Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 18, 1901, Image 7

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    County Court l'ru:i'cdinj(s.
Thn t ( n It r term of tlio comity
court, for llii' July term Am convened
on Wi'ilnc'iliiy, July !i, 1'JOl, thcro be
ing h (oil I ii 'ii nl iii'HCiit inn! the fol
lowing prori'cdiii' with hud:
In tin) mutter of error in tux roll of
IKIIII In relation to city tuxes of Quong
ilitig ib Co., it in onlered tlmt tliuj
clerk of thin court ci'ilit till! mil of '
IKO'J in the sum of fKI 'ID himI charge,!
llin alicrilf ill tlm hiiiiih Hliiolint on ac- ;
cnitiit of error in aeitinent of 0,uim
lliug Co.
In tli mutter of petition of I). F.
Furr, lelmteof tuxes; it iaorjltired that
the clerk il rn w a warrant in fiivor of
J). V. Kurr in tlio mini of $1 47 ' rii-
llllIC Oil tllXCS.
In the mutter of llin viewer of the
(!. W. Jones i't ill roml, ii!irt of view
Hi rend iinil nol'i'iiveil Hint nrdeted
thnt the mini! bo h public highway;
mid thul tli clerk furnish tlio super-
vtNiiru tint, of tit-liliouera.
lot iiuunr ol of O.C.
1I..U el ul for county mud, or.lcr
il it thn same, be. diitiiissul for th" of it delect in tlm deneripl ion ;
unil defect in proof of iiihlicnlion. I
In the mutter of report of viewers ;
of the Chmlotlfl lliiiiint rmid, report '
lend mid npprovd uiitl Mnd ordered .
opened iiml clerk ordered to furiiiuli In the mntfr of clitim of II. P.
mipervimir lint of peiitiiinerH. Juhtiton for viewing roiid. It njipeiir-
ln mutter (d riinjjliil iiMwinpitt jn to the court from the record tint
of K. A. l'.mell, ordeinl thnt the cb-rk ; the vieivern were nut notified to up
envlit tlm iiheiiir on the roll of lOuO pcur July 21 lU'H), lliem could be no
in thu mm of tj 1 1 "2 wmoglul umeei- lejjul uwnt-ing, but the time w.m ri:t
liienlol K. A. I'"! II. j lor Sept. 22 mid thfl record dliow
In the mutter of wrongful ine"!-1 tlmt nil tiilU luivo been paid on uc
nient of G. W, Wiley, ordered that the ! count of mi id review.
iherilT lie siiiliied on the roll of lOOOj In the nuitti'r of error in M'tllement
in the linn of if.) I 40 kk lei Mllliluvit
on lile.
In tho mutter of wrongful r"j
incut of A. (J. l'lilmur, oiilered tlmt j
the ulieiill' he, credited on roll of 18'J0 .
in the buiii of $1 b'-'i at per ntliduvit un
In the mutter of wrongful hhck-
nienlof J. A. Jlollitt, ordered Hint lli't)lH1 ,1U r(J, j p.ction
nherilT Ui crmlited on tho roll of l'JOl) j (ln(, t,)e KKr,Kiao r,.,.eiv(d to be 28l
in the mini of $') 00 m per olliduvit on 1 41 Hn, lhnt lhn mmv ))llH t,lrll(.j
hie. in to tho treiiHiirer nnd a reciept tiled
lit tho mutter of wrongful '" iih the clerk. 8nid liionev wnk ro-
ineiilol Williiim MnrlcH, ordered Unit
IhoihcrilT 1x3 credited on tho roll of
l'JOO in tho 11110 of If8 25 R rcr
davit on tile.
Ill tho matter of wrongful hmcm.
incut of A. (
. . i . .i .1.1...:
ivioiwc, oruercci hiiiii
tho aherill' lie credited
.... !. -..II ..
I'll mr iiii :
l'JOO in tho of :i 75 per ..Hi- J
dTZ'im,tter of wrongful nfmj
nient of I.M. Hitlilwin, ordered tlmt
tho ahciirt" be credited on roll of lifOl)
in tho mini of $8 31 per uilidavil on
In the matter of wrongful BHuei's-
mcutof M. C. Nye, ordered that the
gheritf be credited on roll of l'JOO in
the duiii of $30 50 aa pur nlliduvit on
Court here adjourned until Friday
ot'Jo clock, a. m.
Court met purmiant to Adjourn
ment the full board being prevent.
