Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 29, 1901, Image 7

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    Jit.: ;B.i,(-ij
Additional Locals.
j ,
'III PA fih n flU lir"t ,,,jui w'lieHt of tlio season
1 IllO I A I Ji!V..Jk'.A.(.;(Jrliv.wiBltlio'fIoui'iMiiiiill. Ho re-
n-ni'iuJ Aiomov, III and IW M ..reliant. K.
:lwun, .inn I" rncUi.i, California, where ciiii
Iraota ( irilwrlUliiK i l wade for it.
Ak fur prion mi barbed mm ,
Hclmo! 8'iiplia, (ablets, pencils, pens,
Ink, si iil.mary of ill kinds at N. A, Tve
A llr...
Many hats nf many kinds fur many
nan ul iiMiiy ininila. Ihi lliva,
Fok HALB- K-sUcnca In Prinoville,
Vjry (IkMp. Iniuiru uf A. CI. I'aiuiir
fl.ind trmiHra fur little tnmic auh
lanlial wnr'lt and (Kuiioiiiy in ovury
pair, Uu Hint
R.p pullpya, derrick fnrka and r
iira ,.r all kinds .if cutting tiiaclinmry,
t Klkitia it King, '
Unud uic carina and ronKiouc pro
frt in l'rinuvilla tur anl. A, C.
Ill.iltin paper fr in all arlnml chil-.
Irtu at N. A. Ty A Ur.,
fn p p.r 10 ci nf a full at N. A
Tyt & Hki. ' -
K 1 Ilnrbin haa just rtimiwil a full line
if Inryv'la retwir if.unU and will fix ymir
ul I hul i a K'hmI u tie,
Jndgo Wllla arnt
rhlldiiMi to tlm Itoja
thnu dcwrtcil
mill Ultl AWi
Hociny in I'.-rtlniid hist Friday. ).(
jinty i.hfriirV.iiri'ii llrowu took tlunn
ilown. The mriMil of thi-ro children I
li(uld l)Hrrilfd mid phicd in ttm
tiiieninii and tuiultt to luhor for tln.'ir
uppnrt. . j
Tin dwilal wrrk f lr.C, A. Clin il
tmi tf.i.iwii in I Ins emmtry in nee.l
ny praiaa. H on alwaja be fuiuid lit
tl,ii,li aland, tiettdiHir to ha Kllal
l'aij'nul I'.ink, (iiva liim a cull.
Mr. and Mra. O. M, Riiacr left Vh.
, tiexliir fur 1'riiievillu, tlicir ftitur
Itontx, whora we hojie fltay 'will lie
nhiiiidmitly auecwful. They wero
l:iml and chriuhle (xi'ijilu, and will
t iiii.sed in Koasil. .In time of eick
rtn, there were few tenderer of more
. willing heljH-ia than hrigltt littlo Mra.
Kuaatl J..urtK., , Una g'tarantand jwelrjr go to N.
, A. O dd ring frva to all I
tiawea audvr one yrar old,
Titrtiea knowing the uisclvra in
(lehtinl to A. It. Lippnmn. luiii-t at'ttle
l.eforo the limtj if this nipiith. Ac
vounta not aettled ly that time will
do in the hands uf W. A. Dull for col
lection. A WORTHY 8UC0E3SO&
"Somotblug New lndor the Sun."
All dnctor have tried tu cure Catarrh
by the use of jiowJura, acid gea, mliaj
ra and druga in paata form. Their pow
lera dry up the muuuous membrane caua
iiiK lliL'iu In orjtuk otieu and bleed. The
powerful acids used lit the inhaler have ,
eiitliely eateu away the auuie nieiiibru.iH
that thuir makers have aimed to care, j
while pasma and oiiilmeuU cannot reach '
the (luessM.- An old and experienced j
ractitiotier who ha for many yeara iuad i
44 (lose itudy and apt-cully uf CATARRH I
liua at lust p.n footed a treatment which i
v hen faithfully uaed, not mil v relievna at i
. L... .1.. . n . m . ...v., I
uiiun, ui't ieriiiHiieiniy curea 4.AJ AKIttl
by removing the cause, aloppitig the dia
cliargua and curing all iuHauiuiadun. It ia
the only remedy that actually reaches t lie
lllicted pari. This wonderful remedy
i known a "SNUFFLES, the GUAR
old at the eitieiuuly low price of one
dollar, each package containing internal
and external .iiedicine auflioieut for a full
h'a treatment, and everything tiece
ury to its perfect use,
"SNUFFLFS" ia the only pertct CA
TARRH CUKE ever made audi now
reeogiiiied a the only safe and positive
cure for thataiinoyinir and disgusting di
uase. It curia all inllarimnliou ipiickly
Mild permanently and ia nlso wonderfully
iiuick tn relieve HAY FEVER or COLD
in the HEAD.,
CATARRH when netilected often leads
w ill save you if yu use it at once. It ia
o ordinary remedy, hut a completo treat
Kirut which ia guaranteed to cure OA
TARKH in any form or atae if used ao
C'lnliug tu the directions which aucnri
iniiiy every nackatre. Don't delay but
aend ( r it at once and write full parlicu
lurs as tn your condition, and y.u will
renoiie special advice from the discoverer
of til is wonderful remedy rcirardinir your
case without oust t" von lievond the rej one.. ..I -SNUFFLES " ihe GUAR
Sent pnipaid to anv indreia in fha
United State or Canada on receipt of
one dollar. Address Dent. E 48") FD
ud2332 Market St. Philadelphia.
