Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1901)
Creek County Journal. COCN'IY OFFICIAL PAPER. TJlUUHlMY.UCT. 24, 15)01. iOUat Direetory, BTATK OFFICIALS. flurr-rour ,.T TOEER Herniary f Hiate.., F 1 DUN HA II Tiutiniiivi- 0 H MOORK Ai'C Ck.m'1-iI....DHN HLACKItl.UN Hunt 1'i.b lanir 3 II AOKKKMAN l'rmivr i WHLEEDH D.tiry U Fn.i Cm ...... J W 8AILKY Kunatiira H MITCHELL ft U TONliLE OiiniruMinifii . 11 A IHin'IM prc'inu ( JOfiKPH KIMOS 1 J H MITCIIELI CCE WOLVKRTO.N fudges.. J KHIiKAN t F A MOOllE 7TII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. J,ii1b WLURADKIIAW lWcutintj Any. .FRANK MENEFEE COUNTY OFFICIALS. Joint Hunutur J N Wii,mamon "Julut lt.tprun'it'tivo ( R A Kmmkit T 11 M.-'Oiiiiuu I, AS KoHKllT JuiId VV 0 Wii.w Clmk J J 8rrn Hlluflll' W C CoNULCTO 1) E TkorLimiM Coiuiiiiuiuiivr f D E TMi'i.iri "'"1 II J IlKAI.Kr Trwwtirnr J N I'oisiikxtkh Ai''r J D 1.41 -unit HuIi.h.I Hiit Wm Hrvi.y..r C A Okavk. Cmintr.... -Wm II HuorK Kl.ivk Iiiwclr Jok liiNKU .Tuetir W R MiFaklaki Cuiitubl Ed Oiskow MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. May L K Liwict ftt'lIX WllHZWglUtl F W Wium.w Kn N Whit Councilmen D F 8twart A 11 Liri-pAN C M Elkim IWriW M H Bw.t TrMiwiimr M A Moore Marshal Wn Pmixic Society tyeetinys. PIUNEVILLE LODOE. NO. 7(1, A. F. & A. M. Miu in Ma..nie Tem- on H.lurday Mum full miHtii ft eaol, ui'.tith. T. M. IUluwim, W. M. M. E. Hhimk. Secretary. CARNATK'N CHAPTER, NO. 44, 0 E. 8. -Meet mend mid lurlli Thursday nf in MuannitiTuni ln. MlHK GlUtR liri.KNAP, W, M. Mm. M. K. Bmin. Secretary. OCIIOCO LODGE, No. 4, I. 0. 0. F MikIk III O.I.I Fellows' Hull every vciuid and fiiurlh Saturday rvniiiu. M. It. Uiouh, N. 0. H. P. ISki.KNAP, Secretary. OCIIOCO LODGE, NO. 101 A. O. U. W.-Mueiam Odd F.'ll''! "ii the second iiihI fourth Moi.tliiys nf each iiinml,. Dn. E. 0. limit, M. VV. L N. Lnii.'RTT, Recorder. SUNBEAM LODGE, NO. 3H I), (if H. Meets lit Odd Fellows' Hall every 'J'ui-aili. y evening. Miin. Praia llowrtu.. Chief uf U'Hior. - Min. Etiiki. Lmuktt, Reorder PHINEVILLK CAMP," , NO. 211). Woodmen uf World Meet t Odd Fellows' Hall ' on the 8rat , and third Tbiiradiy fvciiint'i of each month C. E. McDowieu. Consul Commander. J. L. MuCi!LUk:ii, Clofk. JV t j JUNIPER C1RCLK,' NO. 37. WOM ah uf W.i.nloraTiriMielA every1 Friday evening at Odd Fllii' Hull. , j Mihs k Chuukh C'uui Jiuu Niiighbor. Mis liiA Omkh, Ciwk.' ( i LUNA I.ODUE, KO. ;6 K. P.l-M.wi. in Oild Fitlliiwa' Hull (ivery Wednes day evrttiuir All brulhura in good land inn invited to atlnnd. ' " ' - .. .... W. A. ooOTKr5. Q. J. U MuCi'ti.,! K. It. S. , ' O PILOT TENT Na ,K.'0. T. M. Miwla in O.lil,' Fullova' Hull every ecnd and fuutih Thurdy ('Miinpi in ' each nmiiili, , P, B. UhwaBU, S. K. C. . J. 0. Gvkuis R..K-'', ' M " PRI N B V I t,L8 T A6sEM bLY, NO. 1(13.: U. A.- Mneta in Odd pell 9 f' , H nil every firat and third Diundiiy even- i.wa ill Hh lilih.tll. 1. 