Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 18, 1901, Image 8

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    Xocal Tsfention,
Will Wuuweiler returned last week
from a business trip to Portlmul.
II. 0. Kibbe ami wile, of Hay creek,
were visitor in our town lust week.
K. H. Barclay, postnl inspector, lias
been transferred from this district to
Albert I. Frye, chief engineer for !
W I the Oregon Irrigation Co., was in from '
Bend, Sunday.
Frank Fulton, of Biggs, was
diluting in our midst last week look
ing after business mutters.
Mr. Tom Smith ami family, are at
listers visiting with Boot, ami Alex.
rhnith. Grass Valley Journal.
T, Y. ll.tuck of Rocky- Foul, Coio
nit), was registered at the Prineville
lust week, lie is a stock buyer.
J. V. Hon was in from Howard
tuturday alter supplies. Mr. Huu is
an old time friend of yo editor.
There are many men in Prineville,
no douot, who are lazy, but there was
a Lasier registered at the Prineville,
last week.
Work on the foundation of the
Muling brick is under way and will
soon be done when the brick work
will go up with a rush.
Bora, at the home of W. F. Elliott,
to the wife of Joe Lister, a eon. Mother
and child doing nicely nud papa Lis
ter was able to get to town Monday.
Miss Ida Friday passed through
here last week enroute home from
Paulina valley, where she has just
completed a very successful term ol
C. E. McDowell win rcpaiiing and
remodelling grain racks last week pre
paring for the hay and grain harvest,
which will be in operation in a short
L. D. Clnypool whs in from the
ranch in Paulina valley last Saturday
and reports the hay crop as beinj a
littlo tight. He will begin work hay
ing this week.
Dr. Cline went over to Willow creek
Sunday to look nt his new purchase
of real estate, consisting of a section
of school land, which makes a nice
little block of 80!) acres in one body
of very good land, the larger part be
ing covered with timber.
Henry Foster and his sister, Mrs.
.7. T. Faulkner of Paulina, Crook
rounty, were in the city this week.
Mr. Foster and Mrs. Faulkner enjoy
the distinction of being children of
the first whito conplo married in
Oregon. Their father Henry roster
crossed the plains with Joe Meak in
1812. Dalles Mountaineer.
C. P. U'Ren is in town having; a
broken collar bone set. Two days
before tho accident, lie had been
worried bv an aggressive insurance
agent into taking out an accident, in
firatice policy and now he will draw
per wek for some time. Nice
tjiing accident insurance, when you
are insured before the accident.
.Vnlclope Republican.
(',. C. Hutchinson was in from the
Deschutes bint week, and reports that
1 lie frosts there this summer did not
do much damage, as from the peculiar
inmospheriis conditions existing in
that altitude light ice has been fro;:en
in a basin of water while tsnler plaits
niong side were not hurt in the leat.
These conditions were found to exist
!so nt C. II. Italy's place rum Bear
Creel: But tea and ut Peter Zell's place
on the Deschutes. I
Knox Huston and wife started Sun
day for the Willamette for a visit with
.elatives and friends.
On August 1 the name of the sta
tion on the Columbia Southern
known as Guthrie will be changed to
Genial Lew McCnlliter,of the Ocho
co mines, started for the desert and
the mountains for an extended oilling
last week.
Ben Oppenheimer, the well known
travelling man, has been spending
the past week in our city interviewing
the business fraternity.
Supervisor Gray has fenced up the
bridge at Xewsom creek, as it is in a
dangerous condition. It will soon be
replaced with a good bridge.
Ed Harbin lias added a completo
turning lathe to his planing plant
and a Barnes foot power iron turning
lathe to his bicyclu repairing plant.
A. L. Mcintosh, of raulinu, passed
through here last Satuiday enroute
from The Dalles, wheio he had been .
to dispose of his wool. He realized
good prices. j
City marshal Prine and family re- j
turned Monday from a two weeks trip
to Benliam Falls and other points of
interests on the Deschutes, having
spent the time very pleasantly. I
Judge J. C. Sumner, an old-time,
resident of this county, died at his res
idence on the North side, Tuesday af-1
ternoon. ile Had been ailing lor a
time and death was nut unexpected.
Obituary next week.
Born, Sunday morning to the wife
of P. B. Doak, a sou. Mother and ;
child doing well and Park is pardon-1
able for stepping a little nigh, for its j
the first boy in tiie famiiy and it
weighs ten pounds. j
A force of men are at work on the
timbers of the Yancey bridge and it!
will soon be framed when it will be
taken from Harbin's lumber yard to
the place where it is to be installed ;
and there placed in position. ,
Champ Smith and wife started j
Sunday for the mountains. They j
will enjoy the cool breezes of the Cas- j
cades for a few days and then go to
Eugene for a visit with relatives. J
While below Champ contemplates ',
visiting Portland and laying iu a ,
supply of liquors.
Before the ink dries on tho paper!
this week, namely sometime Wednes- uj
day, onr efficient county school super- rj
intendent will have taken unt- him
self a partner for life. He gracefully
surrendered to Cupid and we will no
doubt be furnished with full details of
the ceremonies attending the capitu
lation for next issue.
