MMMWMMMM. I ()1 tck UniM mid residence pro 2 i ..,. i . J! petty In I'rineville lor sale, A. 0. Additional Locals. J 'l.'!if;:fl6l!iOlCiirxIiiC4r it,., pulleys, dorrick folks and re- ' pair for nil kind of euttiiig machinery, THIS PAlMatJCVu,ki,1,A mihliM Ai(nnv, 4 and (15 .Mrol.iii. K. , Proposals for Beof, Flour, Hay, Etc rJiwiM'i, nan r rati'dfca, Califm-nla, where con-; Intel advenLlug cm U made fur It. Aak fur prices on barbed wire a. 0. L RtlnllMU M. 1). V. lininett, of lluyslnrk, win filing biiaiiiei- in tin; city Fiibiiy. M my hats ill titxiiy kind fur iniiiiy luonul many mind. Jibe Hive. Fou HALE- Rmidntic in I'rineville. Very heap. Inquire of A, C. I'liluar K. l. Smith ha I ''Ki'ii work mi hi new luiililinn ii i id will 1 1 ii vu it ready Inr laictipuiiey by the Mint of Hrjuein lr. , Oonl trousers for little iimney-ub-atauiial Hniili mid economy in every uir. lieu Uiva JUXK STATEMENT. lUpmi uf tht CiiU'liliun, of 77m Vint j of the largest and Itest stockriiisinj; Xatiiiii'd JUui, in 1'rinrrilU, in iht I country in Oregon, iniiirics arecon fd nfOrrpm, ut fir c2um of kiuinru, jatiintly being iniido hereby Imycra in i!n!j. ICth, I'Ml: i regard to tlio uiiiount of it(K:k for sale, noonicKi: 1 own and dUommln f ir.-.'D.f!! t VuiurMlb", MUUlvU'tlltilllKrciJrmi. 4,i."j, 4rV j 1 . a. i-mi. iiikwi liic.ilai.i.m. Vl,M I'riiniuii,. mi I', h. I!..i,.l, ,.,' li:ilikillrill"iii'. fuiuiture uiitl , IIXtUI't4 Dun (rum Xatl md llainui (ii t hftwra Ai:iiU Iiiw Iroiii.SliU-l.mki m.l lUnkn-a Jiiii Iroui ainirmwil reiMr'S aK,nU. lllUrilli huh'PtlUlf NLlkllf rfl , ' h-'rkit 'Hi'l "LliHr r wit l",(i , . , N itca u( utlmr Natlii'ial Hiuika . . . t-raiilli'tul j'vr ciirrnicy, IncKlril mid oi-iiu Jl.irx.Cl 7',7:'4 H7 If .".It lo. IH l'.:,.;'.i aoo 00 Avrni. ausm Ukmhivk im H.xk, vi.: hiio $ LVOV" J!Kiil t"inli:r n.ita . , !,'00 )7,0."J I , f. I'rt,ll Jlun.ll for vitl Uj)'Iu-h lipd'iiil'ti'in fund villi V. H, Trean'r ' ",' nf (.irculnlion) C2 TuUl I.HIUI.mzn; C.nlliil totic pii'l ia urpliw ftinii I'J pmt;i, leu rxrH-lire mi I mi-i pii ?';ili Mini Ijnnk llntl lllllit.UHiillK'. Ilit'il,jil uup'viil : Ill-.UldUal tlrJjMlU Nllhjlfilt to chn k .'. DjiioiiuI nutiheute uf depmit. . . , 1-10,110 KbOO 14,"2S.3I MOO TuUl ti74.1l!7,43 STATK 111' OltKliOX,) .: i funnily n( OiBik, ) j I, T. M. H-uiitt iN. Ciuhler nf tlia almve. ; n.iiiuiil bank, do Niilviiity iiwrur thai tlio aliuta ptnb-iitiMiL I true t4i t'm IM-Mt uf my knuw t I :d and belief. T. M. li.VMitv'l.X, Ciiiirr. ' ' Hiibaerilied and wurn Imforc mc tlii 31t!i ! iluyiif July V.M, J. J. SMITH. C'uunly Clerk, Cci0'irr-Alti4: Wll.l. Wl'KtWKILKIt,) II. Ai.i.rN, VDIroctiii. 'A, M. Ukowx, j A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Somothlng New Cndorthe Sun." j All perimu owinir mo on subscription All doctor have tried to cure Catarrh fr the Crook County .Ioi knai are here by the ue of powder acid K;ue, inhal- by tavMKli t( c,lU t lliy llffic0 KllJ ,ut. del dry up the luucuou inembraiie caun lux t lit-iii lo crack open ami bleed. The powerful acids uned in the inhaler have iniiroly eaten away the tame numhru.iu Hint their iniikul have aimed lo cure, vrhile pane and ointments cannot reach IIih d ae.inii. All