Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 19, 1901, Image 4

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    Crook County Journal.
dregs of humanity that have been
poured into it for the past twenty
vears and then such '.crimes a
rtain our annals will bo unknown.
Let us hope that out of our present
sorrow may come a bright aud
blessed future.
County Official Pavkr.
'the Journal Is entered at tht pottolfiee in
Friiiivllle, Jre., tranHiuinxxm tlimuh the
V. H. L-dls a second class matter.
On Ykas
8ix Months '!
'X'Hitm Months ...SO
THURSDAY. SKP. 19. 1901.
Our President is Dead.
Such vas the import of the mes
sage that was flashed across the
continent last Friday over every
telegraph and telephone line in the
Union. Again it lias been the
painful duty of the press to chron
icle the death of a president of this
republic at the hands of an assas
sin the third since the formation
of the government. This time
there is nothing to plead in ex
tenuation for the act. When Lin
coln was assassinated it was at the
close of a long and bloody conflict
when the passions of many were
still at fever heat and partisan
feeling ran high. When Garfield
met his death at the hands of
Guiteau, it was urged as a plea for
him that he was crazed by bitter
factional polities. But Czolgosz
has no plea of this kind to enter
in his behalf; neither can it be
said that he is insane for his ut
terances are not the ravings of an
insane man.
When the country is at profound
peace and everyone 13, or should
be, enjoying the blessings of pros
perity, this offshoot of an accursed
society, whose sole aim is to de
stroy the lives of those high in au
thority, fires the fatal shot that
causes a nation to molirn.
How to deal with this element
is the vital question that must be
taken up by the next session of
congress. A law should be enact
ed tnat will make it a penal offence
to attempt the life of the President.
Furthermore, all good citizens
should be given the privilege to
shoot down anyone making threats
against the life of the President.
All organizations that have for
their object the overthrow of law
and order should be destroyed and
their members transported to some
desert island where they can prey
only upon each other.
While we believe in a free coun
try, free speech and a free press,
there certainly should be a dis
tinction made in cases of papers
that are pandering to the element
from whence the assassin of Wil
liam McKinley sprung. All per
sons writing or publishing books
or papers along any line that will
create a bitter feeling against the
President should be placed, in
solitary confinement.
Purge our fair land of the litter
Mi S kief
! a--t-1
BrwJers. of Iare ttral
EN 1 a id llzmboullkt
V,re offer for the Season of
1901 Several Hundred Plead
of yearling and two-year-old
ram. These rams can he
seem at the Home Ranch on
McKay creek, ten mile north
of Prineville.
We have been breeding for
many years to the rams of the
leading flocks of the east, there
fure we can supply as good
stock as i;ny from imported
Call and examine our stock
before purchasing elsewhere.
Frineville, - - - Oregon.
Dally Mound Trips Kxcipt Monday
Vancouver, Cascade Locks,.
St. Martin's Spring?, Moot.
Jiiver. White Salmon, Lyle;
and The Dalles.'
Time Card
Leave Portland .
Arrive The Dalles
Leave The DalU
Arrive Portland.
i a. in.
3 p. Ml.
4 "
10 "
Meals I he Very lient
rFKtindav Trim a Leading Feature.
WThis R ute has the tiraudeat Scenic At
traction on Earth.
Daily Round Tria Except Sunday
Time Card
Leave Portland T a. m.
Leave Astoria. 7 p. ui.
Landing: Foot or Alder Street.
John M. Filloon, Agt., The Dalles
A. J.'Taylor, Agt., Astoria
J. C. Wyatt, Agt., Vancouver.
Prather'& Bams, Agt,, Hood River
Wilford & Wyers, Agt., W. Salmon
E. V. Crichton, Agt., Portland
State uf Oregon fur Crook County.
The Slate of Oregon, I'iaiutiff,
W. A. Booth. Administrator of
the Ksute of Klias Uaj'ia, de- j
ceased, and all heirs olfui.t de
ceased, if any there be and all
eroiw interested iu said ,
estate, Delend.mts. i
y ow at this time is presented the information
in the above entitled cause of Frank Menefee.
District Attorney for the Seventh Judicial
DUtrict of the ritute of Oreyon, for width it
appear to the court:
That Elias Pavis died in Crook emmty,
Oregon, on the 17th dav of Anj,Tit, l'JOO, in
testate and without heirs, leaving property
therein described as folli ws:
KM of SIX N' SV Sec. 17. and S'.j
of Sk. SWi of Sec 13, T. Hi S. it. IS K. W.
it., of CKVJ of Sec. 13 Tp. HiS: K. 17 E.
of V. M., all iu Crook comity, Oregon: con
tainirp 4Hi acres of land of the value of
$i"00.00, 140U0 pounds of wool of the value of
$17.''0.00 and cash now in the hanii. nf Y. A.
Booth, administrator of the estate amount
ing to the sum of $523-1.32, and U of said
property being of the value of and amount
ing to the sum of 32.
That W. A. Booth is the dnly appointed
qualified and acting administrator of the
estate of said deceased and as such has the
possession of ail of said pmierty; that the
state of Oregon has riht by law to all of the
property of said deceased.
Xnw therefore, IX THE NAME OF THE
STATE OK OBEfJOS: You the add de
fendant, W. A. lJooth, administrator of said
estate and all heirs of said Elias Davis, de
ceased, if there be any, and all jerHonn inter
ested in said estate are hereby notified and
required to be and appear in the Circuit Court
room in the county court house in Prine iile,
Crook county, Oregon, on or before Friday
the 25th day of October, 1901, then and theie
to show cause if any there be, why the title
to all of the property belonging to the estate
of said Elias Davis, deceased, and the herein
before described property, should not yeat in
the state of Oregon.
