Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 11, 1901, Image 4

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    Crook County Journal.,
County Official Paper.
Tk .Iocrsal b entwst t thn pmtxffice in
Printfillo, Jre., fr traimttitHflnn throHKhthe
V. 8. M MCinid oliwa matter.
Ok Vka..... W-
Six Month J?
Thkiw Moxths
THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1901.
A itcw tropical bean has been
found in Africa. Boston papers
please 'copy.
The question in Texas is whether
or not the oiloerats will continue
to herd with the popoerats.
Perhaps, as Congressman Gaines
intimates,' the democrats should
nominate a southern man for pres
ident, but if they do it will not be
Mr. Gaines.
President Schwab need look no
farther for the six men he wants
at $25,000 a year. We're one and
he can get the rest by using our
want ad column.
Four or five assorted lots of
British having surrendered to "ov
erwhelming forces" of Eocrs, it
teems to be about time tor another
set of rumors that the Boers are
about to yield unconditionally.
Russia says her oil isn't her oil
and therefore ought not to be
taxed btcause she taxes our oil.
Therefore she retaliates against us
for taxing her oil which isn't her
oil. Why is she so anxious about
other countries' oil?
Republicans, east and west; may
differ on the subject of the tariff,
but they will get together on some
platform acceptable to all before
the next election. Popular gov
ernment is only a series of com
promises after all; it , is only des
pots who decide exactly as they
themselves see fit.
A Christian Scientist suffering
with the small pox recently took
a long railway trip in crowded
cars and sleepers, praring mean
while that no one else would take
the infection. The inevitable re
sult has followed, people in con
tact with her having started small
pox epidemics in various towns.
Comment is superflous.
Oregon has done well by con
gressman Tongue, but her laurels
have not been worn gracefully by
him. Mr. Tongue has missed one
of his greatest opportunities. He
has been weighed in the balance
and found wanting. It would
seem thut his personal ambition
lias outweighed service to his state.
He advocated that the trip to The
Dalles to Celilo be cut out. Mr.
Tongue plainly does not represent
the interests of all Oregon. Ore
gon Republican.
From a casual perusal of the
state press it seems that Tom
Tongue has stirred up a different
kind of hornet's nest than he was
calculating on when he tried to
keep the rivers and harbors com
mittee from investigating the rap
ids at Celilo. The Western Oregon
republicans thought they had
done a wonderful thing when they
turned down the best congressman
that Oregon ever had, to elect Tom
Tongue, but perhaps they will find j
out their mistake before it is tooj
iute to remedy the evil. If thev i
can't do better for us .than they
liave in Tongue it is high time that
Eastern Oregon assert her inde-
pendence and have a government
of her own. AVo havo the men to
represent us in a proper and un
selfish manner and we have the
wealth to support a state govern
ment; then why not? (.live us an
open river to the sua and we will
no longer be at the mercy of the
commercial cut-throats Hint have
been living off this section of the
state for so long.
Over f0,000 men have gono out
on a strike in the coal and iron re
gions. If times are going to be ho
hard as the agitators are so fond of
telling us, these same strikers
would better be working and lay
ing up a dollar or two for the pro
verbial rainy day. During hard
times men have a hard time earn
ing enough to keep life in their
bodies, but let them get a few dol
lars in their pockets and they for
get their recent afflictions and go
out on a strike for some reason
which, generally, is more fancied
than real. It is to be regretted
that capital and labor cannot agree
on some method of redress of griev
ances without the alternative of
strikes; but it seems that the man
agement of the affairs of both fall
into the hands of demagogues with
more self-importance than wisdom
and the consequences are disas
trous to the country at large at all
Livestock Incorporation. '
Late reports from Salem include
with the new Oregon incorpora
tions that of the Gilchrist Brothers
Livestock Company, of Fife, Crook
county. The Gilchnsts have been
well known m this part of Oregon
for many years, and a few years
ago were engaged in the sawmill
business, having their plant locat
ed on Buck Mountain. But about
1895 or 1S96 this mill was sold to
parties who moved it to Maury
Mountain, and since then Gilchrist!