old and experienced ractitioiier who lia for iniiiiy ytar iiikiIh u cloiu aliidy and aiiecialty of 0ATAKKI1 hill at hint perfected a treatment whirl' V lien faitllfilllv ued, not ulllv relieves at unco, but peniiHtiuiilly cures CATAKRH by removing the ctuau, snipping the dis-1 cliargui and curing all iultumiimtinn. It is - the on S y remedy that actually reaches the itlllictcd parts. Thi wonderful remedy , I known as "SUCFFLES, the GUAR ANTKEI) CATARRH CURE." and ia! sold at the extremely low price of one ilnll ir, each package cotitniuiug iutermil ana euurua. menicmo .unicient lor a lull , Kor Slle-Two very desirable lota " 1 ' " d everything neces j ; ,.rillevile llti a lin. C:ll on or sary In it perfect use. ,, ., . . ., . .,, .. SNI 'Fr LKS" is the only CA- ",Uh'"SSl tr""k Ukw 1 r"',l'p. 0l -TARRHCCRK ever niade and is now Special sale of eastern made furniture a the only safe and positive wi tlM , mK.uJ j,, s ,h(lrt by cure for thataunnymg ami digiiiing di-1 pugt,,,-, Kn,l billa. A. If. Lippinan. sh.isu. It ciirts all tullaeitnalioii ipuckly and periunmiiilly and is hIko wundurfullv j A very fine linn nf hmmocka jut re (iiiok t relinvu HAY FEVER or COLD , ceived at Elkins and King'. 1'ucea io liitheHKAl). I suit everybody. 7ou to CATARRH when neglected oflrn leads . , t CONSUMPTION SNUFFLES"! Hnpm Church services at Prmeville will save you if you use it at once. It 1 every L'nd and 4th Sunday in each no ordinary remedy, but a complete treat-1 nl"!'lh' -""?r every 3rd Sunday and mr nt which is iru'aranteed looure CA-i Howard every 1st Sunday. TA RRH in any form or staf;e if used ac- i M- iMt. cording to the direction which accmi Xhe (,llltnl wfrk f Dr.c, A. Olina is panjr every package. Dm, t delay but t . kluWn jn tlj(1 ,.. t neej aend fur it at once and write full part ic- nnv sr-iM. He can always be found ut lavs as to your condition, and yn.i will , receice special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regardim? your case without cust to vnu hevnnd the reg ular nriee of "SNUFFLES." the GUAR ANTEED CATARRH CURE. Sent prepaid to snv address in the United State) or Canada on recairit of 4i dollar. Address Pent. E 485 ED WIN R. GILES COMPANY, 23301 and 2332 Market St. Philadelphia 8, Indian hclmol Human, Warm- sprint, Oregon, .1 il V 17, 1001. hliALKD I'ROl'OHALS, Indorsed: 'J'roioiiil fur llecf, Flour, etc.," an the cne may bo, and eddrcMud In I lie uti dnmigned at Win iiinpriii!. Oregon, will lid received at till ncll"l until two o'clock i. in, of tliii l'.Hh day of August IDOl, I or furnishing and delivering at I lua aulmol, aa rcijiiiiiiil during the lineal year ending dune .'10, 1IM2, 37,000 pound betif, net; 8,000 pound Hour; 1IO0 hiialiel potatoes; 20,000 pound hum and hnri; J 0.0MJ o,iinila feed, idi'ipi 7 OW pounds harlcy; 14,000 'pound nals; 22 tuna liny; 3 tuna coal, black aiuitli and !)"0 curd wood. Hpccirka Imiia iiihI bin ruction to bidders way In obtained by making application to tliu undurigund, Fur any aildi'ionul infor mation anulll to J. E. KUK. Hunerin- l .