Prove To Be Anthrax. Investigation of pathological ppecimens by tlio bateriological department of Oregon AKriiltural f ollege at Corvallis, indicates that anthrax, or spleenic fever has ap peared at Marion county, and Kla math county, Oregon. The speci mens were supplied the depart ment by the state veterinary, and Dr. MeLane visited the department himself Friday. At Marion, 18 horses died of the disease, .t Kla math Falls a largo number of cat tle, one ranch losing 25, and an other 30, while others lost more or less extensively. It is not believed that anthrax has hitherto appeared in Oregon. The disease is fatal and infec tious. No satisfactory remedy for it has been found. Vaccination properly applied, affords immunity. As the germs am fatal to man, care is necessary in applying the vac cine, or in handling specimens ot parts from the bodies of infected animals. The symptoms of the disease vary. In some cases cattle drop down and die in convulsions with out previously having shown symp toms of the disease. Other cases begin with a high fever, rapid pulse and the animal stops feeding. Chills and muscular tremors may appear. The ears and base of the horns are cold and the animal becomes stupid and weak. The dullness may turn to spasms with kicking and pawing. Breathing becouis hard, nostrils dilated, mouth is opened and visible mucous membranes become bluish. The bodies of the animals that have died of the disease soon become bloated and limp. Eats Sand For Medicine. William Bybee, a pioneer of Jacksonville, has eaten sand for his health for the past 20 years, and seems to thrive on it. He thinks sand, is the only 'medicine in the world for stomach trouble, and is not at all backward" about recommending it to his frien Is who are suffering from 'dyspepsia, or any other affliction of the digestive organs. ' I was nearly dead from dyspepsia 20 years ago, and had lost all the faith in ' medicine." said Mr. Bybee, at the Esmond yesterday "when Mrs. Winner, the wife of a miner on the Applegate River, in Southern Oregon, recom mended sand. My body was par alized below the breast, and I was willing to take chances on any thing. I - legan by swallowing a teaspoonful of dry sand on going t bed at night, and I soon noticed that I slept better tnan for )ears though my apitite did not increas for a few weeks.. I kept on swal jjwing the tand regularly until I was well. I have used it off and on, however, ever since, and 1 'carry a vial of dry sand about with me as a tonic. When I happen to overeat or feel the need of a cathartic, I put a teaspoon of sand i,n my tongue" and assist it down - tlivo:st with a little water. Is is th 3 only medicine I have used i.uce 1081, though previously my pockets were always full of powder.? and liquids and my' doctor and : lirug bills were large." Telegram. - Henry E Dosch, who has charge of the Oregon exhibits - at the Fan- - American exposition, writes, the Oregonian explaining the circurn ftances which led up to his obtain ing for. the Oregon exhibit of wooh lie highest award and a gold medal : to The Dalles Scouring Mill.) for f ie, linest exhibit of graded scoured wools on exhibition. Mr. .Do'ii bad tried since Lis arrkal in Bufi'a ilu t ) get Oregon, wo il rain inter- e-ted in wool exhibit, but without unucess. In his extremity he used the exhibit loft over the World's lair, wLkh was, happily, avail able. Added to the exhibit were three bales of scoured wool from The Dalles mills. Alongside of us, says Mr. Dosch. "was Chile, with some fifty fleeces, most of which measures six to seven feet long; the Argentine Republic, with its immense wool exhibit; Missouri, New York, and many other fino exhibits, and Oregon with only a handful, so to speak. But hero quality and not quantity won the day. The judges repeatedly came back to our exhibit to re examine it, and finally said to me: Notwithstanding you have no fleece according to the rules, your wools are so fino and of such superior : quality that we have