Bros, have confined their Oregon j
interests to stock raising. At the i
head of Crooked River they own a
l:rge tract of land upon which
they manage their herds of cattle,
finding abundant range in the ad
jacent hills and upon the Glass
ana Hampton tiuttes. the incor
porators are men who combine well
developed intelligence with untir
ing energy, and in the vast sur
roundings of range in which they
are located will undoubtedly create
a ranch ihat will be one of the fore
most among those that make the
country South and East of the Blue
Mountains in Oregon a world
famous producer of beef. Harney
For the : :
Sick Room
Very often ice cream is prescribed
when the patient has been forbid
den to eat all other,. Wishes. Ice
cream is then a necssity; probably
a means of the patient's recovery,
if made of the proper materials.
Made at home in a
You know it contains nothing that
would harm the patient. All parts
that come in contact with the cream
are coated with pure tin. The
ireezing only ta u s three minutes
and is no trouble at all.
Sold only by
EiMns & King.
The Best on Wheels.
Will find it tn thviraiU'RiiUjie to mnke trip to nur More fr the purpiwu of buying tho'r niilii'n.
Tlie riiHVriMioe hvtwwm wlmt we charge for muU nuil wlmt ymi y gtlivr (oople will merit than
!"iy for your lime mid expiMi.. Our ninny yours of experience in uitlurinv tt your mrtiuiiliir
tnulo unitliltw m to offer you a grade (ilie Iwnt) f rimhIii, nlttiitl to your rMuireiiieiiU, mid the
liiwu qimntiniM iu which we buy thorn (ourliwd loU gmierull)') eintblei ut to turn Ilium uut t it
very low tticurt. V ..'
All Gotnls Marked in Tlain
Great Special Sale
Of IIat3, Caps, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, Gloves,
; Suspenders, Keckwear, Handkerchiefs, Crockeiy
and Fancy Goods of all kinds and Packet Cutlery.
For 30 Days Only.
We. offer every ?2 50, 3 50 and 15 00 shoe for 11 75
$2 25, and $4 15. Our $2 50, $3 and N Hats for
$1 35, $2 35 and t3 25.
Shirts and Underwear
At Half Price.
We need the room for our new goods just arriving.
Never was such an opportunity offered in Prineville.
We doubt if there ever will be again. All the leading
brands of 5c and fine cigars, fine confectionery and Cal
ifornia fruits of all kinds. .
See our store
Located on Main street.
Hotel Prineville.
. r y t- , . Hiu etblihed iu reputntion ai the MOST COMMODIOUS,
CONVENIENT and WElL-KEPT Hotel in Crook county.
RliA I EST A TE and INSURANCE AGENCY. Buy and tell
Re'il EiUiie on ammimon.
If you want to tell litt your land with w. If you want to buy,
we have'land for tail at riatonable pricet.
Write us for
Figures will toll.
9'Cormick mowers and rakes.
Waukcgan barbed wire,
Baker perfect barbed wire.
Sulphurized rock salt,
Vhe Italics 'Diamond flour
Black jCoaf cf Vibble's sheep
A TYE, manager.
Termins of all Stage Linos
Oliver Chilled
Better Than Others.
ttfwt wfffl Jtm whthF ymt rwnffmw iu. ov.ira lor luDascti, ailu
ouln.rYfu.t!lair.M. iimii
tlua, urta. tit. tiluoa, r
.fir. fu. Btannu,
toakaa foil .trwaff
In bi'.llti.aai
ud pocket-.
ill UAVtfM
JvT own dtairirtal. vfeo
-wlllTourh luru. TalflltaHtb
alll.pallrau.. p.f.l.l.allr 'mil
I. aUf eur..i I i-iim. t? .
n.r.nlr.n torn re. of w. rlnn! mnnrf.
awifia, thatar. anaal, loa lark.
Deputy Stock Iuspootora.
Notice if hiTHhy uimn that I lmv
I niKiinled llie fnllowinK limnt'il (jermiii
di piiiy i'lick iimiM-cion:
j, I'. Cnrtwriiflu, Jlnjr Ciwk.
