Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 18, 1901, Image 6

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    Mitchell Wagons
tfZ Hacks
Racine Energies and
j Mens' and Hoys' Clothing.
n i imvo received a nne mie nt mens aim nv cmtn
if 'n8 H" t'l't we Hr j1Hux Ht exctptiuimlly low p,iccn
j5 III Men's Suits
'UVB H""r,,,l,n Rothschild v. CoV
fp:oila in nil styles hiii! itt half the price of l.ulur uiuilr
suits. Perfect Fit Guaranteed.
:& 111 Boy's Suits
We have all-wool clay worsted suits which are the boat
A'V values ever brought lJ Prineville.
S :
0. L. Salomon.
The Rod Corner IVim-viHe, Oregon
General Merchandise.
Staple ami Fancy Groceries.
Paints and Oils.
Windows and Doors.
Wool sacks and Twine.
Hardware and Stoves.
ell lou'Oli, so thai it will lilliuu ll i '.
tn mir nllorings lA,'i
In Ladies' Fine Slides
V curry a full linnof llio V, Meyer Si Co., bolb in llm
welt mill hand tumid kids mi l patent li'iitliur, '
Infants' ami Childrens' 0
lit d Klines, I iron i) Klines, IMue Khocs Infnet all colors, L M
I. ulli spring; hi'l and slip lii'i'l jf. ',
Goncral lilacksmilhing and Wagon
n At
ivcpiuriiig, I
Dressy Apparel for Ladies. m
Wo cnuM iximiiiiip lit ureal length upon tlin superiority jj
nf mir Skirt", Jackets nml Owls, iiihIhiIih ii volume upon '' J
r I I . . ll'
the hiii pussiug inn ll rf hi niir nn rufui n. nut mcsii p .ini uie
War's Destruction of Horsos.
About 250,000 horses and mules
have been purchased by the Brit
ish government in the southwest
ernpart of the United States for
use in the Transvaal during the
war agaiust the Doer?. Traders
who have dealt with the English
army officers who have been 6ent
to this country for the purpose de
clare that the cot to England per
span of mules delivered in South
Africa is more than ?400. The
British arc still in the mood for
good animals.
When it is considered that they
have purchased a quarter of a
million of mules in this part of the
U. S. Laud OSes, The Dalles, Or.,
June lli, Hut.
Notice is hereby eiven that Th jinaa Arnold
uf Sisters Crvvk Co. Oregon linn filed hi.
notice of intention to make final proof on
his desert-land claim No. '62, for K1. SEl,'
Sec. 2, WJ SWJ Sec. 1 T. 10 S R, 10 E.,
W. St. before J. J. Smith County Clerk, it
Prineville, Ore. on the 1st dy of Ann. I'M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his complete irrigation and reclamation uf,
said land:
William F. Frvrear, Marsh C, Aubrey,
Edward L. Monroe, George McCalliater, all
of Sisters, Onou.
In the Circuit Court for the state of Oiegon
world alone, the question is asked, '
"What has become of them?"
The average life of a horse in
South Africa is about nine days.
To AHce MinUer, the alwve named defend
ant. t In tbft nma of Ilia .lit. ,.f n.A..n. V....
Soon after the outbreak of hostili- j ,re hertuy re,iuir,d ,nJ 4njwer Uie
ties against the Crown a good, complaint filed a;ainiit you in the Jniveen-
fiturdv animal would live through I titIed "" or M"n ""
" , , . , day of June, A. V., I'M; and if you fail to
two weeks service as the bearer ' r fr wallt l)Mwft thf plintitf ,
of an English Cavalryman. His I ply to the curt for the relief demanded in
life has now been shortened be- j MiJ """"i'1'"". twit: decre. dianoivinj the
., - , , . . bond. of uiatrimony heretofore exi.tinir be-
tause the fields are bare of grass tWMn lhe l!ajntilI 8n( MmUnt hm
and when the Cavalrymen gets a ! and thai the custody of Arthur Minkler and
new mount he rides until it is i Kuby Minklur minom, i awarded to plain-
I tiff
weakened by starvation and then a The cIate o( thlsfint pu,jIicati,m nf tIlilum.
Lullet ends its life. Ex. ! won. is May IS, ISOl, and ia published in
. j the Crook County .luiirnal by order of Hon.
Season for Deer. " 'jraiNhw, J nd' of the Seventh Jnilic
" IIW 7?d(e.
Tho following wool rates for the
present season, taking effect at once
have been established:
Wool coin pressed in bales, car
loads, minimum weight "4,U00,
from Slianiko to New York, Chi
cago, Boston, Hartford, Philadel
phia, Baltimore, and points there
with, ?1.40, per UK), pounds.
