5 Additional Locals. $ o.ilWii. AifMiicy, 01 mi. I ll.'i .Mnioliiuim K iImiikii, Nun I' raiicineu, Oalilurnia, where dim. tinoM lur wliuiiiiiiiix u in be in.t.le lur it. Auk fur priuc on barbed wire at C, L fctuouniir, i M 'iny hits of nmny kind fur many iu'i il hMiiy mind, it. i.i Hive, Kolt HALE- llnM.ltnimi In Prineville. Very i heap, Impure id A. 0, Palmer ft. ml trirnmm fur liltlii money -ub. utiiiiiiit i. rill and euoiinuiy in every iuir. iiuu iivu A wry dim line of ImiiuiKickn just re oi'itinl ut Kt kill himI Kiiiu't. I'liei, In Hit everybody, t'l fu. Baptist Church service Hi Pritievillc in in y I'liil Hint Jill Sundays in each liiiinili, ni Culver eiurv .'inl Himdiiy mid at Howard uiury Jul Sunday, M. liramhlet, Tin- dental wt ik nf Dr.C. A. Cline in tun Hull k iinwii in Him country li m-t- l uiiy iiiuimi. He can always liu found m ' ilmiilil itutid, uet dmir to tliu Firet National flunk. Give Iiuu h cull. K'l Harbin liwi jut received a full lm if bicycle repair vond and will lix yuiir f I J wheel ii li'juil a new, (i.mil g'xxl ut rcanuble price, Tim I'.iMnr. All iuiiniior good reduced ut half of regular price ut B.iznar. C i 1 1 1 in mill the new ling uf Iiuu .Inii't mid slipper lia.inr. Our iiiiioiiil mIu commence July 15th l lliz.i.ir. For fancy (ruo.l if nil kindi such iu Ii n. , shuts, nun, nudci wear ut Hi-zuui . (imiil stock farms mid resilience pro. petty in Piiuoville li.r eula. A. C. I'.ilini'r. K"ih, pulleys, derrick folk and ro p.ots for nil kiwis of cutting machinery, ui Ellin & King. Situation Wanted. l'y n ynuiiK lmly, a p!:uc aa clerk in a tore, Ii. ii of reliirii,i:i-a yiven.' CuulU t.tki) t lit place on or 'ii-furr Auc;. 1. Ad :ie, Ll.UiAl:irril Mol'.I.K. 7-4. lobuioii, Ura. LhihI for Bala. I olfi r for anle my rii.-!i on Crooked river, 40 inilea from I'liuev iliu, coiitniu iini MO ativa, fiO acrea of w hicli are un der cult 1 1 hi iixi. ()(. il iiiiiroveiiienii on the riiiicl,. Fr particulura cull on or ..lrni, John 1Ii.no, i-4iii. I'.iiilin.i, Ore, a woaTHY sucenssoa "Something New Undort'ao Sun.' All liiutora have tried to cure Catarrh bv the uae of powder, auld Knnf, lol.ul tira and diua in puntu form, 'j'heir pow der dry up the luucuuiia membrane cnua 1UK them to crack open and diced. The powerful acuta lued in tliu iiihalen have ciitiruly eaten nway the aame iiieuibu,tei that tliuir makera have mined to cure, while panel uiid ointiiieiita ckiiiiuI reach the diieaau An, old and etpuiieuced rnctituiiier who has for many yeara made n cloieatiiily and aneciully of CATARRH lint u( litat perfected a treatment which vheu .lillifilllv uaed, not olilv relieve! at once, but permaueiilly curea 0ATAHKI1 liy reiuuyiiiK the c nuu, aioppin,( the ilia'-, charK'Ji and curing all inll.iiiiiimlii.il. It ia the only remedy tli.it noiuitlly reachea the iilllicted par:. Thia wonilerlul remedy ja known aa "SNl'KKLKtS, IheCJL'AR AXTEEJJ CATAIiRIl Cl'RE." and ia old at Hie exlreuieiy low price of one dollar, each packavu coniaiiiini; internal mid external :iiediciue aultioieut f"r a full inuiitli' irealinent, and everything necea aury to ila perfect use. 