Dated at Chambers in The Dtlles, Oregon,
this 11th day of September, 1901.
W. L. Bit ADSflAW, Judge.
I Vmi AnnH. linn Ia rr in flip Arrfir
0 11 in:.s.u...J , , T,.
rciuiirj iu t;o rcutpjunj. tituiu
!or ices are much more delicious
when the appetite is sharp when
you are hot. It takes only a min
ute to squeeze a few lemons and
add some sugar and water. Three
minutes after you can have a de
licious lemon ice, if you use a
Patented dasher construction
does away with all motions except
one the can revolves around' the
stationery dasher.
Motion is necessary in the cream
not in the machine. . j
The cream has more motion in
the Peerless Iceland than in any,
other freezer.
The result is smooth, delicious'
ace cream
in Area mlnutos.
Sold only by
Elkins & King.
On your Fall Purchases. We have the goods you want at the right prices, and know an in-
vestigation will satisfy you. If you want to compare our prices with what you are paying, drop
us a line and we .will be pleaded to quote you on any goods you may want. Wo curry a big
5 f general merchandise, and if there is uny thing special you want and We do not happen
. & to hitvo, we can procure it for you. (Jivo us a trial.
Canned Soods
All Goods
We olfer the best values in
. Mats,
In order ti make room for our immense 'nil stock,
w lich will soon arrive, and have room for 11 1 d ty ( o ids
as we usually handle, we are making a great uuuctiun in
Gloves and Fancy Goods of all kinds. You may not be
lieve this flattering statement, but if you will step iuto
our store and price our goods, you will be convinced that
we always tell you the trutli through our advertisement.
A few Ladies' Flirts and Jim's Pants on tin Bargain Counter
which we will let you have at your own oiler.
For the Wet Weather we have Mackintoshes, Rubber Goods
and Overshoes of all kinds at reasonable prices.
The ISed Front Bazaar,
N. A. TYE & BROS., Proprs.
' Reliable Merchants.
raits k Ornamental Trees.
Small JfirutSj Shrubs,
Plants, Poses, tc 3
Send for catalogue and
Manager Branch Office,
Crockery, Glass Ware,
Dl'lf'i-, Enflliwlpri Will'P.
Granite AVare, Tin Ware.
Q jfmtrt'can Jid Stneing. Poultry 7tHtny.
Marked in Plain Figures
and October
price list to W. E. Payne,
Hood River, Oregon
filut Siibbon I
I Canned Soods
jfrv J'auon'toa
iii-ti)litiit-ttiifjlilji'll)lll Jf
Jishing "Gacklo
TICK ADKIXS, rroprli-li.r
A fins 'ttirimm devoted especially Ut
the uao irf ladies.
Kvorylliing up-to-date and strictly
Notice to Creditors.
Nntlce l hrrpliy Khetl that the nnilrrtilitnfil
lias been by trie County Crnirt til 0"k oiiii
ty, state of Orrxun, duly apiilntod almliil.
tratril of the estate of William II. A mlenum,
tbuxMtil, and all (xrniona haviuir claims a
gainst said eiUU are herehy rc'inlinl to pre
wnt the aaine, duly ferllinl, to the ailmini,
tratrix at the office of M, K, Ilriiilc, ill 1'rlne
ville, drnfon, within sis months from the
date of tire first imMicotion of this notice,
1,1'Cf 11. A-VKKHAOX,
Administratrix of the estate of WJliuiu IT.
Anderson, decrawd.
Dated Auust fi, l'.lOl,
Mdl ! bo cur
red i
If yoa surTsr from any of the (
ills of mea, c-jme to ths olden
&peciaJitt on iJio tacilm OMi, i
OR. J0H0AN & CO..
? 1051 Market aL End I JC 2.1
1 on nit men and middle
from the ertrcts of ytiutliful iti'likcretUm, or ex. t
ww in matiirer ytars, Nerrou, tn'l Tnykicsl
inslljirmu,li,-atirins: laiirrinntorrhd'a.
m IristMtirrlpa, sJoiiorrliefis, JI es, i
1 rriu;nc7 r i;riuntins;, tc liy m
I comliiutiun of remlis,i)f gieal curative 1"'
' er, the Doctor iius si arranKa hii trenuncnt
I I that it will not only alf-jril immediate relief but
fjermanent cure. 'Hie Doctor does not claim to
j I perform miracles, but ia well-known to 1 a fair
and tquare 1'hyaictan and Surgeon, nretuiiueot
a in liii wcialiy lalneaaex of Mf.n.
M.rpbllla thoroimhlv era'tlcalcU tluui tu
J yiU'iu 'Alttioitt iwlur nrrt'iir.vt
f IKBV si an iippirios to as will re-
!Celve our hfmtrt i,ptniiM(t lil.ioomplHlnt.
We will (iuaranltt a ID81V1 VK CUHF.i
every can ue undertake, or JorJeU Oue
Thoaxanrt .illnra.
Cximiultation KUKK and strictly prlvat.
ment perionally or by letter. Send for Ixmlt,
"Thei riiilonniihy of Btariiarfe,"
free. (A valuable book for mea.
Great Mti sen in of Anatomy
world. Come and learn how wonderfully you V
are made; how to avoid nickae arid difteajte
W We are crnitintrilly adilins new specimens. 9
CATAtOUUX t lim. Call or write. A
f 1061 Market Street, 8an Francfacn, Cat,
Try Our Job Offlca Per L3ttsrh5aJ3
Scanty la niood Deep.
Ooan blood meana a clean akin. No
bnaiily without it. C'ascarets, Candy Cathai
tic clean your blood arid keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver .and driving all im
puritiea from the body, litgin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
.iala, (attsf action giurauteed, lUc,2oc,G0o.
5 9
i I from t
I Ml