Wool in sacks, or bales, any
quanity, from Slianiko to The
Dalles, 30, cents per 100 pounds.
Wool in sacks, any quanity,
from all stations on the Columbia
Southern Railway to Slianiko L
cents per 100 pounds.
C. E. Lvtle, G. F. A.
Pullman Ordinary Sleeperi.
The tourist trnrol between the cant and
the Pacific count haa reached eniruioua
proportions in the last few years, and
culls lor a special thua uf equipment. To
meet thia demand the I'ullmaii Co. li.u
issued from its .hops what It technically
calls the "Pullman Ordirary Sleeper."
Theae cars appear similar to the reijiiliir
altuper, being built on the same plan,
but not furi.ished with the same elegance
They are equipped with nisi Hemes,
blankets, sheen, pillows, pillow ciuies,
towels, combs, brushes, etc., reiuiniij
nothinyof the kiod to be furnished by
the pnssenner. Each car has a stove for
making coilee and tea and duinn "liuhl
housekeeping," and each section can Ije
lilted.with an adjustable tai.le. A mil
The open season for deer com-: oren, this Kith day of March, liioi
ial District of Oregon, and done at The Dalies ! '""e,l P"r'er accompanies each car. In
Eiences July loth and ends No
vember 1st.- It is unlawful ior any
person to take, capture, destroy or
kill in any open season more than
five deer. Any person who law
fully kills five deer can make an
fli,i.i,.;t l,f,..u .,.. ;..i:...ju.
- 1 t pnfltlpil "orv-o v ol "
A. C. Pai.ker,
Attorney for PhiintiiT.
One of the most helpful books on
nerve weakness ever issued is that ! c1"", i;d the one in the "Atlantic Ex-
otisitieiM neio( to make up herths, keep
the car clean, aim look after the comforts
and wants i.f the passengers. In each of
the trains which are dispatched (ailv
from Portland by the 0. It. V. C. . is
to be found one nf these "Pullman Or
dinary .Sleejiers." The car is attached
to the ''Chicago-Portland Special'1
which (foes through to Chicago without
Carnival Ballots
Apprpciatins; tlit1 prcat work cf our common school educators
ami (Icsirim; to tlcmoiistrato tliat iipprcciatinii, wo have tlr
ciiltnl toollcr in connect ion with thin paper u fitting tetinioiital
of worth to the most popular teacher in this county.
balloting may bo.u'in at any lime after the publication of thin
isMieof the Journal and will continue until 8 o'clock p.m. Sep
tember 30, after which time no ballots will le accepted.
The rules governing the contest will be n follows: All paid-in-advance
subscribers to the Journal will be entitled to re
ceive at the time of paying their subscription a printed coupon
or ballot worth votes, which will have blanks wherein to
write the name of the teacher voted for. Kvery issue of the
Journal during the life of the contest will containa coupon ;ool
for three votes, Ko free samples of the Journal will bedis
tributed during the life of this contest and no clubbing offer w ill
be accepted where ballots are given out.
All persons voted for MUST be Crook county teachers nml
so accepted by th county school superintendent, and must now
be engaged in teaching in this county, or have taught in thU
county curing ti.e past eighteen months, and must not have
lost their residence in the county, i. e. they must not have re
moved irom the county to remain permanently.
The right to modify these rules at any time is reserved.
1,0000 r,I,.,f ov. .,.! ...M
, , ', , 1 j Niwver, of San Francisco,
t vm f Il,..n .11 x- in '
by Dr.
now in
This work of
.iv.t lw, I. ,... ,1,...' 1 .1
uit, -"".ianexllL.ri,1K.eJanJrq)Uta,,e J
the state game warden,
for the hide of each deer, not ex-
sician is in agreeable contrast to
the vast sum of Llsc
press tuns to Kansas City without
chaiite. Passengers in this car for Chi
cago change to a similar car at Granger.
Much of tl.e lirst ci:u travel is being
earried in tt'ese cars, tiie rates being
lower, and the service being iiearlyeijual
to that in the palace sleepers.
F"r rates and full information, in.
ceedins five in all. One of these ,., '.. .1 '""lnn foirtyrs write to A. L. Craiir, 0.
, . , , , . wiiicn prevails on tni3 interesting r. . , O. It. K. Cu. Portland, (he,
taus Mian ne sect reiv iasieneu Willi t i tj. i i . n
, , subject. It abounds in carefully
wire 10 eacn uecr sxm, anu the
owner is then entitled to offer such
deer skin lor sale, exchange or
transjrortation to any point within
the siate. The punishment for
violation of any of the provisions
J the act is by a fine of not le.
than $25 and not more than $500,
The Pri
Best For the Bowels.
No matter hut ails you, lieridnelie
to a cancer, you will never get well
votir bowels arc put right.
considered and practical advice,
and has the two great merits of
wisdom and sincerity.
