Mrs Boone, who accompanied him on his journey, remained iu Moro to visit with relatives. The new brick store is completed and J F Morris hits moved in. It is u fine appearing and coumiudious building and adds materially to the appearance of that part of town. Fred Smith, of Paulina,' paid this fcfbce a pleasant call Monday morn ing. He hi" been herding sheep for Hugh L'"ter the past summer and re ports the sheep in line cooditiou con tidering the dry summer. They look tup best of any iu that section. ' Mrs Wilda Belknap returned last Thursday from a two mouths trip Tisitiug D of H lodges throughout the itate. From all over the district where sli bus bvcu come flattering notices of her success as (J rand Chiel if Honor. Of the 67 parcels of real estate ad vert imiI to be sold for taxes, but Ti. were still in the hands of , the slierilV t it sale last Saturday, the date fixed lor the sale, the remainder having lieen settled before the day f sale. This speak well for this county. 01 ihote remaiuiirg the county bid in 11 mid the remaiudci weresoM to plivate individuals. -! ' ' K letter received by Sam Newsom from the. head of the biw school in ' lonhind iiv regard to. the recent dif dciiity will l he students, iu which Julii) -JSewu;t was said to ligire con pieuouly, is bianded as a faisshond. "Mr Thmirtoivstate the diflioulty be iweeu him and John was of n im jirUn and whs settled without any trouble.-.. :, ,,- , , - Wm Holder, of the Shanikn Leaifcr, ie in tending getting out an illustrated annual that will give a general write up of tine comity as well as tShernian, which we hope tu see well patronized. MrHoldeor his representative will le here iu the war future to solicit advertising and to get data for the write-up of this county. Further paiticulars will be given later. ' W B McFarland anil a crew of men started fur Bear ereek last Monday to i irking tor I lie purpose of con tin u tug tlieeturvty of the Oregon Irrigation i.'o iu that section of the comity. TJiis emtipituy ia doing a large amount f surveying thi fait is wntkipation A early completion o: a portion of their ditches. Tue recent ease- m uiut ka-viiij been dtciieuj ia favor of tile company work will now be pushed u all tLeu tuvyj. "Jack" Buimmira lias a couple of pieces of the first ty e that was brought to Oregon. It was brought from the Sandwich Islands many yeai ago and is pretty well worn. Deputy sherlir Warren Brown re turned Sunday from a trip to the I'engra farm on the Deschutes where he went to attend to selling pome personal pioperty on a judgement ren- ! dercd iu favor of Mr Pcngro ut the I liiac term of circuit court, - J 0 Hoover came in from tho forest reserve last week where he has been with sheep tho past seven months. Ho reports the lo of a number from the depredations of timber wolves, which lie says are quite numerous in the mountains this full. Mrs 8 J Xewaom leaves this week for romcroy Wash where she goes to a reunion of the Simpson family, of which she is a niembor, which will be held there Nov. 27. Mrs Xewsoni is a sister of 0 W Simpson, of Albany, well known throughout the Willam ette valley. ' James A Brown, one of the well known young fanners of the Hay stack country was a plemant caller at this office Monday morning and in lormcd us that he intended wintering on his farm this winter and is im proving his resilience etc. Perhaps there will be another interesting item from that part of the county iu the sweet bye und-bye. WURZWEILER 8 THOMSON Announco tlio arrival of somo very choieo thin-p in Indies' jackets, "ilk and Ann nol wnists. Eiderdown dresstiiii? jm-kels, rniny day Hkirts, perenlo, fluitnelletto mid calico wrappers. Our lino of French WaUUittf flannels and wrapper guild should not be over looked. We do not blow about prices being lower than ever, but tho following will convince any economical buyer that we are tho leaders of low prices: Charles and Henry Snipes and Jake McCowan, of The Dalles, passed through here Sumhiy on their return from a trip of discovery in Lake comi ty. These gentlemen have large stock in the Yakima country, in Washing ton, and are looking for a new loca tion. They report a fine country or stock wbere they have been, but its great drawback is the want of wvter. Enoch Cyrus was over from his farm near Bisters the first of the week and informed the Jouknal man that he raised some fine alfalfa this sum mer. Tbe first crop was very poor and it was thought that it was going to be a failure, but after being cut it took a fresh start and made a very fine stand, the second crop being nt least 30 inches in height. This seems tosetiln the jioint ae to the desirability of alfalfa fur that part of the county and ns they have an abundance." pf water it should be au all right crop to sow. ' J P Vance et nl have filed on lifl acres of oil land ,iii section ft, tp lfi range z'J east, to De known as ilie Kearaarge Oil Claim; G S Works have located the sw qtr of the snme section and calf it the Charleston Oil Claim; V S Cone et al have located the nw qtr of sec 34 and Call it the Cone Parker-Sheldon Oil Claim; Mary C Hetty et al have located the sw qtr