0. It. '.'Salomon. . General Blacksmithing and Wagon Repairing, , , 1 , ; Hats! Hats! Mitchell Wagons Racine Buggies and Hacks $ .1 M.i.Wa.im'iiffht'1 Health World. Other linca chtap The Iebt of France. France is the most heavily in debt of any considerable nation in (lie world, but instead of managing to retrench, it is constantly increas ing its already enormous public debt. It goes on making expen ditures, not only beyond its actual revenue, but beyond any possible ."venue to foe obtained by ordinary methods. Her debt at the begiu mg of the present year was about Sti.OM.OOaOOO, and this will be in i reused this year by about 135,000, rOWESFr L HEX cf the E.4S1 A a la tertst:nst Explan ation of their Unusual Strength. The Secret of their Marvellous Vi tality and JNerve Eoroe Jealously Guarded . , Women of the Harem Compound a Potion Whose Rejuvenating it' eats are Almost Miraculous and Astonish the Most Skeptical The fondest hopes of ancient and mod mi seekers utter the Fountain of Per petual Youth, can scarcely have aimed higher than the results achieved by the jiiarrelloua compound, Ldowo. through out the Eist El Mokbib. . Travelers returning tu Europe hare, from time to time, brought astonishing tale of the rejuvenating effect pn o- i dnced by this Wonder of the Orient. Crudely compounded by the Women of the Harem, from funnuls handed' down orally from veneration t genera tion, the eecret of this preparation thua jealously guarded and 'known only ' tu the inmate of the Brein and the Court Physio-ana, El Mokbib haa beta practically' unobtainable.' excepting i by the favored uuea fur whom it was in tended. Eaceutly; howeW, : a i prominent na tive Arabian Phyaician. bauiahed from hi. lajuutfy.yTfor ' jiiiticaT effenae, and deprived ot hia vast poaseaaiona, baa availed himself, of, hi knowledge, tu i-aru -x livelihojd befitting bil alation. t'V op.lyioK this marvellous compound, Ti Mokbie, tu the nobility and weatb-i-r claiea of all Eurov who he cheerfully paid him larira fees in return' f't the beiietita received. foment witit the Urge income derived fr.nn this practice, thia aged physician ban repeitedly refused very liberal uf- fi-M made to biui for the formula of bia lemeily. but be baa finally agreed with the importing bouse of Tin NoYa Ti.w.it CoMPASt, of Philadelphia, t tUt it up iii convenient form for aa!e cx:luitely in the United Slates, and this firm having the exclusive agency, liow oiler it for the lirst time to the Ameriean public. Ttiis remedy must not be confounded nith iIih numeroua nervoua exhaustion, l ist, manhood, and self abuse remediea which ure advertised under variety of i.hmiih, as llmre is absolutely holhilig v ljifl, scirnhno chemistry has been able t , pro'lucH, which call even approach the .ei-rions Kl Mokbib, a pure vegetable i .mii..hiiiiI, exiraoted frmu rare tropical pKi'a and liKThs. El J.Iokbjk. is a remedy for one apeci fic puriKwu, which is to strengthen the itui furue and prevent decay iu men, ii marvelloua effects ill arreatnig decay ..f th.! vita) principles, esuecially in the i -liile. Inong utiparalled and never failing, uki d m its use i universal all uver the Our Fall GSothin iljp Is now arriving and !1 linee are complete. , We j&J iiro prepared to ehuw you eoiuoiliiiig uubby in !&" Men's and Boys Suit. i Fall and Winter . 5S?! Underwear for Men snd Boys. We handle the I PLOWS, HARROWS, MOWERS, RAKES AHO ALL KINDS OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, g Underwear, Beet in the ud food. 000. This debt represents a per capita obligation of about $155, and an annual interest charge of 16.50 for each inhabitant. The national expenditures last year amounted to $18 per head of popu lation. France is naturally a rich, resourceful country; it has a thrifty intelligent, energetic, patiiotic pop'Uation, many of whom are large nionev-lenders; but it can never, with its present extravagan. methods, pay the principal of its debt, and the time seems imminent East, where strong virile men with large families of descendants are the rule, there must he no doubt, eithet as to Us ettici ceiiy or beneti's to the general system. While it is an absolute specific and positively guaranteed to cure the worst cases of nervous debility, lost roanhmid, or similar weaknisaea due tu excesses or yjuthful errors, it is also used with the greatest