COjLYCP LA-IbTHT, Fiie-prool huililing, OOxfflX) fmt, In now ready tu handle Mcruhamliitu, Wool, etc. HAUL YOUR FREIGHT TO SHAHIKO -DF.ALKIW IN- Coal, Flour, Lumber, Wood, Hay and Grain. ' Ppwiitl Attnntion (tivcii Ui wool trade. Kirnt-cliiM baling and grading fitcilitio. Also vtock yari, latent plana. All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. rnoi'iiiETons Mlllllt W. 1 II. F. FKKxen f Co., Hunker, Tho TUHe iltK liic'Hi , lUiihitrt, Jkro. Imi), Tlia LUlli. Laumamk, TIi Dullet, A. M. EELSAY, General Manager. Cyrus, the Jeweler. Watches Clocks jewelry Silverware Spectacles and j Cyo Slasscs Society Cmblems Violin SSows and Strings 97ashino and Bicycle Oil TTandolins Banjos armontcas, r, tc. Largest and best assortment of cpcctticlos in tho city. Fine repairing a specialty. Work cent in by imiil or Ptago driver will receive prompt attention. .Swing tiiiicliincM cleaned mid repaired. Main Street opposite Salomon's Store. Princville, Oregon. City barber Shop, , IPoweli d Cyrus, (Proprietor. JCot and Cold Baths. Smith SSros., DEALERS IN Soneral 9tferchancse. SISTERS, OREGON. Sentral Supply Point tor tho Custom Jfaif or' the Cascade forest Siasorvo. Sheepmen's Supplies a Specialty. )n Soods, SrocereSj Jfardware. Xadiis' and Sen ft' furnishing Seed. CeUlamd SCHOOL COLUMN A l'Ai KIl. Iuiied weekly lor mil ly tint V (mi VI UnCJa ul tl 1'uMic School., of Frlnuville, Oregon, Oiiah. RlHUKlw, Editor. H. '. XwkjH. Ju., ,,AciU-Editor. Vlll ;V, NoVKMBHIl B, 11101 To tho Pupils and Patrons of the Prineville Public School: Having been appointed editor of thin column, kindly furnishd free of charge by tho proprietor of the Chook County Jochxai., it will be my aim and desire to make thin column tho most interesting one in the paper for the pupils and patrons of the public school of Prineville. In doing ho I hope to be assisted by all the pupili) and nwt especi ally by the member 'of the Wide Awake Literary Satiety. he Euitor. V Tho Wide Awake Literary So ciety was organized October M, by the pupils of tho V and VI grades for the purpose of providing liter ary exercises. The following officer were elected for the present school term: Pres., Georgia Hod ges; VIce-Pres., Iora Ward; Bee., Stella Young; Treas., James Elkins The society is divided into four division, each division being under a leader. At the meeting held Friday afternoon Oct. 25, the first division, under the leadership of Jlirdie Morris, rendered the follow ing program: Greeting eong, Maggie Foster, Birdie Morris, Iora Ward, Grace Wilson, Stella Young Recitation, "Lazey Sam," Ran dolph Ketchura; ''Miss Laugh and Miss Fret," Nora Stearns; o g, "Sweet Summer's Gone Away" by tlje school; Instrumental duet, "On tho Playground," Georgia Hodges and Iora Ward; Song, "Uncle Sam's Wedding," School; Recitation' The Reason Why," Hattio Bostwick; ' Family History," Willie MoFar- land; Song, "Good Bye," school The pupils of the primary grades were invited, and there were also a number cf friends present. The exercises were appreciated by all, judging from the words of praise heard on all sides. . On September 9, school began with 121 pupils. This number has increased steadily until at present there are 196 pupils enrolled, being distributed a3 follows: Mrs, Rosen lierg's room 52, Miss Belknap's room 49, Mr Bocgli's room 59, and ProL'Bsor Orton's room 36. Since the arrival of the new text books the school has btvn running smoothly. The grade work is being strictly followed as set forth in thj Course of Study. Prof. Orton's pupils have pur chased a fine organ for their room. The old organ will bo used iu the lower rooms. . There is some talk among the pupils of securing a new flag for the school. Tho old flag is getting iretty well worn and another is badly needed. j. Tho Widu Awake Society has secured a numlxr of framed pic tures which adds g-eatly to the appearance of their room. During; the month that just ended, the number of pupils neither tardy nor absent in the different zrndes were as follows: I grade 16, 11 grade 7, III grade 13, IV grade 21, V grade 22 VI grado 18, VII grade 13. N Prof. Beattie, o the Weston Nor mal school, paid us a short visit last week. Miss Bessio Stevens nnrl Miss Bessie Anderson entered tb V1U gradu ou tke'4 UwL uary nouse jsar. Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. FIHB WINES, . SIQUOES, CIGARS MAIN STREET. ' . PFJKEVILLE, OREGON Ulj Midi iudlfttT, Proprietrs. A Complete a id Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Maiil St. Prbeynie, Orejoa. TllOfle 31. Stock boarded by day, week or HnmiU'sn Clottfic month. Fine saddle horses and ttlliluOn JUlDlwS livery turnouts. Rates reasonatle. Good accommodations. ' Remember us when in Prine- PPflllV rPPfl R Tftl ville, and we guarantee that vuor liWaUj IttU vain. patr0nage will be apprecialedi and deserved. P. B. D0AK Proprietor. ED N. WHITE, JOHX COMBS. White 6: Combs -DEALERS 15- WINES, LQXJORS, CIGARS. I)Oi;islJ( and iKroura: !.... COUNTRY ORDERS , FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POINDEXTER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. 0 Doctors fci'd ; A Good.'..;;l i Prescription ; Er mankind WAVTM;-Aolli(l-,!ih,eI-T-jHsi M Ixnrlir. Thry hh pain and fntrnt Sim. Om iit Nut. th. word R I P A N S cm c fKk.f ,ni cttpl no uUillut.. R rPA'S-S, fiir f nuit, a h ai any dn MM.. Tw Mpt. and mm tmiaaaoiala iH h mM to n. idr.wtnr t. mw. IT"- j ' '!" Clwinreai to., N. n Swan Strut, Nw r.