Crook County Journal. COUN1Y OFFICIAL PAVER. THURSDAY. AUG. 8, 191)1. Official 'Directory, STATE OFFICIALS. CoTernor T TOEER United States District Attorney Hale is taking stvp to have the decree of Judge liellingcr, in the ciise of the United States v. Jefse 1). Carr, carried out, says the Ore gonian. lie will have the fence around the- Government lands in closed hy Carr torn down. As there are 15 or 20 miles of rock Congressmen. Vill u.. it, about five feet Treasurer C S Mt OKK ; Mth and four feet in heigth, the Atty General.... D -''V,' I United States Marshal or United " Vuh Instr I H ' , . , Printer WH LEEDS Mates troops, or whoever may he Dniry & Food Com J o'"-1 1 sent to tear it down is likelv to f JOSEPH SIMON' ... . , , . I have an all summer job on hand, oeuutort J 3 H MITCHELL' especially as Mr. Hale says the I1 f11' rock fence is to he destroyed as )m A MOODY i was the Tower of Kabcl, or the . uprerae. uiges.. FA MOORE was '10 Temple of Jerusalem I (Mr. Hale is not well posted in 7TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. j Biblical matters) of which not one j, w L RRADSHAwj stone was left upon another. The Prosecuting Atty. .tKAMv ixi.yi.n. miles of barbed-wire fencing will he rolled up like a scroll, but the rim rock cliffs which form a part of the fence will not be molested. Mr. Carr, however, is still in pos-J sion of the lands, with the excep tion of a calf pastupe of some 5000 acres, and the end of the trouble is not vet. COUNTY OFFICIALS. Joint Senator J N Williamson- Joint Repres'n'tive ....J 11 I I.LiA M ( R A Emm kit T B McUitKK (. AS ltOBKKTH KIT UTS Judge .W C Wills I'lerk J J Smith Sheriff W C Coxulbtux ' DE Templkton Commissioners. .. u,vu ..' J Tbe State Board of Text-Book j renaurur. . , . , o 1 nn,.nt.Mr.n Assessor J D LAfi-LLETTE Commissioners has tiled a supple mentary report with the State School Su)t . rioKOI.1 Surveyor C A Gkavjm Toroner Wm II Buock Stock Inspector JoK HlNKLX Justice W R McFahlash Coiutablo Eo Gkuow MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. Board of Education reporting the further adoption of text-hooks. The work thu3 adopted is "The , National Spelling Blank," pub lished hy. I). C. Heath & Co. The I introductory and retail price of the work is 5 cents. This com- 5Iy" ;.V"L"55CTTillctes the work of the Text-hook ( W ILL W mZWULEK , . . I F W Wilsos Commission, and as the contracts j Ed N Whitk I are now signed with the State J. D F Stewakt , , ,. . .. ., , A H Lutmax Board of Education it now dc- (.CMElkin vol res upon the look publishers u Vmm.! having the contracts to place their Marshal .,'.7.7.7. .7 .....Wit Pkink i hooks in the t-everal depositories designated by the state law, ere Council men Recrder. . . Treasurer. . . . Society UJoetings. ating the Text-book Commission ' and providing for the depositories PRINEYILLE LODGE. NO. 7;, A. j to be established in every county F. ft A. M.-M,e. in Mi Ten,-, . tfa t Th books t ,)(J' )ilf on batuiday before full iihmi of en' li J month. T. M. Baldwi.t, W. M. deposited by the publishers and M. E. Brink, Secn-taiy. j ;ept on at tie COntraet jirices, CARNATION CHAPTER, NO. 44, 0. j and there old hooks here', o "ore in E. S. -Meets second rihI l"n li ; use jri this state may be exchanged Tliurla) of each month in Masonic Tei- j , , . ," , .. !e. M,ks Gkace Bklxna... W. M. fljr the new Sl:k'cted hY tlie Cul- Mrs. M. E Bhink. Secretary. OCHOCO LODGE. No. 4i, I. O. 0. F Meets in O.M Fellows' Hall every second and fourth Saturday evemnoi. M. li. Bi.hjs, N. G. H. P. Bf.lksap, Secretary. mission to take their place. The depositories for Crook county are Ash wood and Princville. The incorporation of the Kla math River Irrigation and Power QCHOCO LODGE, NO. 101 A. O. U. i Co., indicates the conduction if W.