, Doctors mid Editors. , A New JirunKwii'k iliyiclnn hav ing roitiarktii that ncwHpflperij nro run f;r revenue only, tlio Cliurlw, ton Fciitiricl g';U) hack ut him thin liifliiun: "J'lie doctor from Algona miy that rMiOTpnperH are run for reve nue only, What in thunder do !ui'tOM run for, unywny? Do they rin for ylory? One good healthy doi tor's hill would run thin officii for nix nionlliH, . "If we not eonic plory out of it wo, would (": to tnko one of hin jiilln, uficr firnt Buying our prayem. If the editor muki'8 u inwtako ho Iiiik to ujiolopHe foi it, hut if the doctor inukert a mintaki) ho burieB it. "If we make one there in a law- ftuit, tall Bwcarinn und a twiell of Htilphur, hut if tho doctor irmki'H one there u a funeral, cut llower and a emcll of varnich. Tho doc tor can iiki) a word a foot long, but if the editor iifce it he hag to Hpell it. "If tho doctor goes to nee another man's wife ho will charge the man for the vicit. If the editor call on another nian'a wife ho gctB a charge of huckchot. Any medical college can. mako a doctor. You can't mako an editor. lie has to he horn one. "The editor Korku to keep from hlarving, while tho doctor works to ward off the gout. The editor ludpH men to live hotter, and the doctor anxihU them to die easy. "Tho doctor jhiIIh a nick man' leg. The editor in glad if lie can collect Iiim IjiIIh at all. We are living for fun and to spite the doc tors." Yo injur Will Bell Oraveston 8 Coleman and James Younger, after their 25 years in the state's prison, will begin work as sale' men for a Ht. Paul dealer in grave stones and monuments. Warden W'olfer signed tho contract for their new work, and they will leave for fit. Paul to begin their new duties at once. . TUEHOMH GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Cured Dally In Spite of Thomeolvea. It is now eennrally known mid un diTKtixxl thnt Drunkeiiiierti- in n (lisenne and not weiikiiers. A Ixxly filled with iioihoii and nervex completely dm ttercd liy iKTiodii'iil or coimtitiit ue of intox ion un K liiiiori, requires mi antidote capable tl neutralizing and eriulicnv iny t Ilia poinon, and dealmying the craving for intoxicants. HulForers may now cure themKelve nt home without publicity or lo of time from lmiinea by this wonderful "IIO.MK tiULl) CUKK,"whioh has been perfected after many years of close "tuily and treat nient of inebrintes. The faithful use sncordinir to directions of this won derful discovery is positively guaran teed to cure the most ohstiimte case, no mntter how hard a drinker. Out records show the marvelous Iranuform Htitm of t liouiiicli of Drunkards into sober. induatriotia and upright men VI V Kft CVIU YOUlt HUMAN US! CHILDREN CUKE YOUR FA THEUS! I This remedy is in no sense u nottriim but is a vpecilio fur this diHcsKu only, and is so skillfully do vised ii nd prepared that it is thorough ly soluble mill pleasant to the taste, so that it can bo given in a cup of tea or coffee without tho knowledge of the iierson taking it. IhotiMiiid of drunk itrds Intve cured themselves with this juioeless remedy, and as many more jiave been cured ami made temjierate men by having the cure administered by loMng friends and relatives with out their knowledge in ten or collee; and helievo today that they discon tinued drinkinir of their own free will, DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded tiv apparent and misleading "improve ment. The IIO.MK 001,1) CUKE is -sold nt"the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more ellectunl than othrs coating $25 to ,0. Full directions eaccjinpany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when renested without extra charge Bent prepaid to any par', of tho world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. K 485 EDWIN 1). GILES & 00. 2330 and 2332 Market St, Philadelphia. AU correspondence strictly confi SUBIIHrW! Fire-proof building, 00x300 feet, is now ' , ready to handle Merchandise, Wool, etc. MAUL YOUB FREIGHT TO SHAHiko -DEALERS IN- Coal, Flour, Lumber, "Wood, Hay and Grain. Special Attention given to wool trade. First-class baling and grading facilities. Also stock yards, latest plans. All Modem Improvements for Handling Stock. (Fsrnch fc Co., Hunkers, The Dallea. MiM.its linos , Hsiikori, Miro. W. Loan, The DIIhi. B. V. Lauuamn, The Dallea, A. M. KELSAY, General Manager Cyrus, the Jeweler. Watches Clocks jewelry Silverware Spectacles and Syo Slasscs Society Cmbloms Violin ffiows and Strings Tffachina and bicycle Oil 7fandolins $anj OS armomcas. caSf tc. Largest and Wst assortment of spectacles in the city. Fine repairing a specialty. Work sent in by mail or stage driver will receive prompt attention. Hewing machines cleaned and repaired. ary House Bar. Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. TX K f MAIN STREET. PRINEVILLE. OREGON fa Wd MM VI t J 1IJ.VUU i.lXtllJLV Fcstr & Le!ifii23 Ti ;.i A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Main st. r. 'Phone 31. Look On.' FOR THE M J-TJL AURY QAWMILL Send in your orders at once. We have a good assortment on hand and saw extras to order. CLEAR LUMBER Planed to ORDER. Call at Mill or Address, I, MWKIES BROS PRICE, 4 Ulti-UU . ED X. WHITE, JOHN COMBS. White & Combs. Main Street opposite Salomon's Store. Prineville, Oregon. 5r Perfection of Bicycle 1901. aAsc9 Lighter Stronger Faster Than ever and Eye-Openers for The Twentieth Century Bicycles. Regular Weight Roadsters, $35. All fitted with the famous 0 & J heavy tread clincher , tire. If .you want a medium srade wheel, we have the beBt in the land iu the IDEAL. $25. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. 105, 10", 109, 111 Sixth St. Portland, Oregon. Branches at Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle. J. B. SHIPP, Agt nt, Prineville, Oregon, Get your Job Printing at Journal Job Office. Prineville, Oregon. -DEALERS IN- WINES, LIQUORS, DOMESTIC and plfl A T?Q imported.... VjIVJjMIYO. COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. P0INDEXTER HOTEL. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Doctors find A Good ion E)rmanMnd WAKTKD tA cm of bad lw.tth Itut MWN'S aot benefit. They bmii.h pain .nd prolong hie. One give, relief. Note the word R I R A N 8 on Ihe package anil accept no lubitltiiti. R'l W.V S 10 for 5 ier.ii, mar be had at any drug More. Tea aamplea and one thouaena teariatMial. will be mailed to any adrlrc. lor five cents, forwarded to the Ripaua Chemical Co., Mo. ia Sprue Street, New York. ft' J! - deutial.