Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 26, 1901, Image 5

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    Warm Spring Warbling.
From mir rriiular correspondent.
Will II. Kiio, wifo and ncico have
gono to I'orllnml on btiHincHH, but
o( couroo went during tlio Carniv
al. A HinitliHoniiin TiiHtitule man in
lien) to hi'Vfi a, powwow with the
1 iu'o In! ia 8 or a work or no.
Imliiin Policeman II, Miller in
tlio accomodating co'iiit-r jumper
diirinj,' tho alwcnco of Mr. Hoe.
Clerk liihliop intoiiilH to go to
Tho Dull during the fair, not for
vnrotion nor to niiK't bin wife, hut
l)i attend to official buttinoHH,
Indian children are ouring into
fchool curlier than iihiiuI thin fall
a tho rJiecn from tho Korct Uo
nerve have coins onto tho Kowrva
tion and derstrocd mist of the
'olallii'M1' for tlio. IndiaiiH.
It in reported that Mr. (!ho!t hu
sold htti ranuliPK and ferry near
hero to a Mr. Colo.
Dizncy and Campbell have bad
a surveyor out on the Agency
jiluitiH locating Home claims, in
cluding tho dried up Jack rab
bits. Wo have a new government
d inner, a whito man from Dakota.
His duties arc not to go out on the
reservation and teach tho Indians
bow to farm, but to conduct the
Kchool farm.
We learn that tho pontoflice de
partment has concluded to give us a
daily mail after next July, via
Slinniko and Hay Creek by a 22
niilo route. We will be cut off
from Tho Dalhm and I'rineville as
the present routes will ho discon
tinued, hut as we are given a
money order office wo will be at
least within reach of civilization.
Bend Item..
Fmrn our m,nlv enrrwimndrnl.
We aro having splendid fall
woathcr, having bad several heavy
W. II. StaaU and family are ex
pected home from the Williamette
valley in a few days, having been
gone for about a month on a visit
to relatives and friends.
Our penial postmaster is putting
tho finishing touches on a new
' wooden leg. Jim is an expert in
this lino.
Tho Deschutes Irrigation and
KcciHmaiion k.o. win resume
work on their canal in a few days.
The boys aro "vtcrmiiicd to com
plete their ditc ''thw fall and win
ter. In spilo of irrigation talk and
, surveying, the old IX-echutcg con
tinues to rull uii ward to the sea.
At an early hour Monday mor
ning tho tracks of large bear were
discovered in tho streets of I'ilo
Butte. In a short time the entire
population was in hot pursuit.
The latest returns from tho front
are that the entire party were eight
miles up tlio Tutnalow with bruin
just a littlo in advance, in con
seijuence the city is somewhat dull
John Sizemoro has finislied putt
ing up IiIh hay crop. John is a rus
tler. Colonel Keeper, of Georgia, an
old friend of Mr. Drake, is stopping
at Pilot liutte looking over the
Tlio fly season is about over, but
eomo good catches of trout are still
being mado at this place.
An Anawcr.
In tho review I noticed an article
about the Newsom creek bridge, in
which I noticed a good many mis
takes which are misleading. He
Fays that the lumber will be fur
nished by Hawkins Bros. It is
furnished by Moor & Kobhins and
tho lumber costs 59 per 1000 on the
yard and f 4 per 1000 for hauling.
Ho slates that it is delivered, for
'.) at the bridge, Tho bill is less
than 20,000 feet and ho says that
tho contract calls for 25,000 feet.
Therefor tho item is a mistake
from one end to tho other, so I
answered to correct the mistake.
Arthur Bennett.
Hull Olllcer Injured.
While riding a horse last Batur
day at Iwo, Unde Bob Officer, one
of the best known citizens in this
section, was thrown against a imst
and came very near loosing his
life. Several ribs wero broken and
other painful injuries sustained
Dr. Fell was summoned from John
Day and drove to Izeo that night.
Tlio doctor slated to a News ronre-
scnatativo on his return Monday
evening that the horse upon which
Mr. Ollicer was riding was con
sidered perfectly gentle and had at
one time been a raco horse. Mr.
Officer did not know himself how
tho accident happened.
It is thought that tho injured
man will recover unless complica
tion arises not at present indicated,
(irau Co. News.
KImi luckn Ib-iurn.
Will J. Sherlock and Mrs. Rich-
aid Sherlock, who started to Port
land recently to meet Mr. Sher
lock's sons comniing out from Ire
land, only got as far as I'rineville,
where they met the boys.
They visited tho sheep farm of
Allen it Lafollettand spent a most
enjoyable- day. Will looked at the
blond sheep and as ho had orders
for 87 head of bucks purchased
that number from the Allen &
Lafollelt pastures. lie says the
sheep aro tho finest he baa seen,
lie intends starting after them
about the first of October, and if he
can get orders for about 100 more
it will make the trip much less ex
jHjnsive for all. Parties wishing to
buy fine bucks at a resonable figure
shouid drop Mr. Sherlock a line
and order what they want, as be is
a good judge of sheep. Paisley Post
For The Dalle Carnival
The Columbia Southern Railway
will make a rate of one and one
third fare for round trip from all
stations on its lino for Monday,
Wcdnsday and Friday good return
ing until the 'following Monday
and a rato of one fare for the round
trip on Thurseay good returning on
Friday only.
t'oiuiiitila Houtliern Kuiea.
