Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 11, 1901, Image 5

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    bend Item
l'rmn inir regular xiTt!Miiuliit.
Weather liwiiiitif til , gnnlunM grow
ing, mi 1 wild flower in profusion,
Lust; week l)f. Ilelknap of Print
villi), wiih called to tho residence of
A. M. Drake of this place, to n( UthJ
Mm. JMiko who has been quite ill,
lmt is now much improved.
Mr. nn.l Mr. 11. K. Ml have
g mo on ii lttinhicHH trip to tlioir
r mult on Heaver Creek,
There arc quite a number of
l'rinuvillo people rusticating in the
hliadcM of 1 1 1 0 DeSChutCS.
Tim Fourth passed off very quiet
1 y it t , tli 1.4 place, as most of our
young people went to tho Itig
Meadows to colel'mto, nevertheless
our stars ii ml stripes floated high
among our ever beautiful ' preen
It.k.h on tho bank of tho Dm
chutes, which reminded us so much
of tho rivr Kwoet Afton.
Fro I Strong and W. II. Brock
spent the Fourth trying their luek
with tho finny tribe near Ikmham
F.iIIh. Heiiiemlier tho old adage,
boys. If at first you don't suc
iwd, try, try, Again Ikkx.
From lieaver Creek.
Mr. Editor: I noticed an nrticlo
in your paper of last week, a clip
ping from tho Fossil Jotitnal, in
regard to a few sheep being shot in
our community.
Now tho writer knows nothing
at all about tho shoooting, and in
sorry for' any ouch proceeding,
but an I understand it wan done for
tho betterment of lieaver Creek
Mock ritngtj I would like to say a
few wore if you can find space in
your paper.
For tin; last few years sheep
from other counties have been com
ing here, and a good part of them
jnaking this their summer head
quarters, the result being our stock
are skin poor in the .fall.
Tho above mentioned article
stated that the out side sheepmen
were organized and prepared to
meet force with force. Now the
lieaver Creek settlement is small
but if there are any outside sheep
men hunting for a game and think
they can bring sheep here and
herd on the south sjdo of the moun
tain, between the Grant county
lino and tho north fork of Crooked
river an J got away with it, let
thorn come. A word to the wise" is
sufficient. One Interested.
Lava Lore.
from our regular currriijoiidi'nt.
William Staats, postmaster at
Bend, and wife were guests of U. B.
Allen this week.
,., Mr, and Mrs. Vm. Boguo have
returned home after a brief sojourn
in I'rinevillo.
Hugh Mcdrccr, of Antelope, was
in front his sheep camp recently
nfter stpplios, and reported Alfred
Hincs, the boas packer, turned up
all right after the little shooting
scrape. Some one fired into his
camp on Bull creek, one night, but
no one was hurt.
Reno Wast and Frank Bogue
canio home from the horse ride
with quite a band of horses.
M. F. Hawthorn, of Colorado,
has rctuned to the Deschutes after
an absence of six years. ' He says
that his health is better in this
climate and that lie suffered with
rheumatism continuously sinco he
left hero.
A. Chittondon, of San Francisco,
lias taken up a homestead on the
Deschutes near here.
Frank Malme and C. U. Vander
vert were at Lava this week. They
are taking sheep to their summer
range. .
Forest Ranger Nash, is here this
week in the interest of tho Forest
Reserve. '' .
Frank Reasa had his shoulder
thrown out of place here recently
There are whisperings of a mid
lug to bo celebrated here in the
near future. Boncii (Jiuss.
Wllfuu "Vigorously Urged."
Among tho barrels of literature
being sent out by Secretary Traffic
Manager J. C. Loary, ot the
American Cattle Growers'
Association, is a letter which
among other things contains the
following paragraph; "Cattlemen
generally favor a just and equitable
plan for the leasing of tho public
domain, A bill providing for such
leaseholds is now being prepared
by this association which will be
presented and vigorously urged for
passage at tho next session of
congress. It will Ijo favorably re
ceived if cowmen generally support
it. Docs it meet with your ap
proval?" The Fxaminer does not
believe there is a single "cowman"
in Lake county, outride of big
corporations, that will support
such a measure. It is a proposition
with tho object in view of crushing
tho small cattlemen and sheepmen.
Lakeview Examiner.
Glaze Property Sold.
Last Saturday Capt. II. Kcllcy,
administrator, sold at public sale
tho estate belonging to the
estate of Till Glaze. This property
consists of the lot and house at the
corner West of Robinson's Barber
shop, and a tract of w ild land that
lies out in the Valley. Johnnie
Robinuun bought in the town prop
erty for 1100, and M. FitzGerald
secured the other for 1200. The
Glaze heirs still retain the ranch
on tho Island. Burns News.