Snin Huuiihun, AoIiwimiiI,
E. hmrkn, HutiTa,
A. Morrow, ' Hiyniiick.
Y. M. Hmilh, I'iiiiIiiii,
Itoicnt) Knox, foot.
T. C. Kwhiii, lUmr Creek.
J, K. lloKoe, J'."IhmiI.
Alx Mi'lhtmll, Ifnnlhi
E. II. Dn.ii, liny Crutk.'
Joe HinUp,
Stuck Iuaurctor Crook Counljr.
liJUJi beared-
If jrm tufTr frx-ra ny of tlx i
illi of men, oouic to Wnt
SptculiU on tm i'ncitM Coau, (
Dfl. WROAN ft CO..
tOSt Makotit ld 102. 1
Vonrfr turn mj mlilille j
uirvtl ini n ayk.t uidmn '
wm in mm irtr ymn. iwm and I nic-ul "
m tut in cwifKic atioiu; liH-riittttnrrhiPa,
rritiaNr of t'rtnuilns, liy V
ctmioinatioa m remciti,o grrat citraiivapow t
ert tht loetof tv tn arran;ctj hi irealctenC '
thai it will not only rlfJ imirxhlUta relief but ,
wrnaitf.l tur. "llw ).xtf-f tlrwi out claim to '
ptrfucta miracle, btit ia well anfmrt to be a fair i
and 'uai-c PatyM'.ian bjkI vrRcun, tire-eminanl '
in.ii4(wriatiy lUrnri offllrn. t I
N.vpblll ihorfwicUlrrfKdWwU row Ui
iy u-;n wlibo uilti(f 'jierrurs i
KVKRV HAH nplvi..K tn fta w!H ft-
cfivniMir nmittiplntonu1 hr,riurtnl. .
W mil Uunrontfr a i'OSlTJ VK CUP.K in I
mry eas ve undertake, or Jorjeit Um ,
A ConmliaTion PKLU and irtrirtly prfral.
f CiIAHO3 VF.UY HKASONAtilk .Treat- I
hi.i pcinTHiij ri y ic.icr. urnu i'W hook. .
"TIlA I'iiUAiinnliv at Mnrrlnirk." I
fret. (A TalturiLc bo'k lor neti.)
i Great M unburn of Anatomy
uim naetc ana urgm Muicitmoi tin Kind tn km
W world. Com and learn hriw wonder fully yoti
A art maaai now to avuid mcknci ami mtwntt.
W " r eontimialiv atlninff new aoac
V4i .ixuui rutsjp. CHtior wrr.ti.
1051 Market 5lft, San Fnncltco, Git
lend jam bulnmdlrmt to WluhlnKtoli,
earaa Li ill., eoau leu, totter .arrlee.
H .Sm (twit. V.I. hlmtoaw. nilpnlMi.
ary wln.laan. audi, Alwr'i fte not tfn. ueiu paioit
aOTUU BXraJUSHGl, Ilaaa "ILnr to oMala falaaal,"
ratMra ip.altl aatl... wlthaoa aaUf., t. th.
UlMantal avaHUr-Umctli aaar-am, II. a nar.
asl. IraMared taraaxh 1. fl. Bloaaia
l. 0. OlDDLnO.i.SHmaTbNVD, C' j
nin' Jf
iJtt I
nyilIU'ifir.r.J U..r
. a 1
Bmrboilr B7i Be.
Caonrfltsrnrt v Ciitliartic, the mnitwno
derf ill niitlii'nl ilincovtrv of tlie lure, p i nn
nt and re(rliin to thu tn, wl iteiitly
ml po.ltlvt'lT on kliliifiy. Ilvurniic Imnrpln,
lii.iiiif the entire i.vntom. diK'l roliU,
curn liRHiluehe, fovr, liHliltunl i'nimtlitllon
ml hi lontnoM. PIi-wm buy nrol trf a box
Of I !. (!. C. to-lnf; IU, , Ml renin. HvlUltttll
yuarauVeed to curg bj ml Jrutaulfc