decided to give you the highest award for a collective exlubit.' This certainly was a generous thing to lo, and j was decidedly gratifying to us. The judge also sid: AVe shall recom mend a gold medal for yjur scoured wool, which is the cleanest, whitest : and finest we ever saw." j Stepped Into Live Coala. "When a child I burnnd my foot frightfully," writes W II K.uls, of Jonesville, Vn., "which caused horri ble leg sore fur 30 yean, but Buck len's Arnica Salve wholly cured mo after everything else fuilhd." In fallible for Burns, Scalds. Cuts, Sores, Druises and Piles. Sold by Adnmson A Winnek Co. 23c . j Cubun Politics. j General Maximo Gomez, in a! letter to the press, says that the 1 recent reply of Estrada Palma to j the request for a definition of his views as to the policy he would follow if elected president of Cuba, should not be interpreted to mean that Palma believes that the army shoulif nit be paid. "His words with reference to the army," continues Gomez, "are in spired by the loftiest patriotism. Yv'ithhim, I believe that some formula should be devised to pay the sacred debt without throwing a heavy burden upon the Republic. The Cubans had no thought of reward when they were fighting, Unpaid and half starved, and it is an insult to them now to insinuate that the election of a canidate for the presidency depends upon his pledge to pay the Cuban troops." Tot Causes Night Alarm "One niirht my brother's baby wns taken with Croup," writes Mrs J C Snider, of Crittenden, Ky.,"it seemed it would strangle qefore we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr Kfng'a New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permantely cured it. We always keep it in the bouse to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic' bioncliil trou ble that no other remedy would re lieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.' Trial bottle free at Atkinson & Winnek Co. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under the Sun." All dnotur liavo tried to cure Catarrh by the use of powders, Rcid kiism, inliul era unci drills m paata form. Tlixir jow dors dry uu tha iuucuihm membrane oiinn ing them to crack upon ami hired, Tim powerful souls useil m the inhalers nsve entirely nateii away the same ineiiibraiii'S tlnit thoir inn lion have mined to cum, while pules and uiuiinutita cannot reach the dial-use. All obi and xuurieiiol Mctiliniif i' who haa for many years innrfe n close al udy and i-ci.iliy ol CA1AHKH lina at lust perleuied a treatment which lu-n faitlilullv used, not nulv relieves al iiuue, but permanently teres CATAHUH by removing Ihe cuiiae, aioiinnii( the dis charges and curing nil inlliiniiiialinii. It is the only remedy that actually miichcs the nluicted parts. I hia womlernil remeily is known as "KNUKKLKS, ihe GUAR AN'TEED CATAKK 11 WKE." and is aidd at the exlieinuly low price (If one dollar, each package eou'aining internal and external .nmtictue anllicii'ii', for a full month's treatment, and everything nuees saty to its perfiict use. "SNl'Kr'I.KS" is the only perfect UA TARUHCl'KK ever made and is now reuouiiied m tile only safe and positive cure for tlistantiovini; and disgusting di sease. It cima ail iullarimatiou ipiiekly and permanently ami is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neulecteil often lead to COXSl'M t'TION "hNCFELES" will save you if you une it at once. It is o ordinary remedy, but a complele treat m nt which is itimruiileod to cure CA TARRIi in any form or stan if used ac cording to the directions which aecoi'i nanv every package, P.iii't delay but send for it at once and write full particu- lurs as to your condition, and yon V ill receive special advice front the dmcoverer of this wonderful remedy 'regarding l'"ur case without ct to von hevoiid the n"t- nlr pre-e of "SM'FKLFS." ihe GUAlt- ANTEED CATARRH Cl'RE. Sent prepaid, to any address In the United States or Canada on rtcaint of on dollar. Address Dept. E 4H5 ED WIN B. GILES A COMPANY, ".3:10 