-...I..,.. STOCKMEN. Owing to the fact that tho Eastern Oregon Hanking Co., of Shaniko, Ore. la situated lit the entrance anil outlet the pricin nek vl nnd where tlio imiiio C1U, ,e nbtiiincd, , , , , , I" ordi;r to ho of jnmio nccnnimoiln- tin to the nta:k raUer mid to kwp on raid vrs well informed, wealiould -pixfiutfl very much to hav them aeiul tin, at any time, a lint of their nntrket nl'le atiwk, and poat ollice uddrcHa that ; ne may enter the anmo on our liat ' '"'l't lor that jnirpoau; and, if at nny time, (hey wiah to obluin any infor mation in regard to the market or to know when buyer will be here, a lot tcr iidtfreeaMl to K.T, Ilurllmit, Cash ier, Hlmiiilo, Oregon, will be anmvCTed promptly nnd will contain all the in formation uud new at our command. Situation Warded. I!y a yuuiiK lady, a place aa clerk in a tore. Ii' l nf relerviieva (liven. Condi lake the place oil or Sefure Auj;. 1. Ad dri', uaiikth HolillK. 7-4. Luuiinuii, Ore. Land for Bnle. I ufTi-r fur le my nn Crooked river, 40 utile from l'riuevilie, cutitain iiik IliO ncn-, f0 acre uf which are im dur culiivniiuii. Good iiupruventt-nta on the ruiicli. paniculnr cull en or adilraM, John IllNo. V -4 1 i. i'uuliuu, Ore. Frank Klkin iV Co. liavo rereired a liirt'e 1 1 i 1 1 l' 1 1 1 uf E.iluradu inucliiiiB oil ill vnliuii uiua, whicli tlmy ale aulliiiK at reaauiiuble pucc. Cattle for 6alo. I hvo for ilo "00 head uf tnck on' lie. About 75 bead of cuw nitli cjilvcn, lulance ynuiig cuttle. Ailili u- or call on me at 1'iiiiuvillu, Oreun, S. H. Slayton. tie up. I need the money due me and expect to i;ct it soon. A. C. Palmkk. For line guaranteed jewelry go to N. A. Tye.vJim. fluid rniij free to all liable under me year old. The l!ee Hive keep i n hand frj.i frml and inelunaiu aeiiauu. Tlllkina it' Kiliff bave a fiw bnmmnrk left which tbev Mh cloaim .ml ut vrv lw tigm,, Uuu't overhaik them, A new inroice of ladies and pants fille footwear a id neck wear at N. A. Tyo & Urother. It the greater values 1 put into pricos that iiinkco this stole so popilnr. lice Hive. ,,,,, ,.j a' t,. thrt Fil National Rank. Give him a call. Ed Harbin has just received a full line of bicycle repair yond and will fix your old wheel i s good aa new. John Palmehn wg over fronv Wil" low creek the hitter part of lust week niter supplies. u Prineville-Shaniko Stage ilne. DAILY BETWEEN PMIEYIUE AND SIIANIk'D. SCHEDULE. Lenvf! Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrive 1'rinovillc, G a. m. Leave Prineville 1 p. m. Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. in. First class accommodations for the traveling public. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT Ailamson & W'innek Co., Agents. ' City harder Shop. tPowall & Cyrus, Proprietors. Jtot and Lola Jiaths. Lieu land for aale. A. C, Palmer. Roys' stout stockings for vacation dayt. Bee Hive. A. G. Trahan, a prominent ranch man from Emery was looking after btiaiueau matters in town last week. Don't purchase a mowing macniun un til you have seen 'he Buckeye at Frank Elkms & Co. They ale perfect machines and the best iu the world lor wear and lear. , Lee Miller, who is in general mer chandise b milieus h( I zee, was in our city Init week taking observations. He expressed himself a surprised at seeing such a b.i.