Image provided by: Crook County Historical Society/Bowman Museum; Prineville, OR
About Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1901)
0. L. Salomon. The Red Corner . ' '. I'rineville, Oregon ffk. Mitchell Wagons tZ2 TTnl- Racine Bujrdcs an d f ; Mens' and Boys'. Clothing. ; j We have received h line line of mens' and boys' cloth- y '"S " tll"t wu Rra '"i"X exceptionally low price jj In Men's Suits We have full line of Hoffman, Rothschild Co's vT? i . i if .i . I . :i - ... I fVf goods 111 nil sly Itx ami n unit me puce oi lanor uiuuf suits. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Ill Boy's Suits $0 0' V hVH cluv wnrsttd suita which are th bat value ever brought U Print ville. General Merchandise. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Taints and Oils. Windows and Doors. Wool sacks and Twine. Hardware and Stoves. General Iilucrksmilhing and Wagon Repairing, ( 3. Dressy Apparel for Ladies. We could expalmlent great length upon tho atipormriiy f mr Bkntit, Jurkets Mini (Wa, and wrim vulmint upon the un p'uwing mitiireof our bmgiiina. ImihIih.ii points itu wi ll known, so Unit it will aulllue if we dill yur attention ft - In nur ollcrings In Ladies' Fine Shoes mST. Wo carry it full linaof the F. Meyer Ca, both In ths ife vlt mul ImikI turned knit and palunl luutlior. 5) Infants and Cliildrens' J lU'dHhiu-B, Ilnmii Klmvi, .Duu Hhwi-h) f4 nil, fiw 5$ bnili spring lierl and slip 1 I PLOWS, I1ARB0WS, MOVIERS, RAKES AMD ALL KINDS CF FARM I IMPLEMENTS. $ Ths Benoflta of a Creamery. To show the community benefits to be derived from creameries, we reprint the following dispatch to the Oregonian from Coquille City, under date of May 25th: "A care ful estimate of the product of the creameries on the Coquille river, not including the butter and cheese turned out by factories at Gravel ford, Fairview, Lee and Sumner, is as follows: The amount of butter made every day is 2000 pounds. To make this requires about 80, 000 pounds of milk. ' There are al so made about 800 pounds of cheese for which is requicee about 9500 pounds of milk. This means , a monthly product of 60,000 pounds of butter and 24,000 pounds of cheese, requiring for a thirty days' run a total of 2,655,000 pounds of milk. As this butter and cheese will average 15 cents a pound, the average income to the farmers and dairymen of the Coquille river alone is about $12,000 per month. The larger creameries start up in April and run until December, and sometimes through January." The girl who expressed so much sympathy for the poor farmer be cause of his cold job in harvesting the winter wheat, is equal in agri cultural knowledge to the one who expressed a desire to see a field of tobacco when it was just plugging out. But the damsel who asked which cow gave the butter milk is entitled to the whole bakery. And a girl on her return from the coun try who was asked if she ever saw anyone milk a cow, replied: "O yes, indeed I have; it just tickles me to death to see uncle jerk two of the cow's faucets at the same time. Ex. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DESEUT LAND. FIXaL PliOOF V. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., June Iii, 1901. Notice it hereby given that Ttuinas Arnold uf Sinters Crook Co. Oregon ha tiled hit notice of Intention to make final proof on his desert-land claim No. U2, for KJ SKt See. 2, Wl SWJ Sec. 1 T. 10 $., E, 10 E., V. SI. before J. J. Smith County Clerk, at I'rineville, Ore. on the l.t day of Aug. I'M. He names the following wituesses to prove hii complete irrigation, and reclamation uf, said land: William F. Fryrear, Marsh C, Aubrey, Edward L. Monroe, George McCsllister, all of Sisters, Oregon. JAY P, Lt'CAS Register. Those who complain' about the advertising bills of their local pap er should glance over the follow ing figures: "A column, one in sertion, in the Youth's Compan ion, cost $800. In magazines like The Century, the rates run from $100 to $J00 a page. A column in one of the leading New York pap. era, taken by the year, costs from $413,000 to $58,000 " a year, accord ing to position. Ex. A we.l known traveling man who for years Las nude Willam mette valley towns is