About four o'clock Friday morning
in the Dalles Mrs. J. W. Moore,
mother of Med Moore, died irom heart
failure. She and her husband had
returned the evening previous from
Shaniko, where they had gono to
meet the body of their son. Gi ief and
the shock of h f.t Sf t.'i dciith ftio sup
posed to have been the caine of doatli.
Line of Men'a Linen Suits. Keep
Cool. S3. 50.
Men's Negligee andDreae Shirts.
Ready now. The right things
for the right sums. Our out
ing suits for stylish folks arc
the swcllest ever shown la
town. Prices as low os you'd
expect to pay for the ordinary
kind of clothing, but this is un
usually good.
A big lino of men's summer work
ing ehirto, all colors, 40c.
A fine line
summer hats
of men's and boys'
The latest f anciea.
gj The Latest Styles andColors, 50c
Jones Lever Binder
The Piano Manufacturing Co.
The simplest, strongest, most ellicicnt and lightest
running binder built.
It lias the simplest, surest knntter yet invented
holds the world's record for accuracy in binding.
famous Lever Device increases power just when
ded most.
Its J-atint Fly Whtcl Mores up t-urplus power and freely pnys it out
when needed. Built of the finest steel and iron, a triumph of mechan
ical perfection, you'll find it just the sort of money -saving implement
you need. Costs more to make than others, but it's steeped with hon
est value. Drop in and look it over.
Priiisvills, Oregon.
John Cyrus and wife started Sun
day for a two months outing at the
Soda springs in the Cascade moun
tains. While there ther will
The remains were taken to Corvallij 1 1()r,.,y of ,H 8l,ccntllt wil(, Hck.
and interred Sun day at the same time , ,wrriw 11t , wuMy m u,JllndllI)t
that of her sou were laid to resl. j jn tllat o( tl)e
i,asi cMniruay evening two young
people came to toivn fro n the Hay
stack country and attended the social
dance at Glazes hall. Sunday morn-
j Judge Wills and C. X. Scott started
1 last Sund.iy on a prospecting and
j pleasure trip to the upper part of the
ing the services of city recorder Dell
wore called into repiisiticn and they
were nude one Wnetlni' it wis a
I premeditated m itter we are iii)bfo to
A-1 state, h ie fron t!i3 exprawio-i of their
ham I fnees a they passe 1 this u.7i".e wo aw
Tho party, consisting of C.
Craves purveyor, Jack Harris, Is
mid S. J. Xowsoin as viewers, J. D.I satisfied they are happy. They we. o
"ewsoni and Wm Bradford chainnien, i 0. L. Hinton an 1 ilisi Irene Hale.
i'id Mf .'))ell marker. met on i
county and had proceeded as far as
the grade this side of Meyer & ISrowns
stock ranch when the judge thought
he would pull olf his coat and handed
the lines to Mr. rfcolt when one of the
horse get the line under his anil
n way theywent. Scott jumped out and
tried to stop them, but was immieci'ss
ful and after they got under good
This Space is Reserved, for Ed Harbin's
vcie m
airing Shop.
Manday 12 M. tonic dinner under the ' number of Mrs. Carey s pupils , headway the judge climbed out over
cuniuiry supervision of Win Bradford, ! ?av'' a l"'iv",,; "'bearsal in the parlor , the brake and in doing so fell in such
and were then sworn in erordinT t,, 1 "l tlie i nneville hotel, last Saturday a manner as to weak his aim between
law and forthwi'h p-occeded to! eve"'''g to a few of thoir friends, which the wrist and ellxw. He was brought
commence tho work of viewing, laying ' WIW an e"j"y"'"le treat. The little ! to town Monday night and the (rac
ist and marking a county road, lead- ""8 are "'"king gocxl headway in j t'"'e reduced hy Dr. Jlelknap and is
ing from a point 2- miles west of t!leir stlie and it will not be long ; now doing nicely. This has been a
1'Vank Forrest's to a point of inter- "ntil )'"villi! will ho noted for its bad year on Judges; first it was Judge
f-ction of tho Powell Butte and
l'.iulina wagon road. Thii load will
musical talent. Some of these little j Bradslmw, then Judge Cake and now
tots cannot sit on a piano stool and,'1 is Judge Wills, hut we want it
he of -great benefit to the traveling reacl1 the pedals, and the larger part distinctly understood that no coun-
jiublio. a. J. X cannot reach an octave on '.v the state is going to outdo us
the keyboard. j even iu the matter of crippled Judge.
Ccast Agency Cc.
Pacilic Cuaat Aiteiifs fur
Jewett, Stoles,
l?emii!toa sinl
Cilvcr Typewriters.
Expert KepaSrSng.
Platens and parts for all machines
oliice supplies of every nature. Rubber stamjs and seals a
specialty. Write us. Long distance phone in the office.
264 1-2 Stark St, opposUs Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ckqil
DupHcatinc: goods and