In matter of petition of Krnnk For
t et al for a county rood, John la
limn, Juck II ii nil mid Hitmiiel New
oom aipointed viowora and C. A.
Graves surveyor to meet at place of
beginning on July 15, and view cuid
In tho matter of wrongful aHcs
nient of J. N. Teal, ordered that the
palo of the KEJ SKJ of aec. 21, tp. 9 t,
r. 14 e, lie canceled for the reason that
the property at tho time of nsscHsmont
was the property of the B. 8. 4 L. Co.
and they wore axacxHcd for tho hind
and have paid taxea on tmme for 1807.
In tho matter of CHiicclhttion of cer
tificates numhei'g 141, 101), 177 and
180, ordored that said ccrtilicatea be
and hereby cancelled for tho reason
that ut the time of the ns.ieHEiiient the
land Hold was tho property of the B. 8.
t L. Co. and that it was assessed for
and paid the taxes on sunie for the
years lor which they were assessed.
In tho matter of the payment of!
labor on Kobinson road, ordered thnt I
the clerk draw a warrant on the road
fund in the sum of $150, to be expend-
ed in opening the said Robinson rond
warrant to be payable to W. C. Wills,
and to be ined in payment of labor on
said roud and that said W. C. Wills
return vouchers for the money paid
out to this court fur liuul exutuinu-
In tlio mutter of settlement with
tlni sherih" for roll of IK!Mt, ordered tlmt
tlio ithiu ill' Iiij credited on the roll of
IHDi'l in tin! mini of $8 4H, leaving bal
anee of $502 99 yet uncollected.
Bame, for the year lh!7. There be
lug nothing collected on wiid roll.
Hume for tlni your 1899, ordered
tlmt tlio "hcrilf lie credited on th
roll of 1809 in the mini of f 1877 07
I leaving it bitbineu of 91020 20 uncol
lected iinil credited with if 11 4-1 on the
sheriffs iiKHiwNiii!iit mid $39 411 uh
wrongful assessment on thu regular
Hmiie, for the yonr 1000, ordered
; that, tlni sbetili' be credited mi the ro
iof 1000 with the sum of $21022 41 an
1 on the shcriH's iimhi bhuicii t in thu hiiiii
I of If 1 15 72 mid n wrongful nsMi-Hstnuul.
I17 01 nun be el i urged with thn hul
i linen on tin) regular roll uncollected
til Uin mini ol m in.VZ .
Hit mn (or tlio year 1808, ordered
tlmt the flirt ill' be credited on the roll
1,1 ,l;e "'""' 48 leaving
hlunc,ii ol fOl 1 77 uncollected.
In the mutter of attachment of new
warrants t t ho rolU of la'JO, 1897
1 K'JH Hint 1000, ordered tlmt thu clerk
iiltiich new warrants leturnublo in
ixty dityM from the 10th" day wf 'July
with the nhen l on roll ol 1800, or'leri'il
tlmt tho (iherilV bo credited on roll of
180!) in the mini ol 1(1 10 error in Jim.
term 1001
aetllvilililt Oil re but e Oil
The court having examined the
certilieil atiitenient of thn nheriiT of
nioniea collected from other ource
ceived between Jun 1 and July 1 l'JOl.
In tho mutter of cinifimiition of tux
anlo, ordered thnt tho ule of probity
1ini..itiif(.m matin tinntt nTei'titiiiMM in.
,,:.,,. r .,l
, .
, , . , a .
hiiri'tufiir.i tuon n in II lllUHt Id fit IllIN
ml omAmeA Jllly 8 m,
The following bill, being printed
, '
that the following mimed persons be
allowed the sums set opposite their
respective names and tho clerk is or
dered to draw warrants for same:
Glass & rriidhouiiiip, road...
blanks 80
F M Mitchell, teachers ex. . . . 9 00
W C Wills cash for cleaning
courthouse 1 50
P B roitidexter meiili and
beds far jury 20 75
M L Chnmberlain list of lands 8 30
Bill B union, witness fees 9 00
J A Gibfion
K W Nelson
W II l'mt
Joseph l'ost
John Hoil'man
J II Kelly
A J Gibson
J W Winter
Lewella Winter
Koscoc Knox
Geo Knox
9 40
7 00
5 70
7 00
7 60
II E Kanucll
John Fryroar
L V "Jailey
Manila Linton
Mabel Dunn
C P mien
Geo Taylor
W T E Wilson
U D Allison
Alex Smith
Mrs John Cobb
II W Cuilin
E L Johnson
3 80
11 4o
11 20
11 40
9 40
11 40
Mrs 8 E Taylor
W N Cobb
11 K Stuart
T W Briggs
Elmer Clark
W F Fryrear
Ettie Fryreur
J W Howard
s J Newsom
q W Gibson
B Kmx
10 60
10 50
15 60
age Lies,
Leave .Shaniko, 6 p. in.
