Warm Spring Warbling?. ' J'ruiii nur rt Kulur mrrn.puiiilrtit, KJitor Jont.VAb Since tlio light attack of Hinnllpox lint ubatod and tlio j'ttlicntH mid their belongings, except perluipn their lungs, have i:ii(1crK'iiio extreme fumigation; I i;iiftn it in wife for nio to ptep in fo your iriH;in:o again for a short talk. Tho government Kiliool closed on Juno 27 with n grand mimical tn tt-rta it) inont that tdiown that the Indian are fapablo of ui'coniplinh inn a musical education in u bliort time. Tli(! employee, or a majority of . thcin, are gone on their vacation to their homt'H and placet) of ainus incnt and pleasure for recreation until September. W. II. Hoc and wife have return ed from their nix montliH trip couth and cant which they declare wan a very enjoyable one; the. coat of name while considerable is not re gretted' J. T. Dizney mid family and Mr. Miller, a Chicago curio hunter have returned from a weekn trip to the He He ground, twenty-five miles from here, all well pleased with re sult. f-'upt. Kirk, Dr. Hates and the hold-over lady employees, spent yentcrday on a fishing excursion and the Matron, Miss liriggs, wan champion fisherman of the outfit, having landed a sbeckled beauty but little smaller than Miss Salter tho kid teacher. A Misa Montgomery in now lo cated hero by the Presbyterian church oh a field matron for the Indiana in their homes, which fills a place- heretofore needed and which was recommended by the fuperintendent, Minn Heel. Hev. Mr. Hpeor, who has rendered valuable service among the Indians here for several years and built up a good church, is soon to leave uh and will be succeeded by I'ev. (iordon, of Ohio. The Yakima Indians came over for the Fourth with a string of horses to take part in the Indian races and if anyone wants to know if they were puoeeHsful just men tion it to Ed Campbell, Charley Pitts or the Wapinitia racehorse men. Mr. Brown, the salmon hatchery man, stopped over hero a couple of days lately and seemed to think the Chetitc creek Was the bctt place for a hatchery he had found. We hope he can locate it hero so us Indians can have a chance at a Kilmon without having to go to a salmon wheel and net combine to oven get to sec a salmon. Hurrah for tho division of Ore gon as wo bunchgrasscrs arc get ting very tired of wehfoot hobbles and something must happen or we will raise a big cry. However give us V. J. Furnish for governor, S. A. Lowell, for U. S. Senator and J. N. Williamson for secretary of state, and we could stand tho weakened hobbles for awhilo long er; although Salem is getting to be n power for it reaches out and in cludes Turner, the Reform school, the Mute school and Chvmawa, and wc don't want her to absorb our coyote country. Ex-CoKNCUACKEB. Howard Happenings. From our regular correspondent. We are having very warm weath er here at present. Mri. Rena Hereford has recover ed from her recent illness, and is now visiting at tho home of Mrs. V. V. Blodgctt. Miss Maggio Boyd left on Mon days' stage for her home near Mitchell. Lenier, the three year old son, of . Mr. and Mrs. Commodore Carroll, was run over by a colt a few days ago, and his fuce was pretty badly bruised up, Nellie Ewing is on tho sick list this week. Miss Ruth Wright is visiting in the Mitchell country. Elgin Parrot and Clark Ewing started for the Deschutes on a fish ing trip a few days ago, Good luck bo with you boys. Si:nki,owkii. jjoro Xooal TIfattor. , Mr. and Mrs. 8, It. Slayton went to Summit Prairie Monday for a plcusuro trip, returning Wednes day. Hon. J. X. Williamson and fami ly are rusticating in the shadowy dells along tho hanks of the Mc Kenzie river. James Elkins came over the mountains from Lebanon last week and is spending- a few weeks with his sons ut this place. Miss Maud Vandcrpool returned Saturday from the Deschutes, where she has taken up a ranch. K. Mesinger camo'down from Marks creek tho first of the week and paid this ollice a pleasant call. William Draper returned Mon day from Portland where he has been in attendance on the grand lodge of the A. 0. U. W. He re ports a very enjoyable time. Born to the wife of Roy Harvey at Powell buttcs, Monday July 22 one of the smallest children ever born in Crook county; mother and child doing nicely, but Roy's disappointment is great because it is not a