Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 26, 1901, Image 8

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    Xocai Mention.
Host Popular Teacher.
The vote on the most popular touch
er up to the present stands us follows:
Miss Lilly Read 1-434
Miss Carrie Fee 3(H)
Jliss Lilly Knox 300SJ
lliss Lulu.Ltickey 22S7
Hiss Aila Taylor 165
Warren Brown
Wni.Hoegli 130
Geo Pee whs down from Ins shw
mill on Willow cieek the first of the
E. B. Graham and Otis Cobb were
business visitors from Sisters last
V. L. Gape was a business visitor
from our sister town of Mitchell lust
. Friday.
Col. F. Smith was a visitor from
Iamonta Sunday, taking in the
sights of the city.
Benj. Shepherd was down from bis
ranch on Swamp creek last Friday
after a load of supplies.
T. R. Curl was down from his farm
in Crooked river the first of the week
looking after business affairs.
Misses May and Ada Wilson were
in the city from Haystack last Friday
and registered at the Prineville.
Robert Moore and family will leave
this week for Pendleton, whore Mr.
J'oore goes to look up a situation.
C. M. Lister and family were down
from the farm on Mill creek the first
of the week visiting with relatives.
J. R. Foster and family, of Santiam
precinct, will remove to Crook county
in a couple of weeks. Lebanon Ei
Mrs Jennie Clavpool has moved to
town for the winter in order to take
advantage of our unexcelled educa
tional fucilties.
t.. t. Long, one ol the pioneer
stockmen, was down from his ranch
near Post last Friday attending to
business matters.
Rev. H. C. Clark, formerly of Lone
Rock, has been appointed to the work
at this ulace, and occupied the pulpit
of the Methodist church lust Sunday
for the first time. , .
CluisCohrs returned last Friday
from Trout creek where he had been
helping with the construction of the
Trout creek bridge.
J. B. Claypool came over from Sis
ters Friday after a load of freight for
Smith Bros., the leading merchants
of that thriving little herg.
Albert Canning has purchased the
sheep belonging to I. W. Ward and
will run them in the neighborhood of
Powell buttes this winter.
Oetz & iiennison nave lorinea a co
partnership as contractors and build
ers and have, erected a commodious
shop adjoining Ed Harbin's planing
A. Hackleman and family and
Frank Hacklemun and Family have
returned to Albany from Crook coun
ty to spend the winter. Lebanon Ex
press. H. J. Lister's family has returned
to town fur the winter. Mr. Lister
will make a number of improvements
u his city property in the ueur
Mahrird: At the residence of Mrs
Lulu Anderson, in this city, Septom
lmrl8. Anson A. Foster and Misf
OrhiU. Faulkner, both of Paulina
The JofRXAL extends congratulations
Monday morning tho rain descend
ed on the just und unjust alike in the
good old fashioned Wehfoot way,
slow drizzle that soaked up tho ground
and now we may expect tine feed foi
stock of All kinds in a short tinn.
Ralph Yantis and Bon Jones have
gone to California with a bunch ol
horses, among which are a lot of the
Dr. Gesner and Will Wuriwcilei
horses. They started Monday from
Hampton buttes.
Elam Fa ught was down from hi.
ranch at Bear creek buttes the first o
the week and reports grass very gooi.
out that way, and the present rain
will produce fine feed fur cattle at
well as sheep.
R. C. .lessee was down from hit
ranch near Post, the first of the week
and paid this office a pleasant cull
Mr. Jesse says the grass is getting i
good start and that the present rain
will bring it out in good shape,
State Senator J. ,X. Williamson
who has moved his family back ti
The Dalles for the winter, left toda
for Heppner to attend a meeting o'
the Oregon Wool Growors' Associa
tion which convenes at that place thit
week. Dalles Chronicle.
We received a notice of change o
"ad'' from The Dulles Carnival Com
mittee too late for this issui
the paper. They i re going t
have an unexcelled exhioition of al
most everything that will give pleas
ure and instruction. Everyone shoult
take in this Carnival who can.
Died: Mrs. Xancy A. Adams ai
Eugene last Friday, September 20, of
cancer. The remains were brought
across the mountains and interred in
the Odd Fellows cemetery Tuesday
afternoon. She leave a husband and
ten children to mourn her demise.
Obituary next week.
Alex Delore, a resident of the Su-
plee country, was held by Judge Ruli
son to answer to tne circuit court on
a change of assault with an attempt
to commit rape on th person of tie
wife of A. L. Smith, a resident of the
same community. His bond was
placed at $300 which he readily gav
with Chas Bernard, W. C. Laycoek
and Ike Mills as sureties. Canyon
City Eagle.
Mrs. Wilda Belknap, Grand Chief
of Honor, of the Degree of Honor,
started Friday on an official tour of a
portion of Eastern Oregon. She will
visit the lodges in the eastern part ol
the county, and from there gi to Can
yon City, Burns and will also visit a
number of Wheeler and Sherman
county lodges.
S. P. Mo's showed us through his
band of bucks lust week. He has
about 75, and has ordered 40 more
from Allen 4 Lafollett, of Prineville.
Puirley Pose.
Jtidd Van Houten is seriously ill at
the home of Jas. Cartwright, near
Cross Keys. Dr. Hudson was called
to see him yesterday und reports he is
improving. Antelope Rep.
8. S. Brown was in from Haystack
last Saturday with a load of wheat.
1 hat is the champion wheat raising
i-eetion in Crook county and there is
room for more settlers there.