Leave Princvillol p.m.
First class accommodations
for the traveling public.
Marnson & Winnek Co., Agents.
City ZBarher Shop.
(Powell Cyrus,
Jot and Cold Cftaths.
II 3 KeUuy , " .... 75 60
llllilyieit " .... 10
JohnHilyieu ' " .... 10
C II Grain ' ... H 60
K M Thompson ' .... 20
Jerry Cochuin " .... 26
Win Walker " .... 20
P O Ryniiiug " .... 17
DellEads " .... 17
8 J Everett " .... 2
Mrs E M limner ' . .. 31 40
8J Newsom " .... 2
" " .... diwil'w
PL Timer " .... 10
Win Davidson " .... 17
MJWilt " .... 2
DSchafer " .... 9 20
I) Scott " .... 14
J A Little ' " .... 16 40
II C Hooper " .... 15
Willis KoU-rts " .... 33
JohnDodling " .... 33
J W Robinson " .... 29
Frank Whitney .... 29
EdMullarkey " .... 33 15!
Win Good " .... 45
Clins Hamilton " .... 32
C F Hamilton " .... 22
TSChilders " .... 22
JW Jamison " .... 30
John Creegmi " .... 32
Thron Thronson " .... 29 00
D MeCarty .' .... 19
J II Rodeuhiser " .... 23 50
F Wurnock " .... 0
MrsDellEuds " .... 17
F Bruner " .... 4
I W Sampson " .... 47
C A Graves " .... 50
E L Bradford " .... 10
C A Graves " .... 6 20
T J Ferguson, juror's fees. ... 21
A Fogle " .... 21
jl) DGillenwater .... 9
H Grimes " .... 2120
S J Clemens " .... 30
B F Jones " .... 14 CO
R A Merchant " .... 7
JJJMemlt " .... 22 40
(Continued next week.)
How Thoy Boro For Oil.
A derrick in. uhuhIIv built to a
height of 75 feet, strongly and sub
stantially constructed of heavy
timbers, and there are 17 tons of
miscellaneous machinery in ad
dition to that goon to make tip the
plant, including a 35 horse power
boiler and 23 horse power engine.
The modus operandi of drilling
will be of special interest at this
time. Under the derrick is the
bull wheel and windlass, and so
completely reduced to a system is
the drilling xwm thiU wvc,r
Arrive Tririeville, 6 a. m.
Arrive Shaniko, 1 a. m.
f. Cornett, Manager.
; i
skilled bands handle the machin
ery with apparent ease. The work
of digging for oil is begun by
"spudding in" as the technical1
term goes. A steel bit, weighing I
nearly 1000 pounds and seven feet I
long is raised several feet by the j
engine and dropped. This goes on I
rapidly, the driller turning the j
moving drill with his hands. The!
bit is susjiended from a solid steel!
stem thirty feet long and this from
a manila cable reaching through
ihe pulley at the top of the derrick.
After the drilling is Btarted the
walking beam is hooked on and
different kinds of bits are used. A
suction pump lifts the" sand and
water out of the woll and will lift
a ton at once to begin with. It
would be impossible to handle a
metal rod 1000 feet long with a bit
on it, and a cleverly contrived two
piece bit or d-ill is operated at
this depth on the end of a great
manila cable or rope,
A pulley fastened on the top of
the derrick affords means of hand
ling the long stems and pieces of
casing which g into the ground.
Thee sectisns of steel casing are
forced down the well as it is dug
for the purpose of keeping out
sand and water. The first sections
are sent down the well by thofe
driven on top of them, and as in
creased depth is reached and smal
ler drills used, the smaller casings
are put through the larger. The
steel casing in a deep will is the
most extensive part of the plant.
The rapidity with which a well
may lie driven is regulated by the
formation encountered. A com
paratively general estimate has
it thst 1000 feet depth should be
reached inside of two months' dril
ling, barring mishaps to machinery
which sometimes occur.
The 'spudding in" is begun with
a 14 inch drill, which it is expected
t) run until a depth of 500 feet is
reached and the water shut out.