success at a vitalixer, giving power to all weak parta, and developing and maintaining the full natural vigor of uiauhuod. , It ia.put up for the American trade in tablet form, and though extremely pow erful, it ia perfectly harmless aud easily taken, cn tablet being a dose and do ing the work at once, and so evidently aa to leave no doubt in the nimd of the patient. It will cure you tu as tu ttay I cured. ' Every package ia opened and carefully examined by the importers when receiv ed, and ia then repacked under their seal and positively guaranteed to cure. It will be sent prepaia, under plain eov- er, witb hill and complete directions, no receipt of the price, 91 peri package, or in nackairea for So. idiiraaa TUB JOY- es-FnXEB CoPXT, Market and 24ih 81a., Philadelphia. . i' j ' jL-.,-,.L.;.,L.1j-l,-, -A ,':. COXTKST NOTICE. ,V aV. Ekmstmixt or Thi fcrrxRioa? " United Statea Land Omcs, The Dalles, Oregon, Octuber J, l'JOL Aautfieient aootMt affiuAvi. Jjajung beta filed, in this offiarby Knim 1 .. fike, , tatantrRl bmnntesd sntrjrJfe. 72SI, mads April 7. 1899 for 8EV SK'4 See IS and NEi NW" and NJ SK'A See M T 12 8 K IS E, by Joseph B Johnaoe, Coo testes, in which it is alleged that said entry man, has wholly abandoned said tract for more than six months since making' ' said entry; thU the tract is not settled upoa and cultivated aa required by law, that , hUbaadonnient is not due 'to ' hit' emplovment in the army or navy of the United States in tia f wasv Said parties are -hereby notifi ed to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on November 18, 1901, b fore A. C. Palmer, U. S. Conimissiuaet? at hie office at Prine ville, Oregon,' land that final hearing will beheld at 10 o'clock a. w. on November 36, 1'JOl, before) the Register ' and Re- ceiverat the United States Xand Office in The Vallm, Oregon, The said contestant having. In a proper affidavit, filed Oct 1, 1901, aet forth facta which show that after due diligence persons ser vice of thia notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice Us given by due and proper publication. J y P. Lucas, Kegister. NOT1CB EOB PUBLICATION. Lakh Orrici at Lskevlew Obkioh Bepteuilwr 23, 1901. Notice Is hereby given tf.at the following, named settler hss filed notice, of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be, made before J. J. Smith, Comity Clerk at PrinevMIe, Oregon, on November 4. 1901, vis: James K. Bogus, H. E. No. 1IHI1 for the KJ SEj, 8WJ SK' Sec. V and NYVX SWJ Sei 10. T.22 3., It. 10 K, W. M. He names ths fallowing witnewes t prove his eontinnous rrsidebce apua and oultivation of said land, vis: William P. Vaudervert, of Lava, Oregon; Janiek Black, of Jva. Oregon; John Bize inore, of Bend, Oregon) It. H. West, of Lava, Oregon. E. M. Bit ATTAIN. 104-11-7 Kei-ister. The Red Corner ' l'rincvillt', Orccon General Merchandise. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Taints and Oils. Windows and Doors. Grain" Sacks and Binder Twine. Hardware and Stoves. when it can no longer refund to pay its general interest charge, and meet its vast public expenditures! Franco is eo deeply in debt that there seems no prospect of extri cation, in which respect France presents a dtrong contrast to the United States, This Nation can not only pay its national debt as soon as it chooses and it is legal to do so, but its resources are al most immeasurably greater than those of France, or Germany, or Russia, or even Great Britain. Telegram. Stepped Into Live Coals. "When a child I burned my fiwt frightfully," writes V II KjiIk, of Jonesville, Va, "which caused horri ble leg aoret for 30 years, but Iluuk ten's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything elte fuilhd." In fallible for Burns, Scalds. Cuts, Sores, Bruise and Pile. Sold by Adanmon & Winnek Co. 2oo " Find the Miselng Word. AVe today offer our readers some thing entirely new in the miss ing, word contest business. It is this: A good churcli deacon accl dently gat down on - the end of a carpet tack. He at once sprang up and said, only two words. . The last word, wag "it." Any person guessing the first word and sending us 1 1.50 in cash will be ! entitled to the Journal for one year- . ; i ' A 1 ' ' ' ;Tot Causes Night Aland, j. vpaenrght.iny brother's baby was taken witb Croup," writes Mrs J C Snider. of Crittenden, Ky.,"it teemed it would strangle qefore we could get factor, g(we g'ive tt $t Kh'V New Discovery, which gave qaiok relied and permantely cured it. We always keep it in .the bouse to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough, It cured me of a chronic Hkonclitl trou ble that nd other' remedy 'woVild re lieve.'': Infallible for Coughs,! Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and 1. Trial bottle free at Adaniaon k Winnek.Cc - . , OTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Caited States Land Office, . ' "7 V 41h I"es,. Oregon, Oot. p., MM, Notice ia hereby given that the following named settler haa filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her olsiiu and that eajd proof will bs made before J. J. smith, ,Connty Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Thursday Dsoetuber 5, 1901, vis: Anna K. Marple, of Culver, Oregon, H E No. 7ii7fir the & NW and N4 8W Sec 22, Tp. M 8.. K. 13 E., W.M. She names the following witnesnes to prove her ccntinoiiti residence upon and cultivatuia of said land, vii: ... J B Merrill, U Springer, Edward Pike and D A Cook, all of Culver, Oregon. Jay. P. Lucas, Register. TIMBER CULTURE PROOF-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . ll. S. Land Office, Ths Dalles, Oregon. October 8, 1901 Notice is hereby given that William W Jnnlin. Of Hay Creek, Oregon, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before A C Palmer, U 8 Commiuioner, at bia office in Prineville, Oregon, on Friday the 22nd day of Novemlier, 1901, on timber culture applies, tion No 3r7, for the SW of Sec. U, TiliS RISE, WM. He names i witnesses: Isom Cleek, of Prineville, Oregon, and Henry Montgomery, Alee Yancey and H A Cleek, of Hay Creek, Oregon. JAV P. LUCAS, Eeuter. a ! - t I PHU nrijlVW nilU Dry Goods. In our dry eouiploteat line Furnlllllllgt, THE HOME) GOLD OUBB. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Cured Dally in Bplte of Thoineulvos. It is now generally known and un derstood that Drunkenness is a disease and nut iiknen. A body lllled with poison and nerves cniniloti'y sliMttortHt by iK-riotlical orcotistniit umivf intox ientiiig liquors, .-tiiiio.i nn autitloto cniulla ef iii'iitrHlixing mid ersdicut iug this ioiaon, Hud dtittroying the ctuving lor intoxieuots. Hull'orors may now cure tbeiiiM'lvea at homu wit limit publii'itv or lose of time from biminers bv this wonderful "II OMB (IOLD t'L'KE, "which 1 1 as been perfected nfler ninny .wars of cloea tudy mill treat 'iiientof inubriiiti's. The fuitliful ue according to direction of this won derhil discovery is poeitively guaran teed to cure the most olistiiiiile case, no matter liow hard a drinker. Out records show the Diaivclciis Irurmforni ation of thousands of Drunkards into soIht. industrious and upright men. WIVKSOUILCYKLUmSIIiVNIWI CHILDREN CUKE YOLK FA Til K US! 1 This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a atieciiln for this disease only, and i so skillfully de vised nnd prepared that it is thorough ly soluble aud pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee wit hunt the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of drunk ards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and a ninny tnoie have been enrtd and made tonipemte men by having the cure administered by loving friends and relatives with out their knowledge' in tea or coffee, and believe today that tliey discon tinued drinking of their onui free will. DO NOT WAIT. ' Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improve ment. The HOME GOLD CUKE ia sold at"the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within , reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than otbrs costing f 25 to $:0. Full directions eaccompany each package. Special advice hy skilled physicians when reqested w(tliouU,etra charge. Sent prepaid fo any par.of the world onMelpTTr)f"Onr)nllsrrAddreaa Deft." K' 488' EDWIN' H;-GILEH t CO, 233? and 2331 Market St. Phila delphia. 