Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1901)
Will Innpoot the Uupor Oolurnbli , Knnwiiliitivo Moody informi' ! llio Cliriiiiiclo, tlmt ftllliouiih lie wiih mod uiixioiiH to liavc the eon i;ri KKioiiul riverH unci lmrliorn com luiLti'i) vinit tlio Ujpiit Columbia nl llio tiiii (if tlmir vinit to Port iniiil a tniich more mtkUwUny nr r:iii;i'iiii'iit Iiiih liccn Hindu ami one tlmt will n'lvn lli" committee all tin! tiniii iicfi'SHiiry to hiKjicct nil tin) river oli.nictioiiH in which the i(inil( of llio Inlanil Knipiro tiro I'Mjiceiuily intcreHti'il. Mr. Moody w,n in tlio coiniuny cf the com iiiittwi all tin; timo they wpm in in the Mute, nml In! Iiuh tin' Holcmn liromim; of ('liiiirmun linrton tliat tin; party will incprct tlio Uppnr Colninliia from Lifwinton to tlie mouth of tin! Willntiiolte, lcuvinK Hertltlii alimit the 21th for Li win ton and arriving in The Dalle (lllOIlt till! ii'llll. Tim intention in, if ponnililc, to make the whole trip from Iewic toii to Celilo ly boat and to have tlio Idaho deli-nation accompany tlm committifo all of thin dintanec. At Celilo a train will be in rcidi- iickh to bring the I'oniinittce on to The I'allex, where they be enter tained bv the citv. Here the com mittee will be met by their lady frieiuN, who will lie brought here by boat from Portland. Captain LmiKford, who in in charge of the improvement of the Columbia river, will accompany the party as will nlao KepreHc ntative Moody who expcctH to join them cither at Spokane or LcwiKton. Chairman lUirton d'Hiired Mr. Moody that he would wire him as noon iih the jmrty returned to Seattle from Al-ii'-ka and tfivo tlie exact date when the party tiiiht be expected to reach Lewinton. Dalles Chronicle. Oo'inty T'wwor'a Notice. Notice in hurdiy pven tlmt all Crook fciiiiity wiirrmitH reteri-d after Oct. 10, l'JOO, to nml iiicloilim; warraiit re(5iiirl No. DIM, April 21 l'J'll, will Ih.' I 'it i' I on prcKcntntloo to the trcimircr of mid County. Inter cut will i'cmn from dalAof thin notice. J. X, I'oisiiKXTKK, County Tmuurur. Hy Will urzueiii-r, Deputy. 1'ri.ieville, July 1, 11)01. - TH2 UOlioCucURK An Ingenious Troatmont by which Drunl-ardn aro Cured Daily in Spile of Thomaolveu. It in now generally known and mi- (U'lKlmxl that Unlu tclini Hi' ia ll (c:im' nml not i-iikuePM. A IhmIv lilleil with poimm and mtrvcH completely ulniltereil liy )K-rii iico I or cniiMmii un oi intox iciiuiiK liiioi'K, reijiiircii an antidote nimUi of iieiilniliing and erudicul iii( (hit poiMon, and uViroyiti tlie ci living for intoxiciititx. KiiU'crcrx limy now cure tlicniKclvcM nt Iioiiih witlioiii puljlii'ity or limn o( time from bnni )) hv thin wonderful "IIOMi; (iOLl) ClJKK'which has lieen perfected after many ymim of close xtndy mid treat incut of inebriate. Tlie fnilhful use HOCordiiiK to directi.iiiM of tliis won derlul discovery in pofilivcly uunriiu leed to cure the moxt olxtuiate caxe, no nuitter how hard n drinker. Oiu reeordn uliow the nniiveloiiK trunuform nliou of thoiiHMinlrt of Drunkards into sober. ind'ilrious and upright inen. vi v kh eviu vock hckhaxds CHII.DKKX Cl.'KK YOUR FA- TUF.kS! I Thin reiucdv i in no conne a nimtrnni hut is a npeciliu for tlii liMtiiHH only, Hint ih bo Bkillfully d vicd iiud prepared that it in thorough' ly Holuhlc iul pleiiHiint to the tiiHte, so that it can he given