Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 17, 1901, Image 8

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    .?C3i9Si9i393999 H J Lister i remodelling his dwol-
ling in ine normern piuiui n raj.
Xocai Ttfention.
F F. Rodman and wife were in from
their home ut Haystack Snturdiiy.
Rev B F Harper will pieach at the
Fife school house, Sunday, Ootolier 27.
Otis Cobb was over from Sisters
Holiday looking alter business mut
ters. C I Winnok went to Portland the
first of the week for brief business
Charles Ilindnmn was a business
visitor from Sisters- the first uf the
WS Hale was in fp'in Culver the
f.rst of the week attending to business
Dr 0 A Cline sold bis race horse,
p.annto, while at the Carnival in The
0 J Pengriwss down from Kosland
the first of the week after a load ol
Jliss Minnie Crooks bus accepted a
position at the postotljje as telephone
The Artisans will initiate a number
cf candidates at their next regular
E 3 Latighltn and T N F.i'iour were
down from Fife hist Ssituiduy after a
load of supplies.
" W A Hell and wife went to Portland
last week for a short visit with friends
and on business.
8 J Clcnimnns the Paulina stock
man was doing business in our midt
l!:e first of the week.
Urant J!ay4 was in the city the
h.tter past of last ww k enroute to his
ituck ranch at Crook.
I) II Frvrear and Burton Stewart
were in from Sister last week looking
ftcr business matters.
Dr Kosenlierg w.n called to Tort
l.inJ last week to see his mother, who
s taken suddenly ill.
V A Canon and A Patterson- were
'on from Maury mountaig Monday
!tera load of sutijilies.
" Rev H C Clark will preach at the
Bye Grass school bouse neit Sunday
sftcrnoon at three o'clock.
E E Mendenhall was up from
Fherar's bridgo the latter part of the
week attending to business matters.
E M Gamier was down from the
French settlement, near Paulina,
Monday attending to business mut
ters. Miss Annie Fngle arrived from
Gmngeville, Idaho, last Friday and
will spend the winter with her sister,
Jlrs H J Lister.
Col F Smith was a pleasant caller
at ttits office Monday. He reports
tanners in the vicinity of Lamonta
busy with their fall seeding.
J B Cornett and J B Cornett Jr, of
Fhedd passed through here last week
with a band of cattle, bound for the
eastern part of this county where
they will locate.
E P. Carey, the sage of the Matoles.
was in from his ranch on that classic
stream last week and we are pleased
to note the improvements that farm
life has made in bis health.
W P Keady came down from How
ard Friday and left Monday for Klam
ath Falls with Mr Gates. Mr Keady
returned from Portland hist week and
leports that village very lively during
tl.e Carnival.
1 V Gates, proprietor of the city
water works, came up from liilUboro
last week and spent a few days here
looking after his business interests
and leit Monday for Klamath Falls,
-where he has another plant
W E Claypool and his brother Jesee
e;eoer from Sisters the first of the
nit v.iih a load of line potatoes
viiii-h they they disposed of readily.
Potatoes are as staple us gold this
li A Stewart was down from Bear
er 'lie first of the week and reports
ll.- -rasa growing fanes than he has
t-r ,:ijowii it Lelore ut this time of
)(. . Should the present warm
Wi-.i'ij.'r continue until the last of the
i: M:t;i there will he better feed in that
jivioftbe county tbau to many
U S Cowle and wife were in front
Mud springs Saturday and registered
at Hotel Prineville.
J H Wigle went out to his ranch nt
Camp creek Monday to look after hit
stock and will remain a week.
I F Shown, a prominent stockman
of YValdron, was a business visitor in
this city the first of the week.
Lee VYigle. was down from Trice
last Saturday attending to business
affairs and visiting with friends.
