Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1901)
Crook County- Journal., V. T. FOGLE..... Fnmis ni I'liuuniiBit. County Official Fapkh. ip .Iovrxai, ta entered at the ttiflk- In .priiMxiUv. Jk.i fi tnutniitn thiouttu V, H,Lail ewJoud elaae matter. SUBSC1UPTI0N RATES. un y.n.....t. JUuNiHH 'i'HHKg MONTHS. THURSDAY, SEP. 5, 1901. The war in South Africa, it is oimiimil'Pil. will henceforth be mercik'ps. Evidently, Chamber lain considers it has been quite mild during the - past two years Agricultural Department officers cav that our timber, as a conimer cinl factor, will be destroyed in another fifty years, perhaps sooner, unless steps are taken to replant and raise and harvest timber on common sense principles just as with other crops. The Democratic managers, are trying to persuade the health offi cers of the District ouColumbia to permit them to move the Kansas City platforjn to that section in connection with the rest of head quarters. Permission is doubtful, as the platform is vindoublfuliv rather "high." An English ' locomotive thirty years old is still in :service, caus ing thereby great pride in British bosoms. As a matter of fact, they ought to be ashamed to use such a pathetically behind the times old machine. Engines built ten years ago are as. much out of date today as are bows and arrows. The Steel. Trust is certainly within its rights when it insists that, before it begins to negotiate, the Amalgamated Association shall be incorporated so that it can be sued for breach of contract, in case it does nirt keep its agree ments. It is not denied that the members of that Association have deliberately violated their con tracts ia the present strike. by the interest it produces on his capital. No values are added be cause of home facilities". The same huge tract of land divided into small farms would perhaps support hundreds of families and become doubled in ! value. The same would be true under ft loiw law. Withheld from the use of the man who would improve it by the sweat of his own brow, the great tracts of our lands yct.un.-: owned would not become as valua- hie to the state as if allowed to pass gradually to private owner-J ship as they are now doing." . j The editor of this rag has had, his outing and, greatly refreshed therefrom, is ready for another year's collaboration with the scis sors and paste pot. Our recrea- ftion consisted in eating a chicken dinner that was cooked on a camp fire in the hack varJ. llrrney County News. We have also had j f our annual outing which consisted in-eating a Sunday chicken din ner out in the country with our mother-in-law. Antelope Repub lican. Having neither a mother- in-law nor a back yard we are forced to content us with a chick en dinner some time in the fu ture. . '"- Y'..,T'K,iffm.m'-HTvrKwi)i"Tf purr' mt'nmm,4wmm?m'vat fc. i lim:u i In. V i.miW fakilWl r W. Mth, lilMnlii.1 ill'X UilJ 'Summer oiirt 'Waists'. 4 WWII Ml UH'UI III Oiln WUttD ft... CU nmri "ho.!