Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 11, 1901, Image 8

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    -MOftS&fra9 Mrs. J. W. Howard nnd the
6 t ren rrivd lur from Corvallis last
v jEoCttl ffOnttOttt' 1 Week having crossed the mountains in
Ill.yi " ft Iteht rlc.' They will toon join Mr.
J. 1'. Van Houton was interview
ing'mir citizens the Utter part of tot.
0, V. Helm", of Twickenham, was a
business visitor in this city the first
t.f the week.
Jerome Bridges and William Wat
Yw, of Clarno, were visiting in this
city tot Simony.
EdKrntcher, a pioneer farmer of
the Willow creek country, wus in the
city oil business lust week.
J. II . Propat, a well known cituen
.f Paulina, was transacting business
ut the oounty seat Mouday.
D. D. Warner was in from Mot
Butte the latter part oflast week at
tending to bussines matters.
John Cyrus and wife will leave here
Friday for a two month's sojourn at
Lower Soda in the Cascades.
Mrs. Jennie Claypoot returned last
week from an extended visit to John
!iy much inn-roved in health.
Born at the residence of I. L.
Ketchum, Saturday July 6,1901,' to
the wile of C. J. Johnson, a daughter.
Al Coleman returned last week
from ft trip to the eastern counties
nd Idaho and looks natural as ever.
Marsh Anberry, the sage of the
Deschutes, was shaking hands with
friends in towu the first of the week.
A. L. Mcintosh, of Paulina, passed
l,vmuh hern Saturday euroute to
Portland where lie goes ou a business
Miss Carrie Fee, who has been
teaching at Sisters during the past
aeason, has gone to Portland for a va
cation. Henry Whitsett, of Shaniko, who
lias been on a visit to his brother at
this place, returned home the first of
' the week.
Floyd Roweil is confined to his bed
with a severe attack of sciatic rheu
matism, at the farm of Henry Uicy ou
Ciooked river. '
Jlra. J. Henry Smith, wife of the
chief engineer of the, Oregon Irriga
tion Co., left yesterday lor her home
in Portland.
Bupeiintendent B egli's term of
chool at Combs Flat was completed
July 3, nnd lie in now resting up for
the fall campaign of visiting schools.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rowell and
sun Clyde of Sweet Home, arrived
here yesterday for a visit with their
children, Mrs. J.F. Murris aud Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Whitsett, par
ents of C. A. Whitsett, book-keeper
for G. L. Salomon, returned yester
day t their home at Sagiuaw, Lae
county, Oiegou. "
A very enjoyable time is reported
by ,ill who attended the celebration
at the grove on the summit of the
McKay mountains. Judge Wills de
livered the oration and they say it
was excellent, but we don't want to
cause the judge to blush so we will
not repeat the compliments passed on
Lim as an orator.
Anions the many business enter
prim in this city is the Princville
Brewery, owned and npwited by John
lieiger, which is becoming more pop
ular than ever. Notwitii-etauding
Howard at his stock ranch at Silver
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Wiale were in
from their home at Price the Fourth
visiting with relatives and friends.
Mr. Wigle report stock looking well
in that district, but crops short on ac
count of the cold weather.
Our efficient marshal! William
Priue, is taking a well deserved rest
this week aud is over ou the banks of
the classic Deschutes enjoying life
with gun nnd rod. During his ab
sence the duties of the office are be
ing attended to by Joe H inkle.
Please send in a few votes for your
favorite school teacher as we are get
ting anxious to know who the favorite
is. Several ballots arc out and only
a few have been sent in so far and we
do not want to publish the names un
til there are more votes cast.
Frank Elkins' buggy horse ran
away with the buggy Sunday, but did
so in a very dignified manner. After
chasing around the streets awhile he
was' overtaken and brought home
without doing any damage except to,
distribute ft freezer full of ice cream
on the route. '
Crook county is practically out of
debt as will be witnessed by the treas
urers call foi warrants, which calls in
nit warrants issued at the last term of
county court, or very nearly so, and
by covering all the money in the
i treasury the county could have been
entirely out of debt (or a few days.
John Schmeer relumed today from
a trip to McMinnvillo, where his
daughter Mrs. Ciussio Palmer h;is
been residing. Mr. Palmer has sold
his store there and will go to Crook
county to reside, Mr. Schmeer is en
thusiastic over Criwk county's pros
perity and prospects. Albany Demo
crat. W. A. Foley arrived from Crook
county on Monday. He recently sold
his ranch and sheep in Crook county,
and after visiting relatives in Hood
Eiver for a while will go to the east
ern pirt of the state to look out for a
new location in the sheep business
where settlers are fewer and further
lietween than they have become in
the country lie left. Hood River
Glacier. .
W. T. Casey, of Powell Buttcs, was
in town Saturday and reports the
crops as lieing very good in , that vi
cinity. Mr. Casey has purchased a
Ireader for this harvest as he thinks
that will be the cheapest means of
harvesting grain in his locality.
Heretofore the methods employed
have cost the farmers there about
three dollars per acre to get their
grain to the thresher, while the head
er will put it in the stack for less
than one dollar per acre.
At six minutes past twelve o'clock
on Friday of last week, Compfn's
sawmill on the McKay was burned to
the ground with about 50.000 feet of
the best lumber on the yard including
all the clear and finishing lumber.
There was no insurance and the loss
falls very heavy on Mr. Coinpton. A
portion of the machinery was not in
jured so badly but that it can be used
and having gotten the engine from
the Shipp planer, together with such
machinery as is necessary Mi;. Coinp
ton will have the mill in working or-
llio cool weather during tho month of j (er ram, but this season will be a to-
June the brewery disposed ol 133 keg tal lots
uf lieer and for the first live uava in
July the sales amounted to forty kegs,
w nearly ono-thiid of the total sale
tor J lino.