Then the tizo of the casing is re
duced to nine and five-eighths in-1
dies and afterward as depth in-;
creases the casing is reduced to 7-J
and then to 5) inches, which is the!
smallest bit ur-ed, nnd then only;
in cae a depth of 2500 feet on
more is required. Ex. I
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i. ( fi H
mm fi
CclumToIa SouttLoxn
Kfcclive 12:01 A. M.. 8-ptember ,
LeeTe Lti
i i i i i
1:30 .mi 1:34 p.m Wren 11 :M .tn! 3:40 j m
:0 .ra;,niblKnJliii .in t:Vl p.m
:: n.mi 2:14, Wucn ln:45 2:' p.ra
I :l.i .n T.n Klo'dvkclO:: run 2:4p.m
I :6i h.m 2:33 p.m Kumiiiit 10:24 a.m 2::'. p.m
1 5:1 a. or 2:4- p.m Hav : J10:15 a in! 2:12 p.m
I t:Vl a m 2:4 p.nj Me'Dn'ldi 10:11 a.m! 2:00 p.m
:28 a. in: r,:ii p.m. L'eMom 10:(i0 a.m: l:.i2 p.ra
' ft:u0 a.rn 3:i! p.mi Moro ( 9:. a.mi 1:40 p.m
i i J:10 p.m Ernkinvl : a.m:
! 10:40 a.m 8:44 p.m; C'i V'r ' 9:U, a.m 1:00 p.m
I 4:wi p.m P.rmrbon
a:V. a.m:..
4.2H p.m; ontnne
4:40 p.m Wilcox
I f:-jIi p.TnhJvuiito
8:40 n.iii
: a. mi -
8.11 I. Ill;
Oen. Manager.
amd union Pacific
& !
n i fell pl fMy(wAT&
I Awfl1r
1 r" PortlanC, Or. I i
rtitcano Salt Lake, PenrerJ 4:3p.m.
Purilaud Ft. Worih.Omaha,)
Special Kansax City, at.
1:00 a. m. Louia,Chtcayoand
via Hunt- Kant.
lugtou. I
Atlantic Salt take, Denver, 8:40 a.m.
KspKKS ft. Worth, Omaha,
9 :Oo p. Vj. Kama City, St.
via IIc'jV Louia,CiiieaQaud
ingtou KasL
St. Pml Walla Walla I-ewtv 7:00 a. a.
Fast Mall ton.Spokane.Miu
S:iiO p. m. neapolil, St. Pnm,
Tl Ilnliith. ililwan-
Spokane kee,l'hicai;o.l:Kat
Itflp.K. All nailing date 4.00 p.m.
aubjvel to change
For San Frandwo
bail every 6 days.
Dally Columbia Ulnar 4-oop. m.
Ii.hiiuday itaamera. Ki. Suuday
S:0o ti. m.
Faturdar To Aitorla and Way
10:00 p. in. Laudinga.
(:00a.m. wlllamattt Rlnr. 4:30p.m.
tl. buuua; t. buliday
Oreron City, New
berit, Salem, Iioie
pemlence di Way
7:00 a. m. WlllanVte and Yam- ':.' p. m.
Tups.. Thur. bill Sltart. Mm.. Weil,
and Sak aud t'li.
Oreaon city, Day
Ion, A Way Land
ing. S:00a. m. Wlllamitlt River. 4-30 p.m.
Tuet., Thur. Won., Wl.
aud Sau Portland to Corral.i and Fri.
li it Way l..iii,l.
IngK j
l.T. Klparia Snaka Rlvar. Lr. I miston
StiKa-m. l'iiy
Daily Rlparia lo U'iton 9 a. Ul.
W. T. Lawrence, Agent,
Biggs, Oregon.
If yon bnvcu't ii rcnolar, licalthy movouien of th
bowiiUevury day, you're tick, or will bt. Kuoi your
bo-rla Oivjii, und bv well. Force, In the Klnii.tor
Tlolcnt pliyslc w iill xismi. it, duniie.ous. it4
intKilhcst. eublesU luost iH!rfucl way ui kjiyiu
tiiaci uarh ncoiatinro
P!tAnl. pMtble. tNueuVTimtf Good. FeOtM,
HoTLTSinkoM. Weoon.fUric. lie, iiM! Wrim
Inr fruoKamiilo. A lid booklet Oil hvr-'th- i-Urci
lUHIaf Urmr4j l'wpu, tkaCOa llrMl, Nf tk. 222