1-I.h n.,e Hive kee,e ml hand fi-h
nuiia ami iiimousill season, ,
i ... .. .. i
ti .), neiiley caiiio in I ruin Jlny-
slack tlio latter part of hist Wfcolc witli
pun tlio crop lino on summer fallow,
but light on other roii ml, on account
of th iiiiiimnill dry iinnna in that
part of the country.
Elkins A King hava a few hammocks
left limit they r re doling cut t very
low figure. Don't overlook them,
Mrs. Hnrnli Power, of Prineville,
pasted through town on last Saturday
night' stage o lx:r way to The
Delhi to vlit liur daughter, Mr. Haw
toll for a four week. Jim. Power is
ulso a. sister of Hilly' Prine Uib mar
shal. Antelope Republican.
A hew Invoice ul ladiet mid tnt fine
footwear unci neckaear ttt N, A. Ty &
J. W. Foglo was down front Paulina
thu liitU'r part of liixt week mid pur
chased liim a light roml Wilson, Mr.
Fugle lately old out Mn interest in
the CHttltt bnsinca to Love Uuiley mid
will look over tha country for a new
! locution.
In the greater value I put into prio
thai lhiku tin aUirB so popular, lite
John Drown, n prominent farmer of
Haystack, wn in ttiwtt last Friday
wiih portion of thu season'
tuop ul tw.ta. He diHHed of 400 1
I,.,-!.. .I. i i, .,,.,1 u V.,.'
..,,.,. . ..,... ... I
' . ...........
Bcil sale ot eastern muni lurtinure
will tw aiiii..uucod in
hurt Unit) by
C. E. McDowell arrived home from
The Dulles lust Kri.lay with a purt of
the furiiishiuga fur tlio I'rinuville ho-
tot. He Lroiight up three wagon
haida and there ta a, lot more earning.
A very hue line uf haiutnocka juat re
ceived at Klkiua and K;:iu'a. l'ncoa to
ami eryb"dy. 76 to W.
' Powell and Cyril have moved their
barber chair from the Moore building
and intii lied it In the main alioti
making three chair now in orulioii
at that place.; t. .. . . ,
Baptlat Church aorvice at Prineville
ettiiy 2nd and 4ill Sinolnya in each
ui.Hiih, at Oulvtir every 3rd buudsy and
at Howard viy Nt Ouudsy. "-''."- 'T '
( M. Iiramblrt
Fred CUypool and Max Wumweiler
are the phampiou ahinglo li.yera of
the town since they have been pmc
licing on the Wurzwciicr & Thoumon
atoic. .
Frank Elkina Co. have received a
larga aliipuieiit of K.duradu iinicloue oil
in Kalhiii chi .a, which they are atdluig at
roaauuable priuea,
Cattle for Sale.
I have for a-ile.200 head af stock cat
tle. ' Aiiout 76 head of o.wa with calves,
balance young cattle. Address or cull
on me a't I'rinuville, Oregon,
8. R. Slavtos.
Athana, Tsnn Jan. 27, 1ML
Ersr atnoe the Arat appearance of my
mouses thoy wero Tory irrotralar and I
stiffared with groat pain In my hips,
baek, stoma h and loirs, with terrible
bearing down pains tn the abdomen.
During the past month I have boon
taking Wine o( Cardut and Tbodford'a
i Black-Draught, and I passed themonta-
ly period wiuout pain for tne first time
u ymn. Nanaia Oavia.