1 ' ; E. 0. Hyde, M. A. Wakrk Ijkown, Seoretiiry LOOKOUT RKBEKAH..NO. 103, 1. O. O, F Mei-ta in (Vld Fellows, Hall every hra and third Saturday even ings in ' ' ' ! MlSH GlIACg IifLKNAP, (N. 0. LUCERE TEMPLE; NO. 28, RATH hun.i 8istera-Mi'eta every first and third Wednesday of each month. Mrk Mav E MuDoweil, M. S. C. Jlisa Lc?A Ckoou, 31. ut R, aud d. Firo-proof buildinif, 0Ox3UO tuet, in now ruuii to linnillo Mcrclmndiie, Wuol, titc. ' HAUL YOUR FREIGHT TO 3HANIK0 Cary House Bar. : Henderson & Pollard, ?roprietors, FIHE 'WZHES,; liquors, cm -DEALERS IN- Coal, Flour, Lumber, "Wood, Hay and Grain. fippniiil Attention givnn to wool trade. FiraUrlaaa baling mid grading fuvihtit'4, A I no stock )'n;ua, lutaat iilans. All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. PROPRIETORS IFhkmh (t Co., Unnken, The Dallei. )t., J Moomk Uii'w , Hunkers, Mcro. I W, Lord, The D.illwi. 1,13 F. Lauuams, The Dalla, A. M. EEL3A7, General Manager. Gyros? thz Jeweler. Watches Clocks $owolry 3ilvorwaro Spectacles and yo Slassos Society Cmbloms Violin ffiows and Strings flachine and bicycle Oil Jtyandolins ffianos armonicaSi j tc. Lnrgent and best acsortment of upectacles in the city. Fine repairing a specialty. Work oent in by mail or stage driver will receive prompt attention. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. Main Street opposite Salomon's Store. . Priaeville,; Oregon. 7i 'i . O Via jsarper Oliop. . 1 1 ZpaW9H & Cyrus, Proprietors, ' ' Jfot and Cold Baths. , ;., 7 Prlneoille, Oro "7 Smith Bros., DEALERS IN Oenemin (ercfiandise. :i r ' SISTERS, OREGON. j Sttioral' Su)jy JPoniytr fAo astern3fal?oP iht Caseait forest Reserve. Sheepmen's Supplies" a . .. Sptialty... . , , Xadles' and Sents' furnishing Seeds, Call and . : Cxamint tur Stoek ' t . MAIN STREET, TRINEVILLE, OREGON City la Me j Foster & Lehman l'( Prnnrietnrs. r A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard,' and Country Produce. iiisf. Marion. Thone 31. Hamilton Stables and Redby Feed Barn Stock boarded by day, week or montfi Fine saddle horsea and livery turnouts. Rates reasonable. Good accommodations. Remember us when in Prine ville, and we guarantee that yuor patronage will be appreciated and deserved. P. B. DOAK, Proprietor. ED K. WHITE, JOHN COMBS. White & Combs. -DEALERS IN- wines; LIQUORS, DOMESTIC and IMPORTED... CIGARS. COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH , SOLICITED. ' ' POLNDEXTER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. . MI'S ismes A Ml resenp' . r i r ; , ; , . 1 . ! 1 .r .1. !", . mi ixid a 1 WANTKI A an nf td health that R't-p-A-N S wtll Bot benetit. Tl.e)- lunitd pain and prnlon; lif.. One give, nllef. Not. ih. word R I P A N S ott I In padutc and , ccpt n. ubttimtf. R'fPAN"S 10 for $ ceuti, na. b. hl at any rir.f Mnr.. Trn aanipiea and nn. ihouaani tMliaiMiiala will Iw m.iM to an, adlre4 M Av. eenu. nrwaird 10 tin RJpaui Uicmul Co., No. to Spree Strut, New York.