- .if nru Hut- i.r..n.....u 1 v. - t. . " '"'"'Mid rinUm, uf ItoHih, If vu are fi.rtititntu hii.iuuIi t.. tL,. mleani aiflt 4 if (Ilia, lit, it .u'tl. lilt V illl lnMA H j J your K i ,, J... n.i.t of ilHwiriliiMuliMu wande aaynu uive w.hniivtt iluml iimiiv tmiHt ami thm-glit yii w.tu 'liiii W .... , v,ie,,(, , n k price h-uHjh v ,,. x,, Ut j,, . , t m) I dp .tint-.. ..I ili.u.1. ifirii..iii r .t .i..l. ..... ' I w ......... ... Duv.t 01,1 IHUIIIg Ml'lIUe. A few years ago, when employers firt recognized the unions and signed contracts with them, the fact was hailed as a great victory for labor. Now these some con tracts are denounced in many quarters by the men who declare they are mere traps to prevent sympathetic strikes. In too many cases it. appears that the men want contracts that bind only one party to the bargain. Now ia the time for the people to prepare petitions for new post!; offices and oiher things that they j ! want brought before Congress this ! j winter. Ri-sidps this is an ormor-lS, tune time to present such peti tions, for there is an election com ing on soon and those that are in ftre wanting to stay in and some that are not in are wanting to get in, so that the people will meet with better success then or dinarily. ' ' Vol.1 No. lof Tublic Land, a weekly paper published at Spo kane, Wash., is on our table and is well worthy the patronage of all persons interested in our publid domain. It tills a, long felt want and we speak for it the success it deserves. -,. ' 50 60 1 "." ' 1 00 h'25 1 50 1 75 Colored Waists, cent Waists now 41 50 59 71) 05 1 19 1 81 cents. Whilo Waists. 1 25 Waists now Oil 1 50 ", " 1 17 1 75 " "1 83 2 00 " "151 3 00 " " 1 M 3 25 " "2 47 cents Colored Xaivns Colored chalks 20 pc r csnt 2iscount. ' Colored Dimities, Dune don Cords, f7.ryar--.y'ivi'.v--. ..-..f:-.-...-.,i .. ......g.-i t,.L i-t.l'-.t.,.? x-t."- Si U : In commenting on the land leasing scheme now being promul gated by the big stock concerns of KEEP. COOL You don't have to go to the Arctic regions to be refreshed. Ice cream or ices are much more delicious the middle west the Pendleton when the appetite is sharp when you are hot. It takes only a min ute to Fquceze a li'w Ictuons and add some sugar and water. Three minutes after you can have a de licious lemon ice, if you use a PEERLESS ICELAND mu'ci (OK Tribune has the following to say: "No good can come to Eastern Oie gon by withdrawing from settle Lien t a large part oi its lands. The question is steadily being solved by private ownership and in a few yeiL'j all mountain ranges will be contributing to the tax funds of the counties and states. To lease the hinds means a temporary halt in the development of the state, in order to give corporations or cattle kings an opportunity to be cocie richer. The land under their control will not be improved and their values will not be in-, creased as they would be if owned by private individuals. No coun try it ever developed by the very wea 1 1. :y classes. It is tne well-to-do who advance a state's growth. The capitalist lives in a large city and regards his Western estates onl .' as financial investments. The VjIuc of his land is measured only Patented dasher construction does away with ail motions except one the can revolves around the stationery dasher. Motion is necessary in, the cream not in the machine. The cream has more motion in il . II I T.l.l.t uie reeness lceiana man in any Other freezer. The result is smooth, delicious ice cream in Mrer mnutts. Sold only by UEIkia3 & King. ' 4. i !- 'v': ' Our Sroat 1 "I "Sxpansion" Sale S j vt "V'fT. 'wt.?jms r .