What It III worth lo I woman luffar
lag Ilk Nannie Davit tuffarad? 'Yet
(her are women In thousandt of homes
lo-daywho are bearing (host terrible
menttrual paint In tllanc. II you are
on of the w want lo tay thai this
lam -
I will bring you permanent rellol. Con-
1 tole yourself with the knowledge thai
1,000,000 women hava been completely
cured by Win of Cardui. Those worn-
j en tulered from leucarrhoea, Irrogular
mentet, headache, backache., and
bearing down paint. Win of Cardui
will atop all Ikes aches and paint
for you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle of
Win of Cardui to-day and take II In
Ih privacy of your horn. '
For adTlM andlluratar., sddrsss. stvtnrsymp
liisrt, "Ths Lantrs' .4.Wisn iiimioui'm,'
Tlw castlanouaa JtMlouia v.os vuauanooaa,
" daily Brrra mivm and shanko.
Leave Shaniko, Op. m. Arrive Prinevillc, G a. m.
Leave Prinevillo 1 p. m. Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m'.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
Adamson & Winnek Co., Agents.
G. M. Cornett, Manager.
'City harder Shop.
IPowell & Cyrus, (Proprietor.
JCoi and Cold Baths.
Lieu laud fur aale. A. C. Puliner.
li..ya' atniit atockinga for va-atiun
daya. Iia Hive,
Don't purchase a niowitnt inacnina tin
tit y.'ii hava arvn 'he liuckeye at Frank
Elkma 4d. They are pvrfrct machitiea
and the beat iu tlie wond lor near and
tear. '
. Juat received at A: H. Lipmau'a the
til. eat line nf refriiferatnra erer brought to
Priiievillu, wl.tfii will be aula at very
rvao)wble price. ' '
Renf ymir carpet weaving' to Miaa
(larduer, of Hiaters. She cliatve l'c.
pr ynrd for .Lit nud tmsa and 5c. for
arip-d ami pa) a auge charge from
Prinevillo ft Kiaiera and return. Warp
funiiahed at 30 eta. a pound.
, T. V. MoCalliator will make regular
tript to Prineville with fresh Des
chute fruit on Tiicxluys mid Satur
day. Parties wauling fruit can leave
order at the lloehive. ti'Al.
Sim Line
JOIN EDER, Proprietor.
Stages lonve Prineville for
Sifters aiitl way point9 on
Mondayt, Wednesdays and
Fridays. Passengerg car
ried at reasonable rates. .
Oflico at Templt'ton & Son's
drug store, Prineville, Ore.
IOR, Gouenil Laud Orhce, Waah-
logiim, D. 0., July 15, 1001. Notice ia
hereby given of the following Executive
UrJcr, restoring certain tracta in the
Caecade ltaiiue For. at Reserve, Oregon,
lo the pubho domain; "Executive Man
sinn, June 2!), MCI. In accordance with
the provisions of the Act. nf Congiesa ap
proved June 4, 1W, (30 Stat, 3 30)
and by vinueof the aiilhoiity therei.y
given, and on reconiendation of the Sec
retary of the Interior, it ja hereby or
dered that Township twenty two (2'J)
South, Rjiiiko nine ('.) East, and Town
ship twenty three ('.'3) Smith. Itaiiue
nine (!)) Eiiat, Willamette Meriden, Ore
iron, within the limits uf the Caseadu
Unnge I'.irest Iteserve, be rAiorvdto
the public domain after sixty dat a notice
henejf, by pulilinalinit us r.fiiirei) by
law, these trad having been found bet
ter adapted to agricultural than fureat
purpoaea. Wiuiam McKinlkv." Tlie
above described lands will he testore.i i
the puhlio domain September 30, 1!K)J,
then becoming auhjec to settlement and
entry at the United .States I,nid ..Oiea.,
Lakeview, Oregon. DIXGEli HJER
MANN Commiasiuntu:.
, - . -. ,
QHave you aeen thoae new Art Squaree
ana ivii);a an Anauiann-W umek Co.
All person owing me on eubacription
r... .i r i.
or uie vr.Bja vouniy jopbxal ire here-!
by requested to call at my offic and aet- j
He up. I need the money due me and I
eipeci vi ei s.m. . C. PaLMKI.
C. P. U'ren, of Cron Keys, was a
bnsintws visitor ut the couuty aeat
. .
last wcck.
Adamaon-Winnek Co., have the lnrgeat
floor apace of any buaitiea. lmuae in
PrtneVirieahdifa fuil of1 new gooda. ' .
' Fora abort time only we will club with
thu Aorth western I.iiu..,..l, .. j m . i
(.p.wera Journal, ,,f Pendleton, at the
"' " ""ce ot fr both pa-
pera This olfer will aooi, be withdrawn
ao all those deairou of taking advantage
uf it had batter -..ll -
. nv utlUC.
Adamaon-Winnek Co.. have reduced
the price of Furniture fully one half in
Albert I. Fry, chief engineer of the
Oregon Irrigation Company, returned
lout week from a buaiueaa trip to
Adamaon Winnek Cn.. b.e. th
eat and ne. at complete line of Furniture
av r siiiiwn in Fruieville.
