Crook County Journal. COUX1Y OFFICIAL I'Al'Kll. THURSDAY, JILY 18, 1901. Lava Lore. Mr. Fred Smith. Fn,morr,-S..larel.m.l..l,nt. Mrs. Noblo is quito Ml Itt tllC Whattd.all wo write? All about! ,,omB l,t hl'r lP,,tur M-- - w Official directory. the celebration? It wast a miceeus and that in all wo could ask. There were visitors from Antelope, Prine ville, inters, Bend, Newsom creek, and our sister state, California. A feast of fat things was spread lilenn The celebration on Maury moun tain was a grand success. Quite a crowd gathered there Thursday morning and enjoyed a quiet visit until noon when a nice luncheon in the shade of the pine trees. Af- was spread, then dancing was in ter dinner the crowd adjourned to dubbed in for a few hours in the STATE OFFICIALS. Governor T TfiEF.R fcecreury uf Statu F I Dl'NBAK Troumii-r C 8 MtHlltK p?Pub't I the hall where a feast of the soul afternoon, when a few families pre- lVimor W 11 LKKPSl was enjoyed. Mr. .Koseoo Knox pureil to return to their homes lirj A Fuod Com . . jyHy read thw titvlacation of independ-Uhile others remained for the Senators " ' I once, after which he delivered alliance at night, which was very U J MlTC"E.VI.'i historical oratk.n. coin'' back to ! and lasted until daybreak. Congressmen. Supreme Judgei. fT H TON U I E i M A MOODY fCE VVOLYEKTON ( FA MOO UE 7TU JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Judy,. WLRRADSHAW rrosucuiing Any.. FRANK MENEFEE COUNTY OFFICIALS. Joint Senator J N Wtu.MMsoN C R A Emmkit Joint Repres'n'tive -v T H'JIcIJrekb I. A S Robert Judsre W 0 Wilis Clerk I J Smith Sheriff W C Oonolcton D E Temileio Commissioners. .. I H.I Hkalky Treasurer J X Foimiextf.r A'seKSor J D I.AHi l.LETTK Sniit Wm BoKfiu Surveyor C A Graves Coroner Vt M H Blind; Stock Inspector Joe IIinkle Justice W R JIcFakusp Constable Ed Gekow MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. Mayor LX Liooktt (Will Wckzwlilkk I F W Wilson En N Whitk Ccuncilmen D F SmwAr.T I A H Liitmam CM Elkins Recorder M H Bri.l TreHsnrer M A MihirE I.liirshal Wm Prixe Society Ufoetinys. PRINEVILLE LODGE. NO. TO, A. F. & A. M. MeetJ ill Masonic Telll )l on Saturday before full innim uf each month. T. M. Baldwin, W. M. M. E. BRIXK, Secretary. CARNATION CHAPTER, NO. 44, 0. E. S. Meeta lecond and fourth Thursday of each month in Mouic Tem ple. Miss Grace Belknap, W. M. Mrs. M. E Brink, Secretary. 0 Meeta in Odd Fellows' Hall every second and fourth Saturday evening'. M. R. Biogs, N. G. H. P. Belkxap, Secretary. CHOCO LODGE, NO. 101 A. O. U. W. Meetsin Odd Fellows' Hall on the early days of our forefathers, Miss Mabel Dennett Iris been on their hardships and struggles for a visit to her parents, but returned our freedom and independence. ' after the Fourth. Coming down to the present day, j Charles Liiclling and family he spoke of our vast wealth as a : navc pone to Prineville. Mrs. Luell nation, our influence on other na-. jn's health is very poor this mini tions of the world, touched ex pan-j nier. sion and, in fact gave a synopsis of j Miss VnA Vanderpool will close the history of our grand country in j a thlve 1U)nt,14 urm of W.,M,, hm, plain but eloquent language. Af-j noxt Friday. Wii.eUosh. ter