-Meets in Odd F.-llowa' H.ll on ! . . ... the second and fourth Mo,.dav of Mnh ! the wwt "ntant enterprise ever iio'iitli. Dk. E. O Hvdk, M. W. t contemjilatcd in Klamath county. L N. I.i.inmT, R.oord,.r. ,. The cqutal required necessary to UNBEAM LODGE, NO. ZC D. if II. j commence operations is about ?50, M -Meet, at Oddfellows tlall every (JQQ cf whi,., jf 15,000 is already Mks Pkaf.l RnK'Ei.L. Cl'ief of Honor. Mks Ethel I.-iooltt, Reninle. guapnteed and negotiations pend in2 for the l a'an e. As the ttirt PRINEVILLE UAMP, NO. 210. j tl)e -'mpany will put in an electric WonJii'Hn of World Meeis at dd ; power plant below Keni, sulTioient Ffllows' Hill on the hint and thud ;t , ,.m . , i i . ,i 'to generate loOO horse power, iiimsilay .vohis of e:ch tro'iitli . ('. E. McDowell Consul Coiuinauder. j woich will be conveyed by wires on ' ; w,:Cl 'l,WK '" Cli;tk- a three line system, to all points iu JUNIPER CIRCLE, No. WOM-1 Klamath valley, and fold for the "f w ,craf' vwy Friday 1 , 0f being reconverted into . leiiirjat d-d Fallows' J!aH. Misk E;ta Cmooks. c.anrdlu XcighW. j mecnanical power to he used in Mis Ioa OiiK;, Clerk. i pumping' water for irrigation or jp UNA LODGE, NO. c.r. K. P.-Mee!,,11:' oll.or purpose requiring power. i. in Oil.i Fellows' Hail evury Wediiea-! The company will furnish electric e. ,y ..'enino All brothers in Bood stand- j y,, jn the val(.y and lui invited to attend. j ' W. A. aw:i, C. C. hint will lie (supplied fur wanning .?. L. M.;Cci.vm:k K. R. S. j houtei, h r co iking, etc., at less iILOT TENT NO. 03. K. O T. M. cot. il l claimed, llian wiiere -Men's iu Odd Fellows' Hall ovry , woo.1 at &i a rord in tweil. 'Tf Hip second and fourth Thursday eveiiru's in ; . .. . ... , . acl. mon-h. P, B. Howald, S K. C. i n"l';ltlon' '"f capital now pend J. O. Cvhcs, R. K. ling rtstilt successfully, construc- n RINEVILLE ASSEMULyi NMti( " work wiU Lo u,,J(!r waX ve,7 IT 1( 3, L. A.- Mnets iu Odd FoIIoas' , SOOll. Hall every first and third Thursday even ings iu each mouth. E. O. Hyde, M. A. Wakbev Brown, Secretary O0KOIT REBiKAI. NJ 103,1. r-O. O. F Vle-tsoi Oil Fellows, li'l every hrs' n( third Si u day even ings iu each mni.t h MiskOkaoe Belknap, N. O. tually all of the positions of influ ence, throwing out occasionally some small crumbs to their here.. men in order that they might buy their acquiescence in a 'political program formulated upon the prin ciple of taxation without represen tation. , It is this principle that is espe cially obnoxious to the Kastern Oregon people. One-third of the people live there; , yet, notwith standing this, the names of state oflicers elected from tho east of the Catcades could he written on a slip of paper no larger than a silver dollar. If it were merely a question of the distribution of the spoils of ollice, thinking meiv in neighboring states would pay little heed to the campaign for recognition now being prosecuted so vigorously by Kast ern Oregon, But, besides this, is tne question of tho practical dis franchisement of one-third of the voters of a state, and this is a warrant for the strenuous demands that seem to promise somo sub stantial results in the coming elec tion Walla Walla Statesman. There are many fish in Rogue river at present and the hatchery located in Trail creek precinct is kept busy. During the past year about 4,000,000 salmon eggs were taken from fish