sheep herder. Miss Georgia Young left Shan iko Monday for a ten days' visit to San Francisco. Miss Young was acrotnpanic 1 by her sister, Mrs. S. W. gotile", of Billings, Mi.ntana. Shaniko Leader. Tho state soldier's home at Roe burg is eo be enlarged, A barracks building 4-fxiS feet with an exten sion in tho rear 18x10 feet in size are to be built. The addition to tho hospital will he 52x72 feet with an annex 10x10, which is to he fit ted up as a modern hospital surg ery, with glazed tile flooring, ce mented and enameled walls and ceiling. The contract price is $15, OriH. Tho capacity of the home will be increased over loO members. Teachers Examination Notice is hereby given tlmt the county superintendent of Crook county will hold tlio regular examina tion of applicant) for state and coun ty papers at Prineville, as follows: FOR STATU PAl'KKS. Commencing Wednesday, August 14, nt nine o'clock a m and continu ing until Saturday August 17, ut four o'clock. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, rending, school law, Thursday Written a"ithnietic, the ory of teaching, grammar, book keep ing, physio, civil guverment. Friday-Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical, geonrupliv. Saturday Hotany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psychology. FOR COUNTY PAPHIiS. Commencing Wednesday, August 14, at nine o'clock a m, and continu ing until Friday August 16, at four o'clock. FIRST, SECOND THIRD GRADE CERTIFICS. Wednesday Penmanship, histoiy, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology, civil government. PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, ortho gnphy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, tie ory of teaching, methods." ' William '3oequ. County School Superintendent ai isscsmrnkwernxsaxasss We are. in Jlen's (M ftA All PwV just n 1.75 4 . THE PLACE TO If you want a thouroughly stylish summer shirt ask to see my SI 25 and $1 50 line. Splendid assortment of patterns, all 3G inches long, generous sizes, cut to fit as' if made to order. I have some dandies at $1 00, too, the kind you have to pay 01.25 for. Also some good every day shirts at 75c which will give good satisfaction. All the shirts in the house are this year's patterns. You need not fear low prices here Quality goes with all my goods. I. MICHELL Hamilton Stables and Redby . Feed Barn. CHRIS- of Underwear. offering some genuine Summer Underwear. Garments that formerly sold for 75 now 50 cents. wool underwear, silk finished, light weight, 1 the thing for the harvest field. Formerly to 2.25, now 1.00 and 1.25. Simpson, Wilson & i SAVE MONEY. Stock hoarded by day, week or month. Fine puddle horses' and livery turnouts. Rates reasonable, Good accommodations. ltemember us when in Prirte- ville, and we guarantee tjiat your patronage will be appreciated and deserved. G0HRS, Proprietor. bargains cents to $1.00 Co. PRINEVJLLE, OKEGCfr. J P. Eelknap. IPiisieian and Suryeon, Office in rear of Adamson, Winnek Co. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. . S3rink. jCitoraey and Counselor et jCaw. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. ffttorney-at.jCaw. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. nysieian and Suryaon. Phone No 2. Residenoe back of th) Photograph Gullery. PRINEVILLE, OREGON. Jf. fiosendery, Uf, D. t SPhjfsiciam and iSuryon. Calls answered promptly day orrnVht, Of fice with Dr, V. Gesner. K evidence Uedby Hotel. PRINEVILLE. " OREGON; jf9 C. Maimer, All busiue-tt promptly and carefully attended to. Collection a specialty. PRINEVILLE, OREGON Jtoat Totareo Sjtit lad Smok Tuar I Ifr Jnay. To quit ttittacuo easily ami forever, hoiiiu? netic, full of life, iiurve ami vigor, take Nn-To Buo, the wouder-worker, that mulio weak man strong. All UruynlsU, 91. Cure guaranteed- liooklet and sum pie free. Addre.ss Sterling Kentedy Co., OUloaco or New Yvik, Dennljr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. Xft lwuuty without it. Cuscaretn, Candy t'atlia tic clean your bloocf and keep it clean, l etirring up the lary liver and driving all im purities from the body, licgin today to uaniult pimples, boils, blotches, blacklnads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking C-ascurets. haiuty for ten cents. All drug gists, saUaiactwa fiuanteeU. lUc,25c.i0b