tne oration me song America was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Misses Lillie Knox and Maud Vandervert, and Mr. Cald well. Foot racing was quite a fea ture of the day. And they danced all night and slept all the next day some oi theiu. Bt'Nvn Grass. I A Gallon of prRB LPJREEU OIL miud with ft gallon u( 'Similar Price Paragraphs. From our regular correniwudeut. We are having very warm weath er at present. The hills are be ginning to losi their beautiful green and arc donning the golden: brown and vellow -1 males 2 jalloM of thi vtkt BUI Paiw in Uie uuld cucr Hng. the aecond and fourth Monday, of ea,, I for ra,lk Hampton through hay ot ynurpnlnt bin. Id f All vont nrnAKM thn I'VV.K l UIV.1 l.kADrml U AIlfOLUTKI.Y MT Kll e ivoue. Hammak 1'aint Ummloi.f Hi. nKirru Prf.uim-tu urrt' J'AINT 4TiKJALUph as all BiOU fainter IU, lt .ml U grvundTiUrK, VUiVTKICU. fin troulilp t. now that grass wal be snort tins; orAristtusr. KdBrnntpuiiiuuitNiuwia . ,. . . at i- r cost, aid li fall, and stock poor. Randolph Gtlon and Lelanj OZmiWf Harris contemplate a trip to Walla! aTToCRA.Bi.!m,pn,orfBi7. Walla, in a few davs. Mr. Gibson! --"AMMABi-AJ.NTCo.,st.Luia,aio. goes to take horses to the market, j aad uaranteed h while Mr. Harris will remain there through haying and return this fall. Mrs. Frank Hackleman's mother and two sisters arrived the lstinst. from the Valley. L. V. Tiee arrived safe and sound last Wednesday under the watchful care of Marsh Logan. C. F. Bovnton began cutting! and putting up his hay this week, Ed. Hollis is helping him. The Q boys who went to the railroad for Mr. Hackleman, are expected home in a few days. U.K. Parrish intends working, fjnrwh nnri Elkins. Prineville, Oregon. G. Springer, V 'Draft, BKtEota or ui nth. Dr. E. 0 Hydk, M. W. L. N. LlofiETT, Recorder. ing. Willie Gibson returned home! rt UN BEAM LODGE, NO. 3i D. of H. from Buck Creek a few davs ago. Carriage JfCoraca Odd Fellow.' Hall every 1 neaday lit;, Mrh Pkakl Rowell. Chief of Honor. Miss Ethbi I.ioiiktt, Rec.irder. PRINEVILLE fASIP. NO 210, WiiiiiIuihii of World Meets at Odd FelloW Hall on the tirat and third Thmad ly evenings of each nomth C. E. McDowell Consul Commander. .1. L. Mi-Ci'LuicH. Cleik. The Hackleman men and A. M. and F. C. Logan are very busy gathering their cattle and brand ing calves. Mrs. Norris Morgan is on the sick list this week. The long looked for, long pre pared for, and at last welcomed Fourth of July is over. The picnic was a fine one, the dance also, with a slight exception; some po, "woolv" and had to be taken down. I USn ,,','D'iE' ,-,;5 K- p " ' Nevertheless the dance was enjov- tm in Odo fellowa' Hull every Wednea- , ' rlay evenii)i All hnitheis in good stand ing invited to attend. W. A. oooth, C. C. J. L. Mi;Ccllo:h K. It. S. Young stallions and mares, also a few young teams for sale. WUM-1 1 L'NIPER CIRCLF, NO. 37, IS en of Woodci-aft Meetx every Friday n'enini; at Odd Fellows' Hall. Miss Efka Crook (iuaidiau Neighlior. Mis Iia O.MEii. Clerk. Haystack Blood Stock Ranch. Haystack, Oregon. 