Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 22, 1901, Image 6

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    .... . mm 1 ..
General Illaeksmithing and Wagon . jt
$. Mitchell Wagons Racine Buggies and
j :
If Our Fa 1 Clothing
fy-y. If now arriving and all line are complete-. W'v
jjjSSr are preared to allow you something nobby in
Men 'a mid Boya' Suit
The Roil Corner
Trine ville, Oregon
O. L. Salomon.
General Merchandise.
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Taints and Oils.
Windows and Doors.
Grain Sacks and Binder Twine.
Hardware and Stoves.
Hats! Hats!
Our lin of Hun ia complete and embrace the .Libit
11. Klctaon and Limi briinde, in nil tlia nw bluika (
.. . i ... t. W,
Fall and Winter
Underwear for Men and Boys. We handle the
celebratedlWiight's Health 1'nderwear, Best in the
World. Other lines ehtap and good.
Dry Goods.
In our dry goods department will bo found the tf&A
compli ti at line In the oily of LadiiV and (Joiila' ,ij
An Ingenious Treatment by which
Drunkards are Cured Daily In
Spita of Themselves.
It is now generally known and un
derstood that Drunkenness is a disease
and not weakness. A body filled with
IKjison and nerves completely shattered
by periodica or constant use of intox
icating liquors, rcimieo uu nmiuuHi
capable 'cf neutralizing and eradicat
ing this poison, and destroying the
craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may
now cure themselves at home without
publicity or losa of time from business
bv this wonderful "HOME GOLD
CUKE,"which has been perfected after
many years of close study and treat
meht of inebriates. The faithful use
according to directions of this won
derful discovery is positively guaran
teed to cure the most obstinate case,
no matter how hard ft drinker. Our
records show the marvelous transform
ation of thousands of Drunkards into
sober, industrious and upright men.
THERS! ! This remedy is in no sense
a nostrum but is a specific for this
disease only, and is so skillfully de
vised and prepared that it is thorough
ly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so
that it can be given in a cup of tea or
coffee without the knowledge of the
person taking it. Thousands of drunk
ards have cured themselves with this
priceless remedy, and as many more
have been cured and made temperate
men by having the cure administered
by loving friends and relatives with
out their knowledge in tea or coffee,
and believe today that they discon
tinued drinking of their o'vn free will.
DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded
by apparent and misleading "improve
ment. The HOME GOLD CURE is
sold at"the extremely low price of One
Dollar, thus placing within reach of
everybody a treatment more effectual
than othr costing $25 to o0. Full
directions eaccmipany each package.
Special advice by skilled physicians
when reqested without extnt charge.
Pent prepaid to any par', of the world
on receipt of One Dollar. Address
Dept. E 485 EDWIN B. GILES 4
CO. 2330 and 2332 Market St. Phila
delphia. All correspondence atrictly confidential.
Dkpaktmkst ok Tittc I.n'tkrior,
Land Ottiut at The Dalles Oregon,
Jnly tf. UOt.
Nntice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim
and that mid proof will be made before A. C,
Palmer, I'. S., at Prinaville,
Oregon, on Monday, Sept. HI 1U01, via:
Lawrence C. Perry, of Lav, Ore, H. K.
Sac 6. Tp. MS., R. 11E..W.M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
hia o auinu ua re ddeuce upon and cultivation
of "ill lan J, vil: -
W, P. Vandervert, Dick Vandervert, John
Atkinson, John Young, all of Lava, Ore.
Jay P. Lucas,
Land Omcs at The Damn, Or.,
July 13, 1901
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler ban tiled notice of hia intention
to make tinal proof insuuiiort of hia claim, and
that said . proof will be made before
A. C. Fabler US. Commissioner at Prineville,
Oreron. uu Saturday. Aneust 24. -IDOL viz:
Marv A. Keenan.'iorn.erlr Mar.v A. Mor
row of Orizily, Oregon. H. K. No. 5707. for
theKl HW4, Lot. 3 and 4, Sec, 31, T. 12
S., It., is r.., w . m.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said laud, vis:
N. F- McCoin, J. 8., J. 8.
McMeea, W. H. Sands, all of Lamontu, Ore.
JAY P.LUCAS, Kanhtei.
Last) Orrici AT The Dalles, Orkgon
July IS, 1001.