of sec 3D and call it the Olympia Oil Claim; T S Siieve et al have located the se qtr of sec 21) and call if, the Os wego Oil Claim. Theaeclaims are lo cated in the same township and range the first and are in the oil belt tlmt runs to the eastwardjof this place uird these claims have all been located latiy- Tbwre has been considerable prospecting done in this county for oil indications, but it has been on the quiet and but few know who are the parties at work. ' i J I Weft was down from Bend Mon day and reports everything looking fine out that way. Fisli are still bit ing anJiucks are going to be plenti ful as soon us it storms in the moun tains and drive them down from the lakes. He says that his ton bad a very exciting experience with a huge grizzly bear a short time ago while out looking after stock. He discover ed the liearon the river and aliased him simm; distance on his horse- when bruin turned and showed fight the chased became the chaser and for some little time they ployed, at turn about, but Mr West finally gnve up and gtwng to Frank West's- house pro eured a fresh lioise and dogs, but the; were Bauble to co.ue up with the bear again. This is supposed to he the one who has been so troublesome to stock men of recent years iu that xeetwa of tlie country, having killed a number ot full grown cattle. Mr West said h was at large a tltsj boras- lut ui tinlisfc, Eiderdown 1 dressing sanities, . every lady should have one. . . 1 25 Good grade fast eolor prints, . stocks tu choose from. 22 yds 100 Apron gliii'ghaius In checks and plaids. . 10 ytis 1 00 Outing flaunels in daik nod , light colors. 11 yds .. . 1 00 Men's fine lanndried shirts.. .., CO FVl " " i 1 Ladies' calico wrappers, good 1 Ldii's' fat black hose. 3 pnit 25 I f I line of whirs....... I 75 B T,it-' lioiivv lloc.l ritietl vw(, H !' Special at 35 g Childrmi'i si'hoiil handkerchiefs, B " colored lairders, iissurtcd, 2a each, 3 for..,, 05 I '. Iaidics' black nioreciliieil sateen I j I waisU. ltcgulur $3 lino fur. , 1 DO I 'l Pontine Scotch plaids, just the I i? thing ' for children's selusil H , dress. Special at 20 I 30 inch while (heetiug At 07 I 1 ! gasArjBiiagsmmaamaiutf k i I if JCcadquartsrs for ffioyai Worcester Corsets. tJ,-m-u..Tij..u., T - Bat. TJhe farmers' Outfitters We Woald Like To "talk with yon about ' Plows and Harrows . . . Yon Kay be Surprised If you have never looked through our immense stock, to know that we buy Plows nnd Harrows in car load lots. We will tie glad to quote you prices on anything in the implement line. We currv the Genuine Oliver Plow, both the "Chilled" and "fcitccl" in both Wulking, Sulkies, and Gangs. , ........ We have all tho Repairs for tlm Oliver PIowc, and quite a stock of Kepairs for other mnkin .-; OUR PRICES ' ' Are as low as is coni-istant with legitimate business We Carry in Stock Oliver Chilled Walking plows Oliver Steel Walking plow , The Jmnes Olivet Sulky plor ' Either Cast or Steel JJottum The New Department Gang Plow with either No. 20 or No. 4t, fust liottom, and in 12 and 14 inch Ktcvl liottom with third liotlom Attached We have in Harrows The Lmn Steel Iv(r Harrow The Loan IVg Tooth Harrow Tho Deere Wood Framed Harrow In the Disc Harrows Wo have tho Deere and Oshorno Wheels all " ready, With Tires on, that will make your old Iluck good as new for a low Price. 0 M Cyrus, of Haystack, is report ed the proud father of a bouncing boy. T F Buchanan was over from Wil low creek Saturday looking after busi ness affairs at the county seat. ,. .y, Stt Mill Keinovcd. ., On or about December first, we will move our sw mill to the John Payt All parti" wanting lumber will please ttkd- notice. Hawkish Huob. ilvtel Vrtnertlkr. On Septetulr 1, 1901, 1 took charge of the Hotel Princville, ami have re furnished the house throughout, bed rooms, dining room ' and krtehen, and otherwise improved the;hoii. I have elosed the Vienna Cafe, and in doing sov desire tn-thlitik iay many patrons for their patronage for the past three years and hne to see you all again at the Hotel- ftinevillt). The houe will lie run en American plan anil rate will be l.0O;, fl.DO and f & per day. Our accnniuMtdatKins ' cannot be sujpassed in the city. A long distance trlepbotie. pay sta tion has been established in the house-. - ' Yeors Eespectfully. jfdanison & Winnck Co, Nothing succeeds like Success Is an old saying, and is abundantly . profen by our constantly increasing bnsiness, . , . We aim la liare-iir oer Drug Slock everything ueeJed fur the sick risini, Our prescriptions are carefully com ; Hounded from thtt bust, freshest v- dru-js and sliemicsls, in the most suaitsiy mantier, end at as low a Price et is eiaisistant with good business yriusiplus. There are several 1 ' Ways ' ;.; To do business, but nnlr one right wry. W do uo sun tu nislts our .profits from nno customer, but by Balling to our custuuiurs often. When you i are near ur store, step in and ex amine' our new stock of Furniture,. Carpels, Mii'tinus, Curtains, Wall Paimr,. It.M.ks, Stationery, Musicst Iustroineiits, Brushes, Combs, j Hooks and Camra Huppliss) all t "' ' ' i Reasonable Prices jidamson d Winnek Co