Mr and Mrs S K Slayton will leave
the latter part uf the week for Eugene
where they intend spending the win
ter. Jeff O'Kelly has sold his ranch on
Mill creek to W II Kinder. Mr O'
Kelly intends trying trapping this
George Ray, who got his arm broke
last wetk, came in from bis home at
Hoiseheaven Friday and is getting
along nicely.
The timbers for the Yaney bridge
have all been framed and are now be
ing taken to the. ground where they
will be put in place.
Hon J X Williamson returned from
The Dalles Mid outside points last
Saturday and reports having had a
very pleasant trip.
Mrs Susie Slayton has purchased
thirty feet f-ont from E II S-ititn and
has let the contract to Ed Harbin for
a building to be erected at once.
Frank G Davis and v.i'e will leave
the last of the week for their home in
Poitland, Mr Davis having reeou-red
from his recent illness.
John Isham was in from the Teth
erow bridge last week ami paid this
ttlice a pleasant call. Mr Isham will
remove tu other quarters in the ileal
iu i ure.
F THiggins came in from the tint
ier after u lot of supplies la-t Satur
day and returned Monday morning,
lie is rinding some line timber in tins
G Springer was in from Culver last
Friday to have his toe, which he am
putated with an a.t recently, examin
ed It is getting along nicely anil he
will no doubt I able to wear a shoe
in a short time.
J A Wright and family arrived here
from Crawfordsville Saturday and will
it-come permanent residents of our
county. Mr right is a brother-in-
law of C E McDowell of the Prine
ville Hotel.
The Rev Clarence A Lake, rector of
St Paul's Episcopal church, nf The
Dalles, will bold services at the Meth
odist church, Sunday October 27, both
'morning and evening. All are cor
dially invited to attend.
F M Phillips was a caller at this of
fice Saturday and invested in a year's
subscription to this family Journal.
He his lately taken a homestead in
the productive country bordering on
Squaw creek and is well pleased with
his investmert.
Marshal Cartwright, of Burns, pass
ed through hen a few days ago to
visit friends and relatives in the
Trout creek country. Mr Cartwright
was one of the early settlers of that
portion of this county, but has been
making his home at Burns for several
years past.
N A Tye, our enterprising Chinese
merchant, leaves this week for his old
home in China and will begone from
six months to a yeai, Tye has been
in business here for several years and
is weil and favorably known by nearly
everyone in Crook county. He is a
native American and cast his vote
last fall for William. McKinley. His
many friends will wish him and his
family "bon voyage.-'
Tho following list of jurors has Wen
been drawn for the term of Circuit
court beginning October 21: John
Allen, JW Wilt, ECJessee, J II
Gray, Win McMeekin, N A 'ewbill,
Jl) Ilarrill, C A Gilchrist, GW
Jones, C W Elkins. Roy Harvey, W F
Elliott, W H Peck, J H Cox, C B
Allen, T S Hamilton, E G Bolter
II J Lister, E T Slayton, C T JJoyn
ton, J t' Miller, D W Allingham, J W
Archibald, Walter Millicun, Walter
Huble, W II Foster, C Pv Henry, J L
I Yi'iudouj, Bjjscoe Kuox, C C Hoa.
sshdcMi f i '., '- '---n ;-i ':' 't-' --"''l-:'-Lvi'iliiJtirtiii irjix .';jF...tsLd.llu .i'A'
Announce tlio arrival of omo very choioo, tilings in Indies' jacket, silk and flan
nel waists. Eiderdown jaekola, rainy tiny skirt, percale, llnnnellotto and
calico wrappers. Our line of French waistinjj flannels and wrapper gootU nhoul.1
not k over looked. Wo do not blow about prices being lower than over, but tho
following will convince any economical buyer that wo arc tho loaders of low price.i:
Ladies' calico wrappers, good
line of colors $ 75
Eiderdown dressing sucques,
every lady should hvo one. . . 1 25
Good grade fast color prints,
stocks to choose fi iim. 22 yds I CO
Apron ghii'glnims in checks and
plaids. Id yus 1 00
(biting flannels in and
light colors. 11 yds 1 00
Men s line liiuudned shirts fiO
Ladies' fast black hose, 3pnii 25
Ladies' heavy fleeced lined vesta,
Special at 3.1
Children's school handkerchiefs,
Colored borders, aborted. 2o
Mel), 3 for 05
J.adiiV black lni'ivrrlei-d silicon
Wiiisls, lobular f;j line (or.. 1 50
Pontine Scotch plaids, just tho
tiling for children's school
dress. Special at, ... , ' 20
3il inch white theeting at 07
R 3d,,,
S r
Jicadfuarttrs for ffoyzl IfJorcostcr Corsets.