Notice i hereby (riven that the following
named aettler has filed notice of hia inteution
to make final proof in supoit of hit claim, and
that laid proof will be made Iwfore J. J.
Smith, County Cleric at I'.ineville, Oregon,
; on Saturday Am,'. 24, 1901, via. Everett M.
iMiH.-rof Lanmnto, Oregon. H. E. No. IHiSS
fortheSKtsKK Sec. a and WJ Hv ami
SWtf X V Sej. 9. T. 13 S. R. 14 K., W. M.
He nan.ea the following witnesses to
prove his contiuuoua upon and
cultivation of sid land, viz:
tieo. S. Miller, J.ihn Helfrich Sr., Ben
jamin Helfrich, Jamea tlelfnch, all of La-
tnouta, Oregon.
United States Laud Office,
The Bailee, Oregon, July 19, 1901,
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named settler hat Bled notice of intf ntion to
make final proof in support of hia claim and
that said proof will he made before J, J
Smith, County Clerk at hia office in Trine
ville, Oregon, on Friday the 30th day of
Aug., 190), via: K. Parker, HiyatacV, H E No. 0290,
f.r SW NEL V'4 of Sec 20,
in Townmip No. 12 S., Range No. 14 E.. W.
He namea the following witnesses to prove
his ot'ntinumis residence upon and. cultivation
of said land, viz:
J. I). Harrill, A. W. Boyce, H. J. Healy,
S. S. Brown, all of Haystack, On goo.
Jay. P. Lucas, Register.
Land office at The Dalles, Oregon
uly 8, 1901.
Notice ia hereby given that tha following
named settlers have filed notice of intention
to make final prof on their res(ctire claims
kfoiej. J. Smith. Oounty Clerk, at Prina
ville, Oregon ou Eiiday, Aug. 18, 11X)1,
ti K. Johnson of Prineville, Oregon,
H. K. No 5747 forthe SH'4NSVtf,
NE!4, ta 8 A, Sec, 20. Tp. 14 S, R 17 E.
W. M.
Witnesses: Charles Crain, William Smith,
J. H. Peiuera, H. P. Evans, of Prineville Ore
Jjr P. Lieu, Kegiater. .
One of the most helpful books on
nerve vreaknesH ever issued in that
entitled "Nerve Waste," by Dr.
Sawyer, of San Francisco, now in
its fifth tlmtfcanil. This work of
an experienced and reputable jhy
sician is in agreeable contrast to
the vast turn of fale teaching
which prevails on this interesting
subject. It abounds in carefully
considered and practical advice.
and has the two great merits of
wisdom and sincerity.
It is indorsed by both the relig
oub and eeculur press. The Chicago
Advance says: "A"' perusal of the
book and the application of its
principles will put health, hope
and heart into thousands of live?
that are now suffering through
nervous impairment."
The book is $1.00, by mail, post
One of the most interesting
chapters chapter xx, on Nervines
and Nerve Tonics has been, print
ed separately as a sample chapter,
and will be sent to any address for
stamp by the publishers, The Pa
cific Pun. Co., Box 2658, San Fran
I cisco, in plain scaled envelope.
1!W Ritt.
Tho following wool rates for the
present season, taking effect at once
have been 'established:
Wool cum pressed in hales, car
loads, minimum weight 24,0CX),
from Shaniko to New York, Chi
cago, lioston, Hartford, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, and points there
with, $1.40, per 100, pounds.
; Wool in sacks, or bales, any
quanity, irom Shaniko to The
Dalles, ."0, cents per 100 pounds.
: Wool "in sacks, any quanity,
from all stations on the Columbia
Southern Railway to Shauiko 5
cents .per 100 pounds.
' C. E. Lytic, G. F. A.
Pullman Ordinary Slerpert.
The tourist travel between the east and
the I'auiliu dual baa reached iiiriiioua
proportions ill the laat few yeara, and
calls lor a special class of equipment. To
meet Una demand I lie Pullman Lu. has
issued from its ahopa what it technically
calls the ."Pullman Or.lir.ary Sleeper."