-.nL?ffjsr7r. gnrynana yAvT:--?.:-fy fj i i -m ii n f " mm l 1 ' ' I j The most important sale for years, A store jji If , w full of seasonable offerings. L'alanec of our h i II summer goods will be closed out at half of tiiu A f i , , I i I ' : ' i The Rod Front Bazaar, ;! I II j he eld r.iHTHt Rtri f I Hi J IN. A. i YfcitC h sun in hi in in in in in iii iii mm ii nil iii in iii iii in iii in iiiiii in nric, I OREGON NURSERY COMPANY, I ' SALEM, OREGON. Si if- Fruits & Ornamental Trees. l.lllM. J .1 .... i.T . i'1i III 'JjuJ. mtniluuu. a IP'iai f i - jw . . I H fi,. i (ruwi:il wh9 Hii nn whether jm Mwilmi Pi.. Br(r-miliii;, NW-TlMJAfST iRinu.m ma ut .irr lur Uibn. Mil mi wrTag.ui.irpM.eti, una. imiino. u, it... i In h..i.h "i1!"- il'A 'iif own Volmll lull Tutfr llll?t I will, pal . ni.jr, nci.tnt, nllf if, lMltJllhtJll,,ll. K .-...-.I - J1 Deputy Stock Iiispectoia. N'llice U liiTehy siiBrt tlint I lime iHiinld ill fnlliiwiiiH nmiiisl iiirmiii .i..uiy uliivk nnpmon: J. P. Curtwricht, Jlny Crfk. Sum 1 1 itiiiil'uii, Anliwnud, E. Swrli, K tier. A. M.iin.K, Ilnyaimk., K. M. Smilh, Pallium. Kim'-im Kiiia, . Pii, T. C. Huhiii, Crck. J. 8. Iditfim, Jt"lnd. Mi-Intmh, llnrilin K. U. Dim II, liny Click., Jim II ink In, Ninck Iimjn cti.r ("rink County. X f rHT Yeoman f yNibo cured If you rufTtf frn n cl' -.U ( ilU iwn, Cfn lo liie tlCt Sjrfculiu on ilia fauc Cwxu, ( OR. KlROAil CO.. v 1081 hcrtiM bt tatd 1852. 1 1 cnni; r.irn uk1 mlitdlo J . L ruru witaj Rie tui,ct,i.f rromilwcir.cuol yu.,iM,,l inuitcml. .i. . e. A "f "l mAii.tfr vain. Il.m.n aul I nti V g UrliMII;,!;,!,,,,!,,, . ) .".Ti.;.'iiii a.iirruii.irrnrni ITo-lKlariliira ; mnrlKru. .trxi, if triirnry of t rlnallan, ana. Ky a If comtiiiuihii rniMiSa,iir(Rai tmumtL,n- J I0JI K will not oollf eif .rU iuexduie n-lnf lul A (tiiwikiii rare. 1 1n Imiw ilue. ma clein lo V beitiirra aiiracka. but I.!.iuH... ... l r;. A n Uqilart CSy.iai,, ti,l ViriMii, mir..uem " "V "Jr "i"WKei (.1 ntftt. i r M.I. I Iii KinriBitWroriHwu-Kroul Ul 1 rifi'in wilhimi Uhirirf Jifcrc ue-r. JtZ'u? "Anl i'i'--l"ii (o mi will f ltcui(i;u,iri;,:fa IDXmVKVCI&l ,7. w wrr(ae, or ori Due i-ni-.i-, aim nrlir prtwie, 'i'rret- 7 Small bruits, Shrubs, Plants, Sioses, tc..,.. Pcnd for catalogue and price list to W. E. Payne, Manager Branch Office, Hood Eiver, Oregon 3t a 3 Deanlr I Blood Deep. Ocan blood mean, a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cawareta, Candy (Jatliar. t o clean your biood and keen it clean, by tirring up the loiy liver and driving ill ini puntiea rom the body, lleeio mj, imta, tatuf aaioo guuranleed, 10o, 2fic. JOoT f '.ntttlrtt't'en ClUJIOM VKUY UKfisoSAHl. n-:nt Dcrniiw v nr l,w riii. b....i r.. I.... i. "Thn -iifi;o,b.v of JariJo., free. (A vxhul.le lia (ur men.) Great Milium of Anatomy Hie ritiml end lareu Muerurauf Hi kiii'J in tU wnrl.l. Coma en.l hnw wumletfully y,n, era inadei how lu aroij kliliei anil rti.-.i.c. V era ronnmi.-illr ed'lintf new utieciueiu. tOSI Meibet Street, Son Funclwo, !?nl. Notloa to CroUitora. Nottoe la hereby niven that tha nmlemhrniil hae hern by the Ci.imty Court uf Cnnik coun ty, etateof Oiwm, ilu'y aii,.intl ulmiiii twtrlx of theratatenf William If. Anderwm, deceminl, and all rron. luviiiu cluima -Kairwt wild entnte ore hereby rtiiiiied to lire unit the ,in,e, duly vcrilicil, to the ailiniiiU tratrlx at the office of M, K. lirink, In i'rine vllle, Oregon, within hIk month, frmn the date of the flint publication of thin notice. LcovH. Aniikrhok, Administratrix of the eatat of Willluui JI. Anderenn, deceaaed. . Dated Auguat II, 1WI1.