1 1 LOT TENT N.). A3. K. 0. T. M. ! -Meeis ill (Mcl fellows' Mall every second and fourih Thursday eveninua in each month. P, P.. Howard, S. K. C. J. O. Cvros, R. K. ed bv all, especially one young man, for his best girl threw both arms around his neck, at the time, the woolv gentlemen was taken BUY THE down. Oh! Art! Jumbo. NO. n RI NEVILLE ASSEMBLY. r K:3, U. A.- Meets mi odd FelloAa' ; neighborhood, but hay hands are nan eierv nisr. ami iniru inursilay even ings in each month. E. 0. Hvib, M. A. Wabrki Browv, Secretary LOOKOCT REBEKAH, NO. 103, 1. O. 0. F.-Meetsin Odd Fellows, Hall every hra and third Saturday even iooa lu each month. Mis Gkack Reikxap, N. G. t'CERK TE.VIPT.E, NO. 2.1, RVTH h., ie Sisters - Meets eer 1'rrst snd :!- i:. v.. i.'o v.-, ,. ( y i: K '.'v-v;. V. of ... r. IE" IFrSL SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by tlirsie who ad vertise a $00.00 Bewiiig Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine am be bo'iKht from uh or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $13.00. WE MAKI A VARIETY. THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or very scarce. -weakness of Bewing Machines. Thy .. , , Uoiiblc I ecu eoirililnert Willi other Mr. Bennet is slowly! BtroU(f ,Mjntg lnkt the Acw Houie! from the accident he had a few the best Hewing Machine to buy. Knotting ths dlf-1 f'-rent atyim ( j Mi winir Mai'lilm- Adriasice Buckeye Mowers Reapers and Binders. Holler bearing, well biilaiicetl, no necli weight Also Jjiclvson Hay Forks, Carriers, Blocks and Derrick Irons. 1 8cnd for Catalogs FRANK ELKINS & CO. CHAMP SMITH. SHTfl' Wines, Liquors, Domestic and Imported Cigars. IS0M t'LKKK. BBEFTME. Ja The Celebrated 5 A. B. C. liecr i Always on Hand rroprw'ors of t!:c Yx'wiWU Sola WorLs. Two Doors Smith of Firnl National Bank. !)RK, v Type Write rs of all makes folcl mid rent ed. MineojirajiliH, llekto (;ra'ihfi, Ollice and Dupli cating Goods, Decke, Lit ter l'retws, Etc. Write lit for price on Rubber Stamps, Seals. Etc Coast Agency Company. STARK 8T. l'ortluud. Oregon. OUll LKADEIl. The Verv lkst. tVritu fi r Uooklet Prineville Planing Mill. John B. Shipp, Proprietor. l.inufiicturer ami dealer in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, shingles, brackets, mouldings, turn ing and band sawing. House Finish made to order. Agent for Rambler and Ideal Bicycles and Sundries. ' Mill opposite Prineville Fiour Mill. YurJ, 2d St., opp.ilu I. O. O. F. Hall. Prineville, Oregon. 31. JliDDman, H Maury Mitej. Krom our regular cirenjoii Jent. Haying has commenced in this weeks ago. Calvin Morris of visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Bennett. VT. "1 l,. . ' 28 UplonSn.N.Y., t'blcago, 1 1L, Atlanta, Oa, Mr.ulennhas gone to town in KLILi.' mi .T:x..BanFraucUoi.cJ I , " m-TTMi iiucnin -t A'tta DOn , 18 we imuiufaciure and price bel'uic purciiuniug THE M EOME SEWINC KAGHIKE CO. ORANOC, MAIS. search of hay hands. Vi Lncv 'm;th has gone to vov'u. J.'Tvu; 'i Vtiw.x f..r :.!. Ne'Tr Home Sewing Machine Co. furniture and Undertaking. . . Carpets, Ifjattingand and J&nolcum, 'Doors, Windows, Slass, (Paints, Oils, Uar, Building and Carpet !Papor, Soreen (Doors and Screen Wire. Ei All kinds of Lumber. Siemembor, S deliver in the city , tftough jEumbar, par 0 fO I I WOO VJZ' W fioorinff and Rustic 25. 00