Lee Steers, the postmaster ' at Su
I'lee was in town Monday accompani
ed by his daughter, Lulu. Mr. Steers
lecently met with an accident while
preparing to do some work with a disc
) arrow. His team ran away, and in efforts to quiet his animals, he was
rou over, indicting painful injuries to
lb rijjnt bAit. Cuuyuu City Eugie, '
Last Thursday was appropriately
observed as a day of mourning for our
martyred President. In eccord with
the recommendations of President
Roosevelt, Mayor Liggett appointed a
committee of arrangements, consist
ing of Will Wurzweiler, C. I. Wiunek,
W. F. King and F. W. Wilson, who
had everything in readiness by 10 o'-
lock. 1 he procession formed at the
engine house and marched up to main
street where they were joined by the
pupils of the public school and from
there to the court house where seats
had been provided for all. The fol
following order of procession was
observed: First came the Prineville
brass band; No. 1 Hose Company's
cart, draped in mourning; pupils from
the primary and intermediate rooms;
catafalque drawn by a pair of hand
some black horses; pupils from Supt.
Boegli and Prof. Orton's rooms; cart
of Hose Company No. 2, draped;
Mayor and escort and City Council
men. After reaching the court house
the following program was rendered;
Music by the band; scripture leading
by Ilev. B. F. Harper; song by the
choir; prayer, Rev. Bramhlet; music,
band; poem, "Death Has Crowned
Him a Martyr," Mrs. II. P. Belknap;
song, choir; reading, Prof. Ort'in;
music, baud; oration, G. W. Dames;
soiii;, choir; benediction, Rev. Haiper;
"Nearer My God to Thee," band. Brief
memorial services were observed in
the Union church the Sunday previous
which, wyru very
m mm nflHinyyi ij jj m.
Announco tho arrival of aomo very choice things in ladies' jackets, silk and flan
nel waists. Eiderdown dressing jackets, rainy day skirts, percnlo, lluiuiellolto and
calico wrappers. Our lino of French waistiug flannels nnd wrapper goods should
not be over looked. Wo do not blow about prices being lower than ever, but tho
following will convince any economical buyer that wo uro tho leaders of low prices:
Ladies' calico wrappers, good
line of colors $ 75
Eiderdown dressing sacqnes,
every lady should have one. . . 1 25
Ladies' fast black hose. 3 pain
Ladies' heavy fleeced lined vests,
Special at 35
Good grade fast color prints,
stocks to choose from. 22 yds
1 00
Children's school handkerchief,
colored borders, assorted. 2o
' each, 3 for
Ladies' black mercerized sateen
wuits. Regular fit line for.. 150
Ponliao Scotch plaids, just the
thing for children's school
dress. Special nt 20 .
30 inch white sheeting at 07
Apron ghinghnms in checks and
plaids. 10 yds 1 00
Outing flannels in daik
light colors. 14 yds
Men's fine laundricd shirts.
1 00
headquarters for $oiat Worcester Corsets,
UAo farmers' Outfitters
r" 'Tp,F"lA IW I1 WH tt t?W'fU
ii ij ii hi i in iii i in ma i il
We Carry in Stock
We Would Like
To talk with you about
Plows and Harrows . . .
You May be Surprised
If you have never looked
through our immense stock,
to know that wo buy Plows
and Harrows in car load lots.
We will lie glad to quote you prices
on anything in the implement line.
We carry the Genuine Oliver
Plow, both the "Chilled" and
"Sted" in both Walking, Sulkies,
and Gangs
We have all the Repairs for the
Oliver Plow.", and quite a stock of
Repairs for other makes. . . . .
- , Are as 'low as is contestant with
- legitimate business ......
Oliver Chilled Walking plows
Oliver Steel Walking plows
Tho James Olivet 9ulky' plow
Either Cast or Steel IJottom
The New Department (iang Plow
witli either No, 20 or No. 40, Cast
liottom, and in 12 and 11 inch
Btet-l liottom with third liottom
Ve have in Harrows
The Lan
Tho IMin
Tho Deere
In the Disc Harrows
We havo tho Deere and Osborno
Wheels all ready, With Tires on, that will make your old Hack as good as new for a low Price.
church appropriately draped, as
was alio a picture of William McKin
loy placed ub ive the pulpit.
Hotel Prineville.
On September 1, 1901, 1 took charge
of the Hotel Prineville, und have re
furnished the house throughout, be.l
rooms, dining room And kitchen, and
otherwise improved the bouse.
I have closed the Vienna Cafe, and
in doing so, desire to thank my many
patrons for their patronage for the
pust three years and hope to see you
all agiiin at the Hotel Prineville.
The house will lie run on American
plan and rates will be $1.00,, $1.50
and $2. per day.
Our accommodations cannot be
surpassed in the city.
A long distance telephone pay sta
tion has been established in the house,
Yoiirs Respectfully.
C. E. McDowitix.
Jidamson dc Winnek Co.
A cosy home helps
to make cortectnient
Not lee.
C, A. Marshall, organizer nf th-;
Knights and Ladies of Security, a
fraternal insurance society, will or
ganize a council of this order in the
next 30 days. This order pays partial
and total disability and old age claims
iniprcasLve, the couiUutd with death claims. 'ii
Call and examine the now line of
Kvtiss, scrim lace and chinile portiur
curtains in the latest designs and
colorings; add to tliuni a nice easy
chair or two, 4 few choice Ixjoks, a
piano in the corner, and you have
a place fit for the gods. We have
the all and at '
Moderate Prices.
When yoa are sick
and feel weak
and the cold chilli are playing havoo
with you, tliure is nothing that
will make you more comfortable
than a
Hot Water Bag
We have a large, fresh Slock of
Rubber Goods, all kinds and
jfctamson dc Winnck Co