there. Of these, about 2,.r00,000 eggs were retained and hatched at the station, where the young salmon -were fed until they were three or four inches in length befofe being planted in the river. A half million of the tgg taken were silver salmon and steel -Jiead trout. All of the silver sal mon were planted in Rogue river, as were also about one-half of the steelheads. The other half were shipped to various points in the East, one shipment being made to Tuxedo Park, the famous rc3ort near New York city. Jacksonville Times. Q. Springer, "Draft, Coach and Carriage Jforjoo Young stallions and mares, also a few young teams for sale. Haystack Blood Stack Ean:b. Ilavstack, Oregon. Subscribs fcr Journal BUY THE Adriance Buckeye Mowers Keepers and Binder Holler" bearing, well balanced, no liecli weight. Also Jackson Hay Forks, Carriers, r Blocks and Derrick Irons. Send for Catalogue. FPwANK ELKIN3 & CO. CHAMP SMITH. IS0M CLICK K. Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. Ja The Celebrated vjx A. B. C. Beer i Always on Hand. Two Doors South of First National liank. Proprietors of the Prinsvills Soda Works. Prineville Planing Mill. John B. Shipp, Proprietor. Manufacturer ami iloaloc in all kinds of rotili niul dressed lumber, shingles, brackets, mouldings, turn ing and band sawing. J louse F.nisli made to order. Agent for Rambler and Ideal Bicycles and Sundries. Mill oppotite I'rinc villu Fiour Mill. Yrl, 2J St., npp..nU' I. O. 0. F. ll.iIL Priniville, Oregon. MmitmmHati .III il t.V rJuiL jJItZfoj LCCERE TEMPLE. NO. 28 IIATH ti'H 8it-Mt ety first and th'rd W'H.lneniBy f no!i mun'h ' Mr. Mvrv E. M..D iweu. M. E. C. To a disinterested ohserver, the Oregon situation at this time seems to favor the granting of the de mands of the eastern section. These demands have been long de ferred. The residents of that por tion of the state that lies east f the Cascades have borne with re markable patience the arrogance of the Western Oregon politicians vt ho have taken to themselves vir- -SEWING MACHINE Do not be oVi'ived bv thwe who ad vertise a $W.OO Hewing Miu hiue fur $20.00. 'J'iiiftkind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealura from $13.00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. TH NEW H0I3E IS THE BEST. The Feed dtt'Tniines the strength or luu(le Feed coniliincd wilh other slioii, points nmk'H the icw llouie the bet Bowing Matliiuu to buy, ahowlrjg ihn dlf. forrnt Ktylm of Hwlnir Mitohlni we uwnufttcture uuil price buturu purvbiutlun Jf. jCipp?nan urncturo and ndertakinc. . . Carpots, TJattingand and jCinotoum, 'Doors, Windows, Siass, Paints, Oils, Uar, SHuitdinf and Carpal tPapor, Screen 'Doors and Screen Wire. 4 t 1 11 ummr S?omomier, $ deliver in the eity flovgh Xumbcr, per fO, GO JUUU 3looring and Ziustio 2S 00 tj, .pm , "P 1,pll',i'PV.,,y-' V f5 V 1 V-P' T W TTVfff" ''ll,v-'-''J,ll 1,1,1 Mi.. a. r a -r- r iiiiiiiiiin niV Tltifl tV r-nrrTf nV'ilJW. i J A--iff t-'MM4,l M'lilwWlaiiV tt THE KEW HOKE SEWIKC BiCHINE CO. ' OMHOC, . 28 Union Sq. N. Y, Chicago, I1L, Atlanta, Qa bt.Luuli.Mo., Da)li,Tox.,8n FrouoiMO, CW ron ali av New Home bowing machine-1 Co San Francisco, CaL Ccast Agency Co. Pucitio Count Atten'i for i ii pi..... Kk, Rcmiiigton and Oliver typewriters. -3 ITw Ar Tm KldKATt I nr. tloblx' Ipirun PHUnn U tldnar IUa. tm Expert Repairing. Platens and parts for all machines. Duplicating goods and" office supplies of every nature. Rubber stamps and seals a specialty. Write us. Long distance phone in the office. 266 1-2 Stark St, opposite Chaster of Comnurcc, Portland, Grcjoo, 4tui imwlrUfc.Chwxu t