Dr. Marsden wis called to
welve Mile, Crook county last
uesday to see Charl. s Bedell who
ad been seriously hi rt by 1 e!ng
hrown from a ho'rpe and striking
fence in falling. The doctor
ound the mu?-les o.' his neck bad
y lacerated whico r as giving the
atient much pain I ut he was not
o dangerous as 1 1 first appre
ended. Burns T mus Herald.
G. Springer,
Coach and
Carriage JCoraeo
Young Ftallions- and mnres,
"also a few young teams for
Kaystecl' Blocd Stock BancS.
Haystack, Oregoa.
Suliscribe for Journal
W5'J I, W I 1 ' , 1
Oolum'bla SoutHera
KlMtiT :01 A. U., asptcrabar ,
loath south Korth Korth
hound Boand Boaud Boaad
Dally Datlr t?!lT Dally
Frelhl Pui. Frelgkt
Arrlra Arrlra Lmt Laara
7:10 l:M.m Rlrn a m! I:)iim
I 00 a ra :M p.miGlblwna ll:(jv a.mi 1:12 p.w
M a mi 1:14 Wanco '10:46 am! tMf.m
a:6 a m 2:27 p.m Klo'4jrtrcl0:) a mi 2:40 p m
:M a.mi 2:Xi p.m Hum mil 10:25 ami l.M p.aa
l:i a mi 2:4 p.m liar C Jr 10:16 a iu, 2:12
:I2 am 2:4 p.m JkDo'Idi 10:12 a.mi 2:0R p.m
a mi :0ip.m lieMoia 10:00 a.mj UVip.ia
9:50 a.mi 8:09 p.m! Uoro ( O:.' a.mi 1:40
9:.'i0 a.m
:! a.m ..
l i:lt p.m Erskinvl
1 10:60 a.mi 3:44 p.mi O i V'r
! . ...J 4:06 p.m fionrbon
) 4:26 p.m Onthrie
.. 4:40 p. n W ilcox
:l a.m, 1:00 p.m
8:.V a.m!,...H.mM
8:40 a.m
8:i a.m
8 is) a.m
! a:J.!Mpanuo
10. H. MOHf.KU,
Gen. Hanaaar.
. D. J. HARRia,
SHOfp Line
Union Pacific
Dtrsar .
Pertlae, Or.
t:0U a. m.
via Hnat
liigton. Salt take, Denver,
4: .,
Ft. Worth.omana,
Kansas Cilv. St.
(aXi p. m.
via Huuv
instoa Salt Lake. Denver
10 a. m. .
Ft. Worth.OmahaJ
Kansai cut. t
Iet Mail
(:00 p. m.
Walla Walla Uwls-
ton. Spokane. Miu
naapolis.M. Paul,
Duluth. klilwan
kee,Uhicagod:Kast 7:0 a. as.
All sailing dates
subject to chanfe
4.0 p.m.
For San Francisco
bail every t daya
8:0o o. m.
10:00 p. m.
Cahnsbla Rlier
- kteaatsra.
4110 p. m.
To Astoria and Way
Kx. huuday
WlllasMtt IImk
:W p. m.
Oregon, Cily, Naw.
bergrNOeui, vele
pendence Jl Was
l-andniga. . .
7:00 a. m.
Tura., Thur.
WlllsaisH an tast-
8:S0 p. m.
Mon.. Wed
and Fii.
klU alms.
Oregon city. Pay
ion, a nay mua
tngs. 6:00 a. m.
Tus., Tlint
and sat.
WHIasntta Rliar.
Portland to Corral.
Us i H ay Laud
ing. 4:9Bpm.
Uon., Wrt
It. lllparla
:s. m.
laaka Rlw.
Btptria to Lswl.lonj
a. av.
W. I. Lawrence, Agent,
' Biggs, Oregon.
"A tape worm elshtoeo feel lone as
least came on Uui Sonne alter at taking
CASCAKETS. This I am sua has eaiibou inir
bjil health tor the puat three vsurs. i am still
taking Casoarets, the only outharlio wonliy ot
aollo by eaatble people " ,.,
iimt w ru.wi.ia. nair&. all a.
can or
tad nana waoianaao
Pleasant. Pslaial.le. l'..w..t. Taste
Soou, iiator 8loko Wacn.or Oni. Ukn
Siriif aw.r tH-T. iwrKi.i. s it
es Tfl O'C Sunt end guarantee Iw all iif
bU k'4'tti.W sala,Wt CktUfc'iwaasM aMiae.