'S,N"l!FKLl''S" is the only ported CA TARRH CURK ever in.uli) and ii now reooruized aa the only info and punitive cure for that aim. lyinir and diagiiiliui; -di-anawi. It. curia all iiitl.irimaliou ipiiolily end permanently and ia ul.o wonderfully ipuck to rubeve HAY FKVKK or CULD in the HKAI). CATAliltlf when neolected oflrn lead to C( )NSt! M ITU )N --sN UFFLKS" will aave yuu if ymi uae it nt once. It ii no ordinary remedy, but a complete treat nif nt whicli is guaranteed In cure CA TARRH iu any form or ataju if uaud ac curdiiig to the direction which accoi.i puny every uack.ii(e. Doirt delay but send fur it at once and write full particu lar n lo your condition, and yuu will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy reu'iinlinir your piiKe without coat lo voii beyond the rea nhir pnen of "SNUFFLES." the GUAR ANTEED CATARRH CL'RE. Rent prepaid to miv address in the United Slates or Canada on rieiMpI of one dollar. Address Dent. K 485 ED WIN It. filLES Ct-IMPANY, 2330 mid2u32 Market St. riiiladulpliia Subscribe for Journal H nw A M Vmtw tr . . re ;.Hobb,SiinrnputauttklrtiioIIta.gii tavutUUilk.Uuw.u..i ProposalB for Btef, Flour, Hay, Etc UH. Iiiilmii School Service, Win in. pritiK, rann, July 17, 1501. A LEU PROPOSALS, ItidoriuU: ''l"riiiiniili fur Beef, Flour, etc," a the case limy be, hiiiI addressed In the un dersigned ut Wiumsprim;, Oregon, will li received ut tin Huliui'l until two o'clock p. 111, of the lOtli (lay i.f Augwil JII01, d,r furnishing mill delivering at tin school, tin required during the liaoiil year eliding June HO, BMW, 37,(W pounds beef, 111,1; 8,01)0 pound ltu r i SIM) bushel polutoii; 'JO.IWli pound bran mill shorn; 10,000 pounds feed, chop; 7.0U0pouuil narley; 14,000 pound inim; 'i'i tiiin Imy; 3 tuim cml, Itlitck iintli mill :i"n) ci.r.ln w.i.iil, HpecifiuH 1 1 - ill NinJ iimtruotiiiiiii tn l)lilinr niuv In) I ni. hum m liy ui.ikiii Hpplioiilluii In tliu I iiiiiIi h!i,'iiii1, I'.ir imy ail.lni. ni.il infi.r- 111. 11 inn ,,ly u, J, U, KIRK, fcliipenii- iKlllillllt, K"jV l .ut ilutkinii lur vn'MiiiiH liuyn. Duo Hive, Fur it nlmrt lime mily we will club willi ' 1 lio r ui t li w.iHti'iii Jjivi, mm k imil Wiiiil I (ii'iwei'i Jnuriiitl, of 'uiiilletuii, 4tlli ruiiiiirkiibly In pncn nf ! fur belli p pen. 