Prof. Clmrtc L. Johnson, of the Ore
gon Anricu!tu-al College, anived here
tot Wednesday, from Cwvullis, com
ing across the Cascades over tne M
JCenaie route, on bicycle. Prof.
C. 8am Smith returned Friday
from the Tuumlow ditch and reports
work progressing .nicely and about
two miles completed. The water is
kept along in the ditch just behind
the construction force and as fust as a
section is completed it is turned in so
that by the ti mo it is finished the
wafer will he over all tho farms that
j. i y r f
2 '
Linen Suits.
Line of Men's
Cool . S3. 50.
Men's Negligee andDress Shirts.
TheLatest Styles andColors, 50c
Ready now. The right thlnfja
for the right sums. Our out
ing suits for stylish folks are
the swcllest ever shown in
town. Prices as low as you'd
expect to pay for the ordinary
kind of clothing, but this is un
usually good.
A big line of men' a summer work
ing shirts, all colors, 40c.
A fine line of men's nnd boys'
summer hats The latest fancies-
ggscKsaaaga wu-rzweilers: Thomson
i t.fc laHnir in imi- rii - J
Every ProsperousFamer has a
'1'A tt-asnrtlUnaiOa
: j w
Be Sure and See
the McCormick Big
4 Mower before you
place your order-
The McCormick Big 4 Mower has higher wheels and woighs 100
'pounds more than any other mower. It will cut anything.
We also have the McCormick mower in the regular size. V'e ' :
are closing out our Champion mowers at a very low figure nnd
f have only a few left,
' ' ' ELKINS & KING.,
Jiihuson is one of Benton couuty'a I i,.,re been taken up under the ditch.
eons, ami is a youngiiiaii of bright pro- llfl jjt(., ja mnpliwl with an sthun
iniso. lie wns gradual oil from tlio dance of water aud the beauty of the
Oregon Agriouitnnl College in 181)2, nutter is thai when other water is
nnd afterward took (i eourse av lfai-j gutting low the water in all the
vird. He in a nephew ol tho lato' streams arising in the Three Sisters is
John V. Johnson who was for H'ven- i just getting at its best, fcrthe enow
Icon years pre-ident of the University Jnes not begin lo melt rapidly on
!thie luajestio, pwk UUtil Ute in
Dr. S. 1J. Mcl'heeiers passed quietly
away at his home in Bums June 22.
at 10:30 p. m., aged 73 years, 1 month
and 7 days.
Haimiel Bowman McPhaeters was
liorn May IS, 1828, in northern Mis
souri, lie begun the practice of med
icine in 1800, and the same year whs
married to Miss Jennie Carpenter, who
died at Modoc, Missouri, in 1881. He
was a practicing physician during the
war and saw many hardships during
those trying Uhum. He hud been a
member of the Baptist church for
thirty live years and lived a very de
voted Christian life. The immediate
Cense of his death was heart failure.
In 18S5 the doctor moved to Ore
gon, first stopping at La Grande and
moved thence to Bums in 1887 where
he has resided continuously ever since
except a short time spent in western
Oregnii and one year in Crook county.
Four children survive him; Mrs.
Fannie Smith, ot Hiiniiinsville, Mo.,
This Space is Reserved for Eil Harbin's
Bicycle Repairing Shop.
' South Eni!.
All persons owing me on subscription
fur the Crunk County .Jim'kfai, are here
by requested to call at my nfijee ami set
tle up. ' I need the money tli. mo and
expoct to get it snon. A. C. Paumkk.
ttf Oregon. H" left Kiturday for a
A till) tik'iwU at &1.VCC Lu.k.
I Jul.
Lnl office at The Dnllwi, Oregon
JulyH, VJ01.
Nntlce In htmhy given that th fullowitiK
iiamed settlers have filed notice of intuntiun
Charles McPheeters and Mrs. Culp, of tme ,,nK,f n tlwlr rcH!Ctlve claim.
Burnf, and Mrs. li. f. Johnson, of
Funeral services were conducted by
Burns Lodge, No. 97, A. F. & A.-M.,
of which he was an honored member.
With his death. his chi'drcn have lost
a kind und loving father nnd the
couutcr; uuc. oi Us Ltet cituetuk
hefore J. J. .Smith. Oounty Clerk, at l'rina
ille, Oregon on Friday, Autf. fl, l'JOl,
JaiTitu E. Johnson of Pn'noville, Oreijop,
H. K. Nil 5747 forthe 8F, NW, 3W
X, V.'i SV 8c, (j, Ti. 15 8, It l.t E.
V. M.
Witnenes: Cliarlea Cram, Williani Smith,
.1, II.. iimn, H. I. Kvan, of Prinerille Ore
iiX f . Ua.i, lU-iit.
A numlier of parcels of land wcr -sold
lit final abend's sale Monday.
These parcels were land that had here-to-fore
been sold for taxes nnd bid in
by the county, but which will be deed
ed to tho persons buying at this sale
County TrenBurer'8 Notiotj.
Notice is hereby given that alt
Crook county warrants regiterc.
after Oct. 10, 1B00, to and including
warrant registered No. M!), April 27
1001, will be paid on presentation to.
the trpncurer of said County. Inter
est will cense from date of this notice.
J. N. Poinoextkr, County TreasuNt.
By Will Wurzwcilcr, Deputy,
rtke.viUc.July l.MQL