ftfissaflBR aw 0. L. Salomon, r hi i . , . rfS uencrai DiHCKsmuning ana V ngorj Repairing, Dressy Apparel for Ladies. The Red Corner l'rineville, Oregon 0 Mitchell Wagons Racine Buggies and? Hacks a , Mens' and Boys' Clothing. ziyL We have received fine line nf iiiena' and buy' cloth- jVj jog all aixea that we are selling at exceptionally low piicfs 111 Men's Suits We have full line of Hoffman, Rothschild AOn gr.ods in nil styles nd t half the price uf Uilor uiad suits. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Iii Boy's Suits We have all-wool clay woisted suits which are the teat fS' valuta ever brought tJ Prineville. General Merchandise. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Taints and Oils. Windows and Poors. Wool sacks and Twine. Hardware and Stoves. we coimi expnnaie at uniii lunutn upon mo superiority rM n( uiir Skirts, duckets ami Coats,- and write -u volume upon tJ, the niii'maniiiu luii.Jrf of uiir biitimina, but those points are Ji Well known, i lh.it it will illlllce if we bill your ettuiillui' fir. In nur ohVruitfs Vc": We curry a full line of the F. Mover ft Co,, both in the wult and ii.iiki iiirnmi kiub ami patent luainur. Infants' and Children' Red Stints, llruwn Slows, II ite Shoes in fact all oolo linlli f 1 1 heel and lii he In Ladies' Fine Shoes 8 I FLOWS, HARROWS, MOWERS, RAKES AND ALL KIH93 OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. I ? OTICK FOB PUBLICATION. The $1000 appropriated by the last state Legislature for the im provements of the mineral springs at Sodavillc, has lieen expended to pood purpose. The springs' have hiH-n rewalled, all fresh water en tirely shut out and new encase ments built, so the soda water will be better and much stronger than ever before. The spring building has been repaired, the walls re plastered, the cement floor rebuilt, all wood work freshly painted, a large veranda built around the south and west sides of the build ing, new walks laid and a new fence surrounding the grounds. I The second floor of the building vfOTlCE'FOR PUBLICATION. 1, ,-,;al.Al ett fnr Q vtnhhr : line uccii niiiD"v-vA v. - library and reading room. Sev eral Albanv men have been em- i j .1,. t. v.;K nn i Wmake final proof in.upportof hU claim, and ployed on the work, which is now thmt mtf .' lK U11M,, Matt about finished. Albany Herald, a. C. Wh UOn.nU.i.mfr Prineville, I Oregon, on Saturday, Auti4 24, l'JOt, via: n.L r.,.llip i:,Mt aava-I MD A. Keetun, formerly Mary A. Jior- The Conallis Uazette ) Uwof Griiv, Om.-..n.H. K. X. 5rtrr. (or 'President Gatch hag appointed I the v.i sw,Leu and 4, Sec, 31, T. 12 She name, the following witness to prove her continuous residence upon aud cullitation of, .aid land, vii: X. F- McCuin, J. S. McCoin, J. S. McMeen, W. H. Sand., all n( Latuonta, Ore. JAY P. LUCAS, Beajstei. PrjURTlltNT OF Tlla ISTKWOK, Laud Office at The Dalle Oregon, Jnly 17, 1WI. Notice ia hereby given that the fulUa ing named settler ha tiled notice of hi. intention to make proot in upK'rt ui nia uewi lanu Momls ltllllllllUm ;Uura Nnniber t" bedire A. rainier, U. S. CoiiiuiiMiiiner at I'lineville, Oregon, on Monday, Sevt, 1, 1WJI, via-- . Lawrence C. Perry, of Lava, Ore, H. E. 2263 for SS XK'ISE'i, XW XKjjSWj.; Sec. ri. 20S., R. 11 E..W. M. He nainea the following witne. to prove the complete irrigation and rechunuUou of said land: V, P. Vandervert, Dick Vandervert, John Atkiuaon, Joku Young, all of Lava, Ore. Jay P. Lucaa, Rrn'Uter. Land Office at Thk Pau.h, Or., July 13, 1301 Notice h herebv given that the following named aettler ha tiltd notice of hi. iiiUntion Wool Half. Tho following wool rates for the risent season, taking effect at once have lKt'n established: Wool compressed in bales, car- weiglit 24,000, from Shaniko to New York, Chi fugo, Huston, Hartford, l'hiladel phia, Baltimore, and points there with, $1.40, per 100, pounds. Wool in sacks, or bales, any quanity, from Shaniko to The Dalles, 30, cents per 100 pounds. Wool in sacks, any quanity, from all stations on the Columbia Southern Railway to Hhaniko 5 cents per 100 jKiunds. C. E. Lytic, G. F. A. arnival of Ml Appreciating tho groat work of our common school educator.1 and desiring to demonstrate that appreciation, we have de cided