'I'd 11 oiler will mini be wiiliilmwii mi nil lli.ine iliniruui of tiikitig uiltuiitue of it lind belter cull ut once. P'.u't piirclume .mowing macnine un til you hum hit 11 'lie lim kryu ni l''iuk Elkiii & C. Tlii'y r perfect iiiacliiuiii mid the belt iu tho World for uuur unit te.ir. ' ,Iut received nt A! H. Lipniiin'i the fbiMrif Iiuu of ri'fi-ii.Mrnlnni iti.i1 hromril. to I I'rmeville, wlih.li will be auld at Very reiiminuble price, Send yuiir carpet wayi;i t Mina (J.iniiuir, of Simnr, 8ha clmr2i 's. per yurd fur hit uml iium ami l.je. lur iriped and pay iUkb clwrge from I'niieville t'i Sutler and return. Warp f.it'umliwl at .'III cl. ft pound. For Sale. A quarter levtion of line land in tin? UnyafHck ciimitry, not (leedwl. All (unicd, 75 iicic in crop, jjood liollfe null oilier ililpinvt'tilt'llli', ai,(l well u( miter, 70 fruit tree. Will k nM nt n l.iircniii. Inquire of A. C. Puluier, I'rincvillt'. C-lilni. Frank Klktn A' Co. have reeivijd a larii hlpiticiit of E.doradi) mncli'iie oil in uiiMou cans, which tliuy are Belling at rcutiouaUe puces, All pi-win owinit me on auWription i for the Crook Cuiintv Jotinl'AL are here j by rnpiented to call nt my office and sul lie up. I need the money iln-i me and I eipect to u t it iuoh. A. C. 1'almek. lis the greater va!ui-a I put into price! that make thia tturo ao pupul.tr. J3ce Hive. For Stile Two very cle.iirulde lota ,in I'riiierilic ut. n luiruniii. Cull on or altl !. Flunk Klkina, Friiieville, Or. Special sale of e intern made furniture will be autioiinced in a short time by poiteri and bills. A. H. Lippiuau. ' STOCKMEN, Owing to tlie fact that the F.nstcrn Oregon Dunking Co., of Slnmiko, Ore. ia aituiited nt the entrance nnd outlet i of tlie litrgcat and bent utockmiaing country in Oregon, iii(iiiries nre con Utantly being made hereby buyers in regard to the amount of atoek for sale, the price nxk'nl and wherd the same can be nbtuined. In order to be of oine accommoda tion to the Hock raiser mid to keep ourxolvos well informed, wo shoold np prcciiito very much to huve them send tie, at any time, it list of their market able stuck, nnd post ollice address that we limy enter the sumo on our list kept for that purpose; nnd, i at any time, they wieh to obtain any infor mation in regard to the market or to know when buyers will be here, a let ter ndtlreasod to F. T. Hitrlburt, Cash ier, Shaniko, Oregon, will bo answered promptly and will contain nil the in formation nnd news at our coniin.aiid. A. B Vehdell and John Camphell, of Prineville, were visitor iu Burns last Sunday. Harney Ileitis. A Hard Bicycle Bide. Lambert Langdou, y,,nnif mnti from Prineville, made a record breaking ride from Prineville to lliia city. He left i Prineville Wednesday morning and rude tn Fiili Lake. He arrived at. that place late ill the evening and could et no ao I coiiiinudations, He lighted his bicycle ! lump and came on through the moun i tains, reitini! from two o'clock in the I morning until four, and came on down to Albany, arriving here iu the after noon. It i a recor'A breaker, nd lie does no', seem to be any ti e worse for the trip. Herald. I Tn f?nM fnaa.l.. Inn Take CSwcuret Cinly Cathartic. Wo orSSd It a U. Ci. tlili taauKdruKf.L-, r, Tip,,, num,f PrioCTlJIe - DAILY BETWuN P2LNEVILLE AND SJIANIKO. -SCHEDULE. Leave Shaniko, 6 p. ra. Arrive Prineville, G a. m. Leave Prineville 1 p. in. Arrive Shaniko, 1 a.'m. First class accommodations for the traveling public. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE 4 damson & Winnek Co., Agents. gjG. I. Cornett, Manager. !Pouoll e Cyrus, (Proprietors, Jtot ana Void JSatns. County Court Proceedings. C McPheon, juror's fia, .... C W Circle AGKibbeo " John Deuiaris " , .... John Piilmehn ' W H Hirdson0' " J II Garrett ,r ... C M Lister " KKLattghlin " (i Springer " .... Hdlnzier " J F Ioii-Uui " C K Pernoti " K Z Wnkelield Alex Friend " .... R W ISreese " WllShrum , " Ceo Knox " .... J II Keiley W Joslin " J L Lnckey " .... I L Ketchum " Green lk'iud " .... J L Brecdiiij " , ... . G T Hoover H Kinder " K H SimpsOU " .... A S Collins J'O ltiismussen " .... M W imoad " John Itmdley " Jiis.Crum " .... li L Bradford " .... G VV Jones " V T Ditvenport " .... J G Cantril " Ell Smith " Goo llondtisks " Mrs llantni & Geo Dee lumber Glass & l'l'uillioinnvi blanks. . J H Gray sup dist 22. ...... . Wm Boegli postage " express P L & W Co water & lights.. J J Smith express Glass & PruiHionimo stuty. . . J J Smith cxpte.-s Goo Miller wit. justice court. John LuoUey int. " Ed Gerow witness f, " V R MeFarlund lees " E II Siarks witness " J tiuiberg " J ' Woods " " W T E Wilson " " Ed Gerow constable fees W R. McFurland jristiue fees. . J V Ai tustioiig jlol'k ou the Yitney bridge.),. J Yuncy work Yaficy bridge. J I) Latollet.te iisR'ssor's lee. . A Zell viewer Jones road.'. . . . W T Davenport " .. "..,. A S Cbllins " , , . Lewis ilooie cliain. 11 j.- . J Roberts . " " G W Jones a man. C A. GiiAven suAvej , . . , 21 15 60 25 5 60 20 CO 17 00 20 40 20 . 30 18 20 20 60 21 80 22 20 'ii 10 40 2 2 2 2 2 " 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 2 2 6 6 2 2 2 6 2 27 51 m 15 5 25 1 10 14 40 3 75 6 40 1 05 60 1 50 8 50 0 00 1 50 8 50 Co b 50 1 70 7 50 is 2t; o b 6 "4 6 a a 6 SiianSko ; harder Shop. 2r;n,;ig. 6 Jna Henori wit. just, coutt. . . W H Pek view Haiiua road. II Windoni ' " E W'eiaud " " Jus Read " " C J Miliigan " " I J Smith a.t man " C A Graves surveying " W C Oougleton sheriir exp.. " Ixinrd prijuers J II Hudson medical services. " witllUDH IOCS Mrs J C Sumner care pauper. Wurzweiler & Thomson inde fiir court house Wurzweiler & Thomson mdse Joe Hinkle stock inspector. . . F Elkins & Co. mdse Geo Onborne road work Wurzweiler & T.iomson bridge material Journal printing Geo Summers telephone W C Wills judge salary. . D E Templetou emu's fees. . . J 11 Henley " W C Congleton sheriff's salary J X Poiutlexter treas. salary. . Win 3oegli supt. salary J Smith clerk salary City of Prineville water Review printing Templetou 4 Son stationery. " ' nicd. pauper 4 2 3 2 14 19 49 80 15 4, 20 10 11 2li 24 U 35 4 100 15 60 29 40 416 67 60 67 0(5 67 300 30 23 35 2 85 11 25 Lieu laud for sale. A. C. Palmer. V pcwtrcjBn3 ptrs pjog ok'tot5s '-oxsiva nvKirm t vma jo ?3iy 'axuiriii 'sovao ox xoa sr pir Too jnt y OTwrr efrra inro! TCTx,T.sa OR 'J niv asiicn oG;nmJ4o 3i3i:u A'JSA Ji.)