h IT
r H
9 V
Oho Jar;;:crs' Cxi fliers
Wc Would Like
Wc C:rry ia Siock
To tlk Avith yon about 8
Mows and Harrows . . . h
Yea ifey ;c Surprised
. If you have never looked
through our immcime tmd, t
to know that we buy rlo'-vs
and Harrows in ear load luts
We will le glad to quote yon prices,
on anything in the implement line.
We carrv the tictiuino Oliver
Plow, bo'tli the "Clrilled" nml
"Steel" in both Walking, Sulkies,
and Gang
We have all the Repairs for tint j
Oliver I'Iowh, and quite a slock of ?
Kepuirs for other makes
Are as low as in constant with
legitimate business
Oliver (.'hilled Walk in 3 jdows
Oliver Steel Walking jdows
The James Olivet Sulky jilotv
Either Cast or .Steel llottoiit
The New Depftrttiient (int J'ioiv
with either No. 2-) or No, -JO, Cast
I'.oit.on, am! in and 1 1 inch
Sa-i.d Pot'oia with third liittimi
We have ia ihrr ws
Tho J fan Steel Lever Harrow
Tho lirnn Peg Tooth llarroiv
The l)eero Wood Framed Harrow
In the Disc Harrows
Jcero and Onborne
u Wo have tho Dee
4i "j.aa:.-5f3.'!":''g,'LT
Wheels all ready, With Tires on, that will make your old Hack as good as new for a low Prico,
C E McDowell returned Saturday
evening from his trip to Brownsville.
He was gone ten dnyi and had a good
trip across the mountains until he
reached the Mountain bouse where
the mud set in. Mrs L J King re
turned with him and will remain for
the winter.
For Sale.
About 20 head of hogs, suitable for
fattening. Apply at once.
W. F. Kino, Prineville, Or.
Hotel PrinevilU.
On Spptemlier 1, 1901, 1 took charge
of the Hotel Prineville, and have re
furnished the house throughout, bed
rooms, dining room and kitchen, and
otherwise improved the house.
I have closed the Vienna Cafe, and
in doing so, desire to thank my many
patrons for their patronage for the
past three years and hope to you
all again at the Hotel Prineville. '
The house will he run on American
plan and rates will be fl.0U $1.50
and ?1 per day.
Our iiccommcdations cannot be
surpassed in the city,
A long distance telephone pay sta
tion baa been established iu the house.
Yotirs Kespectlully.
C. E. McDowell.
Jtdamson dc Winnek Co.
Nothing succeeds like
Is an old mying, and it abundantly
proven by our Constantly increasing
We aim to have in our Drug Stock
everything needed for t lie sick room.
Our prescriptions are carefully com
pounded from the bust, freshest
drills and chemicals, in the most
sanitary manner, and at as loir a
i is consultant with good business
There are several
To do business, but only one right
wry. We do not aim to make our
profits fiom one. customer, but by
telling to our customers often.
When you
aro near nur store, step in and ex
amine our new stock of Furniture,
Carpets, Ma'tiiiL's, Curtains, Wall
PaHtr, Hooks, Stationery, Musical
Instruments, Ilrushus, Combs,
Hooks and Camra Supplies, all at
Reasonable Prices
& Winnck Co