Crook County Journal COUMY OFFICIAL I'Al'EK. TIIUUHDAY, HK1 IS), 1001. Official directory. STATU OFFICIALS, fiuwnmr T TflEER K-cruuiy of Hint F I DUNHAM Tri.H.iriT 0 rt MOOItK Ally (I -ml. ...DUN ULAUKISUIN ISiiiit 1'ub J )l AUKKJCVMiV IVinUT W H LKKDK Dairy & Fund Cm I W HAILKy fieiitttora. Ciiiinruwintn. f JOKEI'li SIMON J II MITCHELL I' M TIlVlll'V A MOODY CE WOLVKHTON H 8 HE AN F A JlOOlCK fril JUDICIAL DISTRICT. JurfK,, W I, I1UADK1UW l'roevcuiiug Any. .THANK MENEKLE COUNTY OFFICIALS. Juint Kuimlnr J N Vii.maoi ( II A Km m kit Joint Jluproa'n'tiv j IH Md.iiKKii I A S liOIIKHTt J.nlpe W C Wii.w :i.nk ,...J J Hmitii Xhurill' W C C0N111.CT0N V L TKMI'UtTdN II J FIkalky Trwumrcr J N I'iiijuihtkb Awmwir J D Laim-lci-tic Mwil Kui.t VVm,i Surveyor 0 A (Ikavkh :r..iii.r Wh H IlKix'K Buck Iiixvouir Jut HiNKi.K. Juetice W R Mi.FAKU.fl) Cumliililu '. Lu Ukbow MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. Councilmtm LN Lkki Will W'lKZwwLitu F W Wiwon Ku N Whitk D F Ktkwabt 'MAN Wf nTKWA A II Lii-i-m C M Elkin IWrder M H Bull Truutur M A Mimjkk Mar.lal WkPHi SatMy Wfootinyi. t RINKVILLR LODGE. NO. 70, A I F. A. M. Mphi in Mamio Tcm- iln on Saturday before full moon of toh liiolith. T. IH. IIALVWIN, W. N M. E. R11INK, Secretary. ft AKN ATKiN CHAPTER. NO. 44, 0. UK. H. -MhoU aucond and fnrth Thutadav of eachmnnth in MxwiiiiftTem pi. Minn (Jkace Kklknap, W. M. Mm. M. E, Buimc, Secretary. A CHOCO LODOE, NO, 40, 1. 0. 0. F U -Mouta in (MI Fellowe' Hall every t-ooiid aud fourth baturdny evening. M. R. Bioua, N. 0 H. P. Bkiksap, Secretary. ft CHOCO LODGE, NO. 101 A. O. U. U W.-Meeta in Odd Fell-ma' IIU on the luoond ind fourth Moddayi of each month. Dr. E. O. Hydk, M. W L N. LtonrrT, Recorder. ft UNBEAM LODGE, NO. 3rt D. of H O Meeta at Odd FetlowV Hall every 1'ueadny evening. Mkh. Pkahl Rowkia, Chief of Honor, Mihk Ethki Lnhiktt, Recorder. 11 'U NEVILLE LAMP. NO. 21, r Woodmen of World-Meet at Odd Fellowi' Hall on the tint end third Thuradar aveninva of each month C. E. McDowell Cnnaul Commander, 3. L. MuCuuoca, Clerk. I n VIPER filRfil.K. NO. .17 WOlvf. 0 n of Woodcraft Meet every Friday evening at Una Cello wa linn. Mihk Efka Chookh. Guardian Noighbor, . y - . ro puxsiiiA oaoi, viera. rivA i.nnc;c vn ikk pMt L in Odd Fellowa' Hall every Wednes day eeinnq All orotuuri in gooa nana inir invitud la attend. , W. A. OOOTH, 0. C J, L. M.:Cuuo;h K. R. 8. n ILOT TENT NO. 03, K. O. T. M r Meet in Odd Fellor Hall every tecoml and fourth Thursday eveninva in each month. P, B. Howard, 8. K. 0, J. 0. Cyrpb, a. b.. r BTXKvri.r.E assembly. NO ri(3, U. A.-Meti inOddFelloaa Hall every ht and third lliunUuy even ttitrs in each mouth. E. 0. Hyde, M. A, WittiiE Brown, Secretary. I 00K0UT REBEKAH, NO. 103, L U 0. 