-iness place su far from the railroad, Jnt received at A: II. Lipmnti' the finest line nf refrigerator ever brought to Priuuvilie, which will be sold at very leaaoiiable prices. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Bell and Misps Pearl Vanderpnol and Ethel Liggett paid a brief visit to tlio Thren Sifters Irrigation Company's ditch last week. Send your carpet weaving to M:s Gardner, of Sisters, . She charges l'Jjc. per yard for hit and tills and 15c. tor striped and ays stage charges I nun Prmeville fi Sisters and return. Warp furnished at u0 cts. a pound. J. B. Shipp is building a "double, deck'' bath house lor Tice Aitkin, which will I lined by him in con nection with his ntw barber shop. T. F. MoCallister will nmke regular trips to Prineville with fresh Deschtes fruit on Tuesdays nod Saturdays. Parties wanting fruit can leave orders at the Beehive. tfAl. Park Doak him bought the Hamil ton stables nnd has assumed the reins of government in that popular horee hotel. 0EPARTMENT OF THE INTER IOR, U ueral Land Office, Wash ington, D. V., July la, 11)01. Notice is hereby uiiuti uf the following Executive Order, restoring certain tracts iu the Cascade Riiii'jh Forest Reserve, Oregon, to the public domain: "Executive Man einii, June 29, I0C1. In accordance with the prnvisiuiia uf the Acl of Cnngtens an pruved June 4, 1807, (110 Stat,S4-3(i) and by virtue nf the authority Ihereuy given, and nn rwimendation of the Sec retary of the Interior, it is hereby or dered that Township tweniy Iwn ( 22) South, Range nine (0) East, and Tuwu ship twenty three (23) Smith, Range nine (0) East, Willamette Meriden, Ore gun, within the limits uf the Cascade Range Forest Reserve, be restored to the public domain after sixty days notice here if, by publication aa required by law, these tracts having been found bel ter adapted to agriculturil thai) foreat purposes, William McKijiikv." The above described lands will he lestnrer) In the public domain September 30, 1001, then becoming subject o settlement and entry at the United States Lnd nft'ce, Lake-view, Oregon. BINGER HER MANN, Coiuiuiuiouer. RATES REASONABLE ! G. AI. Cornett, Manager. ; i Prinoviih, Ore. Fora short time only we will club wiih ; the Northwestern Live-stock and Wool! Grower's Journal, "f Pendleton, at the) remarkably low price of 2 for both pa-4 per. This otter will sooumj withdrawn so all thore desirous of taking advantage; uf it had better call at once. I Naughty Prea;her5 The general conference of the United Brcthcrn chirch was in progret-s at 'cton last week, says the Pendleton Tribune. One of the incidents of the sepsion was the arraingment and .condemna tion of four of tne church's minis- tirs. The report of the proceed ingM is as follows: "In the case of W. l)j "Wardrip, we find him puilty of immorality and sins too dark to be mentioned here, all of which are not proven, but felf confessed. "It is the wish of this conference that G. Vi Taylor is guilty of gross iiuliscreti n and seeming dishonesty. "Your committee of inquiry and recommendation find in the case of J. V. Adams that he has been guilty of groi-'s immorality. "V. S. Sherrod appeared before u, and when we made a statement of tlio accusations against him, rather than meet them he author