It is indorsed by both the relig- ti.
fiirs ji nil K.'-enliir iiriu Tlo f 'h ionm. . .
1 " UAMCAKLIB he o nuture. cure von
j Advance says: "A perusal of the i without a gripe or pain, produce eauy
i book and the application of its natural movement, cost you just 10
! tin'nrin'ps will r.nt. 1ip:iIUi Vint. I poilI. o.i r.Aiti,, im.,. Iw.1iV.
together itli the costs of prosecu-1 um, h,.irt int thousands of lives! back. CASCABETS Catuly Cutlmr-
or . y imprisonment in the ,,mt are now Hufferi tlimu,h I tic, the genuine, pnt up in metal
boxes, every tablet 1ms C. C. C,
stamped on it. Bewarnol imitations,
, t l.. .i iw,
viioihv u i iui inn. less ma n ou nor i
more than 120 days, or by both I T,,e bwk is ma; m
such tine and imprisonment. Expa;j '
- One of the mot intorestm"
tor sale. A. C. Palmer. , . , ...
chapters chapter xx, on ?ierv,ncs
and Nerve Tonics has been print
Lieu land
Eincnta Tour Bowels With Casearets.
Cunrty CaMiartle, oure constipation loiove' 1! CJ.C.O.Jau,drLiuniiretLoilniouoy.
55. F. Moody has a representive now
Land office at The Dalles, Oregon 1 -"! separately as a sample chapter, j t Klunikn to look after the needs of his
ulys.looi. ' and will be sent to an v address for I (C"in5! 'I shippinj; enstomera.
Notice is hereby !;iven that tlw followi:,. ,..., , ., i.,-,' . ...... . lbs agent is nrenared to advance freiohr,
ruling ir liii; u in ir-nri n, illl-. 1 A-1 11 "
I in cusioiuers, receive ana lorwnra wools
I and to give personal attention to receiv
ing and forwarding merchandise of any
description to his care.
named settle have tileil notice nf intention
t.' final proof oil their respective claims ! ('IFIC l'a- 0"-i B"X 2i)5i, Sllll Frall
I efore 3. J. Sioitk -J-n.i.ty Clerk, at I'rine- ci.-CO. ill lihlin sealed envelove.
Fii.lay, Auit. Hi. 11101. !
ilia, Crc"ou
iTohnson of Prineville, Oregon,
47 for the HK N'W-.,. sVg
Sec, iii. T,.. 14 S, U 17 E.
Jui es E.
h. K. X
w. a.
Witnesses: Charles Cram, William Smith,
J. H. Ikiiie.s, H. P. Evans, of Prineville Ore
. Jav P., Lesi.ter.
Educate Tonr I'-owel. Willi Cuaciirets.
fm!y rnthur'lr, cure const Ipat Ion forever,
lOc.HSc. 11 C.C.C.ial.drureisuiretuudBioiiej,
now Are Ycnr ICIdner. I
Dr. nobbs'Searnfiul'IMscnrenU ki.lnny 111. Ram.
uelree. Atld. buirll-u Ucuicco Ui.,Cai(Hu.wu t
To Cure Coastiviai.on Foraver.
Don't Tobareo Spit awl Smoko Tiair l ire liny.
To quit tohau-" easily nml forever, lie tna
eelic. lull lif. ( nerve uutl viifor, take No To
lir.e. tiio woniliii-woricr, Lhut uiukex weal, cies
stronf. All Uraegists, 40c or II. Cure ifiiai'sn
Two prizes will be given; one for the most popular teacher,
and the other as a consolation prize will bo given to the one re
ceiving the second largest number of badots.
The first prize will consist of a fine gold watch, any standard
make, with lo jeweled movement ami warranted for -I) year-:
the same guaranteed by a local dealer. TliccajnHoktion'prizo
will be a 4x" camera of standard make, I'oth of these prizes
will be bought in I'rineville and be strictly lirst class articles,
They will soon be on exhibition so that every one can tee just
what they arc.
Distribution of these articles will take place on October 1,
or as soon thereafter as the votes can be counted, Three prom
inent gentlemen of Crook county will be asked to help count
the ballots,
Ediicztional - Contest Ballot.
My choice for the most popular school teacher in Crook
count v is
Take Chiscarets Candy Cathartic, loo orfflc. ""d 1'ookl.t nl sample free. AuVmss
it C C. C. lull to cure, drustuits refund moaej. (sterling Kemwly t. Clileugo or New Verlc.
This ballot must be in the Journal official ballot box on
l,..f.... 1...- .m 11111 t . .i i . ii .
i ic.uic inpicinuci ou, ijui, iuioii ior inree voies.