passionately fond of honey, and the proprietor always has some on hand fur him. On one trip t' e trav 1 ngman took his wife along, and as l;e ap proached th s particular town he mentioned to her that he was get ting io a place where he would have honey.' When the pair were Kitting at the suppe; table that no h ii ey appeared, and tiie knight of c.mnneice said sharply to the head w iter: 'Where is myhoney?': The waiter smiled and said: 'You mean the little black haired one?, O she don't work here, now.' Er. ' In the Circuit Court for the state of Oiegon for the county of Crook. J. SI. Slinkier, plaintiff, is. Alice Slinkier, defendant. To Alice Slinkier, the above named defend ant. In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in fie kbove en titled suit, on or before Saturday, the 20th day of June, A. D., 1901; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, towit: a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing be tween tlw plaintiff and the defendant herein, an J thai the custody of Arthur Slinkier and Ku by Slinkier, minors, be awarded to plain tiff. The date of the first publication of this sum mon, is Slay PS, 1901, and is published in the Crook County Journal by order of Hon. W. I,, liradshaw, Judge of the Seventh Judic ial District of Oregon, and done at The Dalles Oregon, this lGth day of Starch, 1901. A. C. Palukr, 1 Attorney for Plaintiff. "NERVE WASTE." One of the most helpful books on nerve weakness ever issued is that entitled "Nerve AYaste," by Dr. Sawyer, of San Francisco, now in its fifth thousand. This work of an experienced and reputable phy sician is in agreeable contrast to the vast sum of false teaching which prevails on this interesting subject. It abounds in carefully considered and practical advice, and has the two great merits of wisdom and sincerity. It is indorsed by both the relig ous and secular press. The Chicago Advance says: "A perusal of the book and the application of its principles will put health, hope and heart into thousands of lives that are now suffering through nervous impairment." The book is $1.00, by mail, post paid. ; ' One of the most interesting chapters chapter xx, on Nervines i and Nerve Tonics has been print : ed separately as a sample chapter, j and will be sent to any address for stamp by the publishers, Thk Pa j cific Pi;b. Co., Box 2058, San Fran cisco, in plain sealed envelone. 4 -L i Educate Your Bowels Willi Cuecarntt. Gundy Ratliartle, cure constlniitlon forever. 10c, 36o. It C. C. C. to) , druggists refund money. How Are Tour Klrfncfa I TV Hobtjs'Si.arores Pills ruresll sldnertlln. Saia. Ilefreu. Aud. bterhuj UeoieuOoObicwoui tt. t To Cur Coistlvia.!on Forever. Take Cascnrets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 35a UC.U.C. fail to cure, drugguiu refund money. Wool' Bate. Tho following wool rates for the present season, taking effect at once have been established: Wool compressed in bales, car loads, minimum weight 24,000, from Shaniko to New York, Chi cago, Boston, Hartford, Philadel phia, Baltimore, and points there with, $1.40, per ,100, pounds. Wool in sucks, or bales, any quanity, from Shaniko to The Dalles, 30, cents per 100 pounds. Wool in sacks, any quanity, from all stations on the Columbia Southern Railway to Shaniko 5 cents per 100 pounds. C. E. Lytle, G. F. A. Pullman Ordinary Sleeptn. The tourist travel between the east and the Pacific coatl has reached enormous proportion in the last few years, and calls lor a special class of equipment. To meet thin netiiuud the rulliunii J. lia issued from its tliopt what it technical!) calls the "Pullman Ordinary Kleeper." 