!HJt pnuoiS sj p.i jo floats v xiiji . J , XaO - Mm 6 60 j fkisis t -King.; Prineville, Oregon. St. J! S raffs' .. ' ..-- Colum'bla SoutHom Effective 11:01 A, K.ftt-ptemlMir a, lwn. Bon th bound Swith Bowud North Boeud Korth Uouud Dll7 rnlgbl Pally I'M. Datly fua. Dally Freight Arrive ArrlTe teare Leavt a. ml 1 :M p. BlgKa 11:5 OiblMina 11:') Waaco '10:4S a.m! 3:40 p.rm a.m 8:12 p.m a. ml 2:." p.m a.m. 2:4i p.tm a.m! 2::t p.m a mi 2:12 p.llk a.m 2:(W p.m a.m: 1 'M p.m a.m 1:40 p.m a.mj ami 1:00 p.m a.m. M..nr a.m! a.mi li'Aip. a. mi 2:14 o. a.m! T.'K f m Klo'drkel0:z0 a.mi z::tf p. .m Snmmlt :10:2S a.m. V.Vy p. a m 2-M p. a. in, :00 p. m Hav i; JolO:I5 m MrI)o'lii10:12 mi lie M on. 10:00 a.ml :W p. ml More I :? niEriklnvI1 MM mi O'i V'y I :!.', 3:19 p. a.m! 3:44 e. 10:5U 4:iw p. 4.M p. 4:40 p. m1 Bon r bon ml Onthrie m Wilcox m3hanlko 8:40 8:il0 :i0 n:ai p BO. H. MOHr.ER, P. J. HARRIS. . Geo. Hunger. IBuperlntemtent. OREGON SsiGir hum akd mwn ?Atmc I 30j 50 i j " j 901 j I 50 1 ! Vis fv J ti.-n ML H Vrl i I ChlcRRO Bait take Penrer, 4:33 p. lib. Portland Ft, Woriiyjinaha, Srtjfial Kansas City, St. :00 h. m. LouiH,hicayoani via Hunt- East. li.gtoi.. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 8:10 a, m. lixprc: Kt. Worth, Omaltn tctw p. m. Kansas t'tty, Hi. Tia Hr.ut Ix)nis,Cflicatioatid ingtoa JCast. Pf. Punt Walla Walla Iwis- 7:W) a, Ifc't Mail tun.SiHtknne.Miii 6:w p. m. lieapolii, Ht. Paul, T a Diilu.li. &li1uan- Spokane kee,Citicajokat OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE MOM FOUTLAND. t0 p.m. All sniline daten 4.00 p.m. lubject tu change For Shii Francleo b&U every b daya, DotlT Columbia Rlvir 4:Wip. m. Ei.Kuinly ttaaltli. . Kx. buudajr s:U0 a.m. titiirday To Astoria and Wy 10:00 p. in. Lauding. C:0Oa.m. Wlllaaiitt Klror. 4:Wn.m. Ix. ouudaj hi. bi.ujijr Oreijon City. New. berg, anlein, ln,Je penrieuce W.y l.an,lil!gt. 1 5:00 m. Wlllamtei and Yam- S::..m.. Turn., Thur. km kiwi. Uon.. tte.l. audSaw .udtri. Oregon City, Day ton, & Way Wud Ing. .O0. m. Wllllmltl Illver. 4'0n.m.. lues., Tluir. Slim., Wfli. audSal. Portland to Corral- audi'ii li" & Way Land lugs. Lt. Klprl Snak River. !t. Loirinoia 8:!S. m. I Uaiir l)uiiy Rlpari to Lewitttonj 9 a..iu.. SO! V7. 1. Lawrence, Agent,. Siggs, GregoiL BTPi TS3 r?5 C "For ntsyrarn I wan a v!rtfraef Ty-' ppjiDin in its worst form. 1 touiU t;ui Hulking1 but tniiic toaat. and ut times my tttctrntch wouid1 not retain aud dicest even tUuL Last March I bt?p:m taUinij CASlAiiKTS and' since then t have steadily inmrovetl, uuLit lain as well aa ever was iuiry life." Uaijj II. Murxbt, Newark, a I CANOY CATHARTIC rci max vsaanma Good, uvor Sicken. Weaiu.n. or Gripe. H-c. CURE CONSTIPATICN. tlM-ilB Rvwr fepiJ-, lhM, Mewlnstl. Km Mft Tl' fio'-l nl Kiir.rantPcd bf aH drng I X