in a cop of tea or colTee without the knowledge of thf pcrxon taking it. ilioiiMimU of drunk iiidn hnvo cured themselvon with this pricelest remedy, and hh many more have been cured and nuido temperate men liy having the euro mlminiHlereil by lining fricmU and relatives with out their knowledge in tea or coll'ee, and believe today that they discon tinued drinking of their o'vn dee will DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and impending "improve ment. The 1IOMI2 GOLD CL'KK in cold nt"the extremely low price of One Dollar, thin placing within reach of everybody a treatment more etroctmil than othru costing $25 to ;(). Full lirectiiinii cace.inipany each package. Hpecial iidvieo by skilled physicians when ric?tcrl without extra charge Kent prepaid to any par', of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. K 4H,r) KDWIX It. GILKS A t'O. 2::;iU mid 2ii32 JUrket St. Phila delphia. All conc.-ponJi.'nco strictly confi dcntiiil. ' i 5r I -'l t ,K',7i-x6- W. THE PLAGE TO SAVE MONEY. Gary House Bar. Henderson & Pollard, Proprietors. . Film WSHBS, LIQUORS, MAIN STItEET. PIUNEVILLE, OREGOS SHIRTS. If you want a thoroughly Btylish summer whirt ask to sec my $1.25 and $1 50 line. Splendid assortment of patterns, all M inches long, generous sizes, cut to fit as if made to order. I have some dandies at $1 00, too, the k i rid you have 1o pay 1 .2. for. Also some good every dny shirts at 75c which will give good satisfaction. All the shirts in the house arc this year's patterns. You need not fear low prices here Quality goes with all my goods. I. MICHELL. fa'tei Sfa'eles and Geffly Feed Barn.1 r-'toek boarded by 'day-, -week or month. Fino saddle horsea and livery turnouts. Katcn reasonable, (.mod accommodations. Kcmcmbcr us when in Princ ville, and we guarantee that your patrnnape will be appreciated and dcherved. CHRIS COIffiS, Proprietor. Lighter Stronger Faster Truii ever and Eye-Openers for The Twentieth Century Ptifelii 4 Side Cistolifi Fostr & IdiTM Proprietors. A Complete and Choice Line of Beef, Veal, ' Mutton, Pork, Bacon, Lard, and Country Produce. Main sf. r. coi 'Phone 3!. Look Out FOR THE JftAURY SAWMILL in your orders at once. We have a good assortment on hand and saw extras to order. CLEAR LUMBER Planed to ORDER. Call at Mill or Address, UAWKIKS BROS PRICE, kJ OREGON. ED N. WHITE, JOHN COMBS. 'lite dc Combs. -DEALERS IN- WINES, LIQUORS, zra CIGARS. COUNTRY ORDERS FIRST DOOR SOUTH SOLICITED. POIN DEXTER HOTEL.! PRINEVILLE, OREGON. rr Regular Weight Roadsters, $3o. All titled with the famous G it J heavy treat! cliiiclior tire. If you nnnt a medium trrade whuel. we hava the bunt in tlio land ia the FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. 103, 107, 100, 111 Sixth St. Portland, Oregon. Branches at Spokane, Tnconin, Seattle. J. IS. SHUT, Agent, Prinevilla, Oregon, MEAN'S TAI-UIE5 'oetors A Goocl Ibr iiM Get your Job Printing at Journal Job f PrincviiJe, Oregon. WANTED : A m of had health that R I'P A'N S wit oi bench t. Tliy banish pain and prolong lile. One givta ftlicf. Note the word R I I' A N S on tlie ucke md cccpt no lubstitute. K I PA'N S to fur 5 tents, m be had at any Hruz tore. Ten umpUs and une iIk.umi.J lestiuidnials will be mailed to any uddres fur five cpnw, forwanird 10 die Uipiua Clienucai Co,, No. 10 Sprut Street, New York,