1 heae cars appear simitar (u the reuulai sleeper, being built on the same plan, but nut furnished with the same elegance luty are equipped with mat tretses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillmv casus, towels, combs, brushes, etc., requiring mithinifiif the kind tube furnished bj the passenger. Each car has a stove fm making cult'ee and tea and doing "light housekeeping," and each section can he tilted with an adjustable table. A uni formed porter accompanies each car. his business hfing to muke up berths, keep the car clean, sun look after the comforts anil wants cf the passengers. In each of lie trains which are dispatched daily from Portland by the 0. K. v N. Cr. is ro he loiind one of these "Pullman Or. I dinary Sleepers." The car is attached to the Chicago Portland special," which (foes through to Chicago without change, and the one in the "Atlnniic Ex press" runs to Kansas City without change. Passengers in this car for Chi cago change to a si'nilar car at (Jranger. Much of the first class travel is being earned in these cars, tiie rates being lower. Slid the service being liearlyequal to that in the palace sleepers. For rates and full information, in cluding foldera, write to A. L. Craig, G. P. V , O. It. K. Co. Portland. Ore. Carnival f Ba lots Best For the Bowels. Jfo matter what ails you, heiidiiclin to cancer, you will never get well until your tiowels are put right. CASCARET8 help nature, cure you without gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cstlmr. tic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet line C. C. C. stamped on it. Eewarn of imitations. Educate Toor Bowels With Cases rets. Candy Cathartic, oure connlpi-.tlnn forever lOo.Sio. If C. aC.fali.drut'UstBretunamonej. Z..F. Moody 1ms a representee now at Shaniko to look after the needs of his wool growing and shipping customers. His agent is prepared to advance freight to customers, receive and forward wools and to give personal attention to receiv ing and forwarding merchandise uf any description to hit uaie. Anrtrpoiatinrr tho pront work of our common school pducators -ii o n - - - - - and desiring to demonstrate that appreciation, wo have de cided to offer in connection with this imner a fittinir testimonial of worth to the most popular teacher in this county. Jiallotinginay begin at any tune alter the publication ot mm issueof the Journal and will continue until 8 o'clock p.m. Sep tember 30, after which time no ballots will be accepted. Rules. The rules governing the contest will be as follows: All paid-in-advance subscribers to tho Journal w ill be entitled to re ceive at the time of paying their subscription a printed coupon or ballot worth l'0 votes, which will have blanks wherein to write the name of the teacher voted for. Every issue of the Journal during the lifeof the contest w ill contain a coupon good for three votes, No free samples of tho Journal will lie dis tributed during the life of this contest and no clubbing offer w ill be accepted where ballots are given out. All persons voted for MUST be Crook county teachers and so accepted by tho county school superintendent, and must now be engaged in teaching in this county, or have taught in this county during t,.e past eighteen months, and must not have lost their residence in the county, i. e. they must not have re moved from the county to remain permanently. The right to modify these rules at any time is reserved. The Prizes, Two prizes will be given; one for tho most popular teacher, and the other as a consolation prize will lie given to the one re ceiving the second largest number of bailots. The first prize will consist of a fine gold watch, any standard make, with 15 jeweled movement and warranted for year?; the same guaranteed by a local dealer. The conaolation'prize will be a 4.5 camera of standard make, Doth of these prizes will be bought in I'rineville and be strictly iirst class articles, They will soon be on exhibition so that every one can see just what, they are. Distribution of these articles will talio place on October 1, or as soon thereafter as the votes can be counted, Three prom inent gentlemen of Crook county will bo asked to help count the ballots, Dost Takaera Spit tail thanks Toot l ife Anay. To quit tobaeeo euslty nm! forevor. bo mag netic, full ef life, lierve aud vior, lake No To Boo, Die wonder-worker, that makes weak rona stroog. All druls,t0eorll. Curouan,n tec4 Booklet and sample frea. Aii irusa Uterllng itemed Co., chioego or New lei j. cpnoK cniiisiTv joiidmai s Educational - Contest - Ballot. My choice for the most popular school teacher in Crook county is This ballot must he in the Journal official ballot box on nr lmfi-trta .i.taTil,. H 1f.fi1 t' 1 i ..