Theae care appear similar to the rrijular
aieeper, being hunt on the aaina plan,
hut not furniahed with the same elegance
They are equipped with maltresaua,
blankets, aheeta, pillows, pillow cueea,
towels, combs, bruahea, eld, requiring
nothingof the kind to he furniahed by
the passenger. Each cur lias a stove) for
making collee and tea and doing "light
hoiisekeepiui:," and each section can be
tilted with an adjustable tabled A uni
formed porter accompanies each car. hia
business being to make up' hertl.a, 1teep
the car clean, aim look after the cmnforla
and xnnts cf the pasaengera. In each of
llie trains which are" dispatched daily
from Portland ty the O. R. ft N. Cc. ia
t.. he found one nf these "Pullman Or
dinary Sleepers."- The car ia atlaclied
to the ''ChicagoPiirtlalid Special,"
which gres through to Chicago without
change, and the one in the "Atliuilio Ex
press" tuns to Km i ins City without
change. Passengers in this car fur Chi
cago change to a eiminr ear at Granger.
Much of the first clasa travel iaheing
carried in teaa cara, the ratea being
lower, and the service being iiearlyt-qual
to that in the palace sleepers.
For ratea and full information, in
eluding foldera, write to A. L. Craig, G.
P, I. , O. R. N. Co. Portland. Ore.
araivaS m
Best For the Bowels.
No matter what nils you, headache
to a cancer, you will never get well
until your bowels are put right.
CABOARETS help nature, cure you
without a gripe or pain, produce easy
natural movements, cost you juat 1U
cent! -to start getting your health
back. CA8CARETS Candy Cathar
tic, .the genuine, put up in metal
boxes, 'every tablet has' C. C. C.
stamped on it. Beware of imitations.
EdaeateYowr Bowels With Caeca re U.
Candy Cnthnrtte, antra constipation forever
lOo.ato. II&C.C. fall, dru -.Is' refund mooej.
Z. F. Moody hat a repreaentive now
at Shaniko to look after the' needs of hia
wool growing and aliippiug customers.
Hit agent ia prepared to advance freight
to customers, receive and forward wools
and to give pemonal attention to receiv
ing and forwarding merchandise of any
description to hia care, n .
. ... . . '. t J
Beat Tehaeee Spit and Saute Tear Ml Iwaf. ;
To quit tohae-? easily and forevtr. he mag
aelie. full of llf nerve sad vigor, take No-Ta-Dae.
tue wendet-wnrlcar, that nreaea wak man
itroi.g, Alt dreg late. Wc or II. Cure guaran
teed Booklet t4 sample free. Address
4Mrllaf steiaeey Co., Chlaaio a Maw York.
Appreciating the gront ork of our common sclioo educators
and dt'?iring to tlemonstrate that appreciation, wo have de
cided to offer in connection with this pnprru fitting; testimonial
of worth to the most popular teacher in this county.
Uallotingmay hegin at any time after the publication of this
issue of the Journal and will continue until 8 o'clock p.m. Sep
tember 30, after which time no ballots will be accepted.
The rules governing the content will be as follows: All paid-in-advance
subscribers to the Journal will be entitled to re
ceive at tho time of paying their subscription a printed cnupon
or ballot worth 1.7) votes, which will have blanks wherein to
write the name of the teacher voted for. Every issue of the
Journal (hiring the lifeof the contest will contain a coupon good
for three, votes, No free samples of the Journal will be (lis
tributcd during the life of this contest and no clubbing offer w ill
be accepted where ballots Bre given out.
All persons voted for MUST be Crook county teachers and
so accepted by the county HchxI superintendent, and must now
be engaged in teaching in this county, or have taught in this
county during tuC past eighteen months, and must not have
lost their residence in the county, i. e. they must not hate re
moved trom tho county to remain permanently.
The right to modify these rules at any time is reserved.
The Prize,
The prize ill consist of a fine gold at avbcIi, any standard
make, Aith 1 jeweled movement and warranted for H0 year:
the same guaranteed by a local 'dealer. Three prom
inent gentlemen of Crook county will bo asked to help' count
i he ballots,
The Journal has withdrawn the second prize heretofore of
fered to the teacher receiving the second largest number of
votes and will award it to the boy or girl sending in ihe largest
list of subscribers before December 15.
Educational Contest . Ballot.
iMy ehoice for the most popular school teacher in Crook
mnty is .
This ballot must be In the Journal official ballot box on
c or uciore cepiemucr ou, laui. uood lor three votes.