'Alt eorrwdTOce-ttTietly--. orifl den tial. ite, ikIhUu H TIMBER CTLTUtE PQOT-NOTlE FOR PUBLICAjpON United State Land Office, The Dalles, Ore. ti ,,,, (, ,, r.,,, October 8, 1901. Notlje is hereby given that ' Isom Cleek, of Prineville, Oregai, has1 filed notice of in-' tentlon to make final proof , before A..C. Palmer, U.' SI Commissioner at his office la Prineville, Oregon, en Friday ths 22nd day of November, 1901, on timber culture applica tion No. 3158, for ths NJ RK and H'A 8W of Seo. 8, Tp. 12 d K. IA, ?... W. M. , He names aa witnesses; WW Joslln, Henry Montgomery and Also Yancey of Hay Cresk, Oregon, and HA Cleek, of Grizzly, Ursgon. JAY P. LUCAS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. September 28, 1901. Notice 1a hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his olaim, and that said proof will be made before J. J. Smith, Countv Clerk, at Pnnevills, Oregon, on Friday, November 8, 1901 vis: George T. Kitching, of Prineville, Oregon, TL K. No, 6401, for the N USE t and NE Sec. 7, T. 18 8. K 16 E.. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his contlnuos residence upon and cultivation of said bind vis: Edward Harris, Mack Moss, John Cham bars, and John Harmon, all of Prineville, Oregon, " JAY P. LUCA8. Register. ( . .1.1 .1 L... Ai. T tiiir line in liari n cniiipimB mm pniurnan vr miii m 11. KMimii iiml l.it.ti hrHiidi. In nil I lie imw Llouk 4rf fv uimiimii sys tvuws nent will be found the h ul Ladies' end tJ.nl.' goods department iu the oily "NERVE WASTE." One of the most helpful hooks on nerve weakness ever issued is that entitled "Nerve Waste," by Dr. lawyer, of San Fruttciseo, now lit its fifth thousind. This work of an experienced and reputable phy sician is in agreeable contrast to thu vast sum of fulsu teaching which prevails on this interesting subject. It uboumls in carefully considered and practieul advice, and has the two great merits of" wisdom and sincerity. It is indorsed hyboththo relig ous and secular press. The Chicago Advunco says: "A perusal of the liook and the application of its principles will put health, hope and heart into thousands of, lives that are now suffering through nervous impairment." ' The book is $1.00, by mail, post paid. One of the most interesting cha jiters chapter xx, on Nervine and Nerve Tonics has been print ed separately as a sample chapter, and will he sent to any address (or stamp by tho publishers, The Pa cific Pub. Co., Box 2858, San Fran cisco, in plain scaled envelope. , Pullman Ordinary Sletpert. The tourist travel between Ike east and ths Pecilio oosst has reachecl snormoua proportions in ths Isal few yesra, and calls lor a special class of equipment. T meet thia demand the I'ullwan Co, lias issued from Its shops what H technically calls the "Pullman Ordiraty Sleeper." These cars appear ainiilar tp Iht rrgular sleeper, being built on the same plan, but nut furnished wits the same) elegance? They t are equipped witb mattresses. .blankets, sheets, pilluws, pillow-case, tcrwels, 'combs, brashes, etc., rnuiri(ig nolbingof the kind to be f ernished by me passenger. acn car nas a aiuve lor making coffee end tea, nnd doing "light himAfkeepiiig,", nd.aou,ecliouean b tilled with aw adjnatablej . tfbla, A uni. formed porter accompanies each caf, hi business being to make np berths, keep the car clcsd. ana look after the comforts and Hills of the passu risers. In each of the, trains which are dispatched daily front Portland by ths O. K. A N. Co. ia to be found one of these "Pellmaa Or dinary Sleepers," Ths car is attached to the ' "Chicago-Portland 8pecial," which goes through to Chicago without change, snd tbe one in ths "Atlantis Ex press" runs to Kansas City without change. , Passengers in Ibis car for Chi cago change to a similar ear at Granger, i . , Much of the first class travel is being carried in these cars, the rates being lower, and ths service being nearly equal to that in ths pt lace sleepers. For rate and full ' rnformstion, In cluding olders, writs to A. L. Craig, O. P. 4., O. It. N. Cu. Portland, Ore. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, r Land Office al The Dalles, Oregon, September 28, 1901. Notice la hereby given that ths following named settler hss filed notice of kis Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof wfll lis mads before J. J. Smith, County Clerk at Prineville, Ore gon, on Friday, November 8,1901, vis: John Helfrich, of Laments, Oregon, H. K No. 8340 for ths Wl NW, NEK, NWt and N'V!4 M,4 Sea 8, Tp. 13 S., R, 14 E. W, M, Heusipes the following witnesses to pmve his continuous residence upon snd cultivation of said land, vis: Everett Miller, Rolwrt P. Johnson, Walter E. Helfrich. and B. B. HelfricS, all of La moots, Oregon. JAY P. Ll'CAS, - Aeister