0. F MeeU in Odd Fellowa, Illl every hra and third Saturday even iiiija in eachmonth. Miss Graoi Belknap, N. G, ' OOMPAUT, Fire-proof buildinfc, 90300 feet, in now ready to lianillo Morclimidine, Wool, tc.' HAUL YOUR FREIGHT TO S13AI1IK0 DEALERS IN Coal, Flour, , ' Lumber, Wood, Hay and "Grain. fijiecial Attention given to wool trade. Fimt-clnm baling nod grading fucilitii:. Also ntyck yard, latent pinna. All Modern Improvements for Handling Stock. Cary House Bar. Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. fine '.Wires, : . LIQUORS, CIGARS MAIN KTREET. P1USEVILLE. OREGON- PROPRIETORS (Yhksch it Co., Bunker!, The Dallea. Mihikk Hiwm., I'liikern, Alcro, W. l,nD, The DIIhi. B. F. LaUoalin, The Dallea. A. UL. KELSAY, General Manager-! Gyrus, the Jeweler. Watches Clocks Qwclry Silverware Spectacles and yo Slassos Society Cmbloms Violin CBows and Strings 9Jachino and Eicyclo Oil Tlfandolins ffianjos Jfarmonicas, tc. liiF la 1 If. J.. lit T) U 11 At Foster & Lehman Proprietors. A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Yeal, Mntton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Main st. - Oregon. 'Phone 31. Look Out a FOR THE Largest and best assortment of spectacles in tho city. Fine repairing a Hpecialty. MAURY AWMILL Send in your orders at i ( We have a good assortment on hand and saw extras to order. Call at Mill or Address, CLEAR LUMBER Planed to ORDER. , HAWKIKS BROS. PEICE, OREGON ED N. WHITE, JOHN COMBS. Work sent in by mail or stage driver will receive prompt attention. Sewing machines cleaned and repaired. , Main .Street opposite Salomon's Store. PrinevDle, Oregon. Hotel Prineville. White. & Combs. -DEALERS IK- WINES, LIQUORS, DOMESTIC and I3IP0KTED.... COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH ' SOLICITED. . POINDEXTER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Ilaa eaUbliahed ita reputation aa the MOST COMMODIOUS, CONVENIENT nd WELL-KEPT Hotel in Crook county. PrlcesKcasonable. TenuiiiH of all Staje Lines Smith ffiros. DEALERS IN Soneral Merchandise. SISTERS, OREGON. Stneral Supply !Point for Casttrn Jtalf of the Caseadt Sortst Sitsoroo. Shetpmtn't Supplits a Specialty. !Dry Soodsy Srocsries, Jfardwarc I CCERR TEMPLE. NO. 28, RATH Lh"i" Hiatera-MeU every firat and third Wedneaday of each month. Man Mry E MoDowkli, M. E. 0. Um Em Ckooss, Jt ol R. and 0. jCadies' and Sent)' Surnhhiny Seedt. Call and Cxamiite our Stock. S TAB0IES Doctors find 5 A Good Prescription rormanMM WANTED ! A cat. rfM tmltk tat RIT-A-W S wOJ a beacfit. TtMjr bsnuh pain and proJoo liit. Ont gtvn RlUf. No). Ih. word R I P A N S oa Ih. ptcluga utt accept no Mibatitutt. K'I'PA'N S 10 (or J u, mar ba had at anjr draa atofl. Taa aamplet and ooa thouavid teattauoiala will b Bulled to tnv addreea (tr Iva cenu, v fnraarded to th. Ripau Caaaical Co., No. w Sprac tttMt,Ncw Yofk.