Special Excursion to The Dalles
Street Fair and Carnival, September
30, to Octolwr 5, 1001.
The Columbia Southern Railway
will sell exclusion tickets to Biggs
and return Sept. 30, Oct. 2, and Oct.
i, limited to Oct 7, at ono and one
third fi:re for round trip.
On Special District Dny, Oct. S, all
n gen to will aull excuraion tickets to
HiRgs and return, limited to Oct. i, at
one way fare for the round trip.
C. E. Lvtle, G. P. A.
Educate Toor Rowels VFUh Casoarats.
Candy cathartic, cure eonmtputlon forerer.
lOo. iUo, II O. O. O. (uJI, OtuckIbu rotund money.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given the undersigned
has ken by tlie county court of
Crook county, state of Oregon, duly Appoint
ed Executrix of tlio entate and hurt will and
testament of Mudford A. Moore, deceased,
and all persons having claimg against mid es
tate are hereby required to prt'ttcnt the name
duly verified to the executrix at the office of
M. K. Drink, in Prinevillo, Oregon, within
six months from the date of tne 6rt ouhiica
Ion of thin notice. Dated July CO, 1W1.
Hakah U. Moorr,
Executrix of estate of Medlord A: Moore,
M. K. brink, Attorney for executrix.
Krr?ho1jr Bays So,
Cascurntn Candy Cathartic, the most Won
derfol medical discoverv of Hie nire, pU'aa,
ant, nod i'fr"!nnf; tn tho, aci pcntly
and positively on kidney, liver und bowels,
cleanHinir the ent.iro syabMn, diaiel colds
cum Iwulnehe, levr, habitual roiisllpalioa
and hiiousnes. Please- buy nnd try a bos
off!. ('. (!. lo-ihiv; III. Mli-enta. buliiuud
guaranteed to curu by all druggists.
Kdnrat Tonr Bowels With Caaearata.
Cnnrty Cnthnrtlc. ouro constipation forever
lOo.aiw. Il a&0,laU,dru4Tmare(iUidmodW.
w Goods
- t , - i t
Our Fall Stock will
, . soon be Complete.
SoiiielhingNew to Show You in
Watch this Space
Frank E!kins Q Go.
South End Blacksmith Shop
We Have
Canton Gang Tlows,
Canton Sulky Plows,
Canton Walking Plow,
Canton Blue Jay Plows,
In both Chilled Iron and Steel.
Wo also carry in stock the Famous Canton Disc Harrows,
U Bar Harrows and Favorite Pipe Frame Harrows.
Xall aid teias (kr cotcli CIippersA Steel Plow wi'Ji Cast Sear.
Dry Goods,
Shoes, Hals
and Clothing.
Simpson, Wilson & Co.
We iave
Superior Hoe Prills,
Superior Disc Drills,
Superior Shoe Drills.
Superior broad cast seeder
With Cultivator attachment.
, J 2. Siolknap.
Physician and Suryton.
Office in rear of Adamaon, Wiunek Co
C. Orink
Jftoraoy and Counttlor ml jCam
&hjsi'eian and Surgaon.
Phone No. 2. Residence back of the
Photograph Gallery.
t JSC. $osenbor3, 0
Physician and Suryean
Calls answered promptly uay ur niht Of.
See with Dr, V. Gesner. Gnridenoe
Eedhy Hotel.
j C. !Palmer
jCttorney-ai-jCaw. . VJotary PudJic '
All business promptly nnd carefully attended
to. Collection a specialty.
Deputy Stock (Inopeotora.
Notice ia hereby civen that I hnve
appointed the following nuuied peraoua
deputy stock inspectora:
. J. P. Cartwrijiht, Hay Creek.
Shiii Hnmiltun, Ashvoud.
Sparks, Ststeis.
A. Morrow, B'lyatack,
F. M. Smith, ' Paulina.
Roaciie Knox, Post.
T. C. Swain, Bear Creek.
J. S. Rnyue, ' Rowland,
Alex Mcintosh, Hardin
E. Ii. Dean, Hay Creek.
Joe Hinkle,
Stock Inspector Crook County, .
Boat Tuluero Spit sad Rmukt Tear life Away.
To quit tobacco eusily ami forever, be muff,
netlc. full ot lira, nerve and vigor, uke Ko-To
Bac. tlie woutler-worker, tbat make weak men
strong. All drutxifcta, SI. Cure pcarun
teea llcoklot ami a:tmple tree. Aildresi
filerlhij liemedy Co, Cuicogo or New Vork