to offer in connection with this paper a fitting testimonial of worth to tho most popular teacher in this county. ' balloting may begin at any time after the publication of this issue of the Journal and will continue until 8 o'clock p.tn, Sep tember JO, after which time no ballots will be accepted.' Professors Fulton, McEHresh and Phillips, of O A C, a committee to investigate the fossil beds in East ern Oregon. With the driver there will be four in the party and it is quite probable that in going and coming they will traverse both the Santiam and McKineie route across the Cascade mountains. It NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offio at The DalK Owtoox July 13, ll. Notice la hereliv given tlat the following- nauied aettler has tiled notice of hia intention I ... m.Li final t.mnf in imfMirt of liu claim, and ia thoilfht that from four to six that aaid nroof will he made More J. J. , .... . i . i Smith, Conuty Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, weeks will be required to make as s,tur(U 24 viz. Kv.rett M. thorough an investigation as is le-i Miller of ,Wn(mtn. 0riwin. H. K.So.um sired. The tjartv desire to start fr the sKisE'i Sec. and Wt sw and tomorrow. SW'4 NWK Sei9.T.13S. R. 14 K., w. M. ile miuiee me ioiioing wihipiw. v A tramp a lew days ago was rid ing on the breakteam of a train going through Idaho when a spark from the engine twisted around and caught in his clothes setting them on fire and buring them near ly off. An exchange iiiggests it as an illustration of the soullessneee i of the corporations who offer no protection for men trying to get along in the world. Pullman Ordinary Slerprri. The tniiriat travel between the eaat and the 1'acitie cuaat haa reached eimrmuue pr..x.rlioin in the laat few yeart, and call, for a apeuial claaa uf equipment. To meet thia demand the Pullman Cu. haa iaaned from ita ahnpa what it technically call, the "Pullman Ordinary hlHeuvr." Tbeae can appear aimilar tu the regular aleeper, beiujf built on the aame plan, hut nut furniahed with the aame elegance They are equipped with inaltreMea, blanket., aheeta, pilluwa, pillow caaea, twela, oiiiiiba, bruahea, etc., reiiiring nnthiugnf the kind to be fumiahed by the paaaeliger. E.ich car haa a alove for making collee and tea and doing 'light housekeeping," and each aecti.in can be fitted with an adjustable table. A uni Rules. The rules governing the contest will be as follows: All pnid-in-advance subscribers to the Journal will be entitled to re ceive at the time of paying their subscription a printed coupon or ballot worth 1.7) votes, which will have blanks wherein to write the name of the teacher voted for. Every issue of the Journal during the life of the contest w ill contain a coupon good for three votes, No free samples of the Journal will be dis tributed during the life of this contest and no clubbing offer will be accepted where ballots are given out All persons voted for MUST be Crook county teachers ami so accept! by the county school superintendent, and must now be engaged in teaching in this county, or have taught in this countv durinir tue past eiirhteen months, and must not have Jsiss r,;xrP lost thf ir "' in the count 1 e- the' rst ,10t huvc re' iliuveu iniui tiiir tiuuiiy to i cumin jrciiimnriiuj. The right to modify these rules at any time is reserved. the car clean, ana look after the comfort. and waiira of the piuuiengi-ra. In each of the traina which are diapatched daily from Portland hy the O. H. N. Ce. ii tn be found one of three "Pullman Or- prove hia coutiunoua reaide'ice upon and dinary Slrepera." The car ia attached iiltiration of .aid land, viz: (ieo. S. Miller, John Helfrtcb Sr., Ben jamin Helfiich, Jauiea Helfnch, all of La inouta, Oregon. JAY P. LUCAS. Regiiter. I OTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State. Land Office, Thu Dalle., Oregon. July 19, 1901, "NERVE WASTE." One of the most helpful books on nerve weakness ever issued is that entitled "Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of 8an Francisco, now in I its fifth thousand. This work of l-n cvripru'neml nnil rpntitalilp. liriv- Nutiue i hereby given that the following J . . '. . . . . " ned ttirUa. tiM UcefinUntiou.,8ician