7for Xocal Wfatltr.
Elkins & King have added a lot
of shelving to their store this
T. F. Buchanan, a prominent
farmer of the Willow creek country
was in town Tuesday attending to
btisines matters.
A letter received at this office
informs us that Thron Thronson,
the Ashwood assayer, has gone
east and may remain permanently.
II. J. Lister and family returned
to their ranch in Rabbit valley
last Friday. They were accom
panied by Miss Maud Brown who
will spend tho summer in that
Ed. Harbin has been laid up the
first of the week with one of JoIi'b
comforters in which aflliction he
has the sympathy of a number of
friends who have been there them
selves. v .
The county court at this session
destroyed 740 coyote scalps, but
this number will not be ready for
destruction every term of court as
the past two months represents
the lambing season when a large
number of the varmints are killed.
Frank Klkina A Co. have recited a
Ih'K shipment nf EiiWadu machine oil
in khIIiui cant, which they are selling at
reasonable prices,
Owing to the fact that the Eastern
Oregon Hanking Co., of Shaniko, Ore.
is situated st tho entrance and outlet
of the largest and best stockraising
country in Oregon, inquiries are con
stantly being made here by buyers in'
regard to the amount of stock for sale,
the prices askl and where the same
can be obtained.
In order to be of some accommoda
tion to the stock raiser and to keep
ourselves well informed, we should ap
preciate very much to have them send
us, at any time, a list of their market
able stock, and post olHce address that
we may enter the same on our list
kept for that purpose; and, if at any
time, they wish to obtain any infor
mation in regard to the market or to
know when buyers will be here, a let
tor addreasad to F.T. Hurlburt, Cash
ier, Slmniko, Oregon, will be answered
promptly and will contain all the in
formation nd news at our command
Shoes and Oxfords: Special.
A full line of
Ladies' Oxford
for spring and
Bummer wear.
not odd and ends but up-to
date styles, and good quality
Misses Oxfords in
Kid or Vesting Top
Good styles, a great
bargain, buy while
they last.
A fine line of ladies' mercer
ized and. sateen underskirts.
mm amtiQsi
A medium Priced Ladies'
Shoe, guaranteed the Best
Value for the Money.
The Kuh-Xathan & Fischer
Co's. Clothing is noted for its
good duality and perfect fit.
Simpson, Wilson & Co.
Fire-proof building, 90x300 feet, is now
ready to handle Merchandise, Wool, etc.
Coal, Flour,
Lumber, "Wood,
. Hay f and Grain.
Special Attention given to wool trade. First-class baling
and grading facilities. Also" stock yards, latest plans.
All Modem Improvements for Handling Stock.
French ; Co., Bunkers. The Dalles.
VV. Lord, The DhII.
B. F. Laugaux, The Dalles.
A. M. ZELS AY, General Manager.'
Gyrus, the Jeneler.
Watches '
jewelry .t
Spectacles and
ye Slasses
tS ociety Cmbe ms
Violin flows
and Strings
TIJachine and
flicycle Oil
JCarmonicas, t.
Largest and best assortment of spectacles in the
city. Fine repairing a specialty.
Work sent in by mail or stage driver will receive
prompt attention. Sewing machines cleaned
and repaired.
Main Street opposite Salomon's Store.'
. ? - PrineyDle, Oregon.
Mines Examined and reported on.
All work given prompt and careful atter.iiou
ASHWOOD, . . . Oreuox.
Jft P. Eolknap.
tPtysician ant Curtfton,
Office in rear of Adamson, Winnek Co.
. Brink.
Jftioraoy end Counteor at jCaw,
0. JTyJe, W?, .
Phone No 2. Residence back of tlie
Photograph Gullery.
t JT. Slosenborg, 9.
Calln annwereH promptly duy or night. Of.
See with Dr, V. Owner. Residence
. Redby Hotel.
j C. Paimer,
jftttrnj-atXaw . tfotary Put.
All buninao prcmptly and carefully attmitie.l
t.i. Oollectinh aapecialty.
Ant TnSanw.Sptt ) Kama. I"r I II
To quit fcioarco eauily xiul lorerer. be mag
netic fuUof life, aorve and ricor, tuke .No To
Bae. the womlarttorkrr, Dial makm wraic nna
atrong. Al drust'luta, 1. Cure eliaru
taS nonkl.t and Mrapla tra. Aililrmia
Bwrlloj Keaittlj C, Ctaioagg or New yrk,