ized the committee to erase his name from the conference roll." A Gallon o TURK LTVSEKD OIL mixed with a Iion ot r-; nuke 2 galloTi ef fi v-tT BC8T PilKT of Timrpnfnt bill. Is tab irons dfsabl-b thra sowovs. IIammau Paint ia nmdeof she bkst c 1'AiNT materials such as li (food psicters ar( nnd is gmand THICK. VifiVTUK'K. otTOUh6tO mix, any tyc:ndo It. ItJjth9 common sense vv House Paint. axi-j pa paint eon be imvit sV " nor to Crack, Bustzb, Para, or Chip. i: BAMM AU PAINT CO., St, Louis, Mo. Sold and guaranteed by Elkins & King. Prineville, Oregon. I Jttlffit SET i'ii . i i; mt -..ii ' .- 1 ColtimTsla SoutHera RAILWAY i effective 12:01 A. N., 8.iilrnilHir , i'X). Hoath Soath North Norlh bound boau4 Boaud Boaud BTATIOS. - Dallr I)llT ;J"r PallT rrelht Vu. r""' Freight Arrive Arrive leave leave 7:W a.ta 1:34 p. m P.tro 11:25 .m KMOp.m I :Wl a.m 2:14 p.ra) ilo:4.1! J:.' p.rn f :44 .m! I-M p.m Klo'dyke 10:30 2:411 p.m I ft:& a.ini 2:Kl Hunonlt 1I):'JA! p.m :ef) .in TM p.m Hv C JelO:) mi 2:12 p.m I :12 am, 2:4 p.ra McDn'ld in:l- a.ra 2:0 p.m I 2S a.m! :() beMna 10:00 .in l:.', ; :i .m 3:l Muro j 9:.V) .m 1:40 p. ia I I :H p.m'Ersklnvl. :S9 a.m 10: to .m 3:44 O V'y I 9: 15 1:00 p.m 4:06 p.ffli Bourbon 8V 4; 76 p.m' (jtitnne 4:40 Wilcirx 5: jo p.mhnnUo 8:40 .mi..,,...., : .m; ft:ii0 .ml 10. II. MOHLKR, (jen. Xauager. D. J. HARRIS, .guporintendent. Skot Line AND 11 ill' i WbtSlo Po Chlcsco Salt Uke, DenrerJ 4:l. m. Portland Ft. Worth.Oniaha, peeial Kansas City, Si. t-.OO a. m. Lotiis.C'hicairoand via Hunt- t.l. in Stun. Atlantic Halt Lake, DenTM, S :40 a.m. Kipre. Kt. WorOi.Omali, :00 p. to. Kn.u City, St. Tia Hn'al- Louik,CdivHoaud intloa i.m. St. Pnl Wall Walla Uwin- 7:00 a.m. Fat Mail lon.SpokKiie.Miu 6:UJ p. m. netKli, St. I'aui, T Diiluth. Mihrsn- pokaos ki!e,cliicKoJct.a!it OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FKO.H PORTLAND. t.-OOp.a. All nllinE date 4.00 p.m. Hubjecl lu chauge For San Frsnclieo bail every 6 days. i Dally Columbia Rlvtr loon. m. Ex.Stinilay httsmtrs. Ex. Huuday l:i o.m. Saturday To Altori nd Way )o:oe p. m. laiiiiniss. Wlllaaisttt liter. 4:ip. m. tx. buuday Itx. suuuay Orepon City, New berg, Salem, Inite lieudeuee a Vy l-auUing. - 1:00 a.m. Willsmtttt and ym- :Su p. ui. Tuc., Thur. hill hlttrs. Mi.n., ,Ve,l. and Sal. tuii t ri. Oreiron City,- nr lon.A Way Laud- S:O0 m. VllllasMtt RIor. ' 4-aip.n. Tuc., Tliar. 1 Won., iv,-l. aniiSaL Porlln,l lo rrral. auJiri. Ill & Way I.ik..I iUfa. . It. Ulparla Inake Ittver. Lr.!.e . tn a:;i-iK. m. r , ' p , , laily r.lparia lo Uivlxton .. V7. 1. Lawrence, A--- Bijrgs, Ci w1 an fibred thtortnr-rn ortliedumTTf-4 wltU ptotrmitiiK piios bruuphi 011 by cor Mi pa Hon witb vbtl) I trait nlllicUtl for twei years. I ran aero is your CAHCAHI-.TS in i;it town of Newell, la., and never found any rlmnf to equal thm. To-day au entirely free fn'iii pi lei and feel like a new roan. " C H. Kcitz, 14U Jones tot., Sioux City, In CANDY CATHARTIC rB.wni, iiiaianifi. ruwui, -ii."f ,.i-i. i Soue,hner Sirktn. Wwkou, or Gri .'. (k-.SjO.10o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... .rut a.aar c.mm7, cinf smwi y -. lis KO-TO art--. B 13 I V. T0 sisTisto Xi?a3wiiii ii .an I rffwi . i ' .1