is in agreeable contrasMo make hual proof hi aupirt f hu claim and I the vast Slim of false teaching tiut .d pw.f will be made Wore J. J" j wljich prevails on this interesting Smith, County Clerk at hia office in Piine-1 , . , , . . , , ville, Oregon, on Friday the 30th day of.bjCCt. , It abounds m Carefully Au., litoi. viz: considered and jiracdcal advice. Litt E. P.rker, Hayatack, H E So. 6280, anj nag t,e tw0 reat mjt, 0( for i XE, Vi'4 SEof Sec 20, I . . . . . iuTwu,hip No. 12 S., Rang. X..14E.. W. ! wlsdo,n an(1 "ncerity. M. I It is indorsed by Loth the relig- He name, the following witneeei to prove j oug anJ gecular prCSS. The Chicago hi ouitinuouH reaidence upon and cultivation (( . . ...... r- - Advance savs: "A perusal of the of vald land, via: j r J. O. Harrill, A. w. Boyoe, H. J. Healv, book and the application of its S. S. Brown, all of Hayrtack, Oregon. principles will put health, hope '' Ajucaa, itegiKter. , hp,irt jnt() thousands of lives notice for publication-. j that -are now suffering through Land office at The Dallee, Oregon ' . . . ' ulys vjoi j nervous impairment." Notice U hureby given that th following j ' The book is $1.00, by mail, post n.wiel aettler. have filed notice of intention I paid. . o make final proof on their respective claim! . ,, ' . . . I. ,foi,J.J. Smith. County Clerk, at Prine-i 0,,e f ' t,ie m0Ht 'ntCIWtmg tille, On-tou ou Fiiday, Aug. 10, ltioi, ! chapters chapter ..xx, on Nervines ,iz: and Iv'erve Tonics has been print- Jaive. K. ,TnhnMn of Prineville, Oregon, it . t , II. K. N., 577 forth. SE KWj.. W j eJ BeParatel3r 1,8 a,samplc chapter, NEK, E.vi Sv Ki Sec, 26. Tp. 14 S, R 17 E. anl will be sent to any, address for w- stamp by the publishers, The Pa- Wi.ne.Ke.: Charlea Cram, Han, Smith, p p 2m fa p J. H. J iue. i, H. P. Kv.tin, of Prineville 0e . ' ' Ja V. Lccas, Eegiter. C1BC0 in Vn sealed envelope. to the thicajorortlKtid special, which g"ea through to Chicago without chantre, and the one in the "Atlantic Ex- preea tuna tn Kanaaa City without eh an ire. Paeariigera in thia d.r for Chi ca?o i halite tn a tiniilar car at Granger. Much of the hrat claaa travel it being nrried in tbeae cara, the rate being lower, and the tervice being nearlyequal to that in the palace aleepera. For ratea and full informatinn, in cluding foldera, write to A. L. Craig, O. P. K. , O. 11 . Co. Portland. Ore. Best For the Bowels. Xo mntter what ails yo'.i, licndnche fo a cancer, you will never get well until your bowela are put right. CASCARETS help nature, cure yon without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movement, coat you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cathar tic, the genuine, put up in metal Ixixea, every tablet lias C. C. C. stamped on it. Beware of imitation.. The Prize. The prize m ill consist of a fine gold watch, any standard make, with 15 jeweled movement and warranted for iiO yeiir' the same guaranteed by a local dealer. Three rom inent gentlemen of Crook county will be askel to help coui.t the ballots, The Journal has withdrawn the second prize heretofore of fered tb the teacher receiving the second largest number of votes and will award it to the boy or girl sending in the largest ljst of subscribers before December 15. CdnestoToar Bowel. With Caeca rate. Candy Cataartle, eure conatlpatton (orevc lOe.SGo. I(CC.C.fall,drukliauireaiidaioney. Z. F. Moody haa representee now at Shaniko to look after the needs of his wool growing ahippiiiK customers. His avent is prepared to advance fruifjlu to customer., receive and forward wools and to give personal attention to rociiiv ing and forwardiiiK uierchaiidiae of any description to his care. . Doa't Taliaeee Spit see Hawk Tear I.tTe sway. To quit touae-o easily aud forever, beiaaif. neUe. f at II of lil.j, nerve aad visor, luae No To Uae. tlie wnadeMvorker, that make weak men svronf. all dracci.is, 18. or II. Cure rnjian teed Booklet an aawple free. AMmt Hurling Jteneey Co, cuiuuia er New York. CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL. Educational Contest Ballot. My choice for the most popular school teacher in Crook county is This ballot must be in the Journal official ballot box on or iwiure cepieinucr ou, uoou lor tnree votes. j