and 2.X Market St. riuladelplna SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Stats of Ortgnn fur Creole County. The State of Oregon, l'Uiutifl, 1 vs. W. A. Booth, AdnilnUtratnr'nf the KaUte of Klias Davis, de ceased, and all heirs of said de ceased, if any there lie and all Demons interested In said estate, Defendants. ow at this time in presented the Information in the above entitled c4Ue ot r rank Meimtee. District Attoniey for the .Seventh Ju iiciil District of the State of Oregon, fur which it appears to the oourt: j That Elias Davis died in Crook county, i Oregon, on the 17th day of Augitet, 11100, In- testate and without heira, leaving property therein described as ftilli'WH: Nt of SK, SVi Sec. 17, andS! of SKX, SW1 of Sec 1H, T. 1 8. R. 18 K. W. 31., t'A of fit.'t ot Sec J3 Tp. lu . K. 17 t.. of V. M.f all in Crook county, Oregon: con tainirir 4M0 acres of land of thn value of SVnOO.OO, 140U0 isiuuds of wool of the value of I70.00 and cah now in the hunil of W. A. Hooth, alutiniiitrator of the estate amount ing to the si'tn of i234.3J, and all of said property being of the vittue of and amount ing to the sum of SIMM 32. That V. A. Uoolh ia the duly appointed qualified hnd acting adiuinintrator of the entate of aaid deceased and an imch has the mMKe8H!on of all of said prn)iertv; tlmt the state of Oregnn has tiht by law to all of the property of iiaid deceased Now therefore, IS THE.VAMHOF THE STATE OK OREGON: You the said de fendant, IV. A. ISooth, arlminintntor of said estate and all heirs of said Elias David, de ceased, if there be any, and all perwmii inter eted in saitl estate are hereby notihed and reipiired toheuiid aiiear ui the Circuit Court room in the co-mty court house In Frineiille, Crook county, Oiou, on tir before Friday ths 2-"itli day of Octola-r, J'JOl, tlier. and then to show caii-aj if any there be. why-the title to all of the property lit-lonin to the cst.-ite of naid Kliiw DavU, deceased, Kiid the herein before descrilied juoperty, should not yest iu the state of Oregi.n. Dated at Chiimljers in The Didles, Oregon, this Uth day of September, luOl. " VV. L. URADHHAW, Jud:(e. i Ak'JR. Bt&its Urn ... DAILY 1107.10 P2EEVEL2 AND SIIAMKC. -SCHEDULE, Leave Sbaniko,' G p. m. Arrive Prineville, G a. m. ' Leave Prineville i p. in. Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m. First class accommodations for the traveling' public. PASSES AND MMX ' SATES REASONABLE. ldamson& Winnok Co., Agents. , ' G.'V. Ccrnett, Manager. New This Sjmco ia Reserved for Ed Harbin's rt A J rlaiang IS -AND- Bicycle Repairing Shop. South End. haimt ri in ri nnno rniiM I luun nuuno 3 WITH- RTTRHWR finMTNTT PTsOnil PAINT !.V.i.k.!I!!,k:.v.- Send lor Color Cards to W. !P. fuller & Co., Portland, CHAMP SMITH. SHITffS Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Ciffars. IlfOM CLKEK. Ja The Celebrated 5 A. B. C. Beer i Always on Hand. Proprietors of the PriccTilie Soda Works. Two Poors South of First National Bunk. PRIMVILLE, ORE. Prineville Planing Mill. John B. Shipp, Proprietor. Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, shingles, brackets, mouldings, turn ing and band sawing. House Finish made to order. Agent for Rambler and Ideal Bicycles asd Sundries. Mill opposite I'rincrillH Flour Mill. Yard, 2d St., opposite I, O. O. F. Hall Prinsville, Oregon. jCippman. Furniture and Undertaking... Cat pots, patting and and jCtnoloum, Boors, Windows, Slass, Paints, Oils, Var, ZBuilding and Carpet Paper, Scraon 'Doors and Sereon Wire. AH kinds of Lwniber. Slemombor, $, deliver in the city 0"shf0u0mier-per, $12.00 Jioornj and fiustto 25. GO r St 'V '.V 'liv1 .1. Ccast Agency Co. Pacific Coast Aaeit's for Jewctt, S.'iolcs Pemirjton and ' Cllvcr Typewriters. aV . Expert: Rcpahir. Platens and parts for all machines. Duplicating goods and oiUce supplies of every nnture; Rubber' stamps and seals a specialty. Write us.' Long distance phone in the